We do need a new normal. We do need a great reset. I just don’t believe in the ones being pitched to us right now.
I’m not reading through a crystal ball. In fact, titling them as “predictions” might not even be the right word for it. Instead, I see this more as a reading of the agendas and propaganda, then attempting to project where it is all going.
It is primarily negative. Why? This involves powerful forces with agendas that I am not aligned with (and guessing that neither are you, dear reader). It is ushering in a technocratic future I don’t want.

But I’m an optimist! Well, I’m also a realist and pessimist too. Short term pessimistic with longer term optimism would probably best describe my view currently. In other words, it is going to get worse before it gets better.
If you thought 2020 was rough, stay tuned for 2021. I think 2020 was the warmup.
So I share these “predictions” knowing that we can’t do much about them, but knowing them, we can take actions that allow us to better adapt.
Oh, and trust me, I’d be thrilled to be wrong about the vast majority of this stuff.
COVID’s Peak and Resurgence
COVID will peak in threat towards the end of this winter.
Yes, I’m of the opinion there’s a real new virus, one that was worked on in a lab (gain-of-function), and either intentionally or unintentionally leaked out.
But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been tons of shenanigans to make it a vastly bigger threat than it actually is.
- Counting everyone that died with COVID as a COVID death whether they died from COVID or not.
- The PCR and other faulty testing “casedemic”
- The confusing of pneumonia, influenza and COVID (PIC)
- The variety of bad science along the way
- And the propaganda machine cranking full turn all along the way to spread fear
Here’s my guess as to what will happen. Things will peak in intensity in February or March 2021. If we judge based on past year’s influenza-like activity that is when everything peaks.

Fun to compare the CDC data of past years to this year by the way.
The social distancing, shutdowns and masking are working really well for influenza. Too bad it’s insufficient for COVID. (Notice also how in December of 2019, you know before the virus was here in March, we had to extend the range of the chart with very high categories to cover the activity.)
All this leads to even more locking down.
The good news is that things will get better come springtime. Summer will almost be normal in many places.
Of course, the vaccines will be congratulated for their early successes. Especially as the WHO came out recently and said the PCR testing was too aggressive and gave too many false positives. So, as they dial down the cycles and/or testing in general, cases will fall. And they’ll be able to give all the credit to the new vaccines being rolled out.
But as Bill Gates and others are saying this isn’t over until, best case, 2022. After all, it takes some time to vaccinate 7 billion+ people.
What I take that to mean is that COVID will come back with a vengeance next Winter (‘21-’22). It will probably mutate, or so they’ll say (as they’re saying now too). All the first-round people getting vaccines will be back for their yearly vaccine then.
They may even call it a “Darker Winter” then, after this “Dark Winter”, after the original Dark Winter wargame.
This coronavirus, as with all others, is endemic. That means it will be with us forever, never going away. But you’ll never hear a message to support your immune system, just continued mentions to wash your hands, mask up, stay distant, AND get your vaccine.

Vaccine Mandates and Propaganda
Winter of ‘21-’22 is when the propaganda will crank up super high against the “anti-vaxxers”.
You see, right now it’s not so helpful for them to focus on “anti-vaxxers”. There’s limited vaccine supply and some supply constraints despite the military operation.
But, supply will continue to increase over the course of the year. When supply is greater than demand, they’ll need to amp up demand. Understand what that means. I will not demand it, but lots of people will be demanding that I get it.
Fauci has been lying intentionally (for the good of the people of course!), moving the goalpost of herd immunity. Whereas previously he was saying 60%, now he says 90% of people must get it for herd immunity to be effective.
Last I saw only 50% of people were interested in getting a vaccine. That’s a big gap. But most of this 50% will be okay with it when they know so many people got it without side effects. (Those with side effects being fairly well hidden away by misrepresentations, lack of coverage, etc.)
Believe the story about your neighbor’s-wife’s-sister’s-dog-sitter who got COVID and it was the worst ever. But don’t you dare believe the story shared on social media of devastating vaccine side effects. That nurse fainting was because of pain, not the vaccine.
