More Collapse Scenarios

In this article we’ll be looking at specific collapse/demolition scenarios and how these can play out in time.

With this you can better prepare for the future, take effective action and ready yourself for what is to come.

This is the fourth part in an ever-expanding series. If you missed the previous articles, here they are:

  1. Systems vs. Control
  2. Trump – The Savior, the Antichrist or the Professional Wrestler?
  3. Systemic Collapse vs. Controlled Demolition

(More on this line of thinking specifically regarding the economy, and cryptocurrencies role in the transition, to follow this article.)

Armed with all of that, I projected out to what our time line could look like. While I am making some predictions, the aim here is more to look at possibilities and weigh the likelihood of them.

This is also big picture stuff, with the specific events and time frames being of lesser importance. Of course these matter…but they’re much harder to predict.

Instead, I’m looking at the overall narrative time lines of humanity here.

I’ve made some simple drawings to encapsulate what these look like. In each of these, the X-axis is time and Y-axis is both quality and freedom of human life.

And these are overly generalized. In truth, more ups and downs inherent in actual reality, in different places in different ways. The goal of this simplification is to distill down the overly complex into just a handful of scenarios.

Non-Viable Scenario – Normie Thinking

This is what normies think. Things will get better in the future.

Basically, any day now we’ll be done with the coronavirus (if only everyone got vaccinated!) and things will get back to normal. Pope Fauci is saying so.

This is the only non-viable scenario presented here. It is wishful thinking from people that have no clue how the world works.

This has a zero percent chance of coming true.

Scenario 1 – The Back Up or Reversal

I would love to see this scenario occur!

As previously covered, the pushback against the vaccines is working in some places. The deadlines keep getting set more distant in the future. Over half the state attorney generals have sued the Biden admin to say he can’t issue the mandate he did.

Some California school districts are refusing to follow would-be dictator Newsom’s orders.

So I wonder, can they simply about-face on the whole pandemic narrative?

I do see one possible way they could turn back. To have Pfizer or Merck’s new Covid drugs be miracles that “ends the pandemic.” This could be a way out for them.

Interestingly we see that the new Pfizer Drug works similarly to Ivermectin in one way, though Ivermectin also works via many other mechanisms too.

Of course that’s not even really needed. To reverse things, all they would have to do is stop their statistical manipulation, stop killing people in hospitals, stop testing so much, and most importantly rollout new propaganda in support of the back to normal narrative. Then they back away on vaccine mandates and passports…for now.

The great thing for the policy makers about this narrative, is that the drug companies get to claim success! They’re the heroes. The Biden admin ends the pandemic and his approval ratings would actually increase!

Everything calms down…a return to “normal”…for the time being.

Maybe there’s even some shuffling around of people in power, some fall guys to take the blame, with nothing fundamental changing.

Sadly, if this were to happen it would only be a delay tactic. Their overall plan doesn’t go in the trash bin with this. Life just goes back to normal for a short while until the next stages are rolled out…the next virus, climate lockdowns and all that.

I present this scenario first, as it would eventually lead to any of the other scenarios. To the normies, it appears that their wishful thinking is right, but it’s just a stall tactic.

That being the case, why do I like this scenario?

It gives you and me more time to prepare and ready ourselves.

It is also a sign that our rising up and standing firm was effective. It shows they’re weak and not ready for the level of pushback currently occuring.

If indeed it does happen, we can’t rest on our laurels and relax. It will instead be the time for increasing our offensive against the criminal cartel.

Sadly, I don’t think it is very likely of all the scenarios. In part this is because it would show their weakness and they know it. But it is possible.

Scenario 2 – The Non-Violent Revolution to Renaissance

Despite the darkness I conveyed in the previous article, I am quite hopeful about our future. Granted, I swing from despair to hope at times depending on certain pieces of news I see at times. (I knew it was coming but still shocking to see the warnings about equivalent of child protective services coming for unvaccinated kids in Costa Rica for example.)

