How much of what we’re seeing is top down control? How much is bottoms up systemic effects? These questions are those that I’ve been wrestling with for a long time now.
This is the first in a two part series. The next one covers these aspects specifically along the lines of systemic collapse vs. controlled demolition. That’s what I really want to understand strategically to better plan for the future. But before we can go there there’s some groundwork to lay.
Life is complex systems. These are very, very, very tricky to understand. (I’ve mentioned it several times before but Thinking in Systems is highly recommended reading.)
Most people don’t believe in conspiracy theories for a couple of reasons. One, they can’t really fathom evil, and I’ve covered that topic before. (Whether systemically or by design many even deny it exists!)
Secondly, and relevant to this article, they think that so many people would need to be in on it. But that’s not actually true.
If you missed my recent Industry Playbook chapter on Ideological Allies, please go read it. This will help you to understand how people can believe things despite all the evidence to the contrary. How an ideological position (one you assume is not ideological but factual) will make you outright dismiss any evidence that doesn’t fit.
I’m guessing you have experience with this among your family and friends these days!
I know many extremely smart people that have beliefs regarding the pandemic that run from one end of the spectrum all the way over to the other. In my opinion, intelligence has NOTHING to do with it.
Understanding that we are all deluded, you and me included, is a tough thing to wrap your mind around. Smart people especially don’t want to admit it because it challenges their intelligence and ability to know. (Hint, hint, doctors, scientists perhaps most of all. After all that spent so many years in school. So maybe intelligence does have something to do with it…being inversely correlated with truth-seeking!)

Of course, I think I’m less deluded than most…but I take my own beliefs, even what I perceive as facts, with a grain of salt.
I try to learn from my own past ideological leanings and how I believe extremely different things these days. And of course I didn’t think I was being ideological at the time! (To humble me I’ll share that I thought that bodyweight exercise was the only fitness worth doing at one point, everything else was stupid. I also believed that raw food was THE best way to eat for humans. Silly me. Just two examples and there sure are more.)
Systems themselves can give rise to much of what we’re seeing.
The sociopathic-by-structure corporate drive for meeting next quarter’s profits per share target. One corner being cut leads to the next.
The need to get grants steers scientists in certain directions and not others. Not being able to get funding for anything besides the next cancer drug keeps them focused on the next cancer drug and its reductionist pathway target. The economic incentive of staying on this track are great. The pitfalls of going outside it are significant.
The filter bubbles caused by social media drive polarization further.
There is no doubt that these things are going on. There’s no denying that our systems give rise to emergent properties. The question is how much of these things are only that, and how much are driven top down? Let’s explore more systemic complexities first.
Layered Deception of Kayfabe
I’ve talked about politics as pro wrestling before. Keep in mind, I was watching WWE as a teenager when Trump was on it.
Here are two videos that discuss an important concept to understand, kayfabe, as laid out by Eric Weinstein.
(A third video in this series is coming…)
We have layers and layers of systems that have problems. This argument is that MOST of the deception is not intentional but is self-deception that balloons out of control that reflexively feed back on themselves and other systems.
That we can’t even tell much of the difference between what is real, what is fake, and what is some weird combination of both. Work, shoots and worked shoots.
This leads to people seeing some small lens of things, not realizing the false assumptions they’re standing on.
These things can build over decades. Your entire life can and does involve some illusion that you don’t even think to question.
The assumptions are not a single thing, but layers of them. What are your chances of seeing ten layers deep into social and cultural assumptions? It’s even smaller than a healthy child’s chances of dying from COVID!
Project yourself out to being someone living in 2321. They’ll look back at our time and laugh at so many of the beliefs we don’t even question. Just like you could do so to anyone in 1721.
The divide between the right and left might as well be between people living 300 years apart from each other. Their worldview’s just don’t even have space to match up.
For example, the scientist that doesn’t even realize the whole house of cards is built on a foundation of a materialist philosophy…one that has been falsified a thousand times over. But many don’t realize it. The implicit assumptions was never pointed out in their years and years of schooling.
It’s the Semmelweis reflex all over again, one thousand times over.
Chomsky’s Propaganda Model…and Being Blind to Propaganda
I’m reading Manufacturing Consent right now. Fantastic book. Very detailed in showing how the media toes the line. That in many cases this can be seen as a systemic effect.
