Tag: productivity

How to Be More Personally Productive with a Trello Board

Basic Trello Scrum Board

Personally, my experience in entrepreneurship has gone hand-in-hand with learning to maximize my personal productivity. For many years, being a one man show, the more I got done, the more I made.

Eventually my journey of entrepreneurship has come to involve an ever-growing team. While I’m still certainly involved, I get far more done by having my team be productive.

When I found out about Trello, I fell in love with it. Plus it’s free! Previously I ran my day off of a Planner Pad, but decided I could do better with Trello. That’s what I’m using to this day. Of course, how I’ve used it has changed up a bit.

Of course, Trello can be used in a wide variety of ways. Previously I did cover how I use it to collect writing topics. It’s also great for managing team projects. But it also can be used just by yourself to manage your time. It’s this latter category that I’m covering today.

Basic Scrum Board

The basic way to use Trello is to setup what is known as a scrum or kanban board. Why I like Trello more than other project management software is that it is visually driven and things are easily dragged-and-dropped.

With this basic board you make three columns:

To Doing – Doing – Done

Basic Trello Scrum Board

Here is an example, which hasn’t been worked on in some time, though I am thinking about getting it finished now.

You’ll notice that there are six different things in the To Do column. There is nothing in Doing. And there are two finished things (from long ago!) in Done.

In essence, this is a glorified to-do list. But you can recognize better when you’re doing something and when it’s done with this format. Still, not too useful until we add in even more. That brings us to the…

Advanced Scrum Board

Advanced Scrum Board

As you can see there are quite a few more columns going on here. This is a live and working board from which I run Legendary Strength LLC. off of.

Notice that you still have the same Doing and Done columns. Those function the same. But much else is changed.

To Do (Week)

At the end of each week, I plan out the next. That involves moving or adding cards to this column. And at the end of the week, ideally, this column should be empty.

In this format, I consider the Doing column as my To-Do list for the day. If you can squint your eyes you’ll see LC.com Resume Articles in there. Hey, I’m doing that right now!


Remember that this is a personal productivity method covered here. Well, often these projects involve other people.

And if something is done on my end, but I’m awaiting response or something else from other people, before I can take more action, into the Waiting column it goes. It doesn’t go into Done because it is not yet done.


Backlog is another concept that comes from the Scrum method. Everyone has an ever-growing to-do list right? Wrong! Instead new ideas should simply get put onto the backlog as you have not yet decided if they should even be done, nor figured out the timing for them.

You’ll notice that the Backlog is the longest column, except for Done in this board. Some of these ideas have been here for quite some time (which means its good to prune this list every once in a while).

During my week planning I’ll pull items from here onto the To Do (Week) column if it is the right time to start that project.

Quarter Backlog (Q4 Backlog)

This and the next piece are the newest additions to my personal scrum boards. (Yes, plural. I have one for Legendary Strength, one for Lost Empire Herbs and one for personal stuff.)

I’m always seeking to better align time. What I mean by that is that I like think of time as fractal. If what I’m doing today is aligned with what I want to get done this week, which is aligned with what I want to get aligned this month, which is the same for the quarter, the year, the decade and my lifetime, then I’m doing the right things. For the board here I feel the quarter is as far as I need to zoom out, but in other places I do have those larger time frames covered.

Thus, I started keeping a backlog for specifically what I wanted to get done this quarter in this business. This has already proven to keep better alignment for my months, weeks and days as I have better eyes on it.

Month Backlog (November Backlog)

Thus, the month backlog is the same thing just with the month time frame. It’s in between the quarter and the week. Once again, the ideal is to have everything moved off of this list by the end of the month.

Intermediate Scrum Board

Most people may be best served by an intermediate version between these two. Before I added the quarter and month backlogs I just had the following model.

Backlog – To Do – Doing – Waiting – Done

I think the extra backlogs are more powerful, but if you’re starting from scratch something simpler, until you’re use to it, is likely to serve you better.

In case you’re wondering, these Trello board methods combine very well with the ideas I shared with Eat That Frog and The Ivy Lee Method.

How to Setup a Home Office for Maximum Productivity

I’ve been working from home for over a decade now. Over the course of time, I’ve done a number of things to make my workplace ideal for my own productivity. What follows are the many things that I’ve done, some of which have stuck, some which haven’t (but might be suitable for others). While there are a few conventional things covered here, I think you’ll be surprised to find some stuff that no one else is talking about.