But I want to start by painting a rosy picture of the future.

Imagine if we did overthrow the controllers of this world...

Imagine if science was not bought-and-sold to the highest bidder...

Imagine if we had true healthcare, not just disease care...

Imagine if forbidden truths (natural cancer cures, psychic phenomenon, etc.) were actually allowed to be explored rather than denigrated...

Imagine if we could honestly talk about the UFO phenomenon and what that means…

Imagine if we were not divided into political parties and actually worked together...

Imagine if we focused on good nutrition the world over instead of GMO’s, pesticides and the like...

Imagine if the largest charities honestly wanted to fix problems, rather than being cover for nefarious agendas.

Imagine if we could dig into our history and talk about the truth of what happened, to dispel conspiracy theories and get to conspiracy facts openly and honestly...

By no means do I think all of humanities problems could disappear overnight. But removing the current people in power would effectively launch humanity into a new renaissance.

Not a utopia (perfection), as those tend to turn dystopian, but this idea of protopia (better). This is possible.

If enough people wake up, if proper actions are taken, the institutional control grid and those currently in power heading them can be taken down. We outnumber them greatly.

All that is needed is to reach a tipping point. From there it could happen quite quickly.

What that looks like is that things will get disrupted to a degree, we go downhill somewhat hence the dip, but launching into the upward trajectory of the new renaissance after that.

The previous scenario, the Backup, could even turn into this if the pushing back continues and doesn’t die off.

While I see this as possible, sadly, I think this might be too Pollyanna.

This is the hopium pitched by Q, Gesara/Nesara and various others narratives that the “white horse” is coming in to save us.

IF it is to actually happen, and I do see it as possible, it is only by a groundswell of decentralized support and action from people like you and me.

The question is, can that possibly happen in time?

Yet even if it does, when you back a rat into a corner, it fights back ferociously, which brings us too…

Scenario 3 – The Violent Revolution to Renaissance

I mentioned in the previous article that when propaganda fails (as is certainly occurring), totalitarian force is behind it. This has been said before by many such as the great prophet George Orwell.

The would-be controllers of the world aren’t going to simply bow out and say “you got us”. These sociopaths are lying ‘til the very end.

They’ll spin, they’ll obfuscate, they’ll run and they’ll hide. The propaganda is breaking. While that is a good thing, be careful what you wish for!

There is no doubt, they will fight tooth and nail to not go to jail or be executed for crimes against humanity. And they’ll whip up those still propagandized to fight against those coming for them.

Also covered last time, there are those that would rather fight for their captors then step into freedom and the possible renaissance. Stockholm Syndrome is strong in many.

Witness that the propaganda is gearing up to lead people there. From a major newspaper in Germany, Frankfürter Allgemeine Zeitung.

(Translations: “I got you, vaccine refuser!” and “A big hit under the Christmas tree!”)

In Germany of all places, most do not see this for where this is going.

There are signs we’re getting to the point of violence. Truthfully, it has already begun in minor degrees with the riots and such. Whether it is limited to small pockets or becomes huge remains to be seen.

That’s why I see this as a much, much more likely scenario then number 2. In fact, we can think of it as a spectrum from non-violent to extremely violent.

This is mirrored for instance in the Civilization Collapse Stack in how far down do we go? It won’t be evenly distributed by location or time in what happens. In other words, some places could go untouched while other pockets become complete war zones.

It could be US civil war. It could even become a true World War scenario. This very likely will take several years to play out.

If I’m being completely honest, limited or some violence is likely the best of realistic scenarios.

Let me be clear. I don’t want violence. I’m not hoping for it. But I do see it as the more likely and logical route of how these overall trends play out.

Regardless of the amount, in this scenario, we come out successfully on the other side. More violence would imply much more rebuilding to be done. And the new renaissance begins on the other side much the same. That’s the hope!

Scenario 4 – Violent Revolution Suppressed

Sadly, a positive outcome is not guaranteed.

Remember, that I do not want to underestimate my enemy.

