The past year or so, I’ve been focusing on synchronicity more. This is when two or more seemingly unrelated things happen together in a way that defies coincidence.
Although some people were looking into this phenomenon earlier, the concept and name comes from Jung. He defined synchronicity as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle” or “meaningful coincidence.”
If you focus on synchronicity more it tends to pop up more often. And apparently stronger forms of it too, as you’ll come to see…
Last year I read two books on the subject (of 73 books total). These two books are:
Both of these books are worth reading if you’re into this subject, which since you’ve read even this far into the post, I’m guessing you are. While I do not agree with many of the opinions in them, there is definitely some great food for thought.
For instance, Dr. Kirby discusses the “New Age” idea that synchronicities are signs from the Universe pointing you in the right direction. Without being explicitly taught that, I just kind of picked it up. Contrast this to his opinion is that synchronicities simply match whatever we think about. They’re a reflection on what you desire…including if you want to believe the Universe is guiding you. He shares some somewhat humorous, somewhat sad stories of people with psychological problems that he’s worked with having synchronicities support their crazy worldview.
But I’m not here to discuss theories on why or how these work. Instead, I wanted to share some of the more powerful ones I’ve had.
My Most Potent Synchronistic Series of Events Ever
I realize that’s a bit of an oxymoron. Synchronicity is about things happening at the same time, aka synchronized, while here it is a bit of a chain of events. Still, up until recently I thought this was my best example. The timing was off a bit, but the meaning was potent. In fact, this series did help steer my course in life to some degree! Another term for this would be following a “golden thread”, as Stephen Harrod Buhner talks about.
One day when I was writing, and I don’t even remember exactly what it was, the idea of alchemy popped into my head. This was a subject I hadn’t really explored before. I go online, fire up Google, and for some amount of time, went down the rabbit hole. Soon enough I realize what I’m doing, close the browser and get back to work.
Later that day I was at the Lost Empire Herbs office (technically Super Man Herbs at that time). My oldest brother Cloud hands me a book saying you’ll probably be interested in this. It was called Spagyrics: The Alchemical Preparation of Medicinal Essences, Tinctures, and Elixirs by Manfred M. Junius.

For those not familiar, as I certainly wasn’t at the time, spagyrics essentially means alchemy with plants, as opposed to the more commonly known metals. There is something to this art and science, even if the turning lead to gold (which everyone automatically goes to first in their mind with the word alchemy) didn’t prove out.
Yes, definitely interested! And I did take that as a sign that this was something I had to start reading immediately (as opposed to some other books I’ve been gifted from the same brother, or other people).
So I read the book…and was confused. Spagyrics, alchemy is a pretty complicated subject. Reading the book I was thinking two things.
Number one: there is no way I could possibly do this stuff without finding a mentor or something like that.
Number two: I wonder if anyone is doing this and selling the spagyrics? For this second reason, I started hunting around online. Spent a half hour to an hour looking at sites, many of which are extremely ugly.
After that I forget about the subject for a little while.
But then a short time later I find myself at a health conference in Southern California. One of the exhibitors looks a bit familiar to me, though I know I’ve never met them. Soon enough I realize that I came across this website in my earlier search.
This company, Organic Unity, not only prepares and sells spagyrics but they also have training on herbalism which includes alchemical preparations. The training starts in a month and is in Jackson county of Oregon, close to two other places I’d done lots of training in Medford and Ashland. And a place that is only a seven hour drive away. No problem!
I take this as a sign of something I need to do (and want to do) so I sign up on the spot.
The rest, as they say is history. I got into spagyrics, started making my own, and Lost Empire Herbs now sells a number of them, which are very popular, with far more growth in this area almost certainly to occur in the future.
(For those interested its our Ashwagandha, Nettle Root, Blue Vervain tinctures, as well as Mushroom Alchemy.)
Recent Powerful Synchronicities
I get a piece of direct mail, a postcard from the company Robinhood, which promises to let you buy and sell stocks for free. They also offer a free share of stock when you sign up. I’m intrigued so I check it out.
As I’m setting up my account, I’m also multi-tasking…
I have a video on with Peter Diamandis interviewing Martine Rothblatt. I follow Peter’s work even if I’m not quite as optimistic about how future technology will save us all. Anyway, I had never heard of Martine, but she was the creator and CEO of Sirius XM, the satellite radio station.
The interview is going on, just starting up where I’m hearing about this as I’m working on the Robinhood account. The free stock comes up and it’s…Sirius XM

