Category: Pandemic

Systems vs. Control

How much of what we’re seeing is top down control? How much is bottoms up systemic effects? These questions are those that I’ve been wrestling with for a long time now.

This is the first in a two part series. The next one covers these aspects specifically along the lines of systemic collapse vs. controlled demolition. That’s what I really want to understand strategically to better plan for the future. But before we can go there there’s some groundwork to lay.

Life is complex systems. These are very, very, very tricky to understand. (I’ve mentioned it several times before but Thinking in Systems is highly recommended reading.)

Most people don’t believe in conspiracy theories for a couple of reasons. One, they can’t really fathom evil, and I’ve covered that topic before. (Whether systemically or by design many even deny it exists!)

Secondly, and relevant to this article, they think that so many people would need to be in on it. But that’s not actually true.

If you missed my recent Industry Playbook chapter on Ideological Allies, please go read it. This will help you to understand how people can believe things despite all the evidence to the contrary. How an ideological position (one you assume is not ideological but factual) will make you outright dismiss any evidence that doesn’t fit.

I’m guessing you have experience with this among your family and friends these days!

I know many extremely smart people that have beliefs regarding the pandemic that run from one end of the spectrum all the way over to the other. In my opinion, intelligence has NOTHING to do with it.

Understanding that we are all deluded, you and me included, is a tough thing to wrap your mind around. Smart people especially don’t want to admit it because it challenges their intelligence and ability to know. (Hint, hint, doctors, scientists perhaps most of all. After all that spent so many years in school. So maybe intelligence does have something to do with it…being inversely correlated with truth-seeking!)

Of course, I think I’m less deluded than most…but I take my own beliefs, even what I perceive as facts, with a grain of salt.

I try to learn from my own past ideological leanings and how I believe extremely different things these days. And of course I didn’t think I was being ideological at the time! (To humble me I’ll share that I thought that bodyweight exercise was the only fitness worth doing at one point, everything else was stupid. I also believed that raw food was THE best way to eat for humans. Silly me. Just two examples and there sure are more.)

Systems themselves can give rise to much of what we’re seeing.

The sociopathic-by-structure corporate drive for meeting next quarter’s profits per share target. One corner being cut leads to the next.

The need to get grants steers scientists in certain directions and not others. Not being able to get funding for anything besides the next cancer drug keeps them focused on the next cancer drug and its reductionist pathway target. The economic incentive of staying on this track are great. The pitfalls of going outside it are significant.

The filter bubbles caused by social media drive polarization further.

There is no doubt that these things are going on. There’s no denying that our systems give rise to emergent properties. The question is how much of these things are only that, and how much are driven top down? Let’s explore more systemic complexities first.

Layered Deception of Kayfabe

I’ve talked about politics as pro wrestling before. Keep in mind, I was watching WWE as a teenager when Trump was on it.

Here are two videos that discuss an important concept to understand, kayfabe, as laid out by Eric Weinstein.

(A third video in this series is coming…)

We have layers and layers of systems that have problems. This argument is that MOST of the deception is not intentional but is self-deception that balloons out of control that reflexively feed back on themselves and other systems.

That we can’t even tell much of the difference between what is real, what is fake, and what is some weird combination of both. Work, shoots and worked shoots.

This leads to people seeing some small lens of things, not realizing the false assumptions they’re standing on.

These things can build over decades. Your entire life can and does involve some illusion that you don’t even think to question.

The assumptions are not a single thing, but layers of them. What are your chances of seeing ten layers deep into social and cultural assumptions? It’s even smaller than a healthy child’s chances of dying from COVID!

Project yourself out to being someone living in 2321. They’ll look back at our time and laugh at so many of the beliefs we don’t even question. Just like you could do so to anyone in 1721.

The divide between the right and left might as well be between people living 300 years apart from each other. Their worldview’s just don’t even have space to match up.

For example, the scientist that doesn’t even realize the whole house of cards is built on a foundation of a materialist philosophy…one that has been falsified a thousand times over. But many don’t realize it. The implicit assumptions was never pointed out in their years and years of schooling.

It’s the Semmelweis reflex all over again, one thousand times over.

Chomsky’s Propaganda Model…and Being Blind to Propaganda

I’m reading Manufacturing Consent right now. Fantastic book. Very detailed in showing how the media toes the line. That in many cases this can be seen as a systemic effect.

On this topic there’s a fascinating exchange between a journalist, Andrew Marrs, and Chomsky discussing the latter’s propaganda model. (Transcript from Mint Press News.)

Marr: ‘I’m just interested in this because I was brought up like a lot of people, probably post-Watergate film and so on, to believe that journalism was a crusading craft and there were a lot of disputatious, stroppy, difficult people in journalism. And I have to say, I think I know some of them.’

Chomsky: ‘Well, I know some of the best, and best-known, investigative reporters in the United States – I won’t mention names – whose attitude towards the media is much more cynical than mine. In fact, they regard the media as a sham. And they know, and they consciously talk about how they try to play it like a violin. If they see a little opening, they’ll try to squeeze something in that ordinarily wouldn’t make it through. And it’s perfectly true that the majority – I’m sure you’re speaking for the majority of journalists who are trained – have it driven into their heads, that this is a crusading profession, adversarial, we stand up against power. A very self-serving view. On the other hand, in my opinion, I hate to make a value judgement but, the better journalists and, in fact, the ones who are often regarded as the best journalists have quite a different picture. And I think a very realistic one.’

Marr: “How can you know that I’m self-censoring? How can you know that journalists are…’

Chomsky: “I’m not saying your self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.

Well-worth understanding. It’s ideological positioning once again.

Chomsky’s propaganda model shows how journalism has been corrupted, without requiring worldwide conspiracy. It’s simply finding those that believe what you want to believe to further what you want believed. It’s upregulating their messages, while downregulating those that oppose.

And yet here’s the mind-warping part. It’s curious to see that Chomsky buys into some mainstream narratives hook-line-and-sinker.

Is he controlled opposition? Or does this just go to show how the layers of deception, very few can get through? (To go deeper into understand propaganda, from someone who taught the subject in college and personally knew Chomsky but goes “deeper” than him, listen to this fantastic interview between Whitney Webb and Mark Crispin Miller.)

Another example. Naomi Klein wrote The Shock Doctrine, detailing how totalitarian and economic shocks are used to disrupt a populace allowing others to plunder.

Amazing book, that helped me to understand history better. It has been shown in countless South American countries, in Africa, in Iran, in Iraq, in Russian. And yet Klein can’t see it happening right now across the entire world as they reformat the worldwide economy. She dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy smoothie.” Is she controlled opposition? Or does she just not see how the pieces fit because of some ideological positions she possesses?

So is this really just systems going crazy? Let’s look at the other lens from which to view things, the top down conspiratorial lens.

The Opacity of Conspiracy

This is something that I’ve long wrestled with in my investigations of conspiracy. This is the part that drives me crazy, and has led to this article.

Definitions of Opacity:

  • obscurity of sense : UNINTELLIGIBILITY
  • the quality or state of a body that makes it impervious to the rays of light
  • broadly : the relative capacity of matter to obstruct the transmission of radiant energy

Definition of Conspiracy:

  • the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal

By its very definition of secrecy, conspiracy creates opacity.

We see conspiracies come to light many times. Big tobacco was a 50+ year conspiracy. Known cases of pharmaceutical conspiracies. Tons and tons of examples are available. Why do these conspiracies become revealed? Usually, it has to do with documented evidence and/or insiders that reveal something.

But these are what I’ll call “run-of-the-mill” conspiracies. They’re small enough to come to light. Many of these can be explained completely, or at least mostly, simply by looking at the systems at play.

Yet, the deeper down the rabbit hole we go, the more secrecy there is. The more layers of conspiracy exist. The more intentional disinformation exists. The more certain things must be universally denied.

And at the same time, the less actual PROOF exists.

Conspiracy research is best at falsifying the official stories/mainstream narratives. It’s relatively easy to find the lies. Actually knowing the truth is another matter entirely!

A recent Industry Playbook chapter discusses destroying evidence. That some things have come out simply leads to those conspiring to destroy more or better yet not create ANY evidence in the first place.

The bankers meeting annually at the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) meet in seclusion and write nothing down. Groups such as Bilderberg release nothing. For a long time it was even denied that the Bilderberg group existed.

The deeper you go, the more opaque it becomes.

We know Bill Gates is up to some nefarious things from your and my point of view. Blocking the sun to combat climate change. Genetically modifying mosquitoes to squelch malaria. Quantum dots vaccine tattoos, using luciferase enzymes. Lying about his relationship to Jeffrey Epstein (fun video below). Being the biggest US farmland owner and driving more towards GMO’s, pesticides and ultraprocessed food despite the evidence showing these do not help yields or health. Monopolizing philanthropy through and through.

But it IS possible he believes he is doing good!  

…It’s also possible that he’s part of some generational Luciferian cult. 

I do not know the absolute truth about what goes on in Bill Gates mind and life. I don’t pretend too. But I know enough to know I’m very much opposed to his plans.

The official story that Gates is a philanthropist earnestly seeking to help the world falls apart on closer inspection.

The deeper question. Is he the ringleader?

If not, who (or what) does he answer to? That answer is opaque. I would argue that it is unanswerable as of right now. Those that claim they know the answer, without actually being in on the conspiring with Gates himself, are deluding themselves.

Sure there are hints, even strong hints, that things are darker, but knowing for sure feels out of our grasps.

In other words, are Gates, Fauci and others the leaders of the pandemic? They could be. Personally, I doubt it…but I don’t know for sure.

Surely, no one thinks that Biden is actually in charge. It’s been talked about that presidents were puppets going back at least decades, but this presidency does it much more in your face.

How Far Up Does Control Go? To Whom?

Have you heard any or all of these before? The controller’s of our world are the…

  • Rothschilds
  • Rockefellers
  • Nazis
  • Zionists (oh darn, I guess I’m anti-semitic now)
  • Reptilians
  • Freemasons
  • Skull & Bones
  • AI
  • Illuminati
  • CIA
  • Khazarians
  • Thirteen Families
  • Jesuits
  • Luciferians
  • Satan
  • Annunaki

Do you claim with 100% certainty that you know the answer? I sure don’t. I attempt to stay grounded in provable conspiring as much of the time as I possibly can.

Have you NOT heard of all of these? Then you’re likely in a conspiracy filter bubble and should probably look outside of it.

(And what possibilities am I not even aware of because of my own?)

From where I stand, the answer is totally opaque.

Even if it is some dark, evil force (that some call Satan), surely there are other intermediaries involved? That just gets us asking the same question again of who is controlling what.

The question “Are their different shadowy factions competing?” adds still more opacity to this topic.

THE Answer

Nevermind, while writing this article I found THE Answer. (sarcasm)

I forget where I saw this but had to save it. How could you possibly say for sure that THIS is how everything works?

It gets very fuzzy just the first level up, five times as much the second level up. By the third level here you’re swimming in pure mystery!

All this opacity lends itself to controlled opposition, disinformation, limited hangouts and more. This makes it even more opaque. Mind-numbing dizziness.

Maybe Naomi Klien is right. This does look like a conspiracy smoothie to me.

On the other hand, while I highly doubt the exact specifics of that chart, I concede that it could be something LIKE that. As one of the sheeple, I’m not in a very good position to judge.

Awake doesn’t mean Awake

Things got bad with Covid. This has caused many new people to “wake up.”

I don’t really like that phrase. Just because you’re “awake” to one layer of deception, doesn’t mean you’re still dreaming through the next nine.

This much I can tell you is true. It didn’t start with Covid. It goes back further than that. Things got bad with 9/11…

No, it goes back further than that. The “original” coup was the CIA killing JFK…

No, it goes back further than that. Things changed after WW2 when the Nazis went underground and Bretton Woods changed everything…

No, things really changed with Rockefeller philanthropy and the Federal Reserve being created at the turn of the 20th century…

No, things have been controlled for longer than that. The Catholic church was controlled by the Jesuits and the Black Nobility…

No, (this was a brand new one to me I heard about recently), almost all of our history is wrong because of the Tartarian empire that has been erased from history books and our timelines rewritten…

No, you have to go back further than that, to Atlantis, Lemuria and the hidden civilizations with bloodlines and secret knowledge passed down for millennia…

No, you have to go back to the progenitor aliens that lived (still live in Antartica?) that tweaked our DNA to create our species. 

The other layer of opacity is time. The further back you go, the harder it is to pin down with anything even remotely resembling certainty.

