In recent articles I covered possible scenarios. Keyword being possible. While I like to think in probabilities and possibilities, I’m aiming to put in what I think is most likely to occur here and with the time frame of just a year.
In other words, what follows are my highest probability picks.
Again, I’ll reiterate that this isn’t from looking into a crystal ball so much as it is looking at the trends in play and projecting where those lead. As such, this article is not just predictions, but serves as a current state-of-things status report too.
Chief among my superpowers is learning and synthesizing. My heavy “data diet” of speed read articles and books, along with 3X playback videos and podcasts, is overwhelming at times. For me, it’s a long-cultivated skillset.
Of course, just absorbing the information would only be so useful. Bringing it all together, then distilling it down to the most useful and actionable is what I’m truly aiming for. Add a dash or three of intuition and here we are.
The Pandemic
It’s going to be the same old song and dance as long as they can get away with it…but with some interesting twists.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, SARS-CoV-2 is not going away. It’s endemic, we have to live with it, just like common coronaviruses that have caused some versions of the common cold before all this.
The powers that be want it this way. Booster after booster after booster. All you have to do is look at Israel to know where the USA and other countries are going to go. Israel is one booster ahead of the rest (aka on their fourth).
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again despite the results. Clearly, our world is insane.
The data coming out of Israel is interesting, such as this study from July 2021. “This communication… challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks… In the outbreak described here, 96.2% of the exposed population was vaccinated. Infection advanced rapidly (many cases became symptomatic within 2 days of exposure), and viral load was high.” I like to throw this quote at people who say the vaccines stops infection.
But there is a big positive sign. Omicron, while spreading more rapidly, is even less deadly than the already statistically speaking not-so-deadly other variants.
In addition there is something extremely odd about Omicron. “Omicron has no recent ancestor. Its most recent ancestor existed in the beginning of year 2020 and went extinct. The weirdness of this is similar to a young man who is alive today and is proven genetically to be a biological son of George Washington: you know that something very special is going on,” writes Igor Chudov.

Of course the public narrative comes up with some hypothesis about this being because of an immune-compromised individual, or jumping to an animal and back to humans. Publicly, there’s no talk of possible (more) lab engineering. The question to ask: did someone assist in making this virus more innocuous? If so, why?
Or, if indeed this did come from a lab, is there some more nefarious purpose to it that we can’t see just yet?
Since Omicron wave [is] driven by ‘young, healthy, vaccinated’ population, according to WaPo, does this break the spell for many when they get COVID despite their protection?
Is this part of a backup scenario I earlier outlined as the pushback is growing?
Or does it cause people to double-down saying I’m glad that I had the vaccine or else it would have been worse?
What I see happening is both. Some places continuing pushing forward with draconian policies. Other places increasingly stop playing the pandemic game.
The following seemed to slip past most people. In late November, Pfizer said they could have an Omicron specific vaccine in 100 days.
Hmmm, when would that be? End of November plus 100 days takes us into the middle of March. Right after Winter ends…you know when historically there’s always been cold and flu season coming to an end. Guess what can then take the credit for ending the spike once again? The vaccines, just like what happened as they rolled out in 2020.
For those places that are escalating, that means more mandates and coercion. In the USA, we only have to look at some other countries that are ahead of the race.
Across the pond, “Austria is the first European country to demand compulsory vaccinations for all citizens. Now, employees will be tasked with enforcing fines on those who refuse to acquire the COVID vaccine in the Austrian city of Linz.” Socially enforced once again.
Italy, Germany and others are upping the fines, barring people from various venues and more. If nothing changes that disrupts this more so, this is how things will continue to go.
And of course, Australia already has the camps ready and is taking away people who test positive.
New York was trying to pass a bill for the “removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.” Apparently, this already has been struck down. Yet that’s just one of several bills proposed for vote on January 5th, 2022. JP Sears covers this well.
If you’re anywhere that something like this passes, get out!
I’ll distill this down. My predictions on what we’ll see in 2022:
- People detained in “medical facilities” or camps within some parts of the USA.
- There will be more of these facilities in many parts around the world, copying Australia. These will include sending people that aren’t even “infected” but “exposed,” aka the contacts of cases.
- Fines will begin on the unvaccinated for being so. This will happen in some states but will likely be pushed by the Biden admin too.
- The growth of “unvaccinated hunters” as a job position for many countries. Of course, they’ll have a nicer title than that.
- At least one example of a vaccinated person killing an unvaccinated person because they’re a “threat” to their health.
