Klaus Schwab is the one who coined the term “cyber pandemic” stating that the COVID-19 crisis would be “a small disturbance in comparison.”
A small disturbance in comparison. Just imagine a world-shaping event larger than what we’ve gone through the past couple of years. Are you ready for that?
This article explores what that might look like, and how to best be prepared for it. I included a little bit about this in my 2022 predictions. And here is the deep dive as promised.
I was struck reading The Real Anthony Fauci, especially the last chapter where RFK Jr. goes into all the pandemic-planning exercises over the past two decades. Many of these war games I was familiar with. Some were new to me. It’s a big list which includes:
- Dark Winter
- Atlantic Storm
- Global Mercury
- The SCL Simulation
- Lockstep Simulation
- Clade X
- Crimson Contagion
- Event 201
Each and every event focused on vaccines, grabbing more totalitarian control and using censorship. None of them focused on actually keeping people healthy, such as repurposing therapeutics, having stockpiles ready, etc. (Isn’t it amazing that despite all these we didn’t have enough PPE on hand? It must be Trump’s fault!)
RFK wrote, “After 9/11, the rising biosecurity cartel adopted simulations as signaling mechanisms for choreographing lockstep response among corporate, political, and military technocrats charge with managing global exigencies. Scenario planning became an indispensable device for multiple power centers to coordinate complex strategies for simultaneously imposing coercive controls upon democratic societies across the globe.”
This is how conspiracies operate. These events are the training ground for the top-down organization. The planning and training was about making sure the powers-that-be could and would act in lockstep, which happened to be the name of one such exercise.
On that note, I like Iain Davis’ model of:
- Core Conspirators
- Informed Influencers
- Deceived Influencers
One way to think about such events is this is a place for backroom deals to be made by the core conspirators with the informed influencers (core conspirators knowing the full plan while informed influencers play their small part and are bribed/blackmailed/etc. to do so). It’s little more than business deals, albeit with some more nefarious aims.
Beyond that these are also the place where hypnotic programming begins on the deceived influencers. It starts here before it is rolled out worldwide by structuring the frame, by setting the policies. He who controls the frame controls the conversation.
Thus it is in these exercises where the mass formation psychosis seeds are planted.
Reading RFK’s book brought me back to watching the full Event 201 videos which I did when the pandemic started. Here’s my March 2020 article.
Something stood out to me in reviewing this information. In Event 201 they predicted internet blackouts in some countries as part of the censorship/pandemic response. In other words, they were planning for (expecting?) pushback to be even greater early on and thus needing to do such things! As our pushback and escalation increases, so too will those.
Hmmm…Kazakstan just had an internet blackout. (I haven’t dug down this rabbit hole as of yet, suffice to say some shady stuff is going on there.)
That all brings me to today’s topic. The same kinds of people have been conducting war games regarding a cyber pandemic.
Back in 2020 when the pandemic started, I had to play catchup. Sure, I was way ahead of the curve compared to most people, but still in elementary school in understanding the global push going on compared to my knowledge base now. If you’ve been with me since the beginning you’re in much the same boat.
This time I want to be more ready ahead of time by reviewing all the cyber pandemic material I can find to be prepared for what is coming next. When you see the “writing on the wall” there is no doubt that such an event is being planned, trained, coordinated for the world to march in lockstep.
Cyber Pandemic Cui Bono
Let’s start with who benefits? From Schwab, also stated in the video at the top of this post, “Cybercrime and global cooperation should be at the forefront of the global agenda.”
So what is that global agenda? I’ll boil it down to “top-down surveillance and control” which can be broken down to two main factors here:
- Digital ID’s. If you can only access the online world by being identifiable then any cybercrime is tied to you or stopped before it begins. Total surveillance of the global livestock, aka humanity, especially as we’re pushed and pulled more online.
- CBDC’s, that is central banker digital currencies. All money is becoming digital. No anonymous transactions means they have total surveillance on every transaction, and can stop you from participating in the economy if they want.
It’s the China model but applied on a global scale.
General manager of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements, aka the central bank of central bankers), Agustín Carstens, said, “The key difference with the CBDC is that central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability [aka money]. And also we will have the technology to enforce that.” (emphasis added)
Let me state that such technologies wouldn’t by themselves be bad. Not necessarily. Obviously, being involved in cryptocurrency, ecommerce, and our modern world I’m not against digital money.
Certain types of digital ID could possibly even be useful to help with logins, security and the like.
Always these things are talked about in the good they can do. And that possibility is certainly there. It must be to hypnotize the masses who are good or at least neutral people.
However, the people “in charge” are criminals. I know that. You know that. Therefore, I do not trust anything they are doing involving technology.
Nor does this mean everyone involved in such events are “in on it”. You have to understand how both compartmentalization and hiding nefarious plots behind golden words work, aka the deceived influencers which makes up most of the people propagating the narrative. The fact that that makes up most people doesn’t preclude the fact there are some people who really do conspire, who are actually sociopaths and evil, and those they control with blackmail or other methods.