Do you claim with 100% certainty that you know the answer? I sure don’t. I attempt to stay grounded in provable history of the past hundred years or so! And do you know how much has happened just in the last century? It’s dizzying.

But suppose some of these deeper layers go back hundreds or even thousands of years. If that is the case, then actual top-down control becomes more feasible because what do they know about how the world, how reality itself, actually works that we’re led to not believe?

Influence vs. Control

Truthfully, it’s not a question of top down conspiracy for control, or bottom up systematic emergent properties. It’s both.

I wrote the following as part of my WHO deep dive (World Health Organization). It covers the WHO, but the idea pertains to every single institution that exists. This covers how conspiring will infect and grow over time.

That’s why the way I see it, it’s not so much about control as about influence.

If Big Pharma can get policies and decisions swayed in their favor just 10% of the time, as I’ll prove shortly they’ve done over and over again, that gives them an unfair advantage. If one high-up person is “in their pocket” and they make a decision on a policy that has lasting impact this has occurred.

This then means through time they’ll continue to benefit allowing for more similar actions to be taken. In other words, the 10% compounds over time.

It also means that the one person becomes two, becomes five. Any degree of corruption at high levels allows for more corrupt people, not less, to gain more power. After all, almost all of these positions are appointed not elected. (And we know elections can be gamed too!)

Corruption spreads. In a backroom deal someone basically says you do this thing for us you’ll get the position. With the position you help us gain more profits and power so we incentivize the next person…

At the same time corruption stops “good people” from being successful. They get locked out in one fashion or another. We’ll see examples of that from employees of the WHO blowing the whistle later on.

If Gates can earmark certain funds he donates to specific projects, and those projects involve buying drugs from companies he is invested in, personally or through his foundation, that’s a serious conflict of interest at the very least. He then gains money that allows him to further influence the WHO.

Understand, because the WHO is a large organization, with about 7000 employees, these kinds of things can be occurring while there are also legitimate, good lifesaving projects also being done. It’s not black and white or an either/or thing, it is both/and situation.

Although systems are important, understand that these come down to people making decisions. Thus, it may be best to think of the people involved in a few different buckets:

1. There are some really good people that are genuinely striving to solve the world’s health problems.

2. There are some that are simply bureaucratic types that may not influence things one way or another. They’re largely just doing their jobs, punching the clock.

3. There are some that are undoubtedly and fully corrupt. (Remember, sociopaths exist and they have a higher than average chance of rising in position because of such!)

4. There are those that allow corruption in small ways (such as a consultancy fee from a pharmaceutical company). As we know from doctors that attend pharma sponsored events, meals or receive kickbacks, they make think they’re then making independent choices but their actions show they’ve been swayed.

The saying is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. With these types of people involved and with money involved, corruption is pretty much inevitable…even if the majority of people are in group one!

The question is not whether the WHO is corrupt or not. Instead the big question is how much corruption is involved? How much harmful influence is involved? This exploration is not exhaustive but is meant to give us some answers to these questions.

Right now, we’re talking about worldwide influence. Not just the WHO but the FDA, the CDC, the NIH and these equivalent health institutions in every single country.

Not just health but politics, economics, journalism, education, activists, foundations…every institution and system.

How deep and far do the tentacles reach? How long have the tentacles been reaching?

Long enough and deep enough to pervade every institution it seems!

This is scary to look at, which is why most people don’t. But everywhere you look you find this corrupting influence going on. That is where the evidence leads.

Using the Top Down Control Lens to See the World

We’re going through The Great Reset, right? We’ve moved into the New Normal.

We’ve seen their plans for the future. The complete control gird of a technocractic utopia/dystopia. Plugged into the Matrix with our microchips, nanobots, vaccine passports, AI controlled, with climate and social credits. Babies born in test tubes. Genderless too! “You’ll own nothing and be happy” as predicted/planned by the World Economic Forum…and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World before that.

You…not we. Someone will be owning everything, even all of nature herself with new “natural asset companies”. That someone appears to be BlackRock and Vanguard, though those are the vehicles with the exact owners obscured behind them further.

In short, they’re turning us into the Borg. Technocratic enslavement is the agenda. And doing it without the people recognizing its happening is key. That’s because the best slave is one that thinks they’re free. Slaves don’t revolt if they don’t realize they are slaves.

The good news is we’re still a ways from that agenda being complete. (Though arguments can and have been made that we have enslaved for a long time. Watch this short video to understand that.)

“They” Plan for Decades

A consistent critique of conspiracy theorists is that they want the safety and security of understanding how the world works. While this is undoubtedly true of most, as can be told by this article, it’s not true of me. I encourage you to be a “Conspiracy Theorist 2.0,” not being married to a specific who deep down the rabbit hole.

All the best sources I follow think along these lines. Because of the opacity, it’s the only accurate opinion to say we don’t know for sure.

One of the reasons that I like the information shared by Catherine Austin Fitts is that she often talks about unanswered questions, all the things she doesn’t know.

She uses the term “Mr. Global” to describe the opaque, shadowy governance that actually runs things. (Desiring control of 100% of the globe being one a big part of the plan.)

Here’s a great recent interview with her giving the big picture with some verifiable evidence discussed.

Looking at this systemically, humans are seeking to steer our cultures all the time. It’s human nature to control things. There’s just many competing interests from corporations, to nation-states, to NGO’s, to technological determinism itself.

But imagining that there is top-down control of the world, steering of our civilization, is a useful lens to look at the world. Use it to look at the world and think differently.

It is clear that there is some form of a worldwide conspiracy even if we don’t know all the details. That country after country has dealt with the virus almost in lockstep is proof of that.

(Pay no attention to the 2010 Lock Step scenario in Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development which talks about a deadly pandemic sweeping the world. And how China fared best by locking down completely. They write, “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.” Who published this? The Rockefeller Foundation. Funny how reality copies from think tank papers and events funded by such people so often, isn’t it?)

If we do not know how governance actually works, not how we collectively pretend it to work, it sure makes it harder to predict the future. But still I strive to.

Certain layers of such planning are not opaque. Certain players, even if they are not the top of the pyramid, are known.

Going back to kayfabe, how much of what we think of as reality worked shoots? Consider the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco. Was it a fiasco? Or was it planned to come off as a fiasco? For how many and what agenda items did it check off?

In other words was that part of systemic collapse, or was that controlled demolition? In the next part we’ll take these concepts further and specifically looking at current and future events.

Totalitarian Takeover

“Totalitarianism as a social manifestation is a disease of inter-human relations, and, like any other disease, man can best resist its corroding effects if, through knowledge and training, he is well immunized against it. …In the battle against this dread disease, social factors as well as personal ones play an important role…We aim to develop in our citizens a sense of self-responsibility, a willingness to confront the world as it is, and an ability to distinguish between right and wrong through their own feelings and thoughts. Such men and women are impelled to action by their personal moral standards rather than by what some outside group sets up as correct. They are unwilling to accept group evaluations immediately unless these coincide with their own personal convictions, or unless they have been able to discuss them in a democratic way. People like this are responsible to their communities because they are first responsible to themselves.” – Joost Merloo in The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

Joost Meerloo was an M.D. and Ph.D. He survived the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands being put in prison. He escaped to England and later relocated to the US. He was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross in 1943. The Rape of the Mind was his fourteenth book.

I saw this book quoted in the following video and picked up a copy immediately.

It’s time to call a spade a spade. We are fast entering into a global totalitarian state. Some countries, such as Australia, the main focus of this article, seem to be vying for first place.

How aware are you of what is occurring down under?

Australia was operating off of a “Zero Covid” policy, meaning they aimed to have zero Covid, doing whatever it took to do so. Recently they literally locked down millions of people over a single death. The policy, like all the government health policies, has failed. As with all lockdowns any end date is just kicked further out in the distance.

Even throughout the over year and a half of COVID, Australia has had a total of 1,076 deaths, from a total population of almost 26 million. That’s a 0.00414% death rate.

Ask yourself, is that worth all of the following?

Here’s a list of some of the rules imposed in different areas of Australia (compiled from here, here and here):

  • People are barred from leaving the city except for “essential” purposes
  • Arrivals include 14 day quarantine at quarantine camps
  • People must apply for permits to enter Victoria and other places
  • Travel from elsewhere in NSW to Victoria is not permitted, even for Victorian residents, unless you have been granted an exemption
  • There is a curfew from 9pm to 5am in about 40% of Sydney
  • Fines for travelling into Victoria without a permit, or in breach of the border bubble restrictions, are $5,452
  • Essential workers attempting to enter from NSW must have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine
  • You must stay within 5 kilometers of your home
  • You can only travel in a car with other people you live with, with only a few exceptions
  • Only 1 person per household may leave their home each day to shop for food or other goods and services
  • You can exercise with 1 other person that you do not live with, or your nominated visitor (“singles bubble”). If you live with more than 2 other people, you can all go out together for exercise.
  • You must carry proof of your address if you have left your home for a reasonable excuse or are exercising outdoors or have left your home for outdoor recreation. The cops may stop and ask about this at any time.
  • Businesses that do not require employees to work from home if they are reasonably able to do so face a fine of up to $10,000 for corporations and $2,000 for individuals.
  • You must wear a facemask indoors or in any public place.
  • Gatherings are limited to two people. This means no church, no weddings, no funerals, no parties, nothing allowed.
  • Most retail businesses are closed.
  • People are encouraged to rat out on others breaking all of these rules.

This video gives a look at some of these in action.

Let’s just say for the sake of argument that Covid is as bad as many people think it is. Even if that was the case (and there are extremely compelling arguments that it is not) then I would be far more frightened by the totalitarian push going on!

The (totalitarian) cure is worse than the disease (Covid).

Here’s some deeper dives into what is going on…

Hypocrite Leaders

Of course, in any totalitarian state, it’s “rules for thee, not for me.”

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison was able to fly home to Sydney to see his family, while others could not. He is, of course, “essential” and thus the rules don’t apply to him.

Meanwhile, many were stuck celebrating the day at a “wall” between states (because they couldn’t visit families across state lines). (Don’t forget that these gatherings would technically all be illegal as well.)

The Vaccinated Economy

The key point that many people don’t get is this is not about health but about reshaping economics and culture. Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews called it a “Vaccinated Economy”

“There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated. We’re going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be…If you’re making the choice not to get vaccinated, then you’re making the wrong choice.”

And you will be punished, aka locked out, for not following the totalitarian dictates.

The vaccines are not about health but are about compliance, carrying the benefits of participating in society, a carrot for obedient citizens. After all the vaccines do not stop you from getting the disease nor transmitting it.

Choked for Not Wearing a Mask Outside

My argument has been that masks were about building up the compliance before the vaccines were out. No mask, no service is being transformed into no vaccine, no service.

If you get vaccinated you don’t need a mask…psyche! It’s only if 100% of people get vaccinated…psyche, even then the masks wouldn’t come off permanently. (After all, you can still get infected and transmit the virus even with the vaccines and masks.)

Here’s a chilling video from Melbourne.

You can listen to the heartfelt and frustrated ranting. But specifically I want to point you to what begins at the 1:10 mark as a cop begins choking a woman for not wearing a mask outside.

You can say that’s a horrible cop. Sure is! But lots of petty tyrants are being given the power to be violent towards the scapegoated.

Meerloo writes that totalitarian states “can provide official sanctions for the expression of man’s most antisocial impulses.”

Arrested for Protesting

Last week I shared the many examples of pushback that are occurring. Many Australians are out there as mentioned in last’s weeks Positive Pushback. This is despite the high costs!

Protestors are being arrested. In Austrailia it is a crime to protest. You can hear the fear in his voice starting about one hour, 19 minutes in.

And shouldn’t he be afraid? If the government is going full totalitarian, we’re not too many steps removed from people “disappearing” when the police come to take them away, are we?

Australia has been going after protestors for a while now, even people that just post about protests on social media! They have a detective strike force just for identifying and charging protestors.

Quarantine Camps

“In Totalitaria, jails and concentration camps by the score are built in order to provoke fear and awe among the population. They may be called ‘punishment’ or ‘correction’ camps, but this is only a cheap justification for the truth.” – Joost Meerloo

Meerloo wrote those words back in 1956. I’m guessing he’d be willing to add quarantine camps to that list.

For decades the “conspiracy theorists” have been talking about FEMA camps and the like that would be used to round up people. It’s never amounted to much…until now.

Right now, these quarantine camps seem humane enough. But when COVID ramps up this winter with the next big push, how long do you think that will remain?