- Escalation of doctors and hospitals refusing to treat the unvaccinated completely.
- Escalation of many more grocery stores refusing the unvaccinated.
- More lockdowns in more countries specifically just for the unvaccinated.
- The vaccines will be rolled out to all ages within the USA, meaning the 0-4 year old group is next.
- The vaccines will be added to the official CDC schedule for children to enter school.
- The companies talked about mRNA jabs as updates to the software of life. Fauci and others want to update your immunity every five months. 2022 sees the year when boosters become variant-specific.
- A strong push in the USA to make all flights reliant on being jabbed and current with boosters.
- Other countries will pass similar measures. The unvaccinated will not be able to travel, whether flying or driving out of some places.
- There will be Chinese-style reeducation camps in other countries for the unvaccinated to be “deradicalized”.
Dystopian, I know, but that’s fortunately only half of the story…
The Pushback and the Revolution
The pushback is working to a large degree. For instance:
- Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in International Criminal Court complaint
- Australia Dan Andrews is ordered to front court for ‘concealing TREASON and fraud’ in an extraordinary win by anti-lockdown campaigners who convinced a bush court to accept a private prosecution
That’s in legit courts. The legal angle is important, but it certainly can’t be the only part of the picture. The pushback will continue to escalate in country after country in all ways it can.
My prediction is it actually will get to the point of revolutionary behavior in some places.
Austria, Germany or other parts of Europe seem the most likely as they’re going the most totalitarian with solid levels of pushback. The protests are already huge. Australia possibly too, but it’s harder to judge from this point.
There will be violence. Again, I hope for it to be minimal, but it is already existing. It needs to be quite strategic so that the violence doesn’t simply beget more violence.
In case, you haven’t seen any footage related to the above, here’s one short clip in France.
Holy shit the French riot police is getting fucked up 😅 the law usually gets forced at the end of a police baton but it seems that the roles are changing… People are fed up!
— L0U7 (@__L0U7__) December 11, 2021
Let me be clear. I am not advocating for violence. I am simply predicting that it will occur.
Here’s another interesting example, apparently threats did change a lawmaker’s mind! State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, led a “proposal requiring unvaccinated Illinoisans to pay their health care expenses — including hospital bills — out of pocket if they contract COVID-19.” He said in “a statement Thursday that he decided not to pursue the legislation he filed earlier in the week because of the ‘unintended divisive nature’ of the proposal.”
Seems like a mixed message to me that the threats were horrible and unjustified…yet they worked when nicely pleading to lawmakers doesn’t appear to in most cases.
Here’s some specific events I’ll be on the lookout for:
- Mainstream media figures will be physically attacked, maybe even killed.
- Politicians will be physically attacked, maybe even killed.
- The size of worldwide protests will continue to grow. As has been happening, only independent media will cover such, which is why normies don’t even know they’re happening.
- Increasingly, protests will become riots with clashes against the people and the police/military. Increasingly, we’ll also see police joined with the people in.
- The destructive behavior this time will focus on damaging parts of “the system” such as camps, vaccination facilities and the like.
- There will be cases of sabotage of communications and technology of such parts of “the system”.
- There will be more big court wins (such as the recent San Diego school mandate case.)
- In the USA, November holds the midterm elections. There will be fraud, but nonetheless, Democrats will be losing a lot of power.
As I’ve talked about before only our side is growing in numbers. More people are popping out of the matrix. Many people who got the vaccine the first time, aren’t going back for round two, let alone three, four and beyond.
C.J. Hopkins made a great point that GloboCap, as he likes to call it, needs to work with at least the pretense of democracy. “In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile.”
As you’re witnessing, they are going more totalitarian and this has the benefit of making it that much more apparent to everyone.
I’m encouraging people to ask where those buying into the narrative draw their line personally as to what is overreach. Mostly people ignore the question, as that is the only defense against it. But I have finally gotten one person to answer it. As we know the agenda is to cross all such lines, this helps rally people to our side.
A follow-up question if they do answer is to ask, when they do cross that line, “What are you going to do about it?”
As it becomes increasingly totalitarian, more people will stand up and say no more. Of course there is an adoption curve of learning and acting on this stuff.
In one sense, that is all we really have to do. To not participate in the madness, the consequences be damned. Because their only response is to go more totalitarian and they increasingly have less justification for doing so.
Fantastic podcast here from Aubrey Marcus with Charles Eisenstein. This is some level five conversation.