On this topic there’s a fascinating exchange between a journalist, Andrew Marrs, and Chomsky discussing the latter’s propaganda model. (Transcript from Mint Press News.)
Marr: ‘I’m just interested in this because I was brought up like a lot of people, probably post-Watergate film and so on, to believe that journalism was a crusading craft and there were a lot of disputatious, stroppy, difficult people in journalism. And I have to say, I think I know some of them.’
Chomsky: ‘Well, I know some of the best, and best-known, investigative reporters in the United States – I won’t mention names – whose attitude towards the media is much more cynical than mine. In fact, they regard the media as a sham. And they know, and they consciously talk about how they try to play it like a violin. If they see a little opening, they’ll try to squeeze something in that ordinarily wouldn’t make it through. And it’s perfectly true that the majority – I’m sure you’re speaking for the majority of journalists who are trained – have it driven into their heads, that this is a crusading profession, adversarial, we stand up against power. A very self-serving view. On the other hand, in my opinion, I hate to make a value judgement but, the better journalists and, in fact, the ones who are often regarded as the best journalists have quite a different picture. And I think a very realistic one.’
Marr: “How can you know that I’m self-censoring? How can you know that journalists are…’
Chomsky: “I’m not saying your self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.’
Well-worth understanding. It’s ideological positioning once again.
Chomsky’s propaganda model shows how journalism has been corrupted, without requiring worldwide conspiracy. It’s simply finding those that believe what you want to believe to further what you want believed. It’s upregulating their messages, while downregulating those that oppose.
And yet here’s the mind-warping part. It’s curious to see that Chomsky buys into some mainstream narratives hook-line-and-sinker.
Is he controlled opposition? Or does this just go to show how the layers of deception, very few can get through? (To go deeper into understand propaganda, from someone who taught the subject in college and personally knew Chomsky but goes “deeper” than him, listen to this fantastic interview between Whitney Webb and Mark Crispin Miller.)
Another example. Naomi Klein wrote The Shock Doctrine, detailing how totalitarian and economic shocks are used to disrupt a populace allowing others to plunder.
Amazing book, that helped me to understand history better. It has been shown in countless South American countries, in Africa, in Iran, in Iraq, in Russian. And yet Klein can’t see it happening right now across the entire world as they reformat the worldwide economy. She dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy smoothie.” Is she controlled opposition? Or does she just not see how the pieces fit because of some ideological positions she possesses?
So is this really just systems going crazy? Let’s look at the other lens from which to view things, the top down conspiratorial lens.
The Opacity of Conspiracy
This is something that I’ve long wrestled with in my investigations of conspiracy. This is the part that drives me crazy, and has led to this article.
Definitions of Opacity:
- obscurity of sense : UNINTELLIGIBILITY
- the quality or state of a body that makes it impervious to the rays of light
- broadly : the relative capacity of matter to obstruct the transmission of radiant energy
Definition of Conspiracy:
- the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal
By its very definition of secrecy, conspiracy creates opacity.
We see conspiracies come to light many times. Big tobacco was a 50+ year conspiracy. Known cases of pharmaceutical conspiracies. Tons and tons of examples are available. Why do these conspiracies become revealed? Usually, it has to do with documented evidence and/or insiders that reveal something.
But these are what I’ll call “run-of-the-mill” conspiracies. They’re small enough to come to light. Many of these can be explained completely, or at least mostly, simply by looking at the systems at play.
Yet, the deeper down the rabbit hole we go, the more secrecy there is. The more layers of conspiracy exist. The more intentional disinformation exists. The more certain things must be universally denied.
And at the same time, the less actual PROOF exists.

Conspiracy research is best at falsifying the official stories/mainstream narratives. It’s relatively easy to find the lies. Actually knowing the truth is another matter entirely!
A recent Industry Playbook chapter discusses destroying evidence. That some things have come out simply leads to those conspiring to destroy more or better yet not create ANY evidence in the first place.
The bankers meeting annually at the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) meet in seclusion and write nothing down. Groups such as Bilderberg release nothing. For a long time it was even denied that the Bilderberg group existed.
The deeper you go, the more opaque it becomes.
We know Bill Gates is up to some nefarious things from your and my point of view. Blocking the sun to combat climate change. Genetically modifying mosquitoes to squelch malaria. Quantum dots vaccine tattoos, using luciferase enzymes. Lying about his relationship to Jeffrey Epstein (fun video below). Being the biggest US farmland owner and driving more towards GMO’s, pesticides and ultraprocessed food despite the evidence showing these do not help yields or health. Monopolizing philanthropy through and through.