Speaking of double standards… You heard about the COVID death from the motorcycle accident? But these two Israeli men’s deaths within hours of getting the vaccines are pure coincidence.
We see the first swing of mandates not necessarily rolled out but being talked about, whether government or corporate. Like Los Angeles here.
The passports are coming in a wide variety of forms. Here’s former CDC director and sexual harasser, Tom Friedan
The good news is you probably won’t be forced. Woohoo!
You’ll just be coerced, coaxed and threatened in a thousand different ways. Booooo!
How many will get vaccinated just so they aren’t inconvenienced? So they can travel? So they can go to a concert? So they can receive Social Security or be able to buy groceries? Why do so many think the latter would just be impossible? How many “impossible” things happened in 2020?
Even worse, Tedros of the WHO (and soon to be many others) is literally changing the definition of herd immunity right before our eyes. Herd immunity is a concept from the natural world regarding previous infection, now deemed only possible through vaccinations. There goes the WHO changing definitions again! But there was backlash, you know from people that know what the word actually means so they heavily qualified their definition again.

Even though a lot of us probably already have T-cell immunity to this thing, another aspect most people are kept in the dark about.
So it is fall time, but mainly in next winter where I expect to see the “terrorist and extremist” remarks about anti-vaxxers to go full bore.
You’re not only killing grandma but one hundred grandmas because you’re a super-spreader. (Even though asymptomatic spread in newer studies has been shown to be non-existent or extremely rare with SARS-CoV-2.)
But despite the battle cries to believe science… don’t you dare believe in any science that doesn’t fit the agenda.
There is going to be a slow step-by-step increase in mandates and propaganda, but with a big push next winter.
Media and Big Tech’s Censorship Frog Continues Slow Boil
At this point, it seems the mass media and social media can say whatever it wants and just about everyone believes them!
Social media can ban anything they want and get away with it.
It’s the pot of boiling water with a frog in it. If they did too much there would be too big of a backlash. Blowback.
Instead, they do it a little bit at a time. Just one degree here and there. Those that are paying attention may be astounded they get away with the next push and the next one after that.
But not enough people are, mostly because they’re wrapped up in the right-left divide, thus making it all political and more easily dismissible in most minds. (Divide and conquer!)
Those that aren’t paying attention see nothing…or in fact they call for more censorship.
The internet may still be free in that I can post anything on my website here. But anything that has a big enough splash against the agendas can be either completely squashed or downregulated enough that it can’t go viral. (Unity2020 as an example.)
In other words, the immune system of Facebook/Twitter/Google can kill any threatening truth-virus with ease in the online information ecology.
I expect to be banned from Facebook and Instagram in the coming year! Hell, I’m going for it by sharing facts and my opinions that don’t fit agendas. It’s a goal of mine.
(They won’t ban everyone though because then they’ll lose the intelligence it provides. Still, they’ll be doing shadowbanning and the like all along the way and be ready to pull the plug on anyone big and powerful enough to make an impact.)
The censorship noose will get that much tighter throughout 2021. The mainstream news will become that much more fake in 2021. Cancel culture will grow.
There’s hope that something big enough will break through. But I’m not counting on it.
The Next President
I really haven’t gone deep on the election. I honestly don’t like politics at all. From the stuff I have seen, this does look like a stolen election…and they’re going to get away with it.
But remember this is WWE we’re watching, not government for and by the people. The outcomes might not be conclusively predetermined, but regardless of the winner, the loser has always been the people.
The more I think about it, this election, along with all the mischief involved, best moves their agendas forward.
And what does so even more? Biden as our next president.
Not for long of course. My guess is that Kamala Harris assumes control within the first year or two. Whether Biden dies or comes down with a “disease and [has] to resign,” I can’t say for sure.
Yes, that is a quote from Biden himself. Did he slip up in his script and reveal the major plot points there? If so, they can’t still use that plot, can they?
I’m not certain on this. Trump could still pull out some trump card in January that shakes things up even more. We shall find out soon enough.
I heard someone else’s prediction that there’ll basically be two governemtns running!