One of my takeaways from this was that courage is largely a community thing. I’ve said this before in different ways, but the more that people stand up, the easier it becomes to do so. I see more and more people speaking out. I see encouraging signs of that.
And with this trend, I predict 2022 is the year where this tipping point is reached. Understand that it doesn’t take courage anymore once just about everyone else is doing. Each and every person speaking out is less courageous than the person before. That doesn’t mean that it’s not important to do so, just that it becomes easier as the crowd shifts.
The key of the totalitarian control grid plan is vaccine mandates and passports. These must be pushed back on each and every chance we get. It is the lynch pin of the whole system.
If they get that, the noose is on. If they don’t get that, the other pieces cannot so easily fall into place.
All you have to do is say no. And I understand that this can be a big ask because your people’s livelihoods depend on it.
There are strong elements of both sides will not shift. This only leads to revolution and/or war. It’s the historical facts of such a situation.
As I said earlier, the good news is that there will be other places, small towns in the country mostly, perhaps even small countries themselves, that simply stop complying with all the BS. It will be “normal” in these locations. In this way there will be decentralized growth of alternatives, while the propaganda becomes increasingly spitting into the wind.
Similarly the psyop, will be dismantled legally piece by piece in certain places. The tide turns.
This is the de-escalation that is occurring at the same time than escalation is occurring.
The Counterrevolution
Unfortunately, the increasing pushback comes from the other side too.
- As a result of attacks, private police and military will be used increasingly by certain public individuals.
- There will be assassinations of leaders of freedom. Of course, these won’t look like assassinations to the normies. They’ll have plausible deniability. (There’s already some evidence of this taking place throughout the pandemic.)
- The army will be called in to quell the protests and riots increasingly.
- The UN “peacekeepers” will have to be brought in to assist in some countries.
- Any sort of government aid will increasingly be tied into being a good citizen (aka vaccinated and obedient).
- The propaganda will ramp up because they need the people themselves to enforce their rules. It’ll get that much more bat-shit crazy as the demonization of the scapegoats must escalate.
It’s an information war first, economic war second, and will increasingly become a physical war. This is because information and economic warfare are the appetizers to the real thing.
In many ways, I perceive that 2022 could be the make-or-break year for humanity.
Perhaps I’m smoking too much hopium, but I think we will make it. That is my prediction. Understand that that doesn’t mean it’ll be “done with” in 2022, far from it, but the tide of the war will change.
Think about when Hitler and Napoleon before him over-reached by attacking Russia. It turned the tide of war. This push for vaccine mandates and passports for a vaccine that is not safe nor effective is the turning point.
The Cyber Pandemic
I predicted this last year but was either wrong or too early. So I’m pushing the prediction out to 2022 or beyond. The thing is, at this point, I don’t know enough about the topic to make a solid prediction.
I’m going to deep dive into this area in an upcoming article. With that hopefully I can paint a more useful picture of what this likely will look like.
I was struck reading The Real Anthony Fauci, especially the last chapter where RFK Jr. goes into all the pandemic-planning exercises over the past two decades.

Many of these war games I was familiar with. Some were new to me. What became clear was that these training exercises were about coordinating among institutions and individuals how to rollout the real thing. Each and every event focused on vaccines, grabbing more totalitarian control and using censorship.
None of them focused on actually keeping people healthy, such as repurposing therapeutics, having stockpiles ready, etc. The planning and training was about making sure the powers-that-be could and would act in lockstep (which happened to be the name of one such exercise).
It brought me back to watching the full Event 201 videos which I did when the pandemic started. Here’s my March 2020 article.
Something stood out to me in reviewing this information. They predicted internet blackouts in some countries as part of the censorship/pandemic response.
In other words, they were planning for (expecting?) pushback to be even greater early on and thus needing to do such things!
My feeling right now is the big cyber pandemic is the card they pull out when they need too.
The other huge piece is this. The pandemic was the excuse for the collapsing financial system. It both kicked the can down the road and allowed the grift to continue. The virus was blamed, never the bankers.
Our economy is that much more in collapse now. The bankers won’t be blamed publicly, so the cyber pandemic is the next scapegoat, as well as emergency to seize more power.
The tide is turning…and that makes me think exactly such an event could be close to happening. When they are losing control of the narrative, and we see signs of it cracking left and right, they MUST do something to gain back control.
The pandemic wargames such as Event 201 and SPARS are virtually a script for the entire real thing (though less deaths in real life than in those).