But it IS possible he believes he is doing good!
…It’s also possible that he’s part of some generational Luciferian cult.
I do not know the absolute truth about what goes on in Bill Gates mind and life. I don’t pretend too. But I know enough to know I’m very much opposed to his plans.
The official story that Gates is a philanthropist earnestly seeking to help the world falls apart on closer inspection.
The deeper question. Is he the ringleader?
If not, who (or what) does he answer to? That answer is opaque. I would argue that it is unanswerable as of right now. Those that claim they know the answer, without actually being in on the conspiring with Gates himself, are deluding themselves.
Sure there are hints, even strong hints, that things are darker, but knowing for sure feels out of our grasps.
In other words, are Gates, Fauci and others the leaders of the pandemic? They could be. Personally, I doubt it…but I don’t know for sure.
Surely, no one thinks that Biden is actually in charge. It’s been talked about that presidents were puppets going back at least decades, but this presidency does it much more in your face.
How Far Up Does Control Go? To Whom?
Have you heard any or all of these before? The controller’s of our world are the…
- Rothschilds
- Rockefellers
- Nazis
- Zionists (oh darn, I guess I’m anti-semitic now)
- Reptilians
- Freemasons
- Skull & Bones
- AI
- Illuminati
- Khazarians
- Thirteen Families
- Jesuits
- Luciferians
- Satan
- Annunaki
Do you claim with 100% certainty that you know the answer? I sure don’t. I attempt to stay grounded in provable conspiring as much of the time as I possibly can.
Have you NOT heard of all of these? Then you’re likely in a conspiracy filter bubble and should probably look outside of it.
(And what possibilities am I not even aware of because of my own?)
From where I stand, the answer is totally opaque.
Even if it is some dark, evil force (that some call Satan), surely there are other intermediaries involved? That just gets us asking the same question again of who is controlling what.
The question “Are their different shadowy factions competing?” adds still more opacity to this topic.
THE Answer
Nevermind, while writing this article I found THE Answer. (sarcasm)

I forget where I saw this but had to save it. How could you possibly say for sure that THIS is how everything works?
It gets very fuzzy just the first level up, five times as much the second level up. By the third level here you’re swimming in pure mystery!
All this opacity lends itself to controlled opposition, disinformation, limited hangouts and more. This makes it even more opaque. Mind-numbing dizziness.
Maybe Naomi Klien is right. This does look like a conspiracy smoothie to me.
On the other hand, while I highly doubt the exact specifics of that chart, I concede that it could be something LIKE that. As one of the sheeple, I’m not in a very good position to judge.
Awake doesn’t mean Awake
Things got bad with Covid. This has caused many new people to “wake up.”
I don’t really like that phrase. Just because you’re “awake” to one layer of deception, doesn’t mean you’re still dreaming through the next nine.
This much I can tell you is true. It didn’t start with Covid. It goes back further than that. Things got bad with 9/11…
No, it goes back further than that. The “original” coup was the CIA killing JFK…
No, it goes back further than that. Things changed after WW2 when the Nazis went underground and Bretton Woods changed everything…
No, things really changed with Rockefeller philanthropy and the Federal Reserve being created at the turn of the 20th century…
No, things have been controlled for longer than that. The Catholic church was controlled by the Jesuits and the Black Nobility…
No, (this was a brand new one to me I heard about recently), almost all of our history is wrong because of the Tartarian empire that has been erased from history books and our timelines rewritten…
No, you have to go back further than that, to Atlantis, Lemuria and the hidden civilizations with bloodlines and secret knowledge passed down for millennia…
No, you have to go back to the progenitor aliens that lived (still live in Antartica?) that tweaked our DNA to create our species.
The other layer of opacity is time. The further back you go, the harder it is to pin down with anything even remotely resembling certainty.
Do you claim with 100% certainty that you know the answer? I sure don’t. I attempt to stay grounded in provable history of the past hundred years or so! And do you know how much has happened just in the last century? It’s dizzying.
But suppose some of these deeper layers go back hundreds or even thousands of years. If that is the case, then actual top-down control becomes more feasible because what do they know about how the world, how reality itself, actually works that we’re led to not believe?