Note that while I’m talking about a home office specifically, pretty much everything can apply to any office or space you work from.

Home Office Desk Setup
Forgive the bad lighting, it’s much better in person. Below I’ll describe many of the things going on here.

Desktop Computer

I know more and more people are strictly using laptops, tablets and even phones for their work. That’s fine if you’re on the move. But if you have a stable place, as a home office kind of assumes, then I’d recommend using a desktop computer. Your call whether you want a PC, Mac or other option. (I’m one of those unusual people that prefers a PC.)

Or, if you use a laptop, at least getting some external options which could include a monitor, mouse and keyboards. But if you use all three of these you might as well have gotten a desktop in the first place!

In general, you’re going to pay less for more computing power and features than you would on a laptop.

Right now, it’s about time I replace my desktop as it’s starting to run slowly and crash more often. It’s been a solid run of over 10 years. That’s impressive by computer standards. I’ve looked around a bit but haven’t made any decisions.


One of the most important aspects is your monitor. This is your visual workspace. Depending on what you’re doing you may want to have multiple windows open to do side by side work.

Previously, I had dual monitors. However, for some reason, certain files wouldn’t work in the second monitor which was aggravating. Then I saw a friend that simply had a single, but very big, monitor. I moved to that and haven’t looked back. My current monitor is 26 inches. And one other tip. The top of the monitor should be at the level of your head. This helps fight against “text neck” as you don’t need to look down, but can keep your head in a neutral alignment. 

(This goes beyond home office setup, but with this, you’ll want to learn the keyboard shortcuts that allow you to move windows around to half screen, full screen, etc. rather than having to drag the windows around by mouse. Extremely useful.)

Computer monitor
Along with a new dekstop computer I am contemplating getting a new bigger monitor like this 32 inch curved screen.

Stand Up Desk

I sat on my ass for eight plus hours a day for years. At some point when the stand up desk trend began, I realized my half hour or so workout each day, didn’t make up for being sedentary the rest of the time. So I got a stand up desk and haven’t looked back since.

Specifically, I purchased a TrekDesk. It’s a bit expensive compared to most, but does give a big workspace. I know others that have even built their own.

Of course, just standing still in one place for a long time is just another form of being sedantary, with different, but still existing, side effects to it. That brings me to my next point…

Treadmill/Wobble Board

For a few years I had a treadmill desk. I used this off and on for a bit. Then it was much more off. After not actually turning the treadmill on for over a year I decided it was time for that to go.

But I still wanted to move more. Enter the wobble board. While you could easily make one of these for yourself, I bought the Uplift E7 Motion Board. This bit of movement and shifting of position allows me to be less sedentary while standing. I really like it. 

Fairly expensive for what it is…but it also should last forever.


I’m reminded of one study that found that hospital patients recovered faster when they had a window that had a tree outside of it, rather than a window looking at a brick wall. (source) Nature is good for us in many ways we’ve completely forgotten about (and that science is only beginning to explore once again).

As you can see in the picture at the top of this post, my computer and desk is right next to two windows that look outside to nature. If you do not have this option at this time, a picture of nature could still give some benefit.

Essential Oils

Here is where another aspect of nature enters into your home office. Research around what is called “forest bathing” shows that it is the phytoncides, or essential oils, of trees and plants that help lower stress, make for better thinking and much more that occured when walking in nature, versus walking in a city.

While you should absolutely go for walks in nature, you can bring a piece of this indoors by using essential oils in a diffusor. Previously I used a unit called a nebulizer, but recently I upgraded to a larger unit that has a 6 hour run cycle. The thing is, I would turn on the smaller unit in the morning but then forget about it the rest of the day after it stopped running. Now I can load it once, when I start my day in the office, and it’ll continue to run throughout. I mix up the different essential oils I use. Recently I even distilled my own douglas fir. 

essential oil diffusor
This runs in my office the whole time I’m in there.

Air Quality

There are other things you can do improve your air quality besides essential oils. Studies show that air quality leads to improved productivity, sometimes amazingly so. Having plants in your offer. Having an air purifier. These are all worthwhile steps.