Thus, overall, we’re going to look at such events with an aim of seeing how it moves the powerful towards the system of desired complete control. How would a cyber pandemic lead to the use of more technology to control all citizens? That is the lens this article looks through.
As I’ve written about before, for the CBDC’s the economy is being reformatted. The old system is dying. Just like the COVID pandemic gave further license to grab power, print money and blame it all on the scapegoat of the virus (and at this stage scapegoating people who don‘t listen to authorities) so too will this next pandemic.
In other words, the bankers aren’t to blame for the next steps in our worldwide economy being destroyed. It will be the cyber pandemic’s fault.
Such digital money gives them additional tools of control such as negative interest rates that affect people. Here’s an IMF article on How to Make Negative Interest Rates Work. (And why the virus was illogically part of the war on cash.)
Klaus Schwab introduces Cyber Polygon to be gone in depth shortly as such, “We must do so with a broader mission in mind. To improve the state of our digital world by enhancing, on the one hand global cooperation, but also public-private cooperation.”
Public-private cooperation is the merging of big business and governments. Throughout this list of exercises, you’ll see that this merger is looked at as the only possibly solution, just like totalitarian lock downs, censorships and vaccines were the only game plan discussed in the pandemic war games.
Their mission can be boiled down to the elites of massive business (private) to steer government policy (public) via the corrupt revolving door between them.
More centralized power, in their hands, is the only route to cyber security as they define it. This is how they frame it.
World Economic Forum’s Overview of the Cyber Pandemic
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is partnered with many people in these cyber war games. They may not be the top of the conspirator pyramid but they’re certainly big players in it as they’re pushing the overall policy agenda. Here’s a short video with a few key excerpts below.
“A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus”
While the coronavirus has drawn on (two years to flatten the curve!) such an event could be likely much faster.
“COVID-19 was known as an anticipated risk. So is the digital equivalent.”
Again, why was our response so bad? If the USA is so great why do they have the most deaths? Ah, of course…it surely must be because of racist, antivaxxer republicans…not that pharmaceutical control is strongest here and we killed off COVID patients with non-treatment then ventilators and remdesivir, incentivizing hospitals to do so.
“The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet. All of this in a matter of days. A single day without the internet would cost our economies more than 50 billion US dollars, and that is before considering the economic and societal damages should these devices be linked to essential services, such as transport or healthcare.”
THIS IS KEY. A total internet blackout could be part of the big event. Imagine the economic disruption. Imagine the fear and anxiety generated by everyone that doesn’t know how to exist without the internet. They are boldly telling you this could very well happen.
(I wonder about one thing that could happen with such. Could incriminating pages and even internet archives be removed in such an event on the reboot? Some people recommend downloading files and/or printing them out as certain things might be memory-holed on the internet completely.)
Remember that the economic destruction was not caused by the virus but by the government’s response to the virus.
Such a cyber pandemic could be much the same. The goal is economic transition into their new system of increased control. What better way to help that happen then to completely blow up the worldwide economy?
One of the main wargames goes by the name of Cyber Polygon, an ongoing series of events…
Cyber Polygon 2019
“The fight against cybercrime cannot be waged alone. The sooner the public and private sectors learn to cooperate, the faster we can build a safe and secure cyberspace,” reads the website. In other words, top down control and coordination is the only answer.
The Cyber Polygon events are run by WEF’s Centre for Cybersecurity. Here’s an intro video.
One big takeaway from the results report was that “The ransomware infection turned out to be the most difficult scenario for the participants: only one company was able to mitigate the attack independently.” We’ll see this theme keep on appearing.
Cyber Polygon 2020
The website states “The central theme of the event was a ’digital pandemic’: how to prevent a crisis and to reinforce cybersecurity on all levels.”
And the full report includes:
“One of the most striking and exciting transformations caused by the pandemic has been our transition to the digital ‘everything’, both in our professional and also in our personal lives,” says Klaus Schwab. He’s excited by the pandemic because it is leading the world to where he wants it to go.
“Our research reveals that 83% of companies have no recovery plans in place.” These are going to be mostly smaller to midsized companies. Those that likely do have plans are the biggest corporations in the world. Thus, a worldwide digital attack could cause more harm to smaller businesses leading to greater consolidation of the biggest players, those partnered with the WEF. Just like small businesses got shuttered during the pandemic while the big players stayed open a big cyber pandemic could do much the same.
“Information and money remain the main target of cybercriminals. In 2019–2020, the world witnessed a wave of massive data leaks — even technologically advanced companies were not always immune. This is why, for the technical part of our training, we developed an attack scenario which in real life would jeopardise company reputation and data.”
Who was involved? The biggest three sectors included financial institutions, IT and government agencies, making up over half of all participants.
“COVID-19 has accelerated various processes. Before the pandemic, we had been rather critical of digitalisation because of all the problems brought about by the new technologies. Now, everybody is beginning to understand that this process is inevitable, we need to move forward and cybersecurity plays a great role in tech innovation.” – Herman Gref, CEO, Sberbank
When you understand that COVID19 is built on fraud, then these steps were not inevitable so much as planned and desired.
