Social Media Censorship

About a year back I started to post more on social media. This was despite the fact that I became aware of the censorship that was ever expanding there.

Were you aware of it? Or was it only those on the fringe who felt the beginnings of the squeeze?  

I saw some evidence that Google was funded by In-Q-Tel, basically the CIA’s venture capital arm. Yep, they have one of those! Even if Google didn’t have backdoor access earlier on, we know they got it at some point through many tech giants from the Snowden leaks.

But I decided I didn’t want to stand idly by. After much thought, I posted this…

And I adapted this to what I was seeing online and posted it there.

A friend of mine who jumped into that discussion said that the platforms should be able to whatever they want as long as they spelled it out in their terms of service. That they weren’t really denying free speech.

But I disagree for a couple of reasons. Social media platforms are an instrumental way that speech happens today. While a person may be able to actually speak up in person, to stop them from doing so today online (or what it amounts to in just making it so they can’t be heard) is to deny free speech. Pretty close to how banning a book from Amazon is almost like banning a book outright.

Secondly, these companies have been shown to change their terms of service as it suits them and to do hidden things in the background.

There was Zach Voorhies, a Google whistleblower who showed proof that YouTube (owned by Google) was blacklisting certain terms. These were mostly conspiracy theory stuff, such as surrounding the Las Vegas shooting, but you also see things like cancer cures. This was among many other methods used.

(Apparently, many people are taught to simply dismiss Project Veritas as right-wingers. This is a long video, but Eric Weinstein had the man behind that group, James O’Keefe on his show discussing this important subject on how our news is fractured. It’s an interesting discussion.)

Not to mention the de-ranking of any alternative health websites in Google’s search that I personally suffered from. This occurred not for the reasons they said it occurred.

We’re in an advanced age. Free speech is not about actually arresting people for speaking anymore (not yet, but we’ll see how things go since some are being arrested for being outside!) but is now done in technological ways.

The use of shadowbanning, of auto-suggestions, of de-ranking and de-boosting posts. These are all sneaky ways of stopping free speech.

I had been digging into the vaccine topic and saw the censorship playing out there. It was a multi-prong attack. The mass media stopped ever saying a negative thing about vaccines (whereas they use to cover problems). Meanwhile there was pressure on Big Tech to do the same.

Here you can watch Congressman Bill Posey take on Zuckerberg about the vaccine topic in a hearing.

Or read a letter he sent him on the topic.

If we lose free speech, we’re going to lose much more.

I was going to post these writings on Facebook, but I knew it wouldn’t really be worth it. I saw just how little exposure some of my Medical Monopoly postings had gotten. And as I went into other areas, such as vaccines, I knew it would get worse. In fact, when I did post I was flagged.

And this plan was all laid out earlier. Back to Event 201, the October 2019 war game that saw a coronavirus rip across the world causing…well pretty much exactly what we see playing out. (This was covered inside my post, This is NOT a Black Swan.)

I watched all those videos and want to highlight some quotes.

Understand that almost no time is spent on talking about how a pandemic could be prevented or adequately prepared for. Instead time is spent discussing the economic disruption, searching for vaccines, and of course, combating disinformation.

In Video 1 someone states “Conspiracy theories that are around about the potential that pharmaceutical companies or the UN have released this for their own benefit. So as we move forward obviously trust in pharmaceuticals and government is very important.”

Notice the language. Trust is very important. Being worthy of such trust doesn’t enter the equation. It’s all about the optics.

In Video 4 they really dive into this specific subject. Someone states the social media companies “have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information.” What do we see?

If you saw that video (as it was heavily shared) it’s from a guy saying you can’t catch a virus. Personally, I don’t think that’s true (though I recognize that we all have so much wrong, including scientific assumptions going back over a hundred year, I can’t actually rule out the possibility!).

But is Facebook protecting us? Or am I the only one that sees a problem with their being “A central repository of facts” which was mentioned in the Event 201 exercise.

What we see playing out today is “Facebook is censoring willy nilly, without any regard to content. Apparently, simply the word “coronavirus” is enough to invoke the censor’s red pencil.”