I wrote that line but then came across this video…

This video purportedly from inside a camp has a quarantinee (aka prisoner) have their stay extending and is threatened “calm down or your gunna get fucking gassed.”

According this they’re locked in rooms for about fourteen days with nothing to do.

Is this humane treatment? If it really was about the virus, couldn’t these people just test negative without requiring 14 day mandatory stay?

(And yes, there are hints of this coming to the USA too. The CDC discusses the “shielding approach” and even a USA Today Fact Check labels the quarantine camps as real but of course whitewashes them.

Do you get it yet?

Australian Chief Health Offier Dr. Kerry Chant

Here’s a few quotes from this leading tyrant.

“We need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID vaccines for the future … I can’t see COVID is not going to be with us forever…Booster doses and repeat doses will be part of it.”

Once again, the vaccines were never meant to eradicate COVID. Instead it is an ongoing continuity program or pharmaceutical hamster wheel, for the physical and digital control that provides.

Imagine having all these procedures for the flu back in 2017 and you get an idea of how ludicrous these actions are.

Chant even told people not to talk to each other. “Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others — to be friendly — unfortunately this is not the time to do that. So even if you run into your next-door neighbor in the shopping center … don’t start up a conversation. Now is the time for minimizing your interactions with others, even if you’ve got a mask.”

More recently she said, “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order.” 

It’s interesting. By using that phrase all the normies think that all the conspiracies are even more kooky conspiracies. Just like The Great Reset was somehow a “conspiracy theory”, despite the book, website and more showing exactly how it was a plan to reshape the world. Good ol’ gaslighting.

So what does the NWO contact tracing will look like? Here’s a hint…

Digital Survellience

“And the government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. Returning travelers quarantining at home will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person,” reports the Atlantic.

That’s right! The new Home Quarantine SA app makes sure you’re at home or else they’ll send police.

So in the future your app can let you know you’ve come in contact with someone who’s infected then you can report to either home quarantine or the quarantine camp as they tell you to. Right now they’re sending cops. Soon enough drones or robo-dogs.

Just another step in your smart phone becoming your jailor.

It Will Escalate from Here

Someone accused me of hyperbole when mentioning kids being ripped out of parents hands.

Yet that is exactly hat is what this video shows starting at 6 seconds.

And if for some reason that is inaccurately labeled, which it may well be, with everything shown here it is clear that this is the direction things are moving in.

In other words, it will happen soon enough if it hasn’t already. Vaccine approval for children is not yet ready in most places but it’s obviously going to happen soon enough on current trajectories. (Cuba started vaccinating toddlers for Covid.)

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard discussed an event where 24,000 teenagers were vaccinated. The parents were told to “stay outside the arena.”

How soon until parents not vaccinating their children is deemed unfit and they must be separated? For the kids protection from their racist, white supremacist, Qanon, conspiracy theorist, antivaxxer, domestic terrorist parents of course!

How to Stand Up Against Totalitarianism

I hate sharing this stuff. It makes me sick. And I’m sorry that I’ve quite possibly ruined your day.

Still, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be aware of what was happening then to have my head in a hole in the ground.

Totalitarianism happens inch by creeping inch.

Just look at the vaccine mandates, the linchpin to this whole thing. People weren’t told about boosters up front. Mandates just went from you can opt out for Federal workers to it now being mandatory. Mandates just went from suggested to necessary for employers with over 100 employees. Inch by creeping inch.

This is why the “conspiracy theorists” have been shouting for years. There’s a recognition of how bad things are and where they’re going. It was creeping inch by inch long before COVID was a household word.

It’s moving fast…but still has to go step by step. They can’t announce the they’re gassing the unvaccinated at quarantine camps anytime soon.

This says “Gas the Unvaccinated” in German, another country vying for first place among totalitarians (amazingly enough so many there can’t see any historical parallels!)

The propaganda confuses and confounds the normies, while the power hungry slide through what’s acceptable just a bit at a time.

It’s like that saying that I keep coming back to. When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago!

What’s the next best time? Now.

The best way to stop totalitarians is to stop them 20 years ago, not when the plan is in action. The good news is they still have far to go…at least outside Australia.

Now’s the time to stand up and say no more.

Summon up the courage to do whatever you can do now. That’s all it takes. Enough people just doing what they can right now.

We Americans were privileged. We could opt out of paying attention to politics and the world. I know I did for many years.

But you reap what you harvest. The populous was propagandized. Those that recognized as such mostly opted out because they could. You could go on your life without being bothered too much.

Not any more.

There’s no more time to wonder. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to make our stand.

Make people aware of what is happening in Australia. Ask them, “Are you aware of what is happening in Australia?” Point them to this post if it helps.

Only the most fascist of people, the petty tyrants, when made aware of these facts, will agree with them. That is NOT most people.

If you’re in Australia…maybe it is time to get out. At least start thinking about it and planning for it. At what point should the Jews have fled Germany? At what point should the people have fled Guatemala before the death squads become a thing?

Remember the quote attributed to Edmund Burke…

“The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”

Act now…while the threat of being taken away by the police to quarantine camps does not yet exist. This has been a tactic of totalitarians all throughout history. And it could very well be our future unless we act to stop it now.

Do not give another inch.

And work with others to take back inch by inch our freedoms and rights. It is happening, and I’ll share more positive examples in the future.

Positive Pandemic Pushback

As I’ve talked about before, if you go down rabbit holes, its a natural response to get depressed. They’re dark places.

And this is why many people do not do so. Avoiding facing the truth, pretending things are better than they are (and this is an unconscious process) helps to avoid such feelings.

Since we’re a traumatized society, mostly without effective coping skills, it’s the dominant way.

Therefore, depression is the normal and healthy response when you recognize the insanity of the world. Just please don’t get stuck there!

We’re up against what seems like incredible odds. But there is hope. And we must hold onto hope even in the darkest times. Staying grounded while you swing on the pendulum pictured above can be tough, but think of it as something you simply must practice.

Think back to pretty much every single movie you’ve ever seen. There’s a point when it seems like all hope is lost (the dark night of the soul) and that is right before things shift.

This isn’t just movies and myths. It’s an archetypal structure to our lives. To the cosmic journey we’re on, in which we’re all heroes and heroines of our own story.

Are we in the Abyss right now?

Only time will tell. But I want to showcase some of the positive reasons for swinging that pendulum to hope.

Worldwide Pushback Examples

The places that have the strictest rules are getting the most pushback. Austrailia, New York, France and many more. Here are tons of examples in no real particular order.

France has had hundreds of thousands of people protesting for seven weeks now. In some places the police have even joined the protestors it appears.

Children’s Health Defense covers how the unions are pushing back against vaccine mandates in New York.

People are saying they won’t be going to go to restaurants that require vaccine mandates. Of course others will be asking for them. Put this together and you have some more difficulties for restaurants. I know which ones I’ll be supporting.

Even vaccinated people running businesses in New York realize mandates are a non-viable option. Here’s one of them speaking out.

In Australia, the truck drivers (truckies as they call them) are blocking highways in protest of lockdowns and mandates.

One woman, Monica Smit, founder of activist group Reignite Democracy Australia, charged with “inciting” protests, refused bail when she had to agree to stop doing so.

In this video Avi Yemini shows how the cops don’t even know the rules they’re enforcing.

Montana has banned all vaccine requirements for employees. Fortune writes that Montana says “requiring vaccines as a condition for employment is deemed ‘discrimination’ and a violation of the state’s human rights laws.” Duh! It’s just so surprising that so many people can’t see that!

And, surprisingly to some, Vladimir Putin has come out saying, “No one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is NOT acceptable,” as they banned forced vaccinations in Russia. Welcome to the upside down with Russia leading the world in freedom!

All four police unions stand in opposition to Chicago’s vaccine mandate for all city employees. Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara said “This has literally lit a bomb underneath the membership. … And what are they gonna do when four or five thousand coppers say, ‘Screw you. I’m staying home. You’re not making me get this f—ing vaccination. Don’t pay me. That’s fine. We’ll see you in court.’”

Spain’s Supreme Court has ruled that vaccine passports to restrict public access are unconstitutional.

I couldn’t find the original after seeing it, but here is the heavy metal remix of one man speaking out at a San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting. This one is fun. HAIL FAUCI!

Even many people that got the vaccine are getting tired of this when they realize they’re being put on a continuity program. Bill Maher spoke up about it.

The vaccine has been mandated for the US military. Many have said they’re going to quit. (Not to mention military pushback regarding the events in Afghanistan, like this video from marine Stuart Scheller.)

The powers that be are actively trying to pass vaccine mandates in California. This has led to growing protests.

Yesteryear’s heroes are now today’s enemy. Nurses and doctors worked with Covid patients for a year without a vaccine. And the hospitals are supposedly overwhelmed. But not enough to threaten the firing of people that choose not to get this medical experiment.

We see similar things at many companies that are trying to rollout vaccine mandates. If enough people say no, they simply aren’t in a position to actually do it.

The long term ramifications of all the public health measures on children is one of the things that I’m most worried about. So it’s good to see at least one high school, including the kids, pushing back. Even though this news piece describes it as dozens, this video seems to show well over a hundred.

Many parents are stepping up and school boards. And finding better ways of doing so. The Gateway Pundit posts a petition saying, “Mandate what you want your school board to do via a voter-approved petition – and they have to do it!”

In Los Angeles, protests have been happening outside of council members homes. The Hill mentions, a man at a protest saying of the vaccine mandate“Whoever votes yes, we’re coming to your door,” “We’re coming to your home. You want to intimidate us? We’re coming to you now.”

Things are escalating so the city council is trying to make protesting in front of their homes illegal.

More and more people are stepping up. Los Angeles city fire department captain was one such person speaking up.

This is a small sampling of what is going on.

Why this is the Place to Make a Stand

Now for some bad news. If the powers that be pull off vaccine mandates and vaccines passports, I’m afraid that they’ve won. This is because the rest of the digital control grid comes in easy after that.

Remember it’s not about health. Never has been. It’s about compliance.

Just to make it clear, a primary agenda is complete surveillance and control. This means to have a digital ID, tied into your vaccine records, along with a social credit score and digital currency. At first this in in your phone, but eventually will be implanted in your body for more steps towards biodigital convergence. Use this as a lens to see the world and you’ll understand much more on how it works!

The good news is a growing number of people recognize this agenda for what it is. And if the powers that be can get through this step where they control what gets injected into your body the rest hinges on that.

That means such pushback as we’re seeing here is almost assuredly going to escalate. If those voting for mandates don’t listen to the non-violent protests, I’m afraid that some people will take matters into their own hands. We’re already seeing the first hints of that.

And with that escalation there’s a warning. Beware of agent provocateurs. Beware of false flags. Beware of how the media will spin things always.

Understand how they’ll take bigger steps towards control and compliance when Covid ramps up in the fall and winter especially.

I’ve never really been an activist. However, I recognize that now is the time because of the aforementioned reasons. There must be coordinated and large pushback on each and every step forward on the vaccine mandates and passports that is taken.

I’m getting connected with local groups to do so. Just last night I was out at a group of maybe fifty people, in person and without a mask in sight, that aims to be the central hub for coordinating action in my town. (Of course, I handed out White Rose stickers.)

What about you?

Stickering with The White Rose

I mentioned the White Rose on the Taking Dissident Action video the other week. But I felt it was worth diving deeper on for a number of reasons.

There is hope! What we need is people to stand up and take action. Just doing what you can do, whatever you can do, will inspire others to do the same.

It doesn’t take 50% of the people. It only takes a threshold amount which can then start a cascade. People are already dancing. Will you join them?

The masks and lockdowns weren’t enough for people to act collectively on. But as vaccine mandates and passports roll out enough people are saying “No!”

What is the White Rose?

Throughout this article I’ll be borrowing from their website,, and their Telegram channel.

“The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activists—each a powerful one person operation—all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. United by a common cause and methodology, our mission is to inspire healthy skepticism, critical thought and righteous dissent in the face of ubiquitous government and corporate media propaganda, mass authoritarian groupthink, and an official Covid-19 narrative riddled with logical inconsistencies, quasi-religious dogmatism and outright lies. In an age of rampant internet censorship, where all dissenting voices are silenced, and only Big Tech approved viewpoints are permitted a platform, we have taken the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers!”

The History of the White Rose

It’s interesting. I’ve seen quite a few different people talk about what is going on today as a parallel of Nazi Germany. Obviously, it hasn’t gotten that bad (yet), but there certainly are important lessons to learn from history.

See Charles Eisenstein draw the parallels in this masterful article here. (And of course he was called anti-Semitic for doing so because we know how the smear campaigns work.)

