This is a weird post. It’s a bit personal story and a bit ramble, but I think it’ll help you to understand where I’m coming from in my coverage of the impacts of the coronavirus. Buckle in, we’re going for a strange ride…
Kevin wrote:
“I am loving your new e-mail updates. You are definitely feeling the right vibe from what is going on in the world today and I love that you don’t discount anything as a possiblity — after all, when you’ve been lied to so many times, you lose trust in ‘respected’ sources. I don’t know if you’ve been following these matters for a long time or if you’re just putting them together now, but I am impressed by your clarity, eloquence, and understanding of your own limitations — no one can be master of all studies, and I appreciate that you don’t pretend to know it all. I think you need to include a note in your e-mail updates at some point that there ARE things people can do to help themselves, but also to help the system too.”
Yesterday I covered some positive action steps people should be making, and plan to continue to do so. Today I will address how this is not my first rodeo.
I’ve dabbled in “conspiracy” stuff for years. Watched Ancient Aliens. Saw documentaries here and there. Heard people talk about 9/11.
Mostly, you just can’t get into the world of alternative health without stumbling across conspiracies! I found it all interesting for sure, but without digging deeply, I saw this stuff as possibly true. I was entertained by it. But I had my life to focus on. Kept my head down, built my businesses.
Then in May of 2019 I took DMT. For those not aware, this is toad medicine, sometimes called the Cadillac of psychedelics. It’s a short 15 minute-ish trip that involves blasting off this world into different dimensions. Here is an excerpt from what I wrote up after that experience.
After inhaling and laying back, as I began to launch into hyperspace, I could hear myself think “Oh sh!t, here we go!” It can be frightening. But I remembered to relax and surrender.⠀⠀
These are the words that repeated like a mantra, over and over again. Those words…I know, it sounds trite. Just a jumble of new-age phrases.⠀⠀
But it wasn’t just words. These are WHERE I went. Surrendering to the unbelievable experience. Faith fulfilled. My ego obliterated as I merged with the entirety of the Loving Universe into pure white.⠀⠀
The complete and total, directly FELT experience of them. That is something different entirely than an intellectual thought or belief.⠀⠀
My intention going into this ceremony was to connect to God/Source. I know to many, especially with no comparable frame of reference, this may sound ridiculous. Even writing it here, part of me feels that, and wants to downplay what occurred. But that is to deny the reality of what happened.⠀⠀
Mission accomplished.⠀⠀
The experience itself was amazing…but truth was that was just the beginning. I was opened up. I was connected. In the coming days I got what could best be described as “downloads.” Although this calmed down since then, things have never been the same. Life changed.
A few days later, sitting at a seminar, one such download occurred where I felt I was to usher in the “New Health Paradigm.”
This launched me into a study of the current health system. I got into systems theory which really expanded my thinking toolset to see how the whole is greater (and acts differently than expected) than just the sum of the parts. I started digging deeper.
This in turn led to my Medical Monopoly Musings series which has been shown how health sciences are corrupted, the revolving door between regulatory agencies, government, lobbyists and businesses, and how these criminal enterprises get away with crime after crime after crime.
Similar material I covered on the Health Sovereign podcast.
A little while after the “activation” event, I noticed censorship playing out on the Big Tech platforms in bigger and bigger ways.
Google virtually wipes out alternative health sites from organic rankings. Not even just the so-called “crackpot” sites, but plenty that very clearly detail research on things such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. My company, Lost Empire Herbs suffers because of it.
Meanwhile, Google’s parent company, Alphabet is partnering with pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline. Coincidence?
Health is just a piece of the puzzle I’m exploring. For whatever reason, I’m consumed by the case of Jeffrey Epstein who was re-arrested early in July 2019. It’s so freaking big. It’s so freaking obvious. The “suicide” so obviously covered up that people are saying the conspiracy theorists are right about this one.
Prince Andrew (because pedophile Epstein is closely tied to British Royalty of course) mostly avoids scrutiny but does a horrible, easily falsifiable interview.
It’s clear that Epstein has intelligence connections. In the previous arrest where he got a “sweet-heart” deal, then prosecutor Acosta was told to lay off him for these reasons. Again, I refer you to the amazing work of Whitney Webb in exploring these and prior operations, like with Roy Cohn, mentor to our current president.
CIA? Mossad? No one in the mainstream media is asking. Epstein’s very close friend Ghislaine Maxwell, who is credibly accused by the abused, has just disappeared, yet is now suing to get Epstein’s estate.
An ABC news video is leaked showing this story was pulled years ago.
They claim the story, the sources weren’t credible enough. Yet this is the same news agency that used a video from a Kentucky gun range as “slaughter in Syria.”
Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in New Mexico is never looked at by authorities.
Epstein had connections to President Trump, and much more so with former president Bill Clinton (who flew on Epstein’s private plane 26 times, including several times after dismissing secret service). He had connections to scientists, business owners, politicians and more.
Obviously with any rich and successful person you’ll know other rich and successful people. I’m not saying they’re all guilty of sick crimes. But shouldn’t these ties be further investigated? Especially those people that were connected to Epstein after his initial arrest many years back?
It is so obvious this is HUGE, but it is being swept under the rug. Successfully.
In digging into this I start following a number of alternative sources that cover this and much else. I start reading books about various conspiracies finding a lot of them are backed up by significant proof, meanwhile the cover-ups or those that simply dismiss them as “conspiracy theories” lack the same level of proof.