Are they willing to kill many people to win? Absolutely. So what sort of false flags events do they have up their sleeves?

Remember that any and all of these things are on the table:

  • Cyber Pandemic
  • More Viruses (Marburg? Smallpox?)
  • Supply Chain Disruption
  • Food Shortages
  • Economic Collapse
  • Natural Disasters and “Natural” Disasters
  • Domestic Terrorist Attacks from the Left and/or Right
  • US Civil War
  • War with China

Not just on the table. Almost guaranteed that the next decade sees at least half this list in a big, big way.

Add to that we have to be wary of any violent acts playing into their hands. Any thing even remotely violent will be labeled as domestic terrorism, being used to control their propagandized people. Just look at the Jan. 6th capitol “insurrection” for example.

They’ll use such events to clamp down harder. With propaganda for now, but with increasing force later on.

Violent suppression begets violent rebellion and vice versa. It’s not a great escalation trap to get caught in.

While there are positive signs that the peaceful pushback is working, there are many negative signs as well.

Look at the USA-supported totalitarian regimes in third world countries over the past century for instance. Look at how the rebels were treated and painted in the propaganda.

Again, under the cover of violence, roving death squads in the USA could absolutely become a thing.

They’re likely ready and willing to do this. With these psychopaths, I bet some are looking forward to it with glee.

They’ve got the propagandized masses. They’ve got the authority of the legacy institutions. They’ve got weapons, even black ops technology we’re not aware of. They’ve got money with complete access to the printers.

This all means if it is a fight ahead, it is not an easy one.

If I’m being realistic, not only an escalation of violence very likely, but there is by no means a guarantee of success for the people.

Scenario 5 – Descent with Drop-Offs

I have a sense that something big will happen during wintertime here. With another “COVID wave” undoubtedly (linked to spikes occurring with the booster shots and 5-11 year old vaccinations and/ or just winter time in general).

But something else likely too. What exactly that is, I can’t say for sure. Just that for the propaganda falling apart, something needs to grab people’s attention once again.

For the most part, things tend to happen quite slowly. How to boil a frog and all that.

President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, Stefan Oelrich, talked about gene therapy openly.  “We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate.”.

Bayer needs to get it’s facts straight. Didn’t he get the fact check memos here and here that these vaccines aren’t gene therapy?

Understand that with the ultimate techno-fascist goal (digital ID, vaccine passport, social credit score, CBDC all tied in one) we are still a long way from that. It has to move slowly enough for that to happen. Too much, too fast pops more people out of the matrix.

And yet a few big events are needed to get us there as well.

One of those possible big events is the violent revolution as discussed. That could be ONE of the drops pictured in the above scenario.

And yet that is just one of many events that is likely to occur. To get there I’d say we need at least two or three more pandemic-sized-narratives unleashed on us. Fact is they’ve war-gamed so many options. (For instance, Food Chain Reaction discussed here or the Cyber Pandemic I discussed here.)

Does the Trump getting elected in 2024 time line I proposed play into this?

There are many people standing up for their rights. This is in part because the grab for power is ridiculous in light of a disease with over a 99.5+% survival rate. And it would be even better than that, if we listened to the doctors that know how to treat it, instead of inflating and causing deaths to make it worse than it is

But here is a situation to ponder…how many people would be standing up if this disease was actually as deadly as some of the normies think it is?

How many people would pushback against vaccines mandates and passports if the disease going around only had a 70% survival rate?

Far, far fewer. And that’s a scary thought.

The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 coming from gain of function research. Some claim that it was even released intentionally. Given what you know, do you put it past “them” releasing a much more deadly virus? I wouldn’t. In fact, I would say such is probable. And this obviously continues the whole vaccine agenda. That cannot end simply with forever COVID.

Understand that for their plans to work, it plays out over the next decade.

I hope the people’s revolution, one way or another, comes out triumphant. However, I see the possibility of the controllers threading the eye of the needle with both slow and abrupt changes descending humanity into the Borg.