“5G will be the platform for the society, for hospitals, for public transport, for everything that is to be connected. You need to have absolute trust in the underlying infrastructure, hence there is a high demand for security… AI can be used for predictive analytics to improve performance, maintenance and security of the network.” – Sebastian Tolstoy, Head of Ericsson Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Predictive analytics means predictive cybercrime which means Minority Report style policing. Not just in the digital world of course.
War criminal Tony Blair said at the event, “The government is always the last to change, and the problem with cyber threats is that we cannot afford the government to take 10 years to catch up because at that time the damage will be too great’.
He also said, “Digital ID for me is a very big part of the future…Inevitably, governments are going to move in this direction — absolutely, inevitably.”
Check out what Thales’ Digital ID Wallet is like in this video. To see how this is intimately tied into the biosecurity state see especially the 35 second mark. Notice how casually “mandatory vaccination” is mentioned as if this is such a nice benefit.
This policy comes from policy makers such as the WEF, largely funded by corporate partners. Essentially, government just works to follow the policy. Essentially all of government is fast becoming a captured agency, most of it already being so.
“We have seen a steep increase of new narratives in online scams, phishing approaches and targeting of critical infrastructures: health service ransomware, attacks on hospitals, exploiting the need for personal protective material and medical research,” says Jürgen Stock, Secretary General, INTERPOL.
Notice the focus on how this too is tied into the biosecurity state. Things like data for vaccine passports must be closely guarded.
“In the era of digitisation, fake news has become a dangerous weapon being used by cybercriminals to attack people and organisations.”
Of course, fake news gets its spotlight here like it did in the virus pandemic exercises. The “misinformation” that will spin up regarding any such attacks will need to be stamped down in every way just like “conspiracy theories” regarding COVID.
Part of securing the digital world means securing the “truth”. The lines of fake news and cyberwarfare and going to continue to blur, more so over time.
Cyber Polygon 2021
Cyber Polygon 2021 focused on a supply chain cyber-attack. These specifically focused on ransomware attacks, as outlined as the most difficult attack to guard from in 2019.
The Cyber Polygon 2021 results PDF includes:
“These days, ecosystems are more widespread than ever. Companies are taking the expansion of their supply chains to a global scale, with 60% of them already working with more than 1,000 partners each. In this context, the resilience of supply chain networks is an issue of worldwide concern. The vulnerability of one organisation can undermine an entire supply system.”
“More and more services in modern life are going digital — from shopping and banking to education and public services. In this environment, the prosperity of tomorrow depends on the secure development of corporate ecosystems, the resilience of the financial industry in the era of e-money, and the protection of states against cyberthreats.”
“The task of central banks is to keep the monetary system stable. In pursuit of this, central banks must be at the heart of the changes in the financial sector, they must broaden the functionality of money and of the economy, which is becoming increasingly digitised.”
Central banks must be at the heart…they absolutely don’t want to lose the control they have towards a decentralized money supply. They dive even deeper into this topic.
“Digital currency is becoming a pervasive force that fundamentally changes everything in the global economy, from cross-border payments to interbank transfers. The rapid adoption and decentralised nature of digital currencies pose unprecedented challenges for financial and tax authorities, capital market regulators and the business community.” – Matthew Blake, Head of Financial and Monetary System Initiatives, World Economic Forum
“[The Digital ruble] will permit better traceability of payments and money flow, and also explore the possibility of setting conditions on permitted terms of use of a given unit of currency…Just imagine that you are able to give your kids some money in digital rubles and then restrict their use for purchase of junk food.” — Alexey Zabotkin, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia
(Or just imagine that the WEF decides you’ll eat less meat because cow farts cause climate change and they stop you from buying it. Of course, Bill Gates vegan meats will be approved for purchase. He didn’t buy up the most farmland in the USA for nothing!)
“Ransomware is still one of the most persistent threats both for the private and public sectors. Encrypting data and demanding ransom in cryptocurrency is an easy way for fraudsters to reach financial gains… One way to mitigate these risks is to implement multilateral data sharing. This requires cross-border industry partnerships with cybersecurity organisations. It is important for the private sector to work closely with governments to enhance their understanding of the threat landscape and assist law enforcement in fighting criminal activity”
CBDC’s good. Cryptocurrency bad. These themes are repeated many times. We want greater control. We don’t want anything that doesn’t allow that.
“Technological progress is also playing into the hands of cybercriminals. Ransomware and supply chain attacks undermine the operations of entire networks of enterprises and impact both the private and public sectors. In such conditions, collective decisions are needed to avoid the domino effect and to reduce the risks for the whole global community.”
“A growing number of cyberthreats requires a consolidated response of the public and private sectors.” The same theme hypnotically repeated over and over and over again.
