This is NOT a Black Swan Event

I’ll start with a personal update. We are now under a “shelter” order here in Santa Cruz county, California, with at least six other nearby counties as well. If it’s not already where you are chances are this coming to you too.

A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict. While current events may be a black swan for many people, it wasn’t for all.

Today I want to ask a big question…Why were we so unprepared for this? How could this crisis have been foreseen?

But it WAS. Specifically so, and thus far, almost exactly as it’s playing out.

Have you heard of Event 201 which occurred on October 18th, 2019?

“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.”

They had the start from pigs in Brazil, rather than bats in China, but otherwise it’s almost exactly the same as what is occurring today. I recommend at the very least you watch the Highlight Reel on this page.

(I’m planning to watch through all the other videos on that page too but have not yet.)

Look, I do believe in coincidence. And definitely in synchronicity. But this leaves me with some questions…

The CDC was there. Specifically, Stephen Redd, MD, director of the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response.

I know a lot of people are blaming Trump for this situation. I agree he hasn’t handled it well. But to put all the focus on the orange man (as our media and people love to do) is to skip over the fact the one man does not make up the entire government.

An argument could certainly be made that this happened so close to events that we weren’t prepared for it. But this isn’t the first time exercises or “war games” such as this have been done. Dr. Redd was the “incident commander for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response.” He’s been in this role for a while.

Where is the head of our preparedness and response now? Why has our response in the USA so horrible, when we foresaw almost this exact event occurring?

The CDC didn’t just seem inept, but actually looks like they’ve been striving to bumble up testing by trying to setup their own testing protocol which failed.

Why was the CDC sending out flawed test kits?

Caught unawares or striving to dampen our response?

Looking at history is always useful in circumstances such as this. Understand that the CDC does not have a good track record on testing. Remember the Swine Flu? We saw the CDC stop testing and counting cases, while reporting huge numbers. Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson found this out before she left CBS because of their clamp down on real journalism.

Meanwhile, our government is classifying top-level meetings regarding the virus. Why? What are they trying to hide?

Reuters reported this was “an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion.”

I highly, highly recommend reading this article by investigative journalist Whitney Webb. I started following her work surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein case a few months back as it goes deep. She’s good!

(Remember it’s the same government handling this response as said Epstein killed himself because of the perfect storm of screw-ups. They’ll say the same thing about this pandemic soon enough.)

What Webb says is that our intelligence communities are playing a huge role in directing the emergency response.

Again, I ask why? Is this a health epidemic? Or is it an intelligence operation?

Look at these facts. Then you can more clearly see that they want this virus (whatever it’s true origin) to impact us in a big way. This was foreseen. We could have responded like South Korea did with great testing early on but instead we got caught with our pants down. It serves their agenda. We will see that unfold in real-time now.

Webb sums up, “The coming government response, the agencies largely responsible for crafting it and its classified nature deserve public scrutiny now, particularly given the federal government’s tendency to not let “a serious crisis to go to waste,” as former President Obama’s then-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel infamously said during the 2008 financial crisis. Indeed, during a time of panic — over a pandemic and over a simultaneous major economic downturn — concern over government overreach is warranted, particularly now given the involvement of intelligence agencies and the classification of planning for an explosion of domestic cases that the government believes is only weeks away.”

Once you see that possibility, you can then to ask where is this headed? You can make predictions with better accuracy.

You can see this playing out almost exactly as described in Event 201…as if according to plan. They talk about steps that are still to come in their videos though that will be dependent on how many deaths we start seeing. Watch. Be prepared.

P.S. Checkout this video about coronavirus from JP Sears. Very funny to help lighten the mood a bit!

One Response to “This is NOT a Black Swan Event”

  1. Thank you for your articles Christopher. Please check out David Icke’s latest vids regarding Corona. He was on LondonReel live stream several days ago with masses viewing and it was yanked off of Googlew owned youtube within a half hour. Very suspicious. The video can be found on and also London Reel website. Also Jon Rappoport and Dr. John Bergman, Meria Heller as well. Going on to your next article now. Crazy times but thankful to folks like you and others mentioned here who are trying to expose the horrible shenanigans.

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