A Plea

“Comparing mandatory vaccinations to rape is insensitive to rape and sexual harassment victims.”

I’m sorry but this is wrong. You’re failing to realize how both are a horrible assaults on bodily autonomy and the psychology of its victims, with potential long-term repercussions. They are both terrible.

“Comparing compulsory vaccinations and the ever-growing restrictions on the unvaccinated to the Jews in the Holocaust is anti-Semitic.”

No one is saying it’s that bad…yet. But to not have learned the step-by-step method and propaganda that led to such is actually insensitive to the victims. To not listen to the Jews today that are speaking out against such things…

To not listen to the indigenous peoples of Australia that are literally crying out for help…these are hateful, or at the very least ignorant.

Please, I implore you, check your blind spots.

I know none of you believe that the answer is to “gas the unvaccinated.” But where do you draw the line?

  • Is it okay for people to be force at gunpoint to take the shot?
  • To have their children stripped away by CPS for failing to get them the shot?
  • To get fined?
  • To get jailed for not paying the fines?
  • To be forced out of their job?
  • To not get groceries?
  • To not play or watch sports?
  • To not travel?

Most of these things are already happening in various places across the world. Please, think about it now. Where do you draw the line? At what point has this campaign gone overboard in your mind?

For me, and many others, that line has already been crossed. That is why we are speaking out.

We are being smeared and censored by the government and their corporate partners. (Watch the overlords censor this post on social media…)

We are the new scapegoats for them to seize more power. The propaganda is ramping up…

We are being segregated based on “health status,” as if the complexity of health should be boiled down to a single variable, the moving goal post of “fully” vaccinated or not.

Have you got your booster yet? If not, you too will soon be part of the problem.

Understand this. We care about people as much as you do. We simply see the world differently as for what is dangerous. Our view is that the threat of the growing tyrannical powers is much greater than the threat of this disease.

If I am wrong we have to live with an endemic disease that statistically hurts and kills a small amount of people. That does not diminish what some people have gone through. But even 100% vaccination across the world would not get rid of this fast-mutating virus because these vaccines do not stop infection nor transmission.

If you are wrong, we have to live with a fascist takeover that will eventually see far, far, far more people dead.

How horrible a fate to be like the Germans in the post-war years who said “We didn’t know…” when the signs were all around them.

I implore you to actually listen to your friends and family who are crying out. I am pleading with you to understand where we are coming from.

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