Still, I think Biden is the mostly likely outcome in part because of the following…
The Q Anon Psyop
When people like John Bolton and William Barr are touted as saviors (as have all been over the years by Q) you have to ask yourself…These swamp monsters are the ones cleaning the swamp? (Bolton himself has been called the ‘devil incarnate’.)
My viewpoint is the Q has been a psy-op. (That’s short for psychological operation.)
This link to a Youtube video was Q’s last post, December 8th. Q has been silent ever since then, and all throughout the election insanity.
Understand, it’s not just the Q-folk. There’s a lot of Trump supporters that may not buy into that particular narrative, but hate Biden all the same.
Narratives are splintered into a wide variety, though it is helpful to see the big groups of them.
How many will believe, absolutely believe, that the election was stolen? (And they might actually be right.)
What does this cause? This may be my most out-there prediction of the year…
A “Qanon Terrorist Plot”.
This could be in one of three forms.
- It could be completely legitimate. Watch that video above with the frame of it being a propaganda piece. After all, there is a behavioral science, however faulty it may be, to radicalizing people.
- This movement could be infiltrated and helped along by agent provocateurs.
- Or it could be completely a false flag.
But another 9/11 is probably going to happen. And this time the enemy will be “internal”.
Oh…just imagine how much power the government could grab as a result of something like this.
This allows the steps towards thought-crime and pre-crime to move forward in a big way in the technocratic complete domination future within the US. Minority Report is turning from fiction to reality every day this stuff keeps evolving. Remember that our intelligence people are jealous of what China is doing.
One agenda going on appears to be anti-Christian. These people tend to love freedom, just like most Americans. They believe in good vs. evil.
And a big part of the Q movement is religious, specifically Christian.
What would give the powers-that-be even more power? Religious zealot terrorists. But not Islamic this time. Christian extremists. Not halfway around the world. But possibly behind every household door.
You thought the “don’t trust your fellow American because he or she could be an asymptomatic carrier” was bad. Just wait for this.
Interestingly, many Christians are part of the medical freedom movement regarding vaccines. Why? Because some vaccines have cells and DNA from aborted fetuses in them.
Let me clarify that I know many Christians, which include some of my favorite people. I’m not knocking them here. I’m saying that this appears to me to be co-opted for this purpose.
After all, the Bible has the end times. And I know more than a couple people that are saying we’re in it.
…All the better to whip up a doomsday cult.

Think about it from their shoes. If the “Demoncrats” have stolen the election from the savior, Trump, what would you do? If you knew the baby-eating Satanists had assumed total control, are you just going to layover and take it?
And you’d play right into the puppet master’s hands doing so. It’s not just Q, it’s more than that…
The Conspiracy Rollup Continues
What appears to be happening is the rollup of all different “conspiracy theories”. Now, this seems to happen from both ends and could be just a systemic effect.
I talk about wanting medical freedom and people call me a “flat earther”. (For the record, no that is not a theory I buy into…but I did look into it. I had to do my own research. When you’ve been lied to by the experts so many times, what can you trust them with?)
People that go down one conspiracy rabbit hole often find how it is connected to the others. After all, the basis of most of them (the not-so-silly ones anyway) is that powerful people, government, business or otherwise, do bad things to get more power.
Intelligence agencies and their ilk have been talking about the threat of conspiracy theorists for years now. Why? Is there an actual threat?
You probably heard about the Nashville explosion.
I honestly haven’t dug into it. But my ears did perk up when seeing some headlines like this…
- Anti-Tech Terrorism: Was Nashville Bomber Anthony Warner Afraid Of 5G?
- CONSPIRACY NUT Nashville bomber Anthony Quinn Warner ‘hunted aliens and shape shifting lizard people trying to take over the world’
The first hints of this agenda came out with the burning of 5G towers in Europe, around the time when David Icke was banned from Youtube for saying 5G caused COVID.
Any legitimate concerns about 5G, about EMF’s in general, are lumped into these strawman arguments. The Sun article says, “Some conspiracy theorists suspect the wireless technology emits lethal radiation, is killing people, and is being used to spy on Americans.”