“Zero Trust policy and verification of vendors can help to minimise risk of supply chain attacks…While the business losses from supply chain attacks are increasing, verification of vendors’ security compliance becomes crucial to ensure every company’s cyber resilience.”
In other words, the entire supply chain needs to be digitally verified so that it can be controlled. Making everything more digital is somehow the answer to the problems of it being digital!
“Yet, the digital space is sometimes dangerous for kids. Because of their gullibility, they easily fall into the trap of online threats: they are exposed to harassment, phishing, social engineering and cyberbullying… In order to protect children from harm on the Internet, the public and private sectors need to join in their efforts.”
We need to make the internet a safe space. So we’ll social engineer everyone to avoid social engineering we don’t want. We’ll harass and cyberbully anyone that stands in our way (like mocking antivaxxers deaths).
The first scenario, “According to the script, an unknown APT group was able to gain network access to a virtual infrastructure segment in Modern Bank’s infrastructure. This segment hosts the services responsible for the continuous web app integration and deployment processes.” The target of banks is a theme we’ll see more of.
The main thrusts include:
- Supply chains will be disrupted
- Financial services will be disrupted
- Public private partnership is the only answer
- The digital landscape must be made safe and we define what that means
- Totally surveilled and controlled CBDC’s are the answer
- Decentralized cryptocurrency is destabilizing and used by criminals and thus must be stopped
To show again how this all dovetails into the agenda of the biosecurity state, the end of Schwab’s speech includes:
“One of the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic is also the notion of resilience. We have to protect ourselves not only against the virus, we also have to develop the ability to withstand a virus attack. In other words, masks are not sufficient. We need vaccines to immunize ourselves. The same is true for cyberattacks. Here, too, we have to move from simple protection to immunization. We need to build IT infrastructures that have digital antibodies built-in inherently to protect themselves.”
The 2021 Ransomware Attacks
COVID was preceded not just by the war games listed above. You can look at the previous real health scares as live training exercises. The Disneyland measles outbreak. SARS 1. Ebola. The bird flu. The swine flu, etc.
Each of these on a much smaller scale led to vaccinations or funding for them and other drugs, windfalls for pharma companies, helped to influence the propaganda media, and helped to elevate the players involved.
Training exercise. Live exercise. Training exercise. Live exercise. Test and tweak along the way. Witness how well your propaganda works. Do the totalitarian tip-toe forward until there is too much resistance. Back off. Learn from it, make some changes, and start moving forward again.
So too have there been a string of growing cyber attacks. I’m not saying that every single one of these is planned. I can’t make that claim. But even if a legitimate attack from an outside entity and not a false flag, the powers that be will co-opt and use it for their agendas. Never let a crisis go to waste!
Cyber Polygon 2021 happened in July, shortly after the Colonial Pipeline attack, which used ransomware. This ransom involved cryptocurrency. Bloomberg reports, “The ransomware attack caused fuel shortages at gasoline stations in several states and even affected operations by some airlines and airports…In the attack last month, Colonial Pipeline ended up paying hackers — a Russia-linked cybercrime group known as DarkSide — $4.4 million in cryptocurrency in order to help restore its operations.”
Except, that’s not quite accurate. “The cyber attack that shutdown the Colonial pipeline causing a gas panic and stoking fears of gasoline shortages, didn’t actually shut down the pipeline. It impacted the billing system at the Colonial Pipeline Co., which shut it down because they were worried about how they’d collect payments.”
Right before that in May, JBS, a WEF member and the world’s largest meat producer, suffered a ransomware attack.
Also ironic that this hack was supposedly done by Russian hackers given “safe haven” by the Russian government…meanwhile the WEF co-hosts Cyber Polygon with Sberbank, majorly owned by the same Russian government.
Russia is still the main boogeyman, and we’ll see them pop up again and again here.
There were many other such attacks across the world.
Cyber Polygon 2022
Another event is planned upcoming.
Dates are not announced yet, but it occurred in July last year and could possibly be the same this year.
WEF’s Global Risks Report 2022
The WEF recently released The Global Risks Report 2022 17th Edition Insight Report. This is a fascinating deep dive into their policy.
“Growing dependency on digital systems over the last 20 years has drastically shifted how many societies function. Users will be required to navigate security vulnerabilities inherent in both increased dependency on and growing fragmentation in these types of complex technologies often characterized by decentralization and lack of structured guardrails or sophisticated onboarding infrastructure.”
Decentralization is seen as a flaw not a feature. This is their overall frame. (And that’s not to say that decentralization doesn’t have flaws. It is hard to coordinate.)

“Malware increased by 358% in 2020, while ransomware increased by 435%, with a four-fold rise in the total cryptocurrency value received by ransomware addresses (see Figure 3.1). “Ransomware as a service” allows even non-technical criminals to execute attacks, a trend that might intensify with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered malware. In fact, profit-seeking groups of cyber mercenaries stand ready to provide access to sophisticated cyber-intrusion tools to facilitate such attacks. Furthermore, cryptocurrencies have also allowed cybercriminals to collect payments with an only modest risk of detection or monetary clawback.”