Meanwhile, our director of the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, Dr. Stephen Redd states, “I think with the social media platforms there’s an opportunity to understand who it is that’s susceptible, in what form, to misinformation. So I think there’s an opportunity to collect data from that that communication mechanism.”

Isn’t that valuable information? Maybe you’ve heard that based on likes and attention Facebook knows you better than your significant other and perhaps even yourself. This pandemic is a great time to learn more about people. Forget preparing for a pandemic by having adequate supplies…look at what we could learn!

And look how the corporatocracy unites…

The MC states in their recommendations, “Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis and disinformation related to pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media in order to research and develop nimble approaches to countering this information. For their part, media companies we believe should commit to ensuring that authoritative are prioritized and really false messages are suppressed.”

Again, this all sounds great if we live in a magical world of benevolent kings and kingmakers. But do we live in that world? Not from what I’ve seen.

All of Big Tech is doing it. Facebook, Reddit, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube issue joint statement on misinformation.

“During an address at the Munich Security conference on Feb. 15, almost a month before the WHO officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous.””

I’ll be sharing some scary things about Tedros and the WHO soon. But isn’t it interesting that the head guy is discussing the infodemic a month before than it was officially a pandemic? In other words, they were getting ready for the coming social media posts while the CDC was basically not testing anyone. They’ve certainly got their priorities in order!

“Vitamin C also pops up via searches on the largest retailers, including Amazon, because of false reports that it can cure the coronavirus.”

God forbid people take some Vitamin C! Don’t you dare allow the verifiable fact that China is using high dose intravenous vitamin C to spread. Don’t you dare allow people to support their immune system with an absolutely critical nutrient.

I also went back in time to the previous virus wargame watching those videos. This was Clade X a parainfluenza virus that was biologically weaponized.

Participating in this one was former director of the CDC Julie Gerberding who I wrote about here.

In Clade X, this quote in video 2 stood out to me.  “It has never worked. The moment you force people to do something, they try to get out of it. And, again, if this is the beginning of a larger epidemic, we have to have the credibility with the public and their cooperation. As Sam Nun once said when he was president in a similar exercise, “There is no force on earth that can make over 200 million Americans do anything they think is not in the best interest of themselves and their families.”

That was stated by Tara O’Toole. Guess what we see in her bio? Tara “is Senior Fellow and Executive Vice President at In-Q-Tel (IQT).” The revolving door runs deeper than most can possibly imagine.

Social engineering. I’ll be going deeper on this topic soon. She is right. That’s why it’s a slow rollout. Notice how the quarantines are expanding in scope, scale and time. We’ll be done by Easter. Nope. We’ll be done in May. Nope. But most importantly get the people onboard to enforce it on each other. Social media is one of the ultimate places to do this especially now that we can’t go out and see other people. Speech must be controlled to frame the official narrative.

Here’s a few more examples of what is going on:

The financial news website Zero Hedge got permanently banned from Twitter. “In an email to Bloomberg from the author known as Durden, he said he believed the suspension was “unjustified, and likely motivated by reasons other than the stated ones…We are confident that we did not violate any of the stated Twitter terms: we neither incited harassment, nor did we ‘dox’ the public official, whose contact information is as of this moment listed on the Wuhan institute’s website,” he wrote in the email.”

Once again, the fact is they’ll make up new rules on the spot or change them in order to do what is desired.

Also on Twitter, Brazil’s president Bolsanaro had tweets removed that questioned quarantine measures. “Twitter explained in a statement that it had recently expanded its global rules on managing content that contradicted public health information from official sources and could put people at greater risk of transmitting COVID-19.”

Youtube is allowing its algorithm to delete more videos. “Machine learning helps detect potentially harmful content and then sends it to human reviewers for assessment. As a result of the new measures we’re taking, we will temporarily start relying more on technology to help with some of the work normally done by reviewers. This means automated systems will start removing some content without human review, so we can continue to act quickly to remove violative content and protect our ecosystem, while we have workplace protections in place.”