See C.J. Hopkins discuss flipping the Nazis use of an inverted red triangle “to designate their political opponents and members of the anti-Nazi resistance.”

And so it is with the name behind the White Rose…

“Our name is an homage to the WW2-era underground resistance group—active within Nazi Germany—who at great personal peril published and distributed a series of leaflets calling for active opposition to the Nazi regime. The courage, wisdom and ultimate sacrifice of Sophie and Hans Scholl, and all of their brave student allies, continues to inform and inspire us nearly 80 years later.”

Censorship Ramp Up

The internet is censored. Only to a degree, but ever growing, as censorship always does. Understand, it was just over two years to go from kicking Alex Jones off YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify, to censoring newspapers and even the president of the US online. Two years and a few months. Where do you think censorship will be two years from now?

It’s not going to stop. It’s going to get worse.

All the more incentive to stop people from congregating…as they did with the lockdowns. In totalitarian Australia, they’re telling people to not even speak to one another!

Enter the low tech sticker. They can’t censor the real world. Not nearly as well, anyway.

Of course, I have no illusions that these stickers will change the minds of anyone that is a diehard Covid cultist. As has become quite clear, even logical, evidence-based arguments won’t change their minds. They will tear the stickers down.

But there are some that are seeing the cracks in the narrative. (There are SO MANY after all!) It just doesn’t make sense to an increasing amount of normies.

My favorite stickers get them to ponder such things a bit more.

Still, these stickers are not really about changing anyone’s mind.


I see these stickers primarily as being a recruitment tool. You’ll see that each and every sticker has a QR code and link to their Telegram group.

There’s a network effect involved. They run surveys in their group. Over time I see the percentage coming from “Saw a sticker” increasing. (I first heard about it from another Telegram channel which is still the leading place.)

If you’re not familiar with it, Telegram is an open source, secure and as of right now, censorship free social media platform. It’s usable on any device. I’ve personally taken to using it more so than any other platform.

The White Rose is still small but they’re growing too. Still waiting for the hockey stick, but that is coming.

I saw the group. I joined the group. I got myself a printer. I’ve printed stickers. I’ve handed them to other people. I’ve put them around town. And now I’m writing an article all about it.

You too can join in these steps if you’d like.

I have seen stickers from other people around town, not just my own efforts. That sure was a good feeling when I spotted the first one.

Let me tell you, this is fun to do! It feels like you’re doing something. Yes, it’s small. Tiny against what feels like insurmountable odds. But you never know the butterfly effects that might be involved.

What if one sticker you place recruits someone who puts out thousands?

What if the stickers plant a seed in the mind of someone that is on the fence?

Besides it gets you outside and walking around, which pretty much everyone could use more of. And taking action, however small, will surely lead to more.

Decentralization and Local Action

If it was just about stickers and recruiting people to do stickers, I wouldn’t be that excited about it. We’ve certainly got more to do against the worldwide propaganda campaign.

But that’s only the beginning.

This group is decentralized. While it seemingly started up in the UK, beyond the main group, there are groups forming for each country, each state, even down to the city and county level.

From this I’ve started finding people in my local area that are on the same page. Just yesterday I attended a Recall Governor Newsom overpass rally and met like-minded people, including one person I found through a Telegram group similar to this. I handed out some stickers too, of course.

From that I learned about another group of people meeting that I’ll be attending next week.

There’s true grassroots political action forming. There’s talk of boycotting those that demand vaccines, and supporting those that don’t.

Sure, grassroots has been happening for a long time. But I’ve never been politically active. I’ve got plenty else to do! However, I understand that it is NOW or NEVER. And so I’m doing what I can.

If the powers that be can successfully mandate what gets injected into people’s body, they pretty much have complete control. The other pieces of the agenda just have to fall into place after that.

Now is the time to rise up. You’re not the only one doing so.

Taking Dissident Action

I teamed up with my good friend Josh Long to discuss planning, resources and action regarding current crazy events we all live in in this live, now recorded video.

(Backup on alternative platforms will be available soon.)

In other words, how to avoid being caught up in the authoritarian steamrolling machine, and how, we the people, can push back. 

This is not focused on what the problems are. We’re kind of assuming that those that show up have a decent enough grasp on those. 

Instead, the focus is entirely what to do about it. 

The topics included:

  • What to do about employer and government mandates
  • Whose winning lawsuits, and how to support them
  • The coming threats and what to be aware of (aka cultivating adaptability)
  • The civilization collapse stack for preparation
  • Boycotts, Buycotts, Walk-ins and more
  • The importance of cash
  • Disconnecting from the beast system and using alternatives
  • Where to not waste your time
  • Local and decentralized groups for coordinating action

Links and References:

  1. Catherine Austin Fitts’s “Solari Report”
  2. The Civilization Collapse Stack post
  3. The White Rose
  4. The White Rose Telegram Group
  5. Covid Vaccine Exemption Documents
  6. Online Petition against HR 4980 (can’t fly without vaccines law)
  7. More Exemption Resources
  8. Children’s Health Defense
  9. Informed Consent Action Network
  10. Project Veritas
  11. #CashFriday

Central Banker Digital Control

CBDC stands for central banker digital currency.

…but it might be better described as Central Banker Digital Control.

It is a cryptocurrency, but instead of the trustless decentralization that Bitcoin relies on, it’s just more of the same of what we know and hate about fiat currency.

Having knowledge of CBDC’s and what’s happening is extremely important to the crypto world. So let’s dive in…

This is a useful webpage to see updates on CBDC’s.

It includes:

  • 5 countries with launched or pilot CBDC programs
  • 5 countries with proof of concepts
  • 7 countries (including US and UK) in advanced stages of R&D
  • 30 countries in exploratory stages of R&D
  • 10 countries exploring the idea
  • 2 countries which launched and discontinued them

This article mentions that the pandemic accelerated the timeline by at least five years. “There is also no doubt in our mind that a major central bank will soon launch a digital currency and we expect this to happen within the next three years,” said Guardtime, a European blockchain company.

There’s a good chance of it happening faster than that.

(What does a virus have to do with digital currency? Must just be a conspiracy theory that you shouldn’t pay attention to. OR if you do want to listen to the conspiracy factualists you can look at the evidence that the virus was used a smokescreen for the economic shenanigans all along.)

They mention a different stat of 60 central banks are exploring CBDCs.

There are 195 countries in the world.

Do you think this has a possibility of NOT happening at this stage?

The central bankers all work together. This is specifically what the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is all about. You know that very hush-hush supranational beyond-government agency that began after WWI.

The former Bank of England and Canada Governor Mark Carney, at the BIS, said “We should be wary of path dependence and locking in existing advantages of tech companies via the payments system. There are powerful network effects in both social networks and money. If combined, these could be mutually reinforcing. Convenience once established may be hard to unwind in the Uberisation of money.”

In other words, we bankers need to make sure we control stablecoins before it’s too late.

They can’t allow for stablecoins that they don’t have control of, can they?

Here is the BIS General Manager Agustín Carstens speaking in October 2020 about CBDC’s. This is what it is really about.

“Our analysis on CBDC in particular for…general use. We tend to establish the equivalence with cash. And there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash we don’t know for example whose using a $100 bill today. We don’t know whose using a 1000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is that central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability [aka money]. And also we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference to what cash is.” (emphasis added)

This was the plan in “going direct.” This is a major step that is required for the “Great Reset.”

Doesn’t this bode ill for cryptocurrencies then?

Sort of. Yes they will make sure they have co-opted the system. In one sense this is the biggest threat to the space, particularly stablecoins (and one possible “solution” is the whole Tether scam unraveling to allow them to do it.) That’s in time though…

There’s still a golden window happening right now that will not be open long. Get in, get your profits, and get out (at least to a degree).

But on the flip side, crypto investments are not going away! The space will not just be CBDC’s. Those who want to control things have need of certain crypto projects to move their agendas along as well.

And this is what my Crypto Crash Course can help you with. Stablecoins (not CBDC’s) are an important part of this picture right now.

You must understand the fight going on for economics, how co-opting and steering the narrative works.

You can get in now, of your own free will and gain from doing so.

Or you can be forced to later when CBDC’s are crammed down your throat, and when you must have a good citizen social score, get your annual (semiannual/quarterly?) booster shots, or else your money is turned off.

That is the dream (aka nightmare) of the total control grid totalitarian plan.

After all, it’s an open conspiracy. All you have to do is listen to what people like Carstens are saying.  

The good news is there is a light side to crypto that is specifically trying to ensure that doesn’t happen. The libertarian ethic is hard at work in the crypto space, laughing at the bankers and their silly dreams.

It’s not just an information war but a full on economic one too.

I just finished up the Advanced Track on the Crypto Crash Course. That’s now uploaded and available for paid members.

And that means that the pre-production discount is going away soon. I’ll leave it up until the end of the week but then the course goes up to its normal price.

(The Beginner Track will still be freely available.)

Find out more and signup here.

The Civilization Collapse Stack

The inspiration for this article was ignited by a video from Clif High.  I’ve been following Clif’s work for maybe a year and a half or two years now. He is definitely off the deep end…and I think there is some genius there otherwise I wouldn’t continue to follow him. If nothing else, it is a fascinating perspective.

Anyway, in one of his videos he talked about a “Civilization Collapse Stack.”

This immediately caught my attention, helping weave together what were disparate threads in my mind.

Now there’s a lot in that video that he talks about if you watch it that you might not agree with. Here’s the thing. Regardless of the specific scenarios, I think this is a useful model.

First of all, we are without a doubt going through civilization collapse. Now, this does not necessarily mean the “apocalypse” is upon us, 90% of humanity is going to die, we’re going back to living in caves, etc. It COULD mean that…in time especially with cascading effects. That is absolutely a possibility.

Just because there is an emotional or unthinkability bias against these possibilities that stop most people from seeing them, doesn’t mean it’s not actually there.

Secondly, there is a strong chance of much of the ‘collapsing’ of the collapse being mitigated, thus the collapse is short-lived, or localized, humanity bouncing back. In this sense the collapse might have more to do with institutions and cultural norms, then much of the technological underpinnings of our society. The magnitude of this happening is still HUGE.

If you doubt this…observe the world flip flop from conspiracy theory to leading theory about the origins of the virus…and people begin to see the financial ties of individuals involved.

Witness the inventor of mRNA vaccines basically saying whoops, we messed up and “normie” pro-vax scientists having to wrestle with how our institutions are allowing this to happen.

Of course the damage control spinners are working overtime! Interesting times nonetheless…

Still, since we’re talking civilization collapse, for some background it can be worth studying the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Mayans, and many others that have come before. There are strong parallels available.

So what is this Civilization Collapse Stack?

This is a way of thinking through the possibilities of how this can play out.

If it gets really, really, really bad (aka Mad Max world as Clif High mentions) then we’re all the way down to the bottom of the stack.

If it’s not that bad, we’re at the top of the stack, not even collapsing just stepping into the future from here.

How far we go down the stack remains to be seen, but by being aware you can be better prepared.

And this doesn’t just have to do with survival but thriving which basically leads us into investments, along with adaptability.

So let’s dive into his stack and I’ll riff on it.


Have you seen Mad Max? That’s a description of the worst things could go in. The Walking Dead minus the zombies is a likely more accurate description that gets rid of the flamboyancy of Mad Max.

PB stands for lead, aka ammo and guns. Food is a descriptor of not just food, but water and everything else you need to survive. Mobility is being able to move as that could be the difference between life and death.

An important aspect of these assets are not just that you need them to survive but they are good for barter. That you can trade any of these goods for other things you need is important in this world where any and all currency might not be worth anything. (I’m reminded of the image of people burning cash in the Weimar republic in order to stay warm.)

RE – Subsistence

RE stands for real estate. Perhaps more importantly here, can you live off your land? Grow your own food? (Can you defend it…to go back a level?) Depending on how difficult things are and for how long the ability to meet your survival based on where you’re at could be especially useful.

Note that this contrasts with mobility. Best bet would be to have a self-sustaining place as well as mobility.

Real estate also acts as a worthy investment. Right now, with asset inflation real estate is going up, up, up. There is not likely to be a change in that anytime soon unless civilization collapses down the stack. In that sense with a good home you can be set either way.


Those are the chemical symbols for gold and silver. Precious metals have always held value throughout almost all human civilization. This trend could stop at some point but is not likely. I like to call this the “old money” play.

If the US dollar goes into hyperinflation and becomes worthless this would be a rock-solid hedge against that.