Never mind that “According to Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cost of ransomware in 2020 is estimated at $20 billion,” which means cryptocurrency only made up 2% of the value of such attacks. We know who the bad guy is to them.
“85% of the Cybersecurity Leadership Community of the World Economic Forum have stressed that ransomware is becoming a dangerously growing threat and presents a major concern for public safety.”
Near unanimous consensus so it must be true!
“The growth of deepfakes and “disinformation-for-hire” is likely to deepen mistrust between societies, business and government. For example, deepfakes could be used to sway elections or political outcomes. More concretely, in one recent case, cybercriminals cloned the voice of a company director to authorize the transfer of US$35 million to fraudulent accounts. There is also a booming market for services designed to manipulate public opinion in favour of clients, public or private, or to damage rivals.”
Note that deep fakes could be used in fantastic false flags operations. What better way to control the entire population then to make them not believe their own eyes and ears increasingly.
“If cyberthreats continue without mitigation, governments will continue to retaliate against perpetrators (actual or perceived), leading to open cyberwarfare, further disruption for societies and loss of trust in governments’ ability to act as digital stewards.”
Open cyberwarfare, that sounds interesting. What exactly would that look like?
Please note that (actual or perceived) in the USA the cyber bad guys are always from Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran.
It is odd how Russia is such a huge part of the Cyber Polygon events and yet also the main bad guy in cyber warfare at the same time. Or it would be odd to the official narrative. But it makes more sense with a behind-the-scenes conspiratorial look.
NotPetya was a 2017 malware attack in Ukraine that caused $10 billion in damages.
Note how this blurs the line of pandemic/cyberpandemic viruses more so in resonance with the ideas of biodigital convergence.
Carnegie’s Cyber Policy Initiative
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace launched the Cyber Policy Initiative.
“Imagine the consequences of a cyber attack that wipe or alters financial records, especially as the economy remains fragile in the wake of the pandemic.” (emphasis added)
Carnegie’s Cyber Policy Initiative, partnered with WEF, released November 2020 an ‘International Strategy for Cybersecurity and the Global Financial System (2021-2024)’. Known as the FinCyber Strategy Project. This includes the following quotes:
“Increasingly concerned, key voices are sounding the alarm. In February 2020, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB) and former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), warned that a cyber attack could trigger a serious financial crisis.”
(She was charged with fraud and just convicted of criminal negligence, just the kind of banker you want, right?)
- The head of Japan’s central bank predicted that cybersecurity could become the financial system’s most serious risk in the near future.
- Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said in April 2019 that cyber attacks “may very well be the biggest threat to the U.S. financial system.”
- In April 2020, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) cautioned that “cyber incidents pose a threat to the stability of the global financial system.”
The report states “This requires countries not only to better organize themselves domestically but also to strengthen international cooperation to defend against, investigate, prosecute and ideally prevent future attacks. This implies that the financial sector and financial authorities must regularly interact with law enforcement and other national security agencies in unprecedented ways, both domestically and internationally.”
Essentially, the banks need to be more closely tied to the government regulators and intelligence agencies. Consolidation to an overwhelming centralized power. Do you hear the themes repeating enough yet?
Collective Strength
This event, named “Collective Strength”, took place in Israel and simulated a cyberattack on the global financial system. This involved the BIS, IMF and World Bank, occurring late November or early December. Ten countries took part including Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, UAE, UK and the USA.
The war game, reported Reuters, “evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web. The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.”
“The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin,” the narrator said.
The response? A “coordinated bank holiday, debt repayment grace periods, SWAP/REPO agreements and coordinated delinking from major currencies.” Possibly this could be read as
- Average people can’t get their money
- The big players get debts forgiven (while average people may get thrown a bone, just like the pandemic stimulus checks)
- Further bank consolidation
- The shift away from USD as the major reserve currency
Catherine Austin Fitts mentions regarding this event, “In addition, we know that regulators in both the United States and European Union have been working steadily since the 2008-2012 financial crisis to develop a regulatory structure that can easily engineer bail-ins permitting the funding of liquidity problems and fraudulent collateral shortfalls with depositors’ assets and retirement savings. Given recent moves to assert greater oversight over the cryptocurrency markets, this could also include controls on or access to the taking of traditionally unregulated digital assets.” (emphasis added)
In other words, be cautious about trusting the banks, or government run pensions and the like. And most certainly, look for more money printing to be the solution…quite possible of the CBDC type.
Cyber Storm I-VIII
“Cyber Storm, [the USA’s] Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) biennial exercise series, provides the framework for the most extensive government-sponsored cybersecurity exercise of its kind.”
This is a long running series starting with Cyber Storm 1 occurring in February 2006. Just a few quick quotes from over the years:

Cyber Storm III: September 2010 – “Cyber Storm III served as the primary vehicle to exercise the newly-developed National Cyber Incident Response Plan (NCIRP), a blueprint for cybersecurity incident response, to examine the roles, responsibilities, authorities, and other key elements of the nation’s cyber incident response and management capabilities and use those findings to refine the plan.” This involved “Increased Federal, State, International and Private Sector Participation” going “Administration-Wide”.
