Got questions on the topic of crypto?
Ask away…
Over the past few months, I’ve already received a few good questions and topics, so I’ll get started answering them today.
“The current problem is that big government is trying to shut down the crypto world. It is unlikely that easy crypto profits will continue to exist.”
This article was pointed too, a few months old now.

But you could just as easily find ones today saying much the same thing.
So let me state my position. I think it is healthy to be paranoid. “They” are out to get you.
I was telling a friend the other day how I really want to use the headline “How Conspiracy Theorizing Made Me Healthy and Wealthy” but haven’t done so yet.
Healthy in that you recognize the “Great Poisoning” going on. I could make arguments for or against this being on purpose, or just a systematic result. Regardless of that, it is very helpful to recognize that it is happening everywhere and is the primary reason for the rise in chronic disease.
Wealthy in that if you understand the markets are rigged, you can play along with them. I wouldn’t call myself wealthy (yet) but neither am I doing poorly either.
If you understand a thing or two about the powers-that-be mindset and read the propaganda which is out there in the open, I feel like you can profit from that paranoia.
That’s in large part the reasoning behind my Crypto Crash Course.
Just a reminder that while there are paid options, there’s also the 100% free Beginner Track you can get started with today.
Back to the topic of governments banning crypto.
What do we see in smaller countries? Crypto gets banned…and the people start buying it more. Why? Because it is a superior store of value compared to their country’s currency.
That’s what is going on in Nigeria.
And in Turkey.
China recently banned Bitcoin mining…which has simply had the miners move to other jurisdictions.
I don’t think that we’ll see the government try to ban crypto in the USA anytime soon. But if we did, I think the same thing would happen.
Considering all the bankers are getting into the cryptocurrency game, I don’t think this is as big a problem as many think.
The hedge funds are jumping in.
Visa and Mastercard and building crypto into their backends.
The big banks like Chase and Bank of America are allowing their high-value clients to trade.
On and on it goes.
In other words, the genie is out of the bottle and not going back in… it’s more a matter of steering it where they want it to go.
I do agree that these profits will NOT always exist, but they will continue for the foreseeable future.
If the bankers have their way, what will happen? Here’s what I see as the most likely scenario.
Crypto is going to go up like crazy one more time. Likely, it’ll make the last rush seem like child’s play.
Did you know that people invested in crypto more than doubled in this year alone? How many more will rush in before the end of 2021?
Unfortunately, it will crash HARD.
I don’t know exactly when this will happen. It could be before the end of the year. It could be out in 2022. At this point I’m leaning a bit towards the latter. (It will depend when things start going up, up, up…)
This will wipe out many, many people, just another step in the greatest wealth transfer ever to occur.
Then they’ll reboot it using their CBDC’s (central banker digital currencies).
That appears to be the gameplan.
Even if that happens, a case could be made that Bitcoin will still be around and quite valuable. But that’s a whole other topic I’ll cover another time.
On the flipside, it does appear that “the narrative” is showing some greater cracks. I’ll talk more about that in another message, including what that could mean for crypto and the world at large.
Ultimately, that would be more bullish for humanity, though there is a big caveat there.
What I recommend is you get in, get your profits, and get out (partially anyway).
Here’s my game plan for doing so.
Again, if you’ve got questions on the topic, leave them in the comments below.