
LoganChristopher.com is the personal blog for (guess who?) Logan Christopher.

On it, he writes about a number of topics including learning, habits, writing, productivity, communication, persuasion, business, money, cryptocurrencies, conspiracies and more. This is the place to find ideas from him that are not about fitness and health as you can find on his other websites. It is the new spot to find out about all the other topics he finds interesting, and hopes you will too.

About Logan

Logan Christopher

Logan Christopher aims to be a renaissance man.

After realizing he didn’t have the money to attend MIT to become a theoretical physicist, he got interested in the topic of money due to the influence of a few new friends. From here he became a personal trainer after finding he was passionate about fitness, eventually growing this into an online platform.

He teaches strength training, including everything from kettlebells to back flips, lifting rocks to bending horseshoes, bodyweight training and more at www.LegendaryStrength.com. He practices what he preaches, being a professional strongman and doing such things as pulling a firetruck by his hair, or juggling flaming kettlebells.

Seeking to find an edge, he became an NLP trainer, a certified hypnotist, and energy medicine and psychology practitioner. These areas have all been applied to everything from fitness to business along the way. He’s authored books such as Mental Muscle exploring some of these concepts.

Another edge came about through studying herbalism. Eventually, this led to the creation of www.LostEmpireHerbs.com, partnered along with his two brothers. Their aim is to be a premier provider of high potency herbal extracts from around the world that increase peak mental and physical performance. Working as CEO, along with his growing team, they seek to help to get people back to the wisdom of nature.

The deeper he’s researched in this area, the more he’s become a naturalist, finding that our disconnection to nature is driving some many of the health problems (physical and mental) that exist today. His popular book, Powered By Nature, dives deeper into this.

All along the way he has sought out methods to increase his productivity, finances, business, happiness and more. That’s why he’s served as a coach to people for help in training, health, business and life.

When the pandemic started in March 2020 he started writing about this, including the behind-the-scenes stuff of politics, how science really works, sociopaths, economics and more.

This has led to a deeper dive on DeFi, cryptocurrencies, blockchains and more.

7 Responses to “About”

  1. Just ordered “The money system that never fails”. I have owned my own martial arts school for almost 20 years and done pretty well, but never really managed money well. A “system” is just what I need. I am a big fan of Lost Empire and am hoping this book will help me manage my income better. Thanks!

    Jon Frost

  2. Hi Logan, Just been watching you on Theo’s summit on burnout, good that at least one of you is taking more of an overview that just a single perspective permits.
    I notice that you are consulting Hilary Barretts book on the I Ching. I was a member of her Forum until she banned me because I was asking awkward questios that no one, including herself, were able, or willing, to address. In fact she wouldnt even respond to the questions and points and simply ignored all the contradictions and lack of clarity, even though the website is Online “Clarity”. Just like many of teh people on the Burnout Summit, there is a lot of “expertise” that simply doesnt stand up to scrutiny.
    So thank you for keeping the perspective. Theos face was a picture when you started saying things about “stress” that didnt quite fit his picture and what others on the Summit have been saying.

    All the best


    1. Glad you’re liking my stuff on the summit. And thanks for the insight about Barrett…maybe I’ll look for a new version to use.

  3. Hey Superdude,
    Love the energy for life. So glad to come across your endeavors.
    I am also glad to hear you did not fall victim to the university brainwashing by MIT. Do not get me wrong I love real and truthful knowledge is so powerful of a tool for life. But brainwashing, limitations, and life constraints really do suck.

    I am just a carpenter! With more knowledge than my degreed friends from high school. Some of which are amazingly achieved individuals in the academic communities.

    I would like to invite you to the suspicious observer clan and of course the Wim Hof Clan and a fellow SO member August Dunning and the Phoenix Protocol.

    Due to your interest in crypto please look into the HEX.com clan for some amazing healthy financial behaviour theories ever produced in economics.

    Please reachout I would love to collaborate and just enjoy the experience life brings when we are open to the truth and real nature of things.
    Thanks again for your bravery and convictions you share.

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