(9/11 * 2008) Exponential

People are still underestimating this thing…

There is the virus itself. Understandably, some people believe this is all hype. After all, see past records as for media panic regarding ebola, swine flu, measles, SARS, etc, which amounted to nothing.

But understand that is just one layer of what is going on.

Regardless of whether or not things are overblown regarding the virus, the governments are taking this very, very, very, very seriously.

Apparently, even ISIS is cautioning their people. (I can’t tell if that is real or not…)

We’ve already entered into a zone of never-done-before-in-the-history-of-the-world things happening.

Full countries on quarantine.

A shakier stock market than the great depression.

And as of right now lock down across all the USA.

The virus is only one layer. To get a grasp of what is really going on you have to be looking at the economy and the government as well.

The equation of (9/11 + 2008)X popped into my mind. That X is the exponential. I originally thought squared but recognized that the impact could be bigger even than that.

These were both USA based events, mostly, though they did have worldwide impacts. The USA is where I’m based. That’s what I’m familiar with. But obviously this is already a world-wide event that is far bigger.

Wrap your head around that.

This is insane and it is going to get far more so.

Remember how things for most people were normal at the start of March? By the end of this week, it likely will have escalated at least as much.

It’s already a world changing event, but it’s only just begun…

I’m making predictions. I hope I am wrong.

But I would say it is better to overestimate things and act based on that than to underestimate things and be caught unawares.

If you have not yet got a few weeks minimum of food then you’re in the latter group.

Again, the virus is one thing. The other layers are even more so. And these are going to compound on each other.

This isn’t to say you should panic. Panic won’t help. But fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be a motivating force. So use it to motivate you…but then let go of the fear so that you can think clearly.

Those preppers are sitting pretty right now, having thought that something like this was coming for however long of a time.

Our food systems are fragile. This could break things at least in certain areas. 

In upcoming updates I’m going to be pointing you at various news items, articles and more to help you understand what is going on.

Some of these will focus more of the virus and your health.

Some will focus on the economic impacts.

Some will focus on the government actions and inactions.

Some will be a bit of everything.

I think I’ll cover the big picture of each of those in order of what I see so far over the coming days.

If you have specific questions, concerns, or anything you’d like to share with me reply to the email and let me know.

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