Thank you to everyone that has responded to these emails.
The response from “I was Leaving California for Medical Freedom” was especially big and heartfelt. So again, thank you.
Doing this series is a LOT of work, but I’m finding it very rewarding to do so. I’ll be taking tomorrow off for a much needed break.
I have two big topics that I plan to cover in the coming week. One is the collapse of the dollar and the movement into digital currencies. The other is around fake news and censorship. Both of these are going to be multiple part series that I’ll probably jump back and forth between.
And there is still so much to cover besides that too!
I wanted to share the following message. I actually wrote this near the start of March. You know, before the coronavirus pandemic broke, events were canceled, nations were quarantined, markets collapsed.
I guess I was onto something…

How Fluid is your Reality?
Do you recognize that at least 50% of everything you believe is wrong? (I’m not saying I have it right, I’m saying this is true for everyone myself included!)
Think about the people living in the year 2320, how they’ll look back at you and I and laugh at the crazy things we believed. Just like we do now for those in the past or in other cultures. Those silly people, how could they believe such crap?
I ask, how fluid is your reality?
Can you see the perspectives of people completely different from you living today? (Or do you think everyone that doesn’t share your illustrious opinion is an idiot?)
Can you understand, truly wrap your heart and mind around, why someone with a different political stance has those beliefs?
Here’s a fun one…Can you wear the shoes of a conspiracy theorist for a month?
Do you challenge your beliefs by looking into the other side(s)…or do you simply except your echo chamber’s experts’ opinions uncritically?
Recognize that life is changing faster and faster.
There are several life-threatening possibilities on the horizon near and further.
Even if there are no catastrophes, there’s plenty of revolutions that will change daily life coming, for both good and ill. (Think about this, smart phones didn’t exist yet in 2005, the public internet until 1990.)
How will you adapt?
It helps if you’re not so rigid in your worldview.
How deep can you mine your beliefs to test bending and breaking them? Can you even try out altering those things that you don’t even think of as beliefs, instead just the…way…things…are.
Methinks that reality fluidity is a necessary skill set for navigating today.