Positive Outlook

There’s an old Daoist story that I really like…

There lived an old farmer who had worked in his fields for many, many years. One day, his horse bolted away. His neighbors dropped in to commiserate with him. “What awful luck,” they tut-tutted sympathetically, to which the farmer only replied, “We’ll see.”

Next morning, to everyone’s surprise, the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How amazing is that!” they exclaimed in excitement. The old man replied, “We’ll see.”

A day later, the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses. He was thrown on the ground and broke his leg. Once more, the neighbors came by to express their sympathies for this stroke of bad luck. “We’ll see,” said the farmer politely.

The next day, the village had some visitors – military officers who had come with the purpose of drafting young men into the army. They passed over the farmer’s son, thanks to his broken leg. The neighbors patted the farmer on his back – how lucky he was to not have his son join the army! “We’ll see,” was all that the farmer said! (Sourced from https://blog.buddhagroove.com/zen-story-cause-and-effect/)

We’re going through tumultuous times. There’s no denying that!

And pretty much all of what I’ve been sharing is scary stuff. Weaponized viruses. 5G control grids. Mandatory vaccines. Total government surveillance. And world leaders that appear to be part of various criminal cartels.

That is the case…and yet I am still positive. I am hopeful for the future.

I had an impactful dream earlier this month…

I was inside a building with big glass windows overlooking a beach. Waves were coming up near it. And then the waves were coming up against the glass. Some people were trapped in the waves and getting pressed up against the glass. Then a tsunami was coming, a wave so massive it was frightening. When the wave hit, the glass shattered all around. Chaos! And yet I was off, somehow safe, merely observing this to happen.

What does it mean?

I’ve been recording and analyzing my dreams for years. And I think this one for the most part is obvious. Waves are still coming. It’s going to get worse, aka the tsunami is still coming.

That was my immediate conscious reading. But deep in a hypnotic state I asked for more guidance around this.

Water in dreams is often a spiritual sign. What came to me was that these were cleansing waves. Yes, they’re going to destroy in the short term. Yes, it’s going to hurt and even kill people. However, in the longer term this is cleaning out old structures…ones that need to be cleaned out.

It’s like in the Daoist story above. We shall see. What seems extremely bad in the short term may prove out to be better in the long term (although we’ll then see how that turns out!).

That long term might be in just a few years. Or maybe it is centuries. I don’t know. I certainly don’t have a crystal ball here.

We live in a universe of possibilities. I choose to see the positive potential futures in front of us. I aim for that. I orient my heart to that. And that helps me stay positive.

While fear and despair may be normal reactions to what is going on it’s important not to stay there. Doing so means giving whatever dark forces we’re up against even more power.

Grief for what is lost is okay.

Pre-grieving what is going to undoubtedly occur is even better. (Good to be ahead of the ball.)

And yet it is absolutely critical to see the positive possibilities. Being hopeful does not mean being naïve. You can be positive yet still grounded, realistic and adaptable.

Understand that as the grip of power gets tighter and tighter, more people slip through. More people are forced to reckon with what is going on. For example, I’ve had conversations with people about stuff I’ve literally never had conversations about previous. And with people I wouldn’t have expected to be similarly seeing through the lies.

The noose is tightening ever so slowly. But this does give us a chance to slip it off before it is too late.

Tomorrow I’ll cover what can and needs to be done. (I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I’ve been thinking about this and people are starting to ask…)

But first, one other related positive piece. The only thing that is sighing, groaning under the pressure is human civilization. It may just be breaking…and we have to be okay with that. After all so much of what was going on was unsustainable, meaning it has to break at some point.

And yet, through all this nature is still the same.

The sunrise hasn’t been affected by the virus or the economy.

Walk into a forest and you wouldn’t know that the world is falling apart. Because the Earth itself isn’t.

My two year old daughter doesn’t know what is going on. She’s a bundle of joy I get to play with each day now, the same as months ago before all this craziness.

Now is a better time than most to get back to nature. (Even if it’s illegal to do so.)

Recognize that death and dying is part of nature, a part that is absolutely necessary to allow new life to come forth.

Get aligned with nature, which includes all of our human nature, and you’ll do okay no matter what happens.

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