One study looked at office workers and the air quality in different buildings. They found: “It has now been shown beyond reasonable doubt that poor indoor air quality in buildings can decrease productivity in addition to causing visitors to express dissatisfaction. The size of the effect on most aspects of office work performance appears to be as high as 6–9%. (source)


I play music while I work. Mostly metal and hard rock as that is my genre of choice, but I do mix it up from time to time. This is another reason to have a desktop; higher quality speakers.

One practice that I have found particularly useful for writing is to use the same album…or even the same track on loop. There is something about the repetitive nature that helps me and many others get into the flow zone easier. If I put on headphones while doing this it further drives me into the zone as I don’t hear my fingers typing or other ambient noise.

Dedicated Space

Ideally, you want your home office to be just for that, working. When I started my business I didn’t have the luxury of a space for my home office, so it was in my bedroom, but as I became more successful this became a must.

A dedicated space, even an isolated space, keeps you anchored to being productive (assuming your productive when you use it). This helps to make the container for work. When I’m in my office I’m working. When I’m outside of my office, I’m not working…at least not in the same manner, as there are different types of work.

Anchored Space

Besides the dedicated location there are other ways you can use anchors in your space. As covered before I read a lot. My home office is also where all my books are located. Having all the books in there helps me by being a sign and symbol of my accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Plus, I can easily go and reference any of these books that I might need for my work as frequently happens.

Over the years I’ve used plenty of other things like pictures and quotes that are aspirational. There’s been vision boards and stats I’m tracking on white boards that I would look at each day. Not doing any of that currently, but it was useful in the past.


You’ll notice on the left side of my desk in the top picture that a number of tincture bottles are there. I love herbal tinctures because they’re easy to take (compared to powders, and even capsules in my opinion). The right tincture can help sharpen the mind or reduce stress in the moment. Thus, having them on hand helps support whatever you need in that moment for work. More information on tinctures at Lost Empire Herbs.

That is how I’ve setup my home office for maximum productivity. While I’m sure I could focus in on some finer details, that definitely is the broad strokes. Feel free to share what you do in your office in the comments below.

The Ivy Lee Method

The Ivy Lee Method is a simple, yet effective half-million dollar productivity method.

Ivy Lee (1877–1934) was an American publicity expert and worked as a consultant for a number of businesses. One of those was for Charles Schwab, then president of Bethlehem Steel Corporation.

Ivy Lee

In 1918, Schwab consulted with Lee in order to become more productive.  In The Unseen Power,  historian Scott M. Cutlip stated that Schwab was obsessed with efficiency. Thomas Edison himself called Schwab a “master hustler”.

The story, which from my research was first popularized by Earl Nightingale, goes like this:

Schwab: “Show me a way to get more things done.”

Lee: “Give me 15 minutes with each of your executives”

Schwab: “How much will it cost me?”

Lee: “Nothing. Unless it works. After three months, you can send me a check for whatever you feel it’s worth to you.”

Then during those 15 minutes with each executive, Lee laid out the following five step method:

  1. At the end of each working day, write down the six most important things you need to accomplish tomorrow. Do not write down more than six tasks.
  2. Prioritize those six items in order of their true importance.
  3. When you arrive tomorrow, concentrate only on the first task. Work until the first task is finished before moving on to the second task.
  4. Approach the rest of your list in the same way. Don’t worry if you’ve only finished one or two by the end of the day; the others can wait. If you can’t finish them all by this method, you could not have finished them with any other method.
  5. Repeat this process every working day.


It’s simple right? Well, Schwab and his team starting using this method. It worked well, very well.

Schwab send a check of $25,000 to Lee. In today’s dollars that would be more than $400,000!

Do you think it would be worthy of you to follow a nearly half million dollar productivity method?

I do and that’s why I’ve been using this method, with the following tweaks, every work day for the past several years.

Essentially, this is Eat that Frog, followed by Eating the Frog, five more times in order. If you’ve finished your top priority for the day, then it makes sense to then tackle your next top priority.

I do this to the best of my ability, though I can’t same I am flawless about putting it into practice. One thing that does get in the way is scheduled time slots. I write these on my list, but I’m not going to put off a ten o’clock appointment just because I haven’t finished my priority list.

Typically, I use only five items as I find that is a more realistic number. And I’m actually aiming to bring that down to four or three items instead.

Lastly, I do this first thing in the morning, as part of my meditation and journalling routine, rather than the night before.

As you can see, something very simple can also be very effective.