Then just the other day I was walking through the forest, aiming to find some new fungi and partaking in my “Church of Nature” routine.
I’m on my way back on a loop I’ve often taken. I start noticing the Redwood Sorrel around me. This plant looks a lot like Clover, and is commonly mistaken for it.
As I’m looking at the Sorrel, I start wondering if the same mutation that makes a four leaf clover happens in this plant.
Literally two seconds later I notice this.

Crazy synchronicity in which the world reflects my thoughts. It’s interesting to think about how this occurred:
- Did I start thinking about four leaves because the plant was talking to me?
- Or was it the future event rippling back in time as quantum physics says is possible?
- Did my thoughts “create” reality because I was in an open state walking through the woods?
I can’t say for sure what it was except that it was one of these, or at least something like it.
Or was it just coincidence? This option I don’t believe at all. The materialistic mindset really doesn’t explain anything, so much as try to explain it away…unsuccessfully I might add.
Besides a more magical worldview is just plain more fun in my opinion.
These are just two examples of the more powerful synchronicities that have happened lately.
(I’ll share one smaller one. I think the number ones are pretty common and not a big deal to me. To me they seem too easy but lots of other people seem to focus on them. As I was journaling in the morning, sitting in my infrared sauna as I always do, thinking about writing this article, I looked up and saw 32 degrees Celsius with 32 minutes left on the timer. Okay, I guess I’ll write the article…)
I would love to hear a story of a powerful synchronicity you’ve had in the comments below.
Synchronicity is really the best indicator of living in flow that I’ve found.
I had a great one happen recently.
We recently had our TV stop working and it was still under warranty at Costco. We replaced it and the new TV was much better, but only had an optical audio out, but we were using an old set of computer speakers that only had a 3.5mm jack. I bought a cheap audio converter, but it really didn’t work well.
I realized I should probably look at buying an AV receiver and went down the rabbit hole of building my own speakers. After a weekend of researching, I was totally overwhelmed on all the DIY options.
Thankfully, a good friend of mine (Perry Marshall) is quite the audiophile and has built many DIY speaker systems. I emailed him asking for some guidance and he was happy to schedule a call that weekend to nerd out on this stuff.
He gave me a masterclass on everything related to speaker building that day!
I left with more clarity and went on a hunt for the right drivers that would be good for a first speaker build.
A couple weeks later I got an email from Perry’s assistant asking for my address and letting me know I needed to sign for the packages when they got here.
The packages showed up and Perry had sent me a pair of bookshelf speakers he built, along with an amp and an 8 page letter explaining why he sent them to me and why they are so fantastic.
The punchline… he had already thought of sending them to me as a gift a few days before my initial email asking for his guidance on where to go for my own DIY needs!
They are the best speakers I’ve ever heard and are easily worth $3k if I were to try to find something commercial to replace them. And Perry had thought a lot about who would appreciate them and felt I was the one to get them, especially since he wanted to thank me for a lot of the great work he and I have done together over the past two years.
Then, to get my email asking for guidance on my own DIY journey just confirmed I was the one to receive them.
It feels like a trivial synchronicity, talking about speakers, but it covers so many layers that it is super significant for me.
Logan, thanks for sharing your journey on this front as it’s fun to swap notes on this stuff and keep building momentum with this stuff!
That’s amazing Josh! Thanks for sharing, and yes, hopefully many more to come. I think you nailed it with “Synchronicity is really the best indicator of living in flow that I’ve found.”