Social Engineering around Conspiracy Theories

“There has never been a conspiracy in this country.”

Did you know that ex-CIA officer “Dewey” Clarridge actually said this?

Never? Never ever? Because I’m pretty sure I could find hundreds of proven examples.

Yesterday we talked about social engineering in how people need to police each other. A friend of mine following this series wrote after yesterday’s post:

“I’ve had so many people fly off the handle at a statement as basic as “when you add everything up it doesn’t make sense””

Be warned…if you say anything is fishy you risk being labeled a conspiracy theorist! And your opinions deserve to be shut down.

In few places has the social engineering been as pronounced as the use of this derogatory term for an automatic shutdown of conversation.

There was some people discussing the coronavirus in a business group I’m part of on an online forum. Of course, someone threw in this comment so I felt it necessary to write this post.

“I look at the science and don’t waste time and energy on conspiracy theories. There will always be nutters trying to get in the way of common sense.”

Oh vey! Nutters. Tin-foil hat. Whack-jobs. Quacks. Lunatics. But what about…

Big Tobacco looked at science too. They funded their own. (So have plastics, oil, foods, drugs, etc.)

To that I say: Watergate. Iran-Contra. MK-Ultra. CIA overthrowing the leader of Iran.

Or you can get a bit more creative.

COINTELPRO, you know where the FBI illegally spied on people it deemed radical including the Black Panthers, Anti-Vietnam protestors, even environmentalists and engaged in psychological warfare against them. They tried to get Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide.

Operation Sea-Spray, you know where the U.S. Navy spayed bacteria into San Francisco to study germ warfare killing at least one person.

That’s just one example of many of hidden testing of biological, chemical and radioactive materials on people. Here’s a report of how the US Army did so on Canadians.

The Gulf of Tonkin being a false flag event, you know where it led us into the Vietnam War.

Operation Midnight Climax, you know where the CIA paid prostitutes to lure and drug men before having sex with them. This was of course observed and recorded, then used for sexual blackmail.

But come on Logan, this stuff is all so old? We don’t engage in any of that anymore.

How about Snowden?

How about Operation Fast and Furious, you know where the ATF allowed Mexican Cartels to buy guns from the US, which were used to kill Americans and Mexicans, in order to ramp up gun restrictions.

How about the the many, many crimes I’ve pointed out in my Medical Monopoly series.

And let’s talk about the Rockefellers. Yep, you can’t have a good conspiracy without them being involved!

I’m not going to go into detail about the back story of that here. (Not yet, though probably soon as actions a century ago reveals something extremely important but hard to see today.)

Instead I want David Rockefeller, CEO of Chase -Manhattan Bank to speak for himself.

He wrote in his Memoirs (2003), “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

From the horse’s mouth. Guilty of conspiring.

I’m not saying it’s all part of one grand conspiracy. I’m saying that lots and lots of people are conspiring all the time.

To me, it makes MORE sense that we assume some level of conspiracy and operate from that assumption rather than dismissing ideas as conspiracy nonsense from the get go.

Did the Chinese conspire to hide serious of the pandemic?

Was there conspiring to weaponize a virus?

Did some in the US government know what was coming, but sat on their hands allowing it to happen?

Did some conspire to profit off the market changes coming up?

I’ll let you theorize from here.

P.S. Here’s a fun video from James Corbett. Be warned, he’s a full-blown conspiracy theorist.

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