Ron Paul was Facebook censored for false information. But he was sharing how Dr. Fauci has said different things in a scientific journal compared to what he said in front of Congress. “One reason to question the “scientific basis” of Fauci’s claim is that Fauci contradicted his own statement before Congress in a recent article he co-authored in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Now, I’m not saying there wouldn’t be problems with allowing anything goes. For instance, “ProPublica’s research tracked how the government-linked influence accounts that had targeted political dissidents and the Hong Kong protests turned their focus to the coronavirus outbreak. During the height of the epidemic in China, many of them became cheerleaders for the government, calling on citizens to unite in support of efforts to fight the epidemic and urging them to “dispel online rumors.” With the epidemic spreading across the world, these accounts have sought to promote the Chinese government’s image abroad and shore up its support at home.”

Make no doubts about it. We are in an information war with layers and layers of deception. The only thing I’m absolutely sure of is that the mainstream narrative is incorrect. After that, pretty much anything goes!

Thanks again for trusting my information. I’m not taking that lightly. And I will continue providing a bunch of links so you can verify for yourself the veracity of what I share instead of taking my word for it.

I also got these emails landing in the Spam folder. That could possibly be censorship but my guess is it is  just because of the amount of links involved. To help combat that I’m point you to the blog with short emails instead. It’ll be easier to watch embedded videos anyway.

The Most Viral Virus Ever

I really do wonder about some of the things coming out regarding the novel coronavirus.

Is it all good science that is being done? (Knowing the science is very often wrong, not to mention sometimes fraudulent.)

Even if so, let’s add promotion by the media and what do we get? Fear and panic.

Let’s take a look at some of the recent news, mostly just pulled headlines:

“Coronavirus Survives On Surface For 17 Days, CDC Study On COVID-19 Cruise Ship Reveals”

Earlier it was all about the surfaces which is why you must wash your hands. But it’s gone airborne. “Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing.”

And it can go far. MIT associate professor Lydia Bourouiba states that “pathogen-bearing droplets of all sizes can travel 23 to 27 feet” and they may “stay suspended in the air for hours.” And a hospital may be the worst place to be. “[V]irus particles could be found in the ventilation systems in hospital rooms of patients with COVID-19.”

It seems the two weeks of quarantine isn’t enough. “Researchers looking at cases in China say patients could spread the virus for up to 37 days after they start showing symptoms…On average, survivors still had the virus in their respiratory system for about 20 days and could presumably continue to spread the disease.”

But even that isn’t long enough. “Doctors found a coronavirus patient who was contagious for 49 days”

In addition, most people are going to incubate the disease long before they have it. “New research finds that people are most contagious early on in their illness, before symptoms fully ramp up.”

This of course means that most people are asymptomatic carriers. “[T]he existence of virus carriers with no symptoms is fuelling public concern that people could be spreading it without knowing they are ill.”

And we can’t even know for sure because “Experts warn as many as 1 in 3 coronavirus test results may be incorrectly negative”

(Yet there aren’t false positives somehow says this article…despite the other research showing there is. The “tests appear to be highly specific: If your test comes back positive, it is almost certain you have the infection.”)

Perhaps the worst form of transmission just came out today…Beware the bathroom! “Why You Should Flush With The Lid Down: Experts Warn Of Fecal-Oral Transmission Of COVID-19”

And even if this dies down it’s probably coming back. “Coronavirus could become seasonal: top US scientist”

Are you scared yet?

Does this make you want to go into complete isolate for the rest of the year?

I don’t know about you. The more I see this stuff the LESS I am worried about the virus.

Of course, all this “evidence” will be used to expand the quarantines in spread, intensity, and duration.

 Basically, there is no hope…

…until the vaccine is ready of course.

Manufacturing Consent

I want to start this video off with a synopsis of Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent. It’s only four and a half minutes so it’s a quick watch.

“According to American linguist and political activist, Noam Chomsky, media operate through 5 filters: ownership, advertising, the media elite, flak and the common enemy.”

…the common enemy. Looks like we just got a new one added to that list besides communists and terrorists!