Cyber Storm V: March 2016 – “For the first time in the Cyber Storm exercise series, the exercise featured dedicated participation from the Healthcare and Public Health sector”
Cyber Storm VI: April 2018 – “Integrated a simulated and dynamically-updated media and social media platform to replicate the customer and public components of an incident”
I’ll spend a bit more time on the final most recent even, Cyber Storm 2020 taking place in August 2020.
The results PDF states, “CS 2020’s core scenario focused on three back-bone services of the Internet – DNS, CA, and BGP. These services are critical to Internet architecture, allowing users to access web pages and ensuring that only the correct users are permitted access.” That’s Domain Name System (DNS), Certificate Authorities (CA), and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
The stated objectives include “Strengthen and enhance information sharing and coordination mechanisms used across the cyber ecosystem during a cyber incident” and “Reinforce public and private partnerships and improve their ability to share relevant and timely information.” These should be sounding quite familiar at this point. The goal is top-down coordination and they even talk about a “Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG)”.
“Supported classified planning and execution efforts in tandem with the classified exercise ICE STORM 2020, facilitating interaction at an unclassified level between the intelligence community and stakeholders impacted by simulated cyber incidents.”
I could find no information behind that classified exercise, but that certainly piqued my curiosity.
Make no mistake any cyber pandemic will be an intelligence-led operation, just like the pandemic was an intelligence-led operation from the start.
The industry partners includes every major financial institution in the US. Here is half of the list.
This event involved the Federal Reserve, FDIC, CFTC, SEC, Treasury and more. It involved pharma players such as Eli Lilly, Merck and Sanofi. Both the DOD, DOJ, and NSA were involved.
And there’s another event coming up.
“Cyber Storm VIII is scheduled for Spring 2022. As the eighth iteration of the Cyber Storm exercise series, Cyber Storm VIII will examine discovery of and response to a large-scale, coordinated significant cyber incident impacting multiple critical infrastructure sectors. Cyber Storm VIII will further strengthen public and private partnerships and assess areas of improvement for national cyber security plans and policies.”
In addition CISA just put out a press release this Tuesday (1/11) titled, Understanding and Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure.
EU Cyberattack Exercise This Month
Bloomberg reported on January 11th, “European Union governments will launch later this week a large-scale simulation of cyberattacks against multiple member states.”
“Participants will be confronted with attacks on their supply chains and some spillover socio-economic effects in other member states, before having to coordinate public communications and a diplomatic response, according to people familiar with the matter and documents seen by Bloomberg.”
“Though the EU has various tools at its disposal to counter and sanction acts of cyber aggression, it doesn’t currently have a framework for effectively coordinating a joint response to a major crisis, the document says.”
“The exercise will be structured around a gradual escalation toward a major crisis that culminates in an attack that could qualify as an armed aggression under the United Nations Charter, according to one of the documents.” (emphasis added)
As if on cue…
Ukraine Attacked Days Ago
Just a couple of days ago, as I was writing this article, a huge cyber attack knocking offline government websites occurred in the Ukraine, which is not part of the EU but is in Europe.
Sky News reports, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: “It’s too early to draw conclusions, but there is a long record of Russian assaults against Ukraine.”
The EU’s foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell condemned the attack, saying he “has no evidence who was responsible”, but “we can imagine who is behind it”.
(Really reminds me of our government and intelligence agencies claiming someone, often Russia, is behind something with zero evidence.)
Messages put on the website in three languages read: “Ukrainian! All your personal data was uploaded to the public network. All data on the computer is destroyed, it is impossible to restore it. All information about you has become public, be afraid and expect the worst. This is for your past, present and future.”
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated, “Our intelligence community has developed information, which has now been downgraded, that Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for an invasion — including through sabotage activities and information operations — by accusing Ukraine of preparing an imminent attack against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.”
Are we seeing an escalation that leads to armed agression?
Ending Anonymity
Whitney Webb dives deep into the threats against privacy this all entails.
“The organization, called the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), made the claim in its 2021 “Navigating Cyber” report…That forecast, which casts a devastating cyber attack on the financial system through third parties as practically inevitable, also makes the case for a “global fincyber [financial-cyber] utility” as the main solution to the catastrophic scenarios it predicts.”
“A major theme in these efforts has not only been an emphasis on global cooperation, but also a merging of private banks and/or corporations with the State, specifically intelligence and law enforcement agencies. In addition, many of the banks, institutions and individuals involved in the creation of these reports and simulations are either actively involved in WEF-related efforts to usher in a new global economic model of “stakeholder capitalism” or are seeking to imminently introduce, or are actively developing, central bank-backed digital currencies, or CBDCs.”