What if the cyber war games are much the same? I need to understand what occurs. Again, far more detail upcoming in my next article I hope to have out in the next week or two. With that there will be some more projections/predictions of how it could roll out.
The Economy
The Fed recently mentioned that they’d increase rates, but this is a lie. The inflationary money added into the system has been described as crack and heroin. The current economic system is an addict that has no chance of redemption.
Any tapering will be reversed in short order once the withdrawal symptoms kick in. Why? Well, those withdrawal symptoms hurt the predator class.
In other words, inflation will continue, even going higher.
We’re not going to see deflation. They’re going to inflate until the entire worldwide economy bubble bursts. The only deflation will occur with the new financial system coming in.
We’ll see prices continue in the same directions. While the frenzy has died down, as comes with winter anyway, houses will continue to see higher values.
Supply chain problems will become even more apparent in certain sectors such as chip manufacturing and all the technological devices that depend on such. I just purchased a vehicle and the inventory was extremely small because of these chips.
The US dollar will not hyperinflate, but will continue to accelerate in it’s inflation. It’s the least worst fiat currency and as such has shown some strength recently.
Other countries that have worse inflation then the states, will continually turn to this harder money and alternatives. Like Turkey and the lira right now losing 40% of its value.
More of the same…until the time is ready for it to pop. Right now, I feel like the cyber pandemic is likely the engineered pin that pops the balloon for both the collapse and demolition, but again need to do more research on the topic.
And I feel like this is most likely coming when the pushback is winning, because that makes sense too.
Understand also that such an event opens up the money printing spigot even more widely open.
I’ve still got two more articles on cryptocurrency and various scenarios and narratives coming up, hopefully in January. Those will explore some of these ideas further.
I do think there’s more blue-sky ahead though we haven’t yet hit the bottom of this sideways/down leg. After that, I am undecided if it will be a quick run up and a blow-off top before it collapses.
I’ll be looking at the following signs for a blow-off top encroaching:
- Retail flowing in from A) tweaks in social media algorithms showing social metrics and B) even mainstream news coverage
- High and Length Greed Index
- The “Shoeshine Boy” Indicator
Or it may just slowly grind higher over time, with some dips and sideways action along the way. Again, that depends on larger economic events. You can bet I’ll be watching those indicators like a hawk.
Either way, I’m still heavily positioned in the space though there’s a good chance I won’t be so heavily invested come 2022’s end. You’ve got to have an Exit Plan! (I discuss my 5-prong exit strategy as one of the bonuses in the Crash Course.)
Certain sectors such as crypto-gaming are going to do particularly well. (I just covered my top pick for this in my Crypto Conspiracy membership.)
Some of the alternative Layer 1’s will continue to do well. Terra (LUNA) continues to impress me, though I feel that Ethereum (ETH) and it’s Layer 2’s are likely to have another big opportunity to shine too around mid-2022.
I predict we’ll see at least another country or two follow suit from El Salvador in adoption of Bitcoin.
We’ll definitely see more cities, states and various places make steps towards using it as a parallel currency.
Regarding the SEC and regulation of crypto, this will occur to some degree in 2022. It’s going to be restricting in some way, compared to other countries, thus forcing more talent and innovation out. But it will not cripple the industry. I don’t think they’ll go that far, after all their control-grid rides on many of the same rails.
Speaking of control grids, China is rolling out their CBDC early in 2022, surrounding the Winter Olympics. There are tons of other CBDC experiments going on that are worth watching. The pace of CBDC’s is going to accelerate.
I think a Tether (USDT) collapse could damage the overall crypto market and allow the bankers and regulators to step in saying this is why you need us. I see that as on-the-table. However, I also don’t know if the bankers, outside of China, are ready to step in with their solutions just yet either.
What head of the SEC Gary Gensler (aka Goldman Gary) is doing seems mostly to be playing a delay game. Delay for what? Until they are ready?
Obviously, any sort of cyber pandemic could play into crypto and/or disintegrate these markets in a big way.
Ghislaine Maxwell
I wrote this last week while working on the article, “She will be found guilty.” I didn’t realize the verdict would come in before the article was out. And indeed she has, on five of six counts. This will be appealed of course.

But the important thing to the powers-that-be is that she’s the scapegoat and this case goes no further beyond her.
And yet there will be continued slow moving push towards just that.
While there aren’t any massive revelations from this trial there certainly are some interesting bits. There is some interesting stuff going on like this research stolen from a journalist covering the trial.