Understand that it obfuscates the rational middle position, that there is some health danger with 5G as well as earlier wireless technology that is backed up by enormous amounts of research.
This one was the test. Once again, it could be legitimate. I do find it particularly interesting that this man had broadcast a loud warning to get people out of the area, to not be hurt. It could be partially made up. Again, I haven’t dug in.
But regardless of that, the news is what moves the agenda forward. The spin can be independent of the facts. I’d expect more such incidents.
5G is a necessary part of the technocratic plans. Therefore, standing up against it must be strongly vilified. What better way than to label any criticism a conspiracy theory and then make conspiracy theorists into terrorists?
Ultimate power is had by being capable of labeling anything against your agenda as a conspiracy theory and whipping up the masses into buying that hook, line, and sinker.
Yet at the same time certain conspiracy theories (Russian collusion) are given the prime-time spotlight. It all depends on the agenda.
Ah…the schizoid, split-personality culture we live in.
Cyber Attack that Puts the Pandemic to Shame
You probably heard about the Solar Winds hack. They say it’s the largest ever.
Like the Nashville bombing, I believe this is a portend of things to come.
“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen, in this respect, as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”
Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum and author of “COVID-19: The Great Reset”. He mentions a “cyber pandemic” as well, not covered in that video.
In our world of double-speak, The Great Reset is both an in the open plan from elites the world over to reshape the globe and a ludicrous conspiracy theory about elites reshaping the globe all at the same time.
Any criticism of the open plan is labeled a far-right conspiracy theory. Do you see how they pull that off?
The same kind of people that predict things, such as a coronavirus pandemic (ala Event 201), are talking about something bigger than the pandemic coming.
Unfortunately, I think they’re right. And then the power grab will follow.
Some sort of terrorist attack, physical or cyber, is very likely in 2021. Even multiple different events.
Are you prepared for such?
This article is too long to finish right now, so I’ll be splitting it into two parts. Stay tuned for part two in which I hope to include at least a few positive things!
I really enjoy solid conspiracy talk. I am the stats personified; I got into Kennedy and read The Unspeakable about his assassination and now I start digesting my news with thoughtful speculation.
Thanks for sharing and good luck getting banned 👍🏻
That is very interesting
keep up your thoughts I enjoy reading your opinions
Conspiracy theorists have the best track record.
To be fair, they get plenty of stuff wrong too.
Excellent presentation of observations and very plausible outcomes. I look forward to reading more.
I’ve had those same thoughts since before Obama was president and you’re right we will be losing our freedom as the months and years come, if we don’t try to stop it now . As a veteran it’s saddens me what our government has turned into.Keep up the good work
Logan, I 100% agree it is an agenda.
There is this old saying when your income is tied to an outcome you will never bite the hand that feeds you.
We have the best Politicians money can buy.
Happy New Year.
That Nashville bombing was very deliberate and interesting. That guy really knew what he was doing. It appears to have been directed at The ATT downtown co. But it appears that it wasn’t just telecom equipment in that building. There were servers controlling many other functions and he had to know about them. Also there is a rumor that dominion voter machines were brought to that building for forensic analysis. Of course they were destroyed in the blast.
Interesting as usual with plenty for us readers to ivestigate at our leisure. Thanks for your emails, I really do appreciate them. I have long taken “the news” as something to avoid but sadly the effects they create and you describe in your email are very obvious to me in work colleagues and friends alike. I live in the UK and just cannot get many of my friends to even question news as there is a widely held belief that if the BBC reports something it just must be true as apparently the BBC is non-political……! As you say, we can only wait to see what 2021 will bring…. I look forward to the next instalment.
Great post Logan… So much going on seemingly all over the place. All of this strengthens my belief of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong. This lens does not make life easy or explain everything. But it does provide a strong foundation and coherence in the (seeming) chaos.
I have a spiritual belief and hold on to a couple important tenants of my faith that keep me hopeful: 1. In the end, God wins. 2. Among other things, He loves and is for His Children.