What we’re going through is by-and-large controlled demolition. The demolition is to re-engineer society to fit the sociopaths dreams. The scenario painted here appears to be according to their plan.

While it is their plan, that doesn’t automatically make them successful. It just shows what we’re up against.

Here are a few other things to reflect on in light of these scenarios.

Texas and Florida – Bastions on Freedom or Brought to Heel?

These are the two high profile Republican states that are pushing back against the Federal government and pandemic restrictions in a big way. Others are too, these two just get the most press.

If this is systemic collapse and things are looking hopeful, then these states will likely continue to do well. For instance, Florida paying bonuses to hire new policemen fired from other states. The influx of people (and businesses) moving from California and New York.

If this is controlled demolition, and things are truly pessimistic, then these two states will be brought to heel in one form or another.

Is it biological warfare, the next virus or variant that causes real damage that is released there?

Or is it a weather event? They’re both hit by hurricanes regularly. Will a Category 7 hurricane come for Florida and/or Texas in the next few years?

Something to reflect on. If you think there is more controlled demolition going on, the powers that be have powers such as this, and you’re thinking of moving, lower profile but still freer states might be a safer bet.

And even lower profile countries which brings me to my next point.

The Worldwide Country Arbitrage Game

There’s an upcoming chapter in The Industry Playbook that involves “Going Worldwide”. That when a corporation has amassed great power and money it can get countries to bow to their will. After all, the corporation often has have more power and money then little countries. And that this country-by-country arbitrage game can be extremely lucrative.

We’re in a worldwide conspiracy. That doesn’t mean it is 100% controlled. But it does mean the tentacles make their way into every country more or less.

Canada and Australia seem to be the pilot programs for Western totalitarian regimes.

Of course, China is head of the pack. (And recall that many of our leaders are jealous of their level of control.)

The lessons learned from these experiments, whether it goes smoothly or not, most definitely will be analyzed and applied to the next countries subjected to similar processes.

In other countries, the initial digital ID programs and CBDC’s will instruct the next countries to follow suit.

This is to say that the above time lines are not evenly distributed either.

In line with controlled demolition, look for more “shocks” occurring in order to continue to rollout the shock doctrine.

And on this note we can reflect on the likely assassinations of African leaders that didn’t toe the Covid line the past year and a half.

Humanity Collectively Chooses the Manifested Time Line…

I don’t think anything is set in stone. All these time lines I do see as possibilities.

Having explored everything here, these are my concluding thoughts, many of which are reiterated.

Hope for the best. Aim for the best. But prepare for the worst.

You should get a Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C going.

  • Plan A is for Scenarios 1 or 2 (Backup or Non-Violent Revolution)
  • Plan B is for Scenario 3 (Violent Revolution)
  • Plan C is for Scenario 4 or 5 (Violent Revolution Suppressed and Descent with Drop-Offs)

Even if just vague thoughts, that’s a start (like I have regarding moving to Mexico as Plan C). As much as you can flesh out these plans, the better.

As much as you can build adaptability into these plans, the better.

We can think along these lines with the states and countries.

  • If their systems of control are collapsing, the freer areas will swell and thrive.
  • If their systems of control are strong, such areas will be forced to bend the knee, one way or another.

As we move forward this helps us to know which time line we’re on, and strategically make better choices.

Build out your Civilization Collapse Stack. I know I keep mentioning this, and that is because it is one of the most helpful frames for preparation I’ve seen. It’s not just survival but thriving that this helps with.

In other words, this helps in Plan A but also Plan C.

Hopefully you’re profiting with cryptocurrencies like I am, which then serves to build out the rest of the stack. That is the play!

Get your own house in order first and foremost, to the best of your ability.

From there figure out HOW you can stand firm with the rest of us.

Hold the line at refusal of vaccine mandates and passports. The is THE control mechanism. If that can be defeated, their plan is thrown askew.