“Of particular interest is the call by both FS-ISAC and the WEF Partnership against Cybercrime to specifically target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that favor transactional anonymity, as well as the infrastructure on which those cryptocurrencies run. Though framed as a way to combat “cybercrime”, it is obvious that cryptocurrencies are to be unwanted competitors for the soon-to-be-launched central bank digital currencies.”
“The report contains several “predictions for 2021 and beyond.” The first of these predictions is that adversarial nation-states will team up with “the cybercriminal underworld” in order to “obfuscate their activity and complication attribution.””
“FS-ISAC also predicts that attacks will cross borders, continents, and verticals, with increasing speed. More specifically, it states that the cyber pandemic will begin with cyber criminals that “test attacks in one country and quickly scale up to multiple targets in other parts of the world.””
Teresa Walsh, Global Head of Intelligence at the FS-ISAC spoke at Cyber Polygon 2021 said, “You can just go into the underground marketplace and purchase a kit, purchase a phishing kit to help you distribute it, and then just reap the benefits of the Bitcoins coming in as long as you give a little bit to the side to the operators behind the desk”.
A large part of this narrative is to derail crypto which the central bankers do not control. These narratives are widely repeated. And you must understand that their attacks could ultimately be successful, so if you’re invested in crypto take heed and be cautious.
In Summation
So what does the cyber pandemic look like?
I wish I had a reliable crystal ball here. First of all, it is not one single thing. Reading this there are clearly multiple cyber events, which is already happening.
What you can be sure of is that things along these lines absolutely will be occurring in both increasing frequency and seismic impact.
If you had an article like this before the pandemic going through all the war games would you know exactly what to expect? Some events like Event 201 and SPARS were almost identical to what happened in reality (with the exception of the death counts).
Some of the above undoubtedly are too…but which ones?
My bet is on something like Collective Strength as the big event. This could be the thing that fully breaks the worldwide economy and allows them to step in with CBDC’s.
The rippling economic shocks allow to further push forward other agenda items.
However, the focus on supply chains and infrastructure are big too. Based on what we’ve seen so far there be many more attacks on such, that continue to escalate in size.
A big one that focuses on Bitcoin as the ransom will be used by governments/bankers the world over to rally against it’s existence. They may not be able to stop it…but they can aim to fully surveil it through the choke-points of on and off ramps.
From the unnamed EU exercise, the cyber attacks escalate to “a major crisis that culminates in an attack that could qualify as an armed aggression under the United Nations Charter.”
Does this lead to “open cyberwarfare” which could then be a precursor to physical war? Is this already starting between Ukraine and Russia?
Then there is an attack that could bring down the entire internet, even if just temporarily. This could be tied into many of the above scenarios, but most likely would be with the big financial one.
Regardless of what the events looks like they will be used:
- To increase censorship
- To rollout digital ID’s
- To rollout CBDC’s
- To increase surveillance
- To crush cryptocurrencies
- To consolidate power and wealth to the powerful and wealthy
- To usher in pre-crime
It is my sense that this plan, whatever form it ultimately comes in, will actually be done in response to pushback. As the mainstream narrative collapses, as the people stand together, this is the follow up phase in their Great Reset of humanity.
My feeling is less than 10% of people are onboard the infinite booster plan. So as I’ve said before bigger shocks are needed to get us to their agenda items.
Based on the gaping wide holes in the narrative, on the average person being fed up with this stuff, I feel another big event very well could be happening sometime in 2022.
Here’s the good news. There is a Cyber Polygon 2022 and Cyber Storm VIII scheduled for “this year” and “Spring” respectively. It likely won’t take place until after these if they need more planning and coordinating.
…On the other hand, the fact that there are no dates, especially when Spring is coming up fast, is disconcerting!
Neither can we deny that training exercises “coincidentally” take place at the same time as real attacks.
It doesn’t look like they’re ready to rollout CBDC’s. So my guess is they are not yet ready for the big one that collapses the global financial system. But then again them not being ready is based on public information of CBDC rollout plans.
But, at the very least, 2022 will definitely see an escalation of
- Supply chain/infrastructure attacks
- Bordering on nation-state war cyber attacks
Discouraged? Find Your Courage…
I know being realistic about such stuff can feel like soul-crushing pessimism. You might be thinking “What’s the point?” for anything that you do. So let me offer some advice around that.
Getting yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready for what is coming is the most important part. The Worry Formula is:
- STEP 1: Ask, “What’s the worst that can possibly happen?” (Basically imagine these exercises as really happening)
- STEP 2: Prepare to accept the worst-case scenario if you have to (You’re not going to change it, so best to accept it)
- STEP 3: Calmly proceed to improve on the worst-case scenario (what CAN you do? I recommend meditating and/or journaling on this question)
Just as the pandemic was an initiation for many of us to courageously step up in the world, so too would this be a calling to up your game. The world needs real, strong, good men and women more than ever right now.
Understand that one of the aims of propaganda is demoralization. They want you to be morally defeated.
Don’t play into their hands so easily.