The interesting thing going on with these is that even though ALL other assets are seeing inflation, it has not happened in precious metals. Why? There is significant evidence of the manipulation of these markets. They likely will have their time to shine in the sun again but can’t say for sure when that will happen.

Having some of these on hand in small denominations allows for trading in any world that isn’t solely about short-term survival.

Physical Cash

The interesting thing about the US dollar is that most of it is already digital. Nothing more than bits on computers. There is a case to be made that actual physical cash could be more valuable than the digital version. The fact that cash is not tracked like everything soon will be makes a case for this.

At the very least it is useful to have cash on hand for any variety of short-term emergency situations.


We’re going through the Great Reset, an economic transition. As I’ve talked about before that appears to be coming one way or another. Now we may go down the civilization collapse stack before that fully happens. Or it could be a more seamless transition depending.

Cryptos obviously have no use in a Mad Max world. But they are a worthy investment in many versions of “Future World.”

(I’m currently accepting a handful of new clients for my Crypto Crash Course Coaching.)

Digital Yuan/Dollar (System Money)

These are the central bankers rolling out their versions of centralized, more highly controlled, technocratic cryptocurrencies. The technical name is CBDC’s, central banker digital currencies. China is already experimenting with their version. The Fed is soon to release prototypes of its Digital Dollar.

The goal is to not go through civilization collapse but steer us into this system in the making. And it’s not just these but there’s reason to believe the powers-that-be are behind some of the popular crypto technologies today.

What most of the powers-that-be seem to want is a near seamless step into this control grid world.

Though an argument can be made that much needs to collapse before the world (like the freer parts of the USA) are ready to go there. If that’s the case then collapsing is desired and may receive “assistance.”

My Version of the Civilization Collapse Stack

I see this a bit differently than Clif. I see these two top parts of the stack more or less as split pathways. (Not that it’s all or nothing as these could fight it out for some time.)

Here’s my drawing.

A key point is that there is what we may call “normality” the pre-pandemic world. So here you see a splitting of the possible futures.

Look, I think the US dollar is doomed as the national reserve currency. It may be re-born as the digital dollar. Something else could take it’s place. But it’s chances of remaining long term the world’s reserve currency are doubtful, based off of very solid historical trends and the facts that show up today.

I highly doubt we step seamlessly in the future from this point. Instead, it’s a matter of how far down the collapse stack we end up going. If we collapse hard down the stack, then currency isn’t so much a concern.

If we don’t collapse as hard, or we do but go through a “Great Rebuild,” it is a cryptocurrency future in one form or another. That’s the way I see it.

Collapse – A Phenomenon Spanning Time and Location

Yes, we’re a globalized world right now. That is the main thing, with all it entails, that makes our current position different than the Roman Empire collapsing.

That adds so much complexity that predicting things is tough to do. That’s why this principle-based look at civilization collapse is useful. It simplifies the complexity.

And one of the most useful things to know about civilization collapse is that that doesn’t happen all at once.

Civilization collapse is not an overnight thing. In fact, it could take more than my lifetime! But a fair guess is that the rest of the 2020’s are rocky.

There’s one other key point…

Collapse doesn’t affect every area across the globe the same either.

Take for instance forest fires. As most people know, I lost my home in California to one of these last year. Note these things:

  1. California burns every single year.
  2. Over the past five years or so, it has gotten worse every single year.
  3. Last year was a big step up from before. Not just California but the entire west coast up to Canada!
  4. This year the state is drier than last year.
  5. Fire season is just about to start once again…

What helped me out here? Surviving and thriving. Mobility and insurance came in handy here personally. And unfortunately, that makes many of the other things tougher to do. (I lost all my stockpile of survival goods for instance and had to start over.)

That’s the thing about this model. It’s not just civilization collapse but also useful for short-term emergencies too.

One thing I’m thankful for in the fire is that it stretched me out of my own unthinkability bias here. That it couldn’t happen to me. And thus, with this antifragile outlook, I feel more prepared to look at such scenarios as I’m laying out here.

Insurance of various types can help through many possibilities, which is why I added it to my chart. The thing is you must also trust those institutions to be there as well.

And in any case, survival goods and weaponry are a type of insurance. Being in cryptos has gotten me thinking a lot more about risk mitigation in many different ways.

There are more natural disasters happening. Remember how Texas froze this last winter?

Whether there is a grand solar minimum coming causing a mini ice age, it’s man-made changes causing cascading environmental effects, weather modification weaponry, or some combination of these factors I can’t say for sure. Probably all of them. What will effect where you live? Are you ready for that?

Another example. We just had the Colonial Pipeline Hack. Even though it was the owners that shut it down, not the hackers, it caused people to not be able to get gas, disrupting their lives.

Those are just a few minor examples. As the collapse occurs across multiple issues, these things exacerbate each other. For example, the fires happening during the pandemic/government edicts made things tougher.

It is completely possible that certain places (whole countries?) may collapse completely, while others function virtually untouched.

Certain places become Mad Max while others step straight in the future. It’s not fair, but it may be how it goes.

Community and Skillsets

I’ve added two meta categories to my drawing that encompass the whole stack.

The community of people you surround yourself with is important no matter what level we descend too. In addition, it can be useful to know people that specialize in different levels of this such as survival vs. investing.

Not to mention that investing in your community (which may mean your family, your friends, worthy charities, those fighting the good fight, etc.) is always worthwhile.

Then there are skillsets involved in the whole stack. At the bottom of the stack, the many branches of survival skills and subsistence living. Towards the top end more so on investing skills. And so much besides that.

Investing in your personal skillsets is always worthwhile. But not just the same old skillsets. With this model is a call to expand your proficiency into likely new skillsets.

What to Do with This?

Ask yourself: How prepared are you for these different levels of collapse?

I really don’t want to be promoting fear. Some describe me as cynical. But these are plenty of realistic scenarios worth thinking through. That’s why I put together this article, largely to sharpen my own thinking through them.

The best bet is to be ready for anything!

Unfortunately, that is not easy to do. So what do you do? Start at some bare basics at the bottom of the stack and work your way up. The specifics of preparations are beyond the scope of this article. There are places that cover that far better than I could at this time anyway.

Return to this model overtime to modify your positions, insurances, plans and assets as necessary.

What do you see as most likely? Least likely?

What is most harmful if you get it wrong? (If you miss out on a financial investment you can live with that, if you miss out on being able to feed yourself, not so much.)

It can easily be overwhelming. So what is one thing you can do, even today that is a step in the right direction?

I’ll be doing another article that looks at some of the existential threats on the horizon.

Is Your Money Safe? Is the Economy Safe?

I’ve been talking a lot about cryptocurrencies lately and will continue to do so. One of the big topics that stops many people from getting involved is how safe are they?

Safety is an important question, but I want to change tracks a bit. How safe is your money in general? How safe is the ever-growing economic bubble we all live in? (Like a fish in water, most can’t see it.)

In this article we’ll be looking at several areas to dispel the myths of safety we are supposed to believe in, showing that such safety nets that we assume exist may not be there when we expect them to be, especially as this country continues to fall apart.

First, I’ll start with a quote from Catherine Austin Fitts, in her excellent Solari Report, The End of Currencies. Highly recommended reading!

“To understand the state of our currencies, it is essential to realize that we live and transact in a transition time between two systems—amid a global currency war. The first system is the U.S. dollar, which has served as the global reserve currency since World War II…The second system is ‘in the invention room’ as we speak. Numerous parties throughout the developed and developing worlds—including members of the dollar syndicate—are attempting to bring up new digital transaction, payment and settlement systems…these unfolding developments represent a complex, confusing landscape for even the most sophisticated financial observer…The important thing to understand in this transition period is that many members of the global leadership do not intend to bring up a new currency system for use by the general population. Instead, they intend to end the use of currency as we know it, as part of a radical reengineering of our existing laws, finances, and culture. Their goal is the end of individual sovereignty—managed with technocracy and transaction systems that can operate without markets or currency in the classic sense, integrated with other heretofore separate control systems.”

I’ve touched on many of these areas before but aim to give a bigger picture looking at the unsustainability of our current system here in a two-fold way:

  1. The system at large
  2. Your dollars within the system

How Safe is the FDIC?

FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is what backs every bank account to the tune of $250,000 nowadays. Your money is safe in banks because the government guarantees it.

As their website says, FDIC is “an independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system. The FDIC insures deposits…”

But do you believe in a guarantee when you know that our government is run as a criminal organization?

(After all, the Constitution is supposedly a series of government guarantees, but we can see these guarantees are all being whittled away.)

Here’s a history lesson. Another US insurance organization, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, became insolvent in the 1980’s savings and loan crisis.

It was “recapitalized” with taxpayer money, $15 billion in 1986 and $10.75 billion in 1987. Despite these efforts, by 1989 it was still broke and was gotten rid of. Its responsibilities were replaced by the FDIC. That crisis ultimately cost taxpayers $150 billion dollars.

So let’s look at the FDIC.

Did you know that the FDIC was $8 billion in the hole back in 2010 from the last big crisis and bank failures? They’ve since reversed that, but just how exactly are they insuring that your money stays in bank accounts when they themselves haven’t always had it?

Nothing fundamental was fixed after the 2008 crisis. The problems are all bigger now…just elsewhere besides mortgages.

The most up-to-date info I can find on their website discusses how they’ve lowered the reserve ratio from the “Restoration Plan” after the 2008 crisis. As of September 30th, 2018 they held $100.2 billion.

That covers 400,800 accounts at the $250,000 limit. Of course, most people don’t have that much money. But of those that do, many have several different insured accounts at different institutions. 

If a crisis bankrupted a federal insurance institution before, what are the chances of it happening again? I’d be willing to bet on it.

Bank Runs?

Investopedia defines a bank run as the following: “A bank run occurs when a large number of customers of a bank or other financial institution withdraw their deposits simultaneously over concerns of the bank’s solvency. As more people withdraw their funds, the probability of default increases, prompting more people to withdraw their deposits. In extreme cases, the bank’s reserves may not be sufficient to cover the withdrawals.”

If there is a demolition of the current system (whether controlled or uncontrolled) this is a potential consequence.

Oh, and regarding those reserves? I reported on this back in March of 2020. The Fed stated: “As announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020.  This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.”

Banks aren’t required to hold any reserves anymore. Suspicious timing…What does a pandemic have to do with bank reserves? There’s no answer on the surface level which is why such a policy change got no mainstream coverage. But below the surface…everything.

I guess if we go fully digital there can’t really be a bank run?

…at least no one will SEE the bank run since all they need to do is transmit some bits over there and say we’re not allowing cash transactions anymore (because of the virus of course).

The FDIC is there to ensure that bank runs don’t happen. But what if the system is pushed to the point of collapse where FDIC goes with it.

The “good news” is there is a solution…

The Solution to Every Problem – Print More Money

The answer to any and all of these questions is to print more money. That seems to be our economic plan. That is what Modern Monetary Policy says to do.

Yes, the FDIC could be rescued from ANY failure by printing more money. But understand that comes at a cost, the dollars we all have get debased further.

Printing money acts as a hidden tax on the people. Congress doesn’t have to approve it. (Technically in the Constitution they approve budgets but that’s hardly how it actually works now.)

They don’t take it from you like they do with taxes, instead they just make any dollars you hold worth less.

In fact, with almost everything listed here the answer may be the same. Got a pandemic? Print more money. Going to war with China? Print more money. Climate change? Print more money. Alien invasion? Print more money.

It’s the magical solution to any threat, real or spun.

Why would they debase a currency like this?

Understand that by printing more, the bankers and their political, intelligence, non-profit, and corporate friends can gobble up assets better than anyone else. They get the benefits of new money created out of thin air, while it negatively impacts all the other existing money in value.

This creates bubbles. Bubbles always pop. Whether engineered or not, growing bubbles contribute to economic inequality. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer.

…And the bubble popping is another crisis which gives license to print more money.

It’s a hell of a system. Kicking the can down the road like this, without any fundamental reform, only delays and grows the problems that will have to be dealt with at some time.

Many in the financial space liken this money printing to be hooked on crack, heroin and meth!

The Debt Death Spiral

A zombie company is defined as a company that either needs bailouts in order to operate or has debt that it can pay interest on but not principal. While some can get turned-around most ultimately go bankrupt.

It must be great to be too big to fail, right?

Bloomberg reported that since the pandemic started over 200 large corporations, with over $2 trillion in debt, were added to the list of zombies list. This included Boeing, Delta, Exxon Mobil,  Carnival, Macy’s and more.