Yes, the digital ID tied into CBDC’s is the ultimate control mechanism. Because with this they can delete you from the economy. But this is still a couple years away. The vaccine passport is key to digital ID adoption which then gets tied into CBDC’s.

If they can violate bodily autonomy everything else is pretty much effortless for them.

That’s why the vaccine mandates are being forced so hard down our collective throats. It will increasingly become the carrot and the stick as more shocks come.

The good news is that what they’re doing does reek of desperation, of overplaying their hand, which I think is a hopeful sign.

No health pass, no gas for you in Slovenia. (At least they’re recognizing natural immunity there.)

Locks downs just for the unvaccinated in Austria.

Things like government aid, food, money, healthcare, etc. with the next events will increasingly be dependent on you being a compliant citizen.

And remember, it’s not about a one-time jab, but booster after booster, and more and more added to the adult mandated schedule.

You can’t comply your way out of tyranny.

It doesn’t go back to normal if you comply. So you might as well stand firm now. That way we can aim for the backup, nonviolent or limited violent revolution scenarios playing out.

More tragic events will be thrown at us, but if we can continue to stand firm, there is cause for hope.

Do not bend the knee to the presidential decrees.

Do not bend the knee to employers turned totalitarian enforcers. Disobey the unjust rules.

Do not bend the knee every chance you get. (Thinking strategically of course, as some battles are much more worth fighting than others.)

Most importantly, speak out against the nonsense.

Aim to do so in a depolarizing way as best as possible. I’ve gotten many comments that people love to share my articles because they are just that.

Yet, recognize that what is rational or reactionary is largely in the eye of the beholder. It is not worth your time to waste it on those that fight so hard for their imprisonment…even if that is family members or friends.

On the flip side, it’s been amazing to me to talk to strangers and, often times, be able to go so deep, so fast, because so many people are already on the same page. I met some guys at my local spring the other day and within 10 minutes I was talking about this systemic collapse vs. controlled demolition stuff!

We’ve got to break the social engineering, and literally turn it in our favor. The “sheep” are followers, right? When they see more of humanity, especially in authoritative places, speaking out more will fall in line.

The delusionally propagandized are actually a minority. They just don’t realize that because so many play along, and the propaganda works on them so well.

If you have a pulpit, put it to good use.

If you don’t, help support those that do.

Do what you need to stay grounded so you can think and act effectively in the coming times ahead.

Another Live Call Coming Up…

More details on what you can do to prepare and act on to be covered in another live call with me and Josh Long, in a pre-Thanksgiving special.

Here is the livestream link.

Wednesday, November 24
3pm PST (6pm EST)

If you haven’t already you can watch the first call here. That will be good background for new things we’re covering in this new livestream.

If you have specific questions for that, you can ask them live on the call or below in the comments.

One final thought. Keep the coming renaissance in mind. That is what I’m aiming for. Pray for it. Visualize it. Manifest it. And let’s start building it along with all the others that want to do the same.

7 Responses to “More Collapse Scenarios”

  1. Great stuff Logan. Really appreciate the analysis. Some things I follow and some new things. I previously heard nothing about the Bayer Executive’s gene therapy comment!! I need to dig in and understand that. Very information dense post that I need to re-read at least a couple times.

    1. I’m quite proud of this one. Felt like it took going through all the previous few articles to distill it down to this. And the distillation is, as you said, still quite info-dense.

  2. Great article. You expressed your well thought out scenarios in a very realistic manner. I myself have drawn up a few possibilities and this article digs deep but you did not mention how we will become targeted by our fellow man and turned into the gov’t. for “rehabilitation” purposes. Many of us will become victims of the “re-education camps and death by guillotine centres”. You stated that “There is no doubt, they will fight tooth and nail to not go to jail or be executed for crimes against humanity. And they’ll whip up those still propagandized to fight against those coming for them.” No doubt, a big change is coming and nothing will ever return to how it was. I will continue to do what your last paragraph said and until the change occurs, I will be the change I wish to see in this world!

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