Stickering with The White Rose

I mentioned the White Rose on the Taking Dissident Action video the other week. But I felt it was worth diving deeper on for a number of reasons.

There is hope! What we need is people to stand up and take action. Just doing what you can do, whatever you can do, will inspire others to do the same.

It doesn’t take 50% of the people. It only takes a threshold amount which can then start a cascade. People are already dancing. Will you join them?

The masks and lockdowns weren’t enough for people to act collectively on. But as vaccine mandates and passports roll out enough people are saying “No!”

What is the White Rose?

Throughout this article I’ll be borrowing from their website,, and their Telegram channel.

“The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activists—each a powerful one person operation—all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. United by a common cause and methodology, our mission is to inspire healthy skepticism, critical thought and righteous dissent in the face of ubiquitous government and corporate media propaganda, mass authoritarian groupthink, and an official Covid-19 narrative riddled with logical inconsistencies, quasi-religious dogmatism and outright lies. In an age of rampant internet censorship, where all dissenting voices are silenced, and only Big Tech approved viewpoints are permitted a platform, we have taken the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers!”

The History of the White Rose

It’s interesting. I’ve seen quite a few different people talk about what is going on today as a parallel of Nazi Germany. Obviously, it hasn’t gotten that bad (yet), but there certainly are important lessons to learn from history.

See Charles Eisenstein draw the parallels in this masterful article here. (And of course he was called anti-Semitic for doing so because we know how the smear campaigns work.)

See C.J. Hopkins discuss flipping the Nazis use of an inverted red triangle “to designate their political opponents and members of the anti-Nazi resistance.”

And so it is with the name behind the White Rose…

“Our name is an homage to the WW2-era underground resistance group—active within Nazi Germany—who at great personal peril published and distributed a series of leaflets calling for active opposition to the Nazi regime. The courage, wisdom and ultimate sacrifice of Sophie and Hans Scholl, and all of their brave student allies, continues to inform and inspire us nearly 80 years later.”

Censorship Ramp Up

The internet is censored. Only to a degree, but ever growing, as censorship always does. Understand, it was just over two years to go from kicking Alex Jones off YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify, to censoring newspapers and even the president of the US online. Two years and a few months. Where do you think censorship will be two years from now?

It’s not going to stop. It’s going to get worse.

All the more incentive to stop people from congregating…as they did with the lockdowns. In totalitarian Australia, they’re telling people to not even speak to one another!

Enter the low tech sticker. They can’t censor the real world. Not nearly as well, anyway.

Of course, I have no illusions that these stickers will change the minds of anyone that is a diehard Covid cultist. As has become quite clear, even logical, evidence-based arguments won’t change their minds. They will tear the stickers down.

But there are some that are seeing the cracks in the narrative. (There are SO MANY after all!) It just doesn’t make sense to an increasing amount of normies.

My favorite stickers get them to ponder such things a bit more.

Still, these stickers are not really about changing anyone’s mind.


I see these stickers primarily as being a recruitment tool. You’ll see that each and every sticker has a QR code and link to their Telegram group.

There’s a network effect involved. They run surveys in their group. Over time I see the percentage coming from “Saw a sticker” increasing. (I first heard about it from another Telegram channel which is still the leading place.)

If you’re not familiar with it, Telegram is an open source, secure and as of right now, censorship free social media platform. It’s usable on any device. I’ve personally taken to using it more so than any other platform.

The White Rose is still small but they’re growing too. Still waiting for the hockey stick, but that is coming.

I saw the group. I joined the group. I got myself a printer. I’ve printed stickers. I’ve handed them to other people. I’ve put them around town. And now I’m writing an article all about it.

You too can join in these steps if you’d like.

I have seen stickers from other people around town, not just my own efforts. That sure was a good feeling when I spotted the first one.

Let me tell you, this is fun to do! It feels like you’re doing something. Yes, it’s small. Tiny against what feels like insurmountable odds. But you never know the butterfly effects that might be involved.

What if one sticker you place recruits someone who puts out thousands?

What if the stickers plant a seed in the mind of someone that is on the fence?

Besides it gets you outside and walking around, which pretty much everyone could use more of. And taking action, however small, will surely lead to more.

Decentralization and Local Action

If it was just about stickers and recruiting people to do stickers, I wouldn’t be that excited about it. We’ve certainly got more to do against the worldwide propaganda campaign.

But that’s only the beginning.

This group is decentralized. While it seemingly started up in the UK, beyond the main group, there are groups forming for each country, each state, even down to the city and county level.

From this I’ve started finding people in my local area that are on the same page. Just yesterday I attended a Recall Governor Newsom overpass rally and met like-minded people, including one person I found through a Telegram group similar to this. I handed out some stickers too, of course.

From that I learned about another group of people meeting that I’ll be attending next week.

There’s true grassroots political action forming. There’s talk of boycotting those that demand vaccines, and supporting those that don’t.

Sure, grassroots has been happening for a long time. But I’ve never been politically active. I’ve got plenty else to do! However, I understand that it is NOW or NEVER. And so I’m doing what I can.

If the powers that be can successfully mandate what gets injected into people’s body, they pretty much have complete control. The other pieces of the agenda just have to fall into place after that.

Now is the time to rise up. You’re not the only one doing so.

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