Based on what happened with Epstein, I read The Franklin Scandal, which I talked about earlier this year.
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edwards Griffin details the banking cartel throughout history. It informs me that the economy is far more rigged than most believe. I just gave a small taste of this in my earlier emails.
I read Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. The term Illuminati is thrown around very loosely, making it easy to dismiss as a “conspiracy theory”. But there was a real organization called the Illuminati and they did have power, heavily infiltrating the Freemasons, influencing even the French Revolution. What I learn here is how secret societies operate, through layers and compartmentalization. And later it all clicks for me when someone mentions intelligence agencies are largely the secret societies of today.
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot details how such intelligence operates. Here we find how we protected Nazi war criminals (Operation Paperclip among others), ran experiments on our own citizens without consent (the well-known MK-Ultra where we dosed mental patients with LSD for 100 days straight while delivering electroshock therapy is just the tip of the iceberg), overthrew democratically elected governments to serve business and political interests, conducted assassinations and far more.
I’m struck by what former President Truman said of the CIA, an agency he created. “Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own, and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they’ll have something to report on. They’ve become … it’s become a government all of its own and all secret. They don’t have to account to anybody. That’s a very dangerous thing in a democratic society, and it’s got to be put a stop to. The people have got a right to know what those birds are up to. And if I was back in the White House, people would know. You see, the way a free government works, there’s got to be a housecleaning every now and again, and I don’t care what branch of the government is involved. Somebody has to keep an eye on things.”
Have you heard of MKNAOMI? That one involved the use of biological agents.
I’m not saying every single thing from all these sources is right. But it looks like they’ve done their homework. When I go to check primary sources, I find it there. In many cases you can see it from declassified CIA documents themselves.
Do you think things have gotten better in abuse of powers since that time? Or worse?
The big picture was coming together.
(Also keep in mind I speed read. My speed for watching videos or listening to podcasts is 2.5x speed or more. I’ve been plowing through information in my attempts to get up to speed for ten months now. These days, with current events unfolding, I’m spending probably four or so hours a day pouring over up to date sources at that same speed. Tons of noise…striving to get to the signal. And then delivering it to you.)
And yet, the deeper down the rabbit hole you go, the darker it becomes.
You find out that charity organizations and foundations are often part of the crimes. This includes some of the biggest ones out there. The façade is reality for most. I was just beginning to expose this in the cancer industries in my medical monopoly writings before this mania started.
That, like a trojan horse, they often do very evil things under the guise of good.
The scope and connectivity of our world makes any form of sense-making tougher to do. Information is overwhelming by itself even without disinformation!
Are you familiar with the Koch Brothers, Charles and David? With a combined net worth of over $100 billion, these people wielded their influence in a complicated way. Just take a glimpse of what is known as the Kochtopus.
See how that wealth reaches into media, fake grassroots movements, think tanks, congress, academy, lobbying, the court system and more. All for specific agendas to be fulfilled.
And the deeper you go down the rabbit hole the harder the proof is to come by.
Aliens, extradimensional entities, artificial intelligence, other far more advanced technology, even time travel! What I came to was the conclusion that if any one of these things existed than all bets were off in how the world actually worked.
You find that the government puts out intentional disinformation into these areas. You can do a lot with a $50 billion+ black budget!

That $50B+ is the black budget that’s disclosed. What about all the money the CIA and others have got from running drugs and other illegal operations?
Surely, you remember the leaks from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden? They ran with the headlines the conspiracy theorists are right, the government has been spying on you! Nowadays, everyone know they’re spied on via their devices and no one cares.
Have you heard the story that Snowden was actually a CIA asset that was aiming to damage the NSA and/or deliver a limited hangout? (That’s an intelligence term. According to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti it is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”)
So was the official Snowden story real? Or was it a limited hangout? And if its real, that means that there is either misinformation or intentional disinformation to further muddy the waters about the topic.
You have no idea the size, scope and scale of these disinformation campaigns…especially inside of conspiracy circles.
Understand, there is general consensus reality in which we all operate.
And then there is a seedy underbelly to this whole world where backdoor deals are made for money and profit while people die. Where pedophiles use power to do their crimes and cover them up. Where virtually every big institution is corrupted (not fully but in limited compartments). Where some big name people we look up to and admire are, for all intents and purposes, evil.
It is dizzying.
I’ll admit. I swung into periods of depression, processing this information. At one point I felt like I broke my meaning making mechanism. But I kept bouncing back and kept moving forward.
I realized that no one, I mean no one including myself, really knew how the world operated. And yet we all act like do. We think that we have it down.
And now, with current events unfolding, I feel like all that was preparation for the time to come.
I feel like the world of conspiracy theory can drive you insane. But now that the world has gone insane think that’s the right way to be!
I realize this sounds like paranoid ravings to some. (It feels like that to me too!)
There’s a reason I stick to the stuff that is more provable. And when I am theorizing, I do my best to call it out. I look at what has happened before, seeing the pattern and then make judgments from that.
The reality as I see it is that criminal organizations aka cartels functionally run more of the world than most people imagine.
Complicated systems do explain a lot of what is going. But not everything. You have to add in conspiracies (defined as three or more people conspiring to do something illegal or harmful), which demonstrably exist, into the systems puzzle. That makes it even tougher to understand!
Layers and layers of conspiracies.
I have not yet figured out how the world actually works…though I’ve been trying hard.
What is absolutely clear to me in all this, regardless of whether the virus is a real worldwide threat or not, is that it plays right into the hands of certain conspiring groups.