The Epstein saga is important because it shows just how high such things go (royalty, presidents, businessmen and intelligence agencies), how long they can go on (Epstein was reported to the FBI back in the 90’s), and the extent of cover-up involved (Epstein didn’t kill himself).
Eugenics and Genocide
Besides The Real Anthony Fauci, if you read one book about the pandemic, I would recommend Pseudo Pandemic: New Normal Technocracy by Iain Davis. You can download this free at his website.
While this drills into the details of inflated deaths and so much more, the best parts, in my opinion, cover the worldviews of eugenics, technocracy and the bigger picture of how all these current events fit together. Coming from the UK it also gives a greater perspective across the pond, compared to the USA.
Understanding eugenics is key to understand what we see going on.
The vaccine is killing some people. This certainly is a statistically small number, but it is happening nonetheless. (I personally know one person who died within two weeks after a shot. I also personally only know one person who has died of COVID, though I am unsure if he was vaccinated or not.)
You’ve probably seen athletes dropping dead on the field and the court. I wish this chart went back to 2020 to show the comparison, but you can see the baseline rate pretty much from the first months when the vaccine was just starting to rollout.

Besides marathon runners I’d never even heard of athletes dropping dead while in their sport. Not a single one. Steve Kirsch has compiled a list of 291 collapses or deaths.
Some people are claiming that the shot is a death sentence, just delayed for most with prion disease or something like that. I don’t believe that is true overall, thankfully, but there is zero doubt it is for some.
Reducing population is the desire of some in power. That is clear. The evidence is out in the open if you simply look. This is not only done by the vaccine though.
I covered Remdesivir early in the pandemic. I thought it was just a worthless drug, approved to make money with tons of conflicts of interest behind it.
What I didn’t see at the time was how it has dangerous side effects that may have been killing people in the hospitals where COVID would be blamed instead of the deadly drug. This is well covered in RFK Jr’s book.
I fear that Pfizer’s Paxlovid and Merck’s molnupiravir might end up doing the same. Think about this from the nefarious viewpoint. What if you could make money killing people, while being able to blame the deaths on the disease which generates more fear? It’s evil genius. And it’s not just today. AZT during AIDS was exactly that.
These vaccines likely are going to render many sterile. Miscarriage rates are up and IVF clinics are reporting problems. There is a history of sterility vaccines being worked on, again covered well in RFK Jr’s book. The long tail of seeing vaccines as causative means that most people will miss it.
But the big killers across time have always been starvation and war. If the economic collapse occurs in 2022, there will be the former. If the revolution really ramps up we’ve got to be careful of the latter.
These stats are hard to get, and not fun to think about, but my prediction is more overall death in 2022 than 2021. Just like there were more COVID deaths in 2021, despite the vaccine, then in 2020 when there was no vaccine. (Of course, this is the unvaccinated people’s fault, not the failure of the vaccine say the cognitively dissonant.)
In Summation
As journalist Alex Berenson says, “virus gonna virus”. To that I’ll add…
Governments are going to shift more totalitarian by necessity.
Courage and pushback will grow.
Revolutions are going to start.
Wargamers going to rollout the next big real thing.
Economics going to inflate and eventually collapse.
And eugenicists gonna genocide.
Despite all this, I think 2022 will be a good year.
Forcing into the open the batshit craziness and totalitarian nature is necessary for the cleansing that must be done. It’s going to be a rough ride but that is the nature of a healing crisis.
Feel free to agree or disagree or add your own prognostications in the comments below.
Great article. Will be checking your notes over the next few days. I definitely agree it needs to get worse, but I don’t think anything will awaken the slave mind. But it will activate the free mind. A lot to go over, but much of it is pretty much in line with what I’ve been thinking, though it’s always fun to see the different ways people reach the same conclusion.
Absolutely some minds are closed off and won’t be opened. But there are minds that will be opened as this continues to evolve.
I’m going to be putting links in here relevant to specific predictions. This one happened quicker than I expected, but certainly not surprised.
“Other countries will pass similar measures. The unvaccinated will not be able to travel, whether flying or driving out of some places.”
Covid: UAE bans foreign travel for citizens without booster jab
Example of sabotaging infrastructure.
Example of new Covid drugs being dangerous.
Molnupiravir has serious safety concerns: ICMR chief
Both violent revolution and a black out of the internet.
Kazakhstani president issues ‘shoot to kill’ order to quell protests
More silly than violent, but getting close.
French Protesters Go to Parliament Member’s Home and Hurl Mud and Garbage at His Face (VIDEO)