But let’s talk ownership. Almost all media is owned by five companies now.

This infographic shows six, but it is out of date, with Disney buying Fox.

A few decades back this would have been illegal. But with companies growing powerful that buys politicians and lobbyists. These then work to dismantle the laws that stand in the way of becoming more powerful.

More and more consolidation brings worse and worse news.

In my last post on Fake News, I showed how the CIA was involved in ALL news services.

Let’s look at Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon and the Washington Post. Yet, here’s a conflict of interest. “The Post is supposed to expose CIA secrets. But Amazon is under contract to keep them. Amazon has a new $600 million “cloud” computing deal with the CIA…The Washington Post ‘s refusal to provide readers with minimal disclosure in coverage of the CIA is important on its own. But it’s also a marker for an ominous pattern — combining denial with accommodation to raw financial and governmental power — a synergy of media leverage, corporate digital muscle and secretive agencies implementing policies of mass surveillance, covert action and ongoing warfare.”

Or take HBO. Last month they aired “After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News.” I watched this propaganda film as I like to see things from different perspectives, even though I had a good idea of what was in store.

Nowhere did I see the conflict of interest disclosed. CNN which gets very good play in the film. They’re the victims of fake news of course. It just so happens that CNN have the same owners of HBO. The idea of this film is that only the right uses fake news, while the left is innocent.

Sorry, but no. Everyone lies!

It is interesting to see that trust in media has gone down over time as shown in these Gallup polls.

But look when we split the liberals and conservatives!

This is hugely problematic (and I would argue that increased polarization is something many of these people want).

This further destroys our information ecology because one side pointing out the lies of the other, tends to get people more polarized and locked into one point of view. It’s gets people wrapped up in their ideology whatever that happens to be.

Again, both sides lie. (I’m not a big fan of Trump…but that is for different reasons than most…because certain things aren’t covered in any of the media.)

Just a few more of the problems behind what masquerades as new today.

This is why many people are seeking better information online. And that is where online censorship comes into play. We’ll dive into that soon…

P.S. In the previous post on Fake News I showed Anderson Cooper in hurricane flood waters in what appear to be a way to make the situation look worse than it was. David sent me this video where he addressed this specifically.

I’ll leave you to make up your own mind on that as it does appear genuine. However, even if this wasn’t a case of exaggeration, I don’t feel like it has an impact on the rest of that post or this one.

Welcome the Digital Dollar?

The transfer to digital currency appears to be a huge part of the agenda here.

For those brand new to bitcoin, blockchains and cryptocurrencies I present a short history.

It was in the aftermath of the last financial crisis that bitcoin was created. There had been some previous attempts at cryptocurrencies (B-Money and Bit Gold) but those were never fully developed.

In 2008, an unknown person (or group) going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, posted a paper called Bitcoin – A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System.

(This is me conspiracy theorizing. Satoshi Nakamoto to this day is unknown. What if it was bankers and/or intelligence agencies and/or who knows whom else that started the project in the first place? We saw that JPMorgan Chase had the foresight to hoard physical silver while shorting the paper market What if big plans were put in operation even earlier.)

In 2009 Bitcoin became publicly available. Originally it was just mined. But in 2010, someone swapped 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, the first financial transaction that proved it held value.

In 2011, more cryptocurrencies, also known as altcoins, were created including Namecoin and Litecoin.

Bitcoin ran into some troubles including theft as occurred at Mt. Gox, then the biggest Bitcoin exchange. But despite these problems it continued on.

In 2016, the Ethereum platform came out. This used a cryptocurrency named Ether to facilitate blockchain-based smart contracts. Here was the first ICO or initial coin offering, which then took Silicon Valley by storm. People in fintech, even banks, started to get much more interested.

A big stumbling block in people understanding all this is the difference between cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Think of cryptocurrencies as an asset such as silver, gold, oil or the US dollar. Meanwhile, a blockchain is just a distributed high-tech version of a ledger, as in how you would do bookkeeping. Blocks are the data that is verified and chained together. So blockchains are needed to keep track of cryptocurrency transactions. In addition, there are many uses for blockchain beyond just cryptocurrencies.