Even more important than companies…what happens when the US goes full on zombie government?

This report comes from Q1 of 2019 from the Office Of Debt Management. It forecasted that in 2024 the US would only be able to pay interest and no principal on it’s debt.

This was BEFORE all the pandemic bailouts. Are we already a zombie or will it be in 2022 or 2023?

I suppose they can just print more money to handle the debt, right?

How Safe are 401K’s?

Most IRA’s are only taxed when you withdraw from them. (Roth IRA’s being the exception, where you pay taxes before contributing and then can withdraw tax free.)

Here’s a question to ask yourself. By the time you’re taking money out, do you think taxes are going to:

A) stay the same?
B) go lower?
C) go higher?

Really take some time to ponder that question. They might just print money, but I’d also be willing to bet taxes will be going up.

I just saw this article the other day. “Payback time: Biden to repeal Trump tax cuts and propose first major federal hike since 1993 to help fund $1.9 trillion COVID package: President is expected to raise corporate tax and personal rates for high earners”

With government spending ramping up, likely to ramp up even more, where do you think that money is going to come from?

And if you think only the richest people are going to be taxed, I’m sorry but you’re not paying attention. Yes, there are things like the proposed California wealth tax, but the brunt will always fall on the middle class, while the elites have their ways of avoiding the worst of such policies. (After all, they’re paying the politicians to write the rules.)

I know some of my readers are already retired. Others won’t for decades to come. But you really need to project out where you think the USA is going for this.

Do you even own Your 401K?

Can the government just take your 401K? Not with current laws. But laws can change. Apparently, this would take going through Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. Again, if you think this is impossible, I ask you how many impossible things happened in 2020?

My friend Garrett Gunderson first clued me into this. In a Forbes article he wrote, “Did you know that your 401(k) does not even technically belong to you? Read the fine print and you will find that it is what’s called an “FBO” (For Benefit Of). In other words, it’s held in trust by a custodian on your behalf and is subject to a slew of government regulation and change. It’s essentially a tax code. If history proves to be a reliable guide, 401(k) funds are therefore in great jeopardy! In the same way that the government raises and lowers taxes at their whim, it can change the rules and take the money that you so diligently saved.”

But realize that is just one means of transferring wealth.

Even if 401K’s aren’t touched, we know that the markets are largely rigged. I don’t know if it is completely so, or just partially, but insider’s do have ways of creating, inflating and popping bubbles to their benefit. They can ride the bubbles on the way up and get out before they pop.

In 2008, my mom’s retirement in her 401K was cut in half by the stock market crash. She passed away before she retired (because of the poisoning of our environment and ineffective medical care) but I know she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to retire when she planned to. She’d have to work longer because of the market of which she had no control. She just trusted that her 401K was a wise choice.

Is the Stock Market Safe?

We saw stocks drop significantly in March of last year, only for it to resume going to new highs. The stock market is thriving only because of the money being pumped into the system. But that won’t inflate it forever.

But what goes up must come down.

There will be another bigger and prolonged crash at some point. Guaranteed.

Most people have ZERO control over their 401K’s, all of which is in the stock market. It’s managed by some mutual fund, typically paying a hefty but hidden fee for the privilege.

A better option in my mind is a self-directed 401K. This way you can do much more than index funds in the stock market. With the right setup you can invest in businesses, real estate, precious metals, foreign assets, and even cryptocurrencies.

Personally, I don’t have a 401K. And I don’t ever plan to. Truthfully, I don’t even buy to the idea of retirement for myself. That doesn’t mean I’m not working for my future; I’m just using different vehicles to do so.

The fact that you don’t actually own it makes it highly suspect in my mind.

What if the government decides that all white people need to pay reparations for their whiteness and the 401K is a good way to do that? Because obviously, if you have a 401K you’re privileged and engaging in white supremacy.

I only say this in partial jest with the direction things are going…After all, if math can be racist, all things are on the table!

“White supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when… The focus is on getting the ‘right’ answer.” (This quote comes from The Education Trust Inc., which happens to be funded by the Gates Foundation of course.)

It’s not a far leap from the right answers in math being racist, to any financial literacy and therefore retirement funds being racist.

How Safe are Pensions?

Virtually all the state pensions are underfunded.

Here’s a graphic from 2017 showing the average state is short about 30%. Some like New Jersey are deeply in the red. Only two states, South Dakota and Wisconsin were fully funded.

That’s government workers. What about private pensions?

In 2012, the Irish government passed a 0.6% tax on private pension funds due to the financial crisis and a need to increase revenues.

Argentina nationalized $30 billion in private pensions in the last global crisis.

There are many more examples of such actions the world over. Do you think this kind of thing is impossible within the USA?

Is it American exceptionalism alone that protect us?

A good question is why are these pensions underfunded? The government is full of crooks that are already robbing us every chance they get. For the sociopaths involved, they’ll continue to rob us of anything and everything with whatever they can get away with. Of course, there are ways of getting at pension money, just like social security which will be bankrupt within a couple years.

Have no fear the federal government is here. The recent COVID relief bill included $86 billion in pension bailouts.

Too big to fail, right? The states must fall in line with the Federal government to get their handouts too.

A good question to ask is, do you live in a more or less controlled state because of such liabilities?

Government Waste and Corporate Profiteering

Did you know that in 2020, New York spent $447,337 per inmate? This was up 33% from the previous year.

Yes, there is tons of government waste. But so much more of this money is going into the pockets of corporate partners. (Like all those private prisons and contractors. It’s a very profitable system and has been for decades to throw victimless criminals in jail.)

The vaccine manufacturers received more than $9 billion from the federal government.

Our government actually pays them to make profitable products. Just Pfizer and Moderna are estimated to make $32 billion off covid vaccine sales just in 2021.

Moderna was almost 100% government funded, the last little bit kicked in from…you guessed it, the Gates Foundation.

Public funding, yet Moderna gets to keep the profits private. Furthermore, the private companies have zero product liability, that falls on the government too. That’s one a hell of a deal!

This is how the organized criminal syndicate runs. This is why the system is so overburdened with debt. the criminals loot money from taxpayers to pass back and forth between each other.

The Student Debt Bubble

Student loan debt makes up almost a third of the assets of our government.

And previously it was even a larger chunk, over 50% of governement assets!

So what happens when this is forgiven as many politicians are pushing for?

In the last round of bailouts (aka Covid relief measures) the bill made it so debt relief was non-taxable which it previously had been. In other words, this is paving the path for debt cancellation.  

And Biden is going around canceling debt, bit by bit now.

Student loans are certainly a racket that screws over people big time. I’m not trying to debate that here.

But just looking at it from the other side…what happens when you get rid of the biggest asset held by a government quickly going bankrupt?

I suppose you can just raise taxes or print more money to make it up.

The Dollar Continues to be Downplayed Across the World

The discussions between Russia, China and other countries about moving away from the dollar continue to occur. This has been going on for years now.

Recently, Nikkei Asia reported, “Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov began a visit to China on Monday with a call for Moscow and Beijing to reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar and Western payment systems to push back against what he called the West’s ideological agenda.”

“Washington has been abusing SWIFT to arbitrarily sanction any country at will, which sparked global dissatisfaction. If China and Russia could work together to challenge the dollar hegemony, a laundry list of countries would echo the call and join the new system,” Dong Dengxin, director of the Finance and Securities Institute at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, told the Global Times.

But it’s not just our “enemies” saying this…

Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England said in 2019, “The world’s reliance on the U.S. dollar won’t hold and needs to be replaced by a new international monetary and financial system based on many more global currencies.”

The Coming Shocks

Understand that all this IS the desired outcome by many at the top of the financial pyramid. It allows the cover-up of crimes over the decades and for the global ponzi scheme to continue. And of course, even more power and control.

How? Read The Shock Doctrine. At the very least watch the documentary. It’s a great overview of how things have worked and will continue to do so.

An analogy that I think fits is that we’ll be going through a fall-of-the-USSR type of change, covered about halfway through the video here.

(Though they went “communist” to “capitalist”, while our case seems more in reverse. Those labels aren’t what is most important, but instead to see the commonalities of the economic impacts! In either case powerful oligarchs manipulating the systems are profiting while people suffer.)

By continuing to manipulate markets, loot pensions and taxpayers, this allows for benefits to them today and bigger shocks for the common people later.

Then greater austerity measures will be introduced.

Your acceptance of the totalitarians aims in order to get your handouts are the carrot. Their threats and violence, the stick.

With a heavy heart I say that unfortunately more violence is coming to the US’ “domestic terrorists.” They’re discussing drone striking Americans on the news.

Furthermore, while tested out with Ebola, the bird and swine flus, and even earlier, we can say that “Pandemic Capitalism” is definitely on the rise.

Let me ask a few questions…

Did drugs go away after we declared war on them? (Not when intelligence agencies were funding their black ops by running drugs.)

Did cancer go away after we declared war on it? (Not when the pharmaceutical-industrial-government complex is profiting from both causing and curing cancer.)

Did terrorism go away after we declared war on it? (Not when the military-industrial complex profited trillions.)

We declared war on the coronavirus. Does that mean the coronavirus be gone soon?

It is frustrating to me that people think we’re getting back to normal now.

A temporary reprieve at best. Something that serves to drive us deeper into trance come the next shock.

No, the endless wars (not just physical) have been running for a long time now.

Looking at and understanding the economics of it (instead of getting wrapped up in left/right politics, royal scandals with Markle and Oprah, even scientific debates about health) will give you the most clarity moving forward.

That’s why I’m going to be talking about this even more.

Economics is probably the most useful lens to use to see how the world really works.

My Conclusion: US Dollars are Not Safe

Wrap your mind around that. To keep assets in USD is risky. Once again, I don’t think the dollar is going away anytime soon. It’s a step-by-step process that will unfold over the next several years.

But we are on that road.

The value trend is going down while other assets inflate. (Despite a spike up in USD value recently. That likely has to do with it’s not just the US printing money either.)

Not today, but soon. Perhaps somewhere in 2023-2025 when the US debt stands at $40 trillion, we’re a zombie government, social security is bankrupt, and more has all occurred?

That’s the old system. What about the new?

I found this interesting. Soros Fund Management chief information officer Dawn Fitzpatrick said, “We think the whole infrastructure around crypto is really interesting, and we’ve been making some investments into that infrastructure — and we think that is at an inflection point…I think when it comes to crypto generally, we’re at a really important moment in time, in that, something like Bitcoin might have stayed a fringe asset, but for the fact that, over the last 12 months, we’ve increased money supply in the U.S. by 25%.”

The hedge funds are seeing it. Are you?

An inflection point.

You can literally follow the money right now as we go from the dollar system to the new system.

By that I mean follow the money with your money.

Of course, this doesn’t make cryptocurrencies completely safe either. Far from it. A big crash will come there too. A huge shock which allows the “Fedcoin” to come in is almost assured at some point.

But right now, as it is in the “invention room” we’re FAR from the totalitarian control of the system. We are going through the massive change right now.

So many in the crypto space are against the totalitarian control. But just like everything else, you need to seek to see what is going on behind the scenes.

Most of my assets besides my businesses are invested in cryptocurrency right now.

(With a good portion in silver to act as a hedge…but I’ve been waiting for years for the silver manipulation to end there and am still waiting).

The writing is on the wall. I’m reading it. I could be wrong about this trend , but I don’t think I am. I certainly benefited by seeing this trend last year.

This gives me time to profit from the asset inflation, the bubble, take profits along the way and get out when the time is right.

To reinvest those profits in my family, my community, supplies and Plan B scenarios. Also to fund those that are fighting the good fight.

You might think me risky to do so…but as I’ve shown, money, the US dollar, is risky right now.

There is risk either way…

But I am trusting in my understanding of the global system! I’m almost all in.

More Spots Opened Up

Reading over this article multiple times, I feel like it may be stoking lots of fear. I sincerely apologize for that, but I think it is best to be realistic even if it looks incredibly pessimistic.

There still is hope that the system implodes on itself allowing people to get free. But even if that happens that too will be rough.

Neither should this be construed to mean that cryptocurrency is some utopian thing that will save us all. I hope I’ve clearly explained how it very well could be the exact opposite.

Still, I do believe their is a window of opportunity here. So much so that I’m not just doing it myself but sharing this message with others.

On that note, my crypto crash course coaching is going great. Several have made their first investments already. (One even got in right before one token shot up in value about 20%. Good timing there.)

As I’m halfway through with several clients, I’ve decided to open up a few more spots. If you’re interested email me at and I’ll send you more details.