Influence vs. Control
Truthfully, it’s not a question of top down conspiracy for control, or bottom up systematic emergent properties. It’s both.
I wrote the following as part of my WHO deep dive (World Health Organization). It covers the WHO, but the idea pertains to every single institution that exists. This covers how conspiring will infect and grow over time.
That’s why the way I see it, it’s not so much about control as about influence.
If Big Pharma can get policies and decisions swayed in their favor just 10% of the time, as I’ll prove shortly they’ve done over and over again, that gives them an unfair advantage. If one high-up person is “in their pocket” and they make a decision on a policy that has lasting impact this has occurred.
This then means through time they’ll continue to benefit allowing for more similar actions to be taken. In other words, the 10% compounds over time.
It also means that the one person becomes two, becomes five. Any degree of corruption at high levels allows for more corrupt people, not less, to gain more power. After all, almost all of these positions are appointed not elected. (And we know elections can be gamed too!)
Corruption spreads. In a backroom deal someone basically says you do this thing for us you’ll get the position. With the position you help us gain more profits and power so we incentivize the next person…
At the same time corruption stops “good people” from being successful. They get locked out in one fashion or another. We’ll see examples of that from employees of the WHO blowing the whistle later on.
If Gates can earmark certain funds he donates to specific projects, and those projects involve buying drugs from companies he is invested in, personally or through his foundation, that’s a serious conflict of interest at the very least. He then gains money that allows him to further influence the WHO.
Understand, because the WHO is a large organization, with about 7000 employees, these kinds of things can be occurring while there are also legitimate, good lifesaving projects also being done. It’s not black and white or an either/or thing, it is both/and situation.
Although systems are important, understand that these come down to people making decisions. Thus, it may be best to think of the people involved in a few different buckets:
1. There are some really good people that are genuinely striving to solve the world’s health problems.
2. There are some that are simply bureaucratic types that may not influence things one way or another. They’re largely just doing their jobs, punching the clock.
3. There are some that are undoubtedly and fully corrupt. (Remember, sociopaths exist and they have a higher than average chance of rising in position because of such!)
4. There are those that allow corruption in small ways (such as a consultancy fee from a pharmaceutical company). As we know from doctors that attend pharma sponsored events, meals or receive kickbacks, they make think they’re then making independent choices but their actions show they’ve been swayed.
The saying is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. With these types of people involved and with money involved, corruption is pretty much inevitable…even if the majority of people are in group one!
The question is not whether the WHO is corrupt or not. Instead the big question is how much corruption is involved? How much harmful influence is involved? This exploration is not exhaustive but is meant to give us some answers to these questions.
Right now, we’re talking about worldwide influence. Not just the WHO but the FDA, the CDC, the NIH and these equivalent health institutions in every single country.
Not just health but politics, economics, journalism, education, activists, foundations…every institution and system.
How deep and far do the tentacles reach? How long have the tentacles been reaching?
Long enough and deep enough to pervade every institution it seems!
This is scary to look at, which is why most people don’t. But everywhere you look you find this corrupting influence going on. That is where the evidence leads.
Using the Top Down Control Lens to See the World
We’re going through The Great Reset, right? We’ve moved into the New Normal.
We’ve seen their plans for the future. The complete control gird of a technocractic utopia/dystopia. Plugged into the Matrix with our microchips, nanobots, vaccine passports, AI controlled, with climate and social credits. Babies born in test tubes. Genderless too! “You’ll own nothing and be happy” as predicted/planned by the World Economic Forum…and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World before that.
You…not we. Someone will be owning everything, even all of nature herself with new “natural asset companies”. That someone appears to be BlackRock and Vanguard, though those are the vehicles with the exact owners obscured behind them further.
In short, they’re turning us into the Borg. Technocratic enslavement is the agenda. And doing it without the people recognizing its happening is key. That’s because the best slave is one that thinks they’re free. Slaves don’t revolt if they don’t realize they are slaves.
The good news is we’re still a ways from that agenda being complete. (Though arguments can and have been made that we have enslaved for a long time. Watch this short video to understand that.)
“They” Plan for Decades
A consistent critique of conspiracy theorists is that they want the safety and security of understanding how the world works. While this is undoubtedly true of most, as can be told by this article, it’s not true of me. I encourage you to be a “Conspiracy Theorist 2.0,” not being married to a specific who deep down the rabbit hole.