As you prepare, and I’ll give you some specifics to start with below, think about some of the following:
- What is worth doing even if the world falls apart around you?
- What builds your adaptability/antifragility both for right now and for such future events?
- What can you do that helps you now AND sets you in a better position for tomorrow?
- Can you build towards a future that is worth having regardless of the disruption or not?
One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.
Have faith that their plans are ultimately so audacious as to be doomed to failure. That this revelation and cleansing is needed to arrive at a more positive future in due time.
Pray for the best, ready yourself for the worst.
How to Personally Be Prepared
Civilization collapse stack. Start from the bottom and work your way up. Don’t forget that community is actually the most important part.
Of note, precious metals have been manipulated with downward pressure for years. At some point this will release, after all the same bankers making such plans aren’t hoarding them just for kicks.
It appears to me that release will be when the global financial system gets attacked, not before then.
Crypto is sexy and can be insanely profitable if you do it well. Crypto can help you build out the rest of the stack.
However, it is clear that it is very much a direct target of such cyber warfare. At the very least, it would likely crash with the economic chaos involved. Hedge properly. Here’s my courses/coaching available:
I don’t think they can stop Bitcoin. But they can co-opt crypto, steer the narrative, and seek to control everything around it.
If you own a business, make backups, even hard, physical copies. Look at your own security systems.
Seek out redundancy, no single points of failure. Make a plan and start acting on it.
Start building out your Plan B and Plan C.
As I relied heavily on on these two for this article I’ll give them the additional plug here. They are worth following for updated posts on these topics. There’s Tim Hinchliffe, the editor of The Sociable and Whitney Webb at Unlimited Hangout.
Thank you for reading this long article. I hope you’ve found it useful. If you are aware of anything I missed, or would like to add your two cents please do so in the comments below.
This is inevitable and it will have to happen. Disgruntled employees, displaced workers (dirty unvaccinated) and outright vandalism will probably become widespread. The collapse of the grid and telecom will not end civilization, but it will change it. All major utilities have been under constant attack the last 2 years and the attacks are causing disruptions. You will not read about this anywhere, but it is occurring on a daily basis. It is just a matter of time before it becomes too large to hide. The last major internet outage in the northeast was blamed on a fallen tree in New York. Total bs for a tree to cause an outage that large.
We ignored the history and now will repeat once again. Keep researching someday we may just join forces together.
Digital livestock,
Fear the devious rancher.
Destroy your cell phone.
Pretty abstract, but that is how reading this made me feel.
I don’t really even know how to process this (sigh). What was her name, Lucy? Where was the time in her dull day for drinking? Mandatory vaccine appointment reminders? Wow, if the new ruling class needs a messaging strategist, I got this. I cut my teeth on red-baiting, paranoia, and terror propaganda. I’m all schooled up on Bernays and Chomsky and I’m here to help 🙂
For example, it’s not a mandatory vaccine, it’s a quarterly injection of freedom from the fountain of youth. Dig? And Lucy was awfully healthy for someone spending so much time at the doctor, eh? What was up with that appointment? Were they too afraid to go with the phrase “compulsory diagnostics”? Perfect, that’s where I come in! How does Operation Endless Care sound? Welcome to the world militarized medicine.
Geez, IDK. A lot of the links had me really thinking about your phrase “captured agency.” That is so perfect. The CDC was cut-out of the early pandemic stuff and essentially told the policy they would be putting forward according to the Whitney stuff. Sound familiar?
How about some terror war nonsense? Remember the anthrax scare? The pandemic wouldn’t be the first time corporate media, pentagon (bioweapons), CIA, and big pharma got together and cooperated. Did you ever see where the anthrax origin was traced? Probably not. It came from Fort Dietrich, Maryland, if my memory is sharp. Couple that with the attached kindergarten messages from “Al Quada,” the anthrax vaccines that were somehow on standby, and the way the shots and endless boosters were forced upon DOD personnel and you have some fuckery worth a serious discussion. Now, one really starts to wonder about that WTC7 tower, eh?
(SIGH)… What to do? Is it possible to fix this from the inside? Michael Pollen wrote a book called how to change your mind and he detailed the history of this CIA dude named “Mr. Good Trips” that scored a bunch of acid and was determined to administer it to world leaders during the counter-culture phenomenon of the 60’s. Jim Morrison even sang about him https://youtu.be/wy_cFHs5xb4. Can someone please get Bill Gates and the billionaires in touch with nature and their humanity?
Regarding the anthrax, that too is covered in RFK’s book. Dark Winter was a pandemic preparation exercise that used anthrax and coincidentally happedn right before those attacks. Would it surprise you to learn that one of the main people behind that, Dr. Robert Kedlac, continued to play a role in such exercises? He was appointed Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Preparedness and Response by Trump and thus played a role in the COVID pandemic too.
Thanks Logan.
This is a lot of info to absorb, but makes a lot of sense of how things are falling into place.
One can pray and hope for the best while preparing for an other than nice outcome.
You’re welcome.