I really do wonder about some of the things coming out regarding the novel coronavirus.
Is it all good science that is being done? (Knowing the science is very often wrong, not to mention sometimes fraudulent.)
Even if so, let’s add promotion by the media and what do we get? Fear and panic.
Let’s take a look at some of the recent news, mostly just pulled headlines:
“Coronavirus Survives On Surface For 17 Days, CDC Study On COVID-19 Cruise Ship Reveals” https://www.ibtimes.com/coronavirus-survives-surface-17-days-cdc-study-covid-19-cruise-ship-reveals-2945321
Earlier it was all about the surfaces which is why you must wash your hands. But it’s gone airborne. “Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing.” https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/02/health/aerosol-coronavirus-spread-white-house-letter/index.html
And it can go far. MIT associate professor Lydia Bourouiba states that “pathogen-bearing droplets of all sizes can travel 23 to 27 feet” and they may “stay suspended in the air for hours.” And a hospital may be the worst place to be. “[V]irus particles could be found in the ventilation systems in hospital rooms of patients with COVID-19.” https://nypost.com/2020/03/31/coronavirus-could-travel-27-feet-stay-in-air-for-hours-mit-researcher/
It seems the two weeks of quarantine isn’t enough. “Researchers looking at cases in China say patients could spread the virus for up to 37 days after they start showing symptoms…On average, survivors still had the virus in their respiratory system for about 20 days and could presumably continue to spread the disease.” https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article241124531.html
But even that isn’t long enough. “Doctors found a coronavirus patient who was contagious for 49 days” https://bgr.com/2020/04/02/coronavirus-symptoms-were-gone-but-patient-was-contagious-for-49-days/
In addition, most people are going to incubate the disease long before they have it. “New research finds that people are most contagious early on in their illness, before symptoms fully ramp up.” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/how-contagious-coronavirus-n1175071
This of course means that most people are asymptomatic carriers. “[T]he existence of virus carriers with no symptoms is fuelling public concern that people could be spreading it without knowing they are ill.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-toll/china-zeroes-in-on-coronavirus-patients-with-no-symptoms-as-new-infections-rise-idUSKBN21I036
And we can’t even know for sure because “Experts warn as many as 1 in 3 coronavirus test results may be incorrectly negative” https://theweek.com/speedreads/906407/experts-warn-many-1-3-coronavirus-test-results-may-incorrectly-negative
(Yet there aren’t false positives somehow says this article…despite the other research showing there is. The “tests appear to be highly specific: If your test comes back positive, it is almost certain you have the infection.”)
Perhaps the worst form of transmission just came out today…Beware the bathroom! “Why You Should Flush With The Lid Down: Experts Warn Of Fecal-Oral Transmission Of COVID-19” https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/02/why-you-should-flush-with-the-lid-down-virologist-warns-of-fecal-oral-transmission-of-covid-19/#3add60026eb8
And even if this dies down it’s probably coming back. “Coronavirus could become seasonal: top US scientist” https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-could-become-seasonal-top-us-scientist-001146451.html
Are you scared yet?
Does this make you want to go into complete isolate for the rest of the year?
I don’t know about you. The more I see this stuff the LESS I am worried about the virus.
Of course, all this “evidence” will be used to expand the quarantines in spread, intensity, and duration.
Basically, there is no hope…
…until the vaccine is ready of course.