Starting in 2017 up until the beginning of 2018 the biggest Bitcoin bubble occurred. This actually beat out the crazy Dutch tulip bubble as Bitcoin shot up to almost $20,000 per coin (making those earlier pizzas worth $100 million each!). It crashed since then but has been worth mostly around $5000 to $10000 for the past two years.

I first started paying attention to Bitcoin in 2015 because I heard lots of different people talking about it and found it intriguing. I bought some around $300 per bitcoin. It was money I could afford to lose but something I was willing to place a small bet on. I did find it was funny when I told people about it to which some would say in disbelief but it’s not worth anything. I would counter how is that different from our current fiat monetary system?

Unfortunately, I had to sell all of my Bitcoin at around $3000 for a down payment on a house. I really can’t complain about a 10X gain, but I wish I could have held on to it longer!

Since then I have bought some Bitcoin (BTC) again, as well as Ether (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and recently, Digibyte (DGB). I am currently long in these positions. Please note that this is not investment advice and I would not consider myself an expert in any of this stuff. I’m simply personally sharing what I’m doing and why. Do your own research.

There still is some potential for these things to become worthless. However, Bitcoin and some of the other cryptocurrencies have now survived several crashes without disappearing. That means they’re likely to stay valuable.

Personally, I don’t think that Bitcoin will be the crypto that is used for everyday transactions. There’s some hurdles in how it is built and transaction costs that prevent that from ever happening. But, like a digital version of gold, it will likely stand as a store of value. (At least, as long as power and the internet still work. It also shouldn’t be going down to zero because if that happened people wouldn’t trust digital money at all.)

In an earlier post, I shared how I invested in silver based on information showing that the banks were doing the same (while simultaneously manipulating the price). That’s a clue. Banks have also been getting interested in cryptocurrencies. This is another clue.

Besides my businesses, these “old money” and “new money” plays are where I’ve invested. So let’s dive in to why this is important now.

Remember that two days ago, I mentioned that China was working on a digital yuan. Based on that there was discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January of this year of the digital dollar.

“China’s progress with its digital yuan has sparked similar conversations in different countries. People are quite concerned that China will pioneer national currencies. Some have even suggested that if the U.S. does not begin to act and ultimately catch up, China could displace the U.S…According to former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman Christopher Giancarlo, digital currencies present more utility than traditional fiats…Giancarlo is however not suggesting that the traditional methods available now should be disregarded. He believes what the U.S. needs is “a digital form that would be minted by the central bank.” The digital dollar would also use the current traditional banking system…Using a central bank digital currency (CBDC) will offer a lot more efficiency and speed than is currently available with traditional methods. Cross-border transactions will also enjoy better efficiency.”

The digital dollar almost made it into the $2 Trillion CARES Act. Important to note that while this was in an earlier draft it didn’t make it into the final passed form. (Maybe in the next bailout they’re already working on?)

“The bill establishes a digital dollar, which it defines as ‘a balance expressed as a dollar value consisting of digital ledger entries that are recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve Bank or … an electronic unit of value, redeemable by an eligible financial institution (as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System).’ Additionally, a digital dollar wallet is identified as ‘a digital wallet or account, maintained by a Federal reserve bank on behalf of any person, that represents holdings in an electronic device or service that is used to store digital dollars that may be tied to a digital or physical identity.’ A mandate also requires all ‘member banks’ establish a ‘pass-through digital dollar wallet’ to all customers eligible for the stimulus. Member banks include those banks that are ‘members’ of the Federal Reserve and regulated by the Fed.”

The promise of blockchain and cryptocurrencies for many was that they were destined to replace government-controlled and centralized money with a distributed and decentralized alternative.

That is one possibility. But do you think the governments and bankers want that? Not in the least. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the key phrase to look at.

It’s not just the Fed that is looking at this. Here’s the Bank of England’s take. “CBDC could present a number of opportunities for the way that the Bank of England achieves its objectives of maintaining monetary and financial stability.”