You can also signup with your email on this page and I’ll reach out shortly.

Even if you don’t work with me I hope you’ve taken this message to heart and are a little better prepared, psychologically…and perhaps financially… for what is coming.

Learning DeFi and Cryptos Might Be the #1 Skill You Need Right Now

Remember that people dismissed the internet as a fad. How are they feeling right now?

Sure, there was spectacular flashes and crashes along the way. The dotcom bubble being an early such example. But did that kill the internet?

Look at where we are at today. Everyone holds the internet in their hand or pocket with them wherever they go. To not be connected at an instant is the anomaly.

This is where cryptocurrencies, blockchains and smart contracts are going.

If you’re looking to stretch this analogy further, we are likely in the post dotcom bubble era with crypto.

The internet is established but most people still aren’t using it. This is the time of the mass mailing of AOL discs!

We’re in the spot where many people were still hesitant to buy things or bank online.

We’re in the spot where entrepreneurs were flocking to the zone. (I launched my first ecommerce website selling goods a whopping 14 years ago now back in 2007.)

We’re in the spot before social media became pervasive.

We’re in the spot before smart phones made the internet ubiquitous.

NOW is the time to get in. Because this may well be even bigger than the internet. That might be hard to believe, but it is the entire global economy in transition.

Just because it might be hard to wrap your head around how such things work, doesn’t mean that its not worth paying attention to.

You may not know the engineering details of how electricity gets generated and everything involved in delivering it to your house but that doesn’t stop you from flipping the light switch, does it?

There are other factors at play that make this even more pressing.

Our Economy is Crumbling

Here’s the US National debt over 120 years…

Exponential growth and hockey sticks are not sustainable.

This image, made at the end of 2020, is already outdated and inaccurate. The chart must be extended to shift into less than 2 ½ months of 2021.

Oh yeah, and this doesn’t even include the $1.9 Trillion stimulus bill just passed.

They project $40 trillion by 2031…which means we’ll probably be there by about 2026 or 2025 if not sooner.

Do you understand what this means yet?

They will continue printing money in ever bigger amounts. Eventually people will lose confidence in the US dollar. Modern Monetary Theory says there is no consequence for printing all the money you want. (How did that work out for every other country that has done that?)

Russia and China are already divesting USD. They have been slowly doing so for years.

I don’t know when the proverbial SHTF.

As of right now the USD is still the global reserve currency. Being tied to oil (they don’t call it the petrodollar for nothing), backed by the US army, it still has legs.

Reserve currencies don’t last forever. In fact, they tend to last about 70 years. The US dollar is getting long in the tooth.

This won’t happen tomorrow. But the transition will happen in time.

And when it happens, it may happen FAST.

When that does happen, everything will be disrupted even bigger than what happened with the pandemic.

First bit of advice, do not get caught with your pants down!

Be prepared and ready for this. Even better, be in a position where this works for you.

Are You Winning or Losing from Inflation?

Crazy inflation is already happening…but most people don’t see it, because they don’t understand the bigger picture.

(So many still think the virus is about this virus! The economic magicians wonderful use of misdirection hides their schemes.)

At some point, very likely in the near future, the prices at the store, at the gas pump, and elsewhere will start to rise. In some places they already have.

This will snowball…

Perception is fact in this day and age, sadly. That’s why the news can print or say something the is literally the opposite of the truth and besides a few people screaming about the insanity, nothing happens.

We’re dealing with fake money after all. That is what fiat means.

(I laugh at people who balked at crypto saying it’s just made up. Yes it is…and that comment shows how little they understand our economy and current fiat currency. If you haven’t got that memo, it’s all made up. It is all based on perceived value.)

Most of what is happening right now is known as asset inflation.

Have you noticed real estate prices lately? The stock market? Physical precious metals? And certainly cryptocurrencies?

In other words, right now, people perceive certain cryptographic code on a computer called a Bitcoin as worthy of lots and lots of dollars.

90% of the attention goes on Bitcoin. But honestly, I’m more excited about several other tokens.

Here is one of many I got invested in. Some hockey stick charts suck (US debt). Some hockey stick charts rule (anything I’m invested in).

What is the Dollar’s Replacement?

If the dollar is going away, something must come to replace it. What is coming?

The answer should be obvious by now. Cryptocurrencies, in one shape or another. This much is certain.

Based on limitations, it won’t be Bitcoin. Who knows? It might be the Digital Yuan.

There are still hurdles to overcome and details to get ironed out, but we know the shift is here because the technology involved make certain things possible that are not in any other way.

Besides most of our money is already digital.

The “signal” that cash was to be phased out because of the virus, and the supposed coin shortage, should be loud and clear.

Money is flooding into things of value. Some certainly more tangible and more productive than others.

Yet, many think these bits are not productive. That’s not quite correct. There is technology backing them. Productive technology and ideas. Therefore, money will continue to move from the “old system” into the “new system.”

Being faddish, absolutely this will outstrip what is rationally moving in.

But if you haven’t figured it out there is little rationality in the 20’s.

Bitcoin has popped as a bubble three times now. And it’s still around. It is bubbling again and will pop again. But it is not going away.

We had the real estate bubble in 2008. Did real estate go away after that? Not at all.

So my question to you is this…

Would you rather own some of that asset inflation, or have it in areas that are deflating?

Paypal is in. Tesla’s in. Hedgefunds are moving in. The banks are using the technology and starting to allow customers to hold Bitcoin.


Why wait for them to be forced on you (likely in the form of CBDC’s, central bank digital currencies explained here) when the trap is fully laid?

I’ll get back to that but let’s talk more financial matters…

Social Security is Bankrupt Guaranteed

Social security will be bankrupt somewhere between 2023 and 2035. The 2035 projection was before the pandemic, but this rapidly accelerated that time line.

This is just one example of many.

The only way the US government can afford to pay it’s many, many liabilities, is to print more money. This means that if you’re relying on those government services, you’re becoming poorer and poorer.

Bitcoin at $100,000 is not because bitcoin is worth necessarily worth $100,000. A large chunk of that is because US dollars are losing value.

So many of us, especially within the USA, are soft. Life has been easy. Comfortable. We don’t know what true hardship is.

…And that makes so many blind to the trajectories we’re on leading us there.

It is tough to learn lessons you don’t have first hand experience with.

You’ve been reading my conspiratorial blog posts here, so you understand some of what is going on. And on that note, the thing I get asked more and more is what do we do about all the craziness?

What Can We Do?

To be honest, these forces are far more powerful and with far deeper pockets than you and I.

Sure, collectively together we are more powerful. But we are NOT acting collectively together. Not by a long shot!

Divide and conquer has worked so well. Why change the playbook when the same play works over and over?

Yes, the sheep could turn on their owners. But it’s not in the nature of sheep to do so.

How many people that swore off of politics, knowing it’s a shitshow, have gotten wrapped up into the right vs. left fight once again because the soap opera theatrics have been cranked up to 11?

I’ll admit it. It drew me in as I tried to make sense of the craziness.

Sure, one side is fighting for more freedom, but in most cases only just enough to make a good show of it. You gotta have your faces and heels. (That’s pro wrestling terms for the good guys and bad guys.)

So what can we do?

You can take care of yourself and yours. I don’t mean this in a selfish manner.

Instead, I mean that the only chance we have to do anything is to accumulate resources which can then be aimed towards greater collective action.

You can increase your optionality. You can figure out your Plan B, C, D and E.

Money is one part of that. Community and other usable skills is another.

Some of the best people I see trying to support collective action…have FU money.

FU money is defined as “any amount of money allowing infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone.”

Do you?

It certainly makes it easier if you don’t have the regular 9-5, much less two or three jobs.

I don’t see any way around this.

As the saying goes… “The best thing you can do for the poor is not be one of them.”

Granted, that’s just a starting point. Money by no means makes you a good person.

But if we wanted to fight Bill Gates‘ plans…it sure would be much easier if we had Bill Gates’ resources without his techno-morality!

The Opportunity Before the Fall

Crushing you and your free thinking is necessary for the agendas at play.

We are economic men and women, and therefore control of the money is paramount. Always has been. Always will be, as long as money exists in one form or another.

While the totalitarian control grid will seek to wrap money into your digital ID, vaccination passports and more, that is still far off. Years down the road.

Understand that that cannot happen until widespread digital money is used. And we’re still a far cry from that.

(Although the vaccine pass apps are starting up already, Israel taking the lead. There are many steps that are happening quite quickly.)

So there is great opportunity now…even if crypto makes up part of our ultimate prison. You can get in and get out if that becomes necessary.

You may be reading this thinking you’re missing out, sitting on the sidelines, but the truth is we haven’t even crossed the chasm of the early adopters yet. We’re a far cry from the early majority.

In other words, there is still time to get in early and profit from doing so. But I don’t think that chasm is very far off now.

The good news is that cryptocurrencies could also be used to free us from the central banks and their government, media, etc. cronies. That’s what decentralized, as in decentralized finance or DeFi, is all about.

Some cryptos are by their very design aimed at getting around such totalitarian systems too.

Thinking of optionality wouldn’t that be great to be setup and proficient in ahead of time?

The elites won’t go down so easily. In fact, I would argue they’re behind many of the most popular cryptocurrencies, a topic I plan to explore in future articles too.

And scams and schemes certainly abound in the area. It is the new wild west. I’m not saying to throw caution to the wind. But I’m also not saying to be complacent.

Crypto is happening. The dollar hegemony is falling. These forces will not be stopped.

A One World Currency?

There will not be a global currency. Not for quite some time at least. There are tons and tons of currencies and will be for some time.

Eventually there will be a few winners and lots of losers. But we’re still far from any sort of consolidation. We’re in expansion mode. (This too, means there are tons of failures, but also plenty of winners.)

You have two choices in front of you:

Accept what is coming. For good or ill, digital currency is the future.

Or bury your head in the sand.

Look, you don’t need to be super technical.  I can’t write nor read a line of code to save my life. If you use online banking services and apps on your phone, you have the skills necessary to get involved in investing in crypto.

Sure, it can get complicated fast, but it doesn’t have to be super difficult.

All the luddites didn’t stop the internet. And now my almost 70 year old dad who never used a computer in his life…uses his smart phone regularly. The naysayers won’t stop it.

My argument is that it is worthwhile to hop aboard this train we’re all on. It is worth doing so.

I’m going to be doing more articles in the coming weeks…

Crash Course Beta Program!

But after I sent out an email the other week asking people’s interest in the topic I was flooded with response. I expected a positive response, but it was huge. Here’s just a small sampling:

The vast majority of people knew nothing and held nothing. That got me thinking.

After careful reflection I’m trying out something new, a beta program to walk a few select people by the hand into this world giving everything I know.

I won’t be doing this for free. And it assumes you have some funds to invest as well. As the plan is to work one-on-one with a few select people, it is limited. (After all I’ve still got my two businesses and family to attend to.)

If that interests you reply in the comments below or shoot me an email at with your interest.

I will be putting up free articles soon on the topic as well, but this program is for people that want to get up and running, with a solid strategy in place, as quickly as possible.

Disclaimer: This is not to be used as financial advice. Logan Christopher and Legendary Strength LLC are not registered investment, legal or tax advisors nor a broker/dealer. All investment opinions expressed are from personal research and experience. Email and website content is to be used for informational purposes only. Logan Christopher is personally invested (long) in a number of cryptocurrencies.

2021 Predictions Part 1

We do need a new normal. We do need a great reset. I just don’t believe in the ones being pitched to us right now.

I’m not reading through a crystal ball. In fact, titling them as “predictions” might not even be the right word for it. Instead, I see this more as a reading of the agendas and propaganda, then attempting to project where it is all going.

It is primarily negative. Why? This involves powerful forces with agendas that I am not aligned with (and guessing that neither are you, dear reader). It is ushering in a technocratic future I don’t want.

But I’m an optimist! Well, I’m also a realist and pessimist too. Short term pessimistic with longer term optimism would probably best describe my view currently. In other words, it is going to get worse before it gets better.

If you thought 2020 was rough, stay tuned for 2021. I think 2020 was the warmup.

So I share these “predictions” knowing that we can’t do much about them, but knowing them, we can take actions that allow us to better adapt.

Oh, and trust me, I’d be thrilled to be wrong about the vast majority of this stuff.

COVID’s Peak and Resurgence

COVID will peak in threat towards the end of this winter.

Yes, I’m of the opinion there’s a real new virus, one that was worked on in a lab (gain-of-function), and either intentionally or unintentionally leaked out.

But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been tons of shenanigans to make it a vastly bigger threat than it actually is.