All the best sources I follow think along these lines. Because of the opacity, it’s the only accurate opinion to say we don’t know for sure.
One of the reasons that I like the information shared by Catherine Austin Fitts is that she often talks about unanswered questions, all the things she doesn’t know.
She uses the term “Mr. Global” to describe the opaque, shadowy governance that actually runs things. (Desiring control of 100% of the globe being one a big part of the plan.)
Here’s a great recent interview with her giving the big picture with some verifiable evidence discussed.
Looking at this systemically, humans are seeking to steer our cultures all the time. It’s human nature to control things. There’s just many competing interests from corporations, to nation-states, to NGO’s, to technological determinism itself.
But imagining that there is top-down control of the world, steering of our civilization, is a useful lens to look at the world. Use it to look at the world and think differently.
It is clear that there is some form of a worldwide conspiracy even if we don’t know all the details. That country after country has dealt with the virus almost in lockstep is proof of that.
(Pay no attention to the 2010 Lock Step scenario in Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development which talks about a deadly pandemic sweeping the world. And how China fared best by locking down completely. They write, “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.” Who published this? The Rockefeller Foundation. Funny how reality copies from think tank papers and events funded by such people so often, isn’t it?)
If we do not know how governance actually works, not how we collectively pretend it to work, it sure makes it harder to predict the future. But still I strive to.
Certain layers of such planning are not opaque. Certain players, even if they are not the top of the pyramid, are known.
Going back to kayfabe, how much of what we think of as reality worked shoots? Consider the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco. Was it a fiasco? Or was it planned to come off as a fiasco? For how many and what agenda items did it check off?
In other words was that part of systemic collapse, or was that controlled demolition? In the next part we’ll take these concepts further and specifically looking at current and future events.
Pretty much sums it up. Good luck trying to get the mindless masses to figure it out. I think we’ve reached the point where we should all start getting together, rather than try and wake others up. To learn more, so that when the time comes, we will be few; but we will be powerful. And liberty will win out. It’s inevitable.
I have to try 😉
But even so, I think you’re right about getting together. I too think liberty will win out…I just hope it is sooner rather than later. Before the end of my lifetime definitely.
I think the time of reckoning is coming within the next few years. They’ve put all their efforts into the scamdemic and can’t get out of it anymore. They’ve simply gone too far.
I’m with you on that. In the next part I’ll be talking about how we’ve likely only seen the prologue of The Great Reset unfortunately.
I’m actually looking forward to the Great Reset. Governments and Big Corporations are always off in what they want to accomplish because they are so unwieldy and incompetent. Not to mention that their inherent lack of empathy makes them unable to truly gauge what people will do in response. For the unthinking masses, they do alright; but for the individuals who see them for what they are, they don’t fare so well. The Great Reset will happen, but my money’s on it being a reset for liberty. Too many people that matter are getting too many of their buttons pushed.
I’ve said that before. We DO need a great reset, just not the one they’re pitching.
Interesting for sure.
What was the meaning of the Afghan withdrawal? I’m pretty much overwhelmed with what I don’t understand.
TY for studying the matter of our future. I’m like Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf, I can check out anytime, but my goal is to get to 50 and see what happens. My daughter must live through this. The future is uncertain, but I do not share the optimism of boomers brought up in that magical 1944-71 period…
Things happen faster than we can keep up with. That’s for sure.
I certainly don’t think I’d be doing the same things or thinking the same way if I didn’t have my daughter either.
It has been a while I wanted to take 2 sec. to thank you!
First for the good quality herbs and after for all the content you create.
What’s happening in the world right now is crazy and I realized I can’t handle too much investigation.
Reading you is always insightful and it can even lift me up a little…
You’re welcome and glad to hear it.
I love what you’re doing here brother! It’s like we are on the same wave link! The Kayfabe stuff was spot on! On something I couldn’t put into words until you drew it up like that!
Grew up on WWF/E its fascinating those 2 videos you shared it was a brilliant connection and now I’m super interested in 1971!
I also follow some of Catherine Austin Fitts and some of the people she interviews with(to many to name probably)
Great great stuff! You are the king of the Herbs and the Oracle of Laying out what we are all seeing in plan language!
Keep blazin brother!
Thank you. Well, it wasn’t me so much as Eric Weinstein for the kayfabe stuff. He’s a smart guy, even if we don’t agree on anything.