(Did you catch the April Fool’s joke…because Central Banks are so great at maintaining financial stability. Ha!)

Notice with this graphic how the bankers control the core ledger. It’s a key difference between decentralized cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, and the CBDC’s.

“Any CBDC would be introduced alongside – rather than replacing – cash and bank deposits…A CBDC would not be a cryptoasset or cryptocurrency, nor necessarily based on the technology that powers them (Distributed Ledger Technology).”

“We do not presume any CBDC must be built using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), and there is no inherent reason it could not be built using more conventional centralised technology…Distribution and decentralisation may enhance resilience and availability, but could have a negative impact on aspects such as performance, privacy and security.”

Privacy of how their money works is necessary to keep control. CBDC’s may be the transition step to 100% digital currencies. I’m not sure how it will play out but movement in this direction is moving forward. The majority of monetary transactions are already digital. How would a digital dollar then play out with a hyperinflating dollar? It’s an interesting question, that I do not know the answer to.

Here’s a few more points that show this is coming…

Understand that businesses and people are already ceasing to accept cash because of fear of the coronavirus. “A growing number of businesses and individuals worldwide have stopped using banknotes in fear that physical currency, handled by tens of thousands of people over their useful life, could be a vector for the spreading coronavirus. Public officials and health experts have said that the risk of transferring the virus person-to-person through the use of banknotes is small. But that has not stopped businesses from refusing to accept currency and some countries from urging their citizens to stop using banknotes altogether.”

This article, titled, ‘After Coronavirus ‘War,’ Bretton Woods-Style Shakeup Could Dethrone the Dollar’ is quite interesting. If you’re not familiar with it, Bretton Woods in 1944 as WWII was ending, “set the template for the current system and entrenched the dollar’s near-century-long reign as the world’s dominant currency.”

“So with officials starting to envision what it might take to rebuild damaged economies and restore society to a semblance of normal, speculation is mounting that seismic shifts might be in the offing for the global monetary system — a phenomenon that historically has occurred in the wake of world wars… Even before the coronavirus hit, questions were percolating among some economists and monetary officials over whether the dollar-based system could last through the 2020s…One concern is that monetary policy in the U.S. – actions by the Fed to maximize domestic employment and keep prices stable – reverberates through countries all over the globe…Bank of England President Mark Carney floated the idea of a “synthetic hegemonic currency,” possibly based on new digital-asset technologies, to reduce the dollar’s “domineering influence” on global trade.”

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Appoints Coinbase Chief Legal Officer to Oversee Banking System. “Brooks’ appointment to oversee the country’s banking system may signal a changing tide at the US Treasury given Mnuchin’s anti-crypto rhetoric and remarks made last year that he sees no need for the US to launch a digital currency. Brooks is an outspoken proponent of making the United States a leader in digital currencies specifically by launching a US digital dollar.”

In Italy, you can buy Bitcoin from a bank. The country’s mobile bank Hype has announced a partnership with fintech startup Conio, enabling customers to buy, sell, and securely store BTC from within their banking app.”

Seeing the writing on the wall, people are getting more interested in cryptos. “Exchange data and statistics from Google Trends, Twitter, and Baidu show that despite the recent price drop people are looking to buy bitcoin. During the week of the crypto market massacre that started on March 12, Coinbase broke traffic records and witnessed considerable trade volumes. Similarly, the trading platform Kraken saw an 83% increase in account signups during the market calamity as well.”

While silver and gold price, in their physical form, have gone up high, cryptocurrencies are still knocked down from their highs. Again, this is not investment advice. But the writing is on the wall here. Do with it as you will.

I’ll be talking more about this subject in the future, especially as more steps are made, but wanted to give a broad overview.

Fake News is Not New

As a term fake news has largely only been around since 2015. The left said that Donald Trump and his campaign was spreading fake news. Trump then turned it around and labelled the major news channels with it.

But the fact is that fake news has been around as long as news has been around.

Before it was called fake news, it was known by other names, such as propaganda. And since that term fell out of favor mostly around its use in in the first world war, it’s largely known as public relations or spin.

