Where There’s Money to Be Made…

Perverse financial incentives make the world go ‘round…and will continue to make it do so.

Forgive me for going back in time in what may seem as off-topic, but I assure you it is critically important and related to today’s events. I originally wrote part of this as an unreleased issue of Medical Monopoly Musings…

Have you heard about Susan Willey?

She becomes head of the FDA. During her time she allows rampant conflicts of interest in her agency.

The Office of Inspector General issued a withering report in 2009 stating they found “a systemic lack of oversight of the ethics program.” That the agency “did not ensure that financial disclosure forms were complete in 2007.” That they “did not identify or resolve potential conflicts of interest for 64 percent of special Government employees in 2007.”

During her time as director, a controversial drug is released, one that has such issues that Japan drops it from recommendations entirely (but is becoming even more recommended here in the USA.)

Susan is successful! Forbes names her the 24th Most Powerful Woman in 2008. She receives the Surgeon General’s Medallion for “actions of exceptional achievement to the cause of public health and medicine.”

After her time as director of FDA ending in 2009, she moves on to pharmaceutical giant Merck, as president of the division that produces this controversial drug.

In case you don’t know much about Merck, they’re one of the biggest pharmaceutical giants. And since 2000, they’ve paid a total of $3.3 billion in penalties for their crimes including: https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/merck

  • $1.4 billion for off-label or unapproved promotions
  • $818 million for fifteen violations making false claims
  • $508 million for safety violations
  • $345 million for two counts of bribery
  • $36 million for price-fixing
  • $500000 for breaking the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • $750000 for insider trading and securities fraud
  • And much more

In her new cushy position there, it is estimated that Susan earns $2.5 million per year as an executive. Here are some of her Merck stock sales which are publicly available:

  • Jan 2020 – $9.1M (Looks like she knew something! Did she simply witness what was going on…or was she tipped off like some of our senators told their donors?)
  • Aug 2019 – $569K
  • Nov 2018 – $1.9M
  • May 2018 – $594K
  • Nov 2016 – $3.5M
  • May 2015 – $1.6M

Do you have a problem with this revolving door?

Is it very suspicious to say the least?

…Except I’ve lied to you…

Her name is not Susan Willey. Her name is Julie Gerberding.

She was not head of the FDA but the CDC.

Everything else is true.

The controversial drug was Gardasil, a vaccine. In fact, Merck makes the majority of vaccines on the CDC schedule.

Everyone knows that Big Pharma is made up of many crooks…but somehow NOT when it comes to vaccines. Why is that?

I know, I know I’m treading some crazy waters here. I’m sure I’ll see the unsubscribes spike. But please stick with me for just a little bit. If I’ve earned any of your trust thus far let me ask that you use it up here.

I’m going to show you undeniable proof that the CDC lies. Spend 7 minutes watching this video for that.

Here’s the link to the court document that lists the studies provided by the CDC as proof of their claims: https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Stipulation-and-Order-Fully-Executed.pdf

For fair and balanced reporting check out the CDC’s website, which provides some of these studies for you. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/autism.html (Notice the lack of clear and concise referencing of material.)

Please, anyone that thinks I’m anti-science, that I’m an idiot for falling prey to anti-vaxxer propaganda, please, please explain this to me.

You don’t need to read every page of the studies to find that what Del is saying is true. Those studies do not prove what was asked to be proved and you can see that from the titles alone.

The CDC’s mountain of evidence is little more than a molehill. Since when can science make a statement of causality between two things by studying other things? Tell me how science works like that?

Want some more? How about proof that the World Health Organization lies too? Here you can find their top scientists who met together recently and discussed just how much they lacked good safety science.

Look I don’t think that everyone at these organizations are bad. Almost everyone buys into this propaganda uncritically. Yesterday, I talked about deferring to experts. This has happened in this one area far more than most!

Everyone knows that vaccines are safe and effective because everyone knows that vaccines are safe and effective.

Trust in authority can and has been abused. Very badly.

I can point to lots more evidence about the problems with vaccines from VAERS to NVIC, not to mention tons of scientific research showing they DO have safety issues. But I chose to keep it brief above for a reason. THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THEY’RE LYING ABOUT SAFETY.

Once you get that you understand the house of cards falls. (This is also why people refuse to accept it. They’ve got to keep their worldview intact.)

The CDC is lying to you. The WHO is lying to you. Large foundations are lying to you. Your government is lying to you. Mass media is lying to you. Big tech is lying to you (by censoring people on this issue).

We’re told to believe women when they allege sexual abuse. But don’t you dare believe a woman that says her child transformed before her eyes right after vaccination. Yet, I’ve met mothers who’ve gone through this. I know a guy that got Guillain-Barré syndrome from a flu shot.

I’m not against vaccines in principle. But I am against bad science. I am against not doing science in the first place!

I am against mandating a one-size-fits-all solution in our world that supposedly moving towards personalized medicine.

I am against saying that the government has the right to inject something into my body, or my child’s body against my will based on fraud.

Mandatory vaccines are something these powerful people want. Not just in children…but in adults.

This pandemic has given the perfect excuse for that. We can already see it playing out. Tomorrow I’ll show you whats coming…

P.S. Here are the references regarding Julie Gerberding. I couldn’t post them in the appropriate places for my bait and switch which I felt was required on this topic. 






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