  • Counting everyone that died with COVID as a COVID death whether they died from COVID or not.
  • The PCR and other faulty testing “casedemic”
  • The confusing of pneumonia, influenza and COVID (PIC)
  • The variety of bad science along the way
  • And the propaganda machine cranking full turn all along the way to spread fear

Here’s my guess as to what will happen. Things will peak in intensity in February or March 2021. If we judge based on past year’s influenza-like activity that is when everything peaks.

2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Spot the outlier!

Fun to compare the CDC data of past years to this year by the way.

The social distancing, shutdowns and masking are working really well for influenza. Too bad it’s insufficient for COVID. (Notice also how in December of 2019, you know before the virus was here in March, we had to extend the range of the chart with very high categories to cover the activity.)

All this leads to even more locking down.

The good news is that things will get better come springtime. Summer will almost be normal in many places.

Of course, the vaccines will be congratulated for their early successes. Especially as the WHO came out recently and said the PCR testing was too aggressive and gave too many false positives. So, as they dial down the cycles and/or testing in general, cases will fall. And they’ll be able to give all the credit to the new vaccines being rolled out. 

But as Bill Gates and others are saying this isn’t over until, best case, 2022. After all, it takes some time to vaccinate 7 billion+ people.

What I take that to mean is that COVID will come back with a vengeance next Winter (‘21-’22). It will probably mutate, or so they’ll say (as they’re saying now too). All the first-round people getting vaccines will be back for their yearly vaccine then.

They may even call it a “Darker Winter” then, after this “Dark Winter”, after the original Dark Winter wargame.

This coronavirus, as with all others, is endemic. That means it will be with us forever, never going away. But you’ll never hear a message to support your immune system, just continued mentions to wash your hands, mask up, stay distant, AND get your vaccine.

Vaccine Mandates and Propaganda

Winter of ‘21-’22 is when the propaganda will crank up super high against the “anti-vaxxers”.

You see, right now it’s not so helpful for them to focus on “anti-vaxxers”. There’s limited vaccine supply and some supply constraints despite the military operation. 

But, supply will continue to increase over the course of the year. When supply is greater than demand, they’ll need to amp up demand. Understand what that means. I will not demand it, but lots of people will be demanding that I get it.

Fauci has been lying intentionally (for the good of the people of course!), moving the goalpost of herd immunity. Whereas previously he was saying 60%, now he says 90% of people must get it for herd immunity to be effective.

Last I saw only 50% of people were interested in getting a vaccine. That’s a big gap. But most of this 50% will be okay with it when they know so many people got it without side effects. (Those with side effects being fairly well hidden away by misrepresentations, lack of coverage, etc.)

Believe the story about your neighbor’s-wife’s-sister’s-dog-sitter who got COVID and it was the worst ever. But don’t you dare believe the story shared on social media of devastating vaccine side effects. That nurse fainting was because of pain, not the vaccine.

Speaking of double standards… You heard about the COVID death from the motorcycle accident? But these two Israeli men’s deaths within hours of getting the vaccines are pure coincidence.

We see the first swing of mandates not necessarily rolled out but being talked about, whether government or corporate. Like Los Angeles here.

The passports are coming in a wide variety of forms. Here’s former CDC director and sexual harasser, Tom Friedan

The good news is you probably won’t be forced. Woohoo!

You’ll just be coerced, coaxed and threatened in a thousand different ways. Booooo!

How many will get vaccinated just so they aren’t inconvenienced? So they can travel? So they can go to a concert? So they can receive Social Security or be able to buy groceries? Why do so many think the latter would just be impossible? How many “impossible” things happened in 2020?

Even worse, Tedros of the WHO (and soon to be many others) is literally changing the definition of herd immunity right before our eyes. Herd immunity is a concept from the natural world regarding previous infection, now deemed only possible through vaccinations. There goes the WHO changing definitions again! But there was backlash, you know from people that know what the word actually means so they heavily qualified their definition again.

What will it be next week?

Even though a lot of us probably already have T-cell immunity to this thing, another aspect most people are kept in the dark about.

So it is fall time, but mainly in next winter where I expect to see the “terrorist and extremist” remarks about anti-vaxxers to go full bore.

You’re not only killing grandma but one hundred grandmas because you’re a super-spreader. (Even though asymptomatic spread in newer studies has been shown to be non-existent or extremely rare with SARS-CoV-2.)

But despite the battle cries to believe science… don’t you dare believe in any science that doesn’t fit the agenda.

There is going to be a slow step-by-step increase in mandates and propaganda, but with a big push next winter.

Media and Big Tech’s Censorship Frog Continues Slow Boil

At this point, it seems the mass media and social media can say whatever it wants and just about everyone believes them!

Social media can ban anything they want and get away with it.

It’s the pot of boiling water with a frog in it. If they did too much there would be too big of a backlash. Blowback.

Instead, they do it a little bit at a time. Just one degree here and there. Those that are paying attention may be astounded they get away with the next push and the next one after that.

But not enough people are, mostly because they’re wrapped up in the right-left divide, thus making it all political and more easily dismissible in most minds. (Divide and conquer!)

Those that aren’t paying attention see nothing…or in fact they call for more censorship.

The internet may still be free in that I can post anything on my website here. But anything that has a big enough splash against the agendas can be either completely squashed or downregulated enough that it can’t go viral. (Unity2020 as an example.)

In other words, the immune system of Facebook/Twitter/Google can kill any threatening truth-virus with ease in the online information ecology.

I expect to be banned from Facebook and Instagram in the coming year! Hell, I’m going for it by sharing facts and my opinions that don’t fit agendas. It’s a goal of mine.

(They won’t ban everyone though because then they’ll lose the intelligence it provides. Still, they’ll be doing shadowbanning and the like all along the way and be ready to pull the plug on anyone big and powerful enough to make an impact.)

The censorship noose will get that much tighter throughout 2021. The mainstream news will become that much more fake in 2021. Cancel culture will grow.

There’s hope that something big enough will break through. But I’m not counting on it.

The Next President

I really haven’t gone deep on the election. I honestly don’t like politics at all. From the stuff I have seen, this does look like a stolen election…and they’re going to get away with it.

But remember this is WWE we’re watching, not government for and by the people. The outcomes might not be conclusively predetermined, but regardless of the winner, the loser has always been the people.

The more I think about it, this election, along with all the mischief involved, best moves their agendas forward.

And what does so even more? Biden as our next president.

Not for long of course. My guess is that Kamala Harris assumes control within the first year or two. Whether Biden dies or comes down with a “disease and [has] to resign,” I can’t say for sure.

Yes, that is a quote from Biden himself. Did he slip up in his script and reveal the major plot points there? If so, they can’t still use that plot, can they?

I’m not certain on this. Trump could still pull out some trump card in January that shakes things up even more. We shall find out soon enough.

I heard someone else’s prediction that there’ll basically be two governemtns running!

Still, I think Biden is the mostly likely outcome in part because of the following…

The Q Anon Psyop

When people like John Bolton and William Barr are touted as saviors (as have all been over the years by Q) you have to ask yourself…These swamp monsters are the ones cleaning the swamp? (Bolton himself has been called the ‘devil incarnate’.)

My viewpoint is the Q has been a psy-op. (That’s short for psychological operation.)

This link to a Youtube video was Q’s last post, December 8th. Q has been silent ever since then, and all throughout the election insanity.

Understand, it’s not just the Q-folk. There’s a lot of Trump supporters that may not buy into that particular narrative, but hate Biden all the same.

Narratives are splintered into a wide variety, though it is helpful to see the big groups of them.

How many will believe, absolutely believe, that the election was stolen? (And they might actually be right.)

What does this cause? This may be my most out-there prediction of the year…

A “Qanon Terrorist Plot”.

This could be in one of three forms.

  1. It could be completely legitimate. Watch that video above with the frame of it being a propaganda piece. After all, there is a behavioral science, however faulty it may be, to radicalizing people.
  2. This movement could be infiltrated and helped along by agent provocateurs. 
  3. Or it could be completely a false flag.

But another 9/11 is probably going to happen. And this time the enemy will be “internal”.

Oh…just imagine how much power the government could grab as a result of something like this.

This allows the steps towards thought-crime and pre-crime to move forward in a big way in the technocratic complete domination future within the US. Minority Report is turning from fiction to reality every day this stuff keeps evolving. Remember that our intelligence people are jealous of what China is doing.

One agenda going on appears to be anti-Christian. These people tend to love freedom, just like most Americans. They believe in good vs. evil.

And a big part of the Q movement is religious, specifically Christian.

What would give the powers-that-be even more power? Religious zealot terrorists. But not Islamic this time. Christian extremists. Not halfway around the world. But possibly behind every household door.

You thought the “don’t trust your fellow American because he or she could be an asymptomatic carrier” was bad. Just wait for this.

Interestingly, many Christians are part of the medical freedom movement regarding vaccines. Why? Because some vaccines have cells and DNA from aborted fetuses in them.  

Let me clarify that I know many Christians, which include some of my favorite people. I’m not knocking them here. I’m saying that this appears to me to be co-opted for this purpose.

After all, the Bible has the end times. And I know more than a couple people that are saying we’re in it.

…All the better to whip up a doomsday cult.

Think about it from their shoes. If the “Demoncrats” have stolen the election from the savior, Trump, what would you do? If you knew the baby-eating Satanists had assumed total control, are you just going to layover and take it?

And you’d play right into the puppet master’s hands doing so. It’s not just Q, it’s more than that…

The Conspiracy Rollup Continues

What appears to be happening is the rollup of all different “conspiracy theories”. Now, this seems to happen from both ends and could be just a systemic effect.

I talk about wanting medical freedom and people call me a “flat earther”. (For the record, no that is not a theory I buy into…but I did look into it. I had to do my own research. When you’ve been lied to by the experts so many times, what can you trust them with?)

People that go down one conspiracy rabbit hole often find how it is connected to the others. After all, the basis of most of them (the not-so-silly ones anyway) is that powerful people, government, business or otherwise, do bad things to get more power.

Intelligence agencies and their ilk have been talking about the threat of conspiracy theorists for years now. Why? Is there an actual threat?

You probably heard about the Nashville explosion.

I honestly haven’t dug into it. But my ears did perk up when seeing some headlines like this…

The first hints of this agenda came out with the burning of 5G towers in Europe, around the time when David Icke was banned from Youtube for saying 5G caused COVID.

Any legitimate concerns about 5G, about EMF’s in general, are lumped into these strawman arguments. The Sun article says, “Some conspiracy theorists suspect the wireless technology emits lethal radiation, is killing people, and is being used to spy on Americans.”

Understand that it obfuscates the rational middle position, that there is some health danger with 5G as well as earlier wireless technology that is backed up by enormous amounts of research.

This one was the test. Once again, it could be legitimate. I do find it particularly interesting that this man had broadcast a loud warning to get people out of the area, to not be hurt. It could be partially made up. Again, I haven’t dug in.

But regardless of that, the news is what moves the agenda forward. The spin can be independent of the facts. I’d expect more such incidents.

5G is a necessary part of the technocratic plans. Therefore, standing up against it must be strongly vilified. What better way than to label any criticism a conspiracy theory and then make conspiracy theorists into terrorists?

Ultimate power is had by being capable of labeling anything against your agenda as a conspiracy theory and whipping up the masses into buying that hook, line, and sinker.

Yet at the same time certain conspiracy theories (Russian collusion) are given the prime-time spotlight. It all depends on the agenda.

Ah…the schizoid, split-personality culture we live in.

Cyber Attack that Puts the Pandemic to Shame

You probably heard about the Solar Winds hack. They say it’s the largest ever.

Like the Nashville bombing, I believe this is a portend of things to come.

“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen, in this respect, as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum and author of “COVID-19: The Great Reset”. He mentions a “cyber pandemic” as well, not covered in that video.

In our world of double-speak, The Great Reset is both an in the open plan from elites the world over to reshape the globe and a ludicrous conspiracy theory about elites reshaping the globe all at the same time.

Any criticism of the open plan is labeled a far-right conspiracy theory. Do you see how they pull that off?

The same kind of people that predict things, such as a coronavirus pandemic (ala Event 201), are talking about something bigger than the pandemic coming.

Unfortunately, I think they’re right. And then the power grab will follow.

Some sort of terrorist attack, physical or cyber, is very likely in 2021. Even multiple different events.

Are you prepared for such?

This article is too long to finish right now, so I’ll be splitting it into two parts. Stay tuned for part two in which I hope to include at least a few positive things!