Of course, there are degrees of fake news. There are omissions. There are exaggerations. There are outright lies. Unfortunately, all of it stands against what journalism, what the fourth estate, should really be about.

This is an exaggeration. It is making news more so than reporting on it. What should have happened is that Cooper would be laughed out of the journalism business by his colleagues and the public after this stunt. But no. Instead he’s considered one of the most trustworthy leaders of a major news channel. Why is that? Keep reading for a strong clue…

Freedom of the press was a critically important part of the USA. That’s why it was the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. The press was there to keep government honest. To keep businesses honest. (To keep other journalists honest?) While there has always been fake news it has certainly accelerated in recent history for reasons that will become clear.

The problem is that the press is no longer honest by and large.

Why does this matter today? It’s extremely relevant.

For example, here is Sky News from Italy showing the pandemic inside the hospital aired March 19th.

And here is CBS This Morning using that same footage to show the pandemic in New York City on March 25th.

Is that just lazy reporting and an honest mistake…or criminally deceptive to create hysteria?

In My Weird Journey Down the Rabbit Hole, I shared a similar use of Kentucky gun-range footage as the “slaughter in Syria”, from ABC News, the same people who said their story about Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t credibly enough to air.

What follows is a slice of history that you must understand in order to even conceive of what is happening today.

Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda (and nephew to Sigmund Freud) wrote this about the topic:

 “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of this country.”


“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government. Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitude of history, but quite innocent of originals thought…It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion.”

No, it’s not an exaggeration. If you’re not familiar with Bernays, he was one of the greatest propagandists ever to live.

Bernays accomplished many things with propaganda such as getting women to smoke by calling them “liberty torches,” tapping into the burgeoning women’s movement.

Another of his more infamous propaganda campaigns was turning the democratically elected leader of Guatemala, Arbenz, into a communist threat to the USA. He did this on behalf of the CIA, the State Department and the business, United Fruit, which all had close ties. After the coup, we installed the military dictator Carlos Castillo Armas who led death squads against the people but supported US political and business interests.

This eight and a half minute video gives a quick overview.

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is public knowledge. You can find details about it in Wikipedia.

Did you know that press connections are something the CIA has always been involved in?

Here’s a New York Times article from 1977. “In its persistent efforts to shape world opinion, the C.I.A. has been able to call upon a separate and far more extensive network of newspapers, news services, magazines, publishing houses, broadcasting stations and other entities over which it has at various times had some control.”

It’s a fascinating read…yet it is a limited hangout. Why? Because the CIA had connections into the New York Times!

The only reason they published anything was to attempt to control the narrative once this was leaked out. You see, around that time other information came out, including this article by Carl Bernstein, published in Rolling Stone in 1977 which discloses such and much more. I absolutely recommend reading this whole thing! But here are a few quotes:

“In most instances, Agency files show, officials at the highest levels of the CIA usually director or deputy director) dealt personally with a single designated individual in the top management of the cooperating news organization.”

Understand that top management can kill or change stories done by the investigators themselves. It’s a powerful position to have influence over.

“During the 1976 investigation of the CIA by the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Senator Frank Church, the dimensions of the Agency’s involvement with the press became apparent to several members of the panel, as well as to two or three investigators on the staff. But top officials of the CIA, including former directors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded the committee to restrict its inquiry into the matter and to deliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activities in its final report. The multivolume report contains nine pages in which the use of journalists is discussed in deliberately vague and sometimes misleading terms.”

Here’s clips from those hearings.

“The Agency’s relationship with the [New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. From 1950 to 1966, about ten CIA employees were provided Times cover under arrangements approved by the newspaper’s late publisher, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. The cover arrangements were part of a general Times policy—set by Sulzberger—to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible. Sulzberger was especially close to [CIA Director] Allen Dulles.”

All the News That’s Fit to Print

All the News That’s Approved By the CIA to Print

This was allegedly part of Operation Mockingbird. The only CIA document that exists that discusses Mockingbird shows that they wiretapped phones of journalists, but people talk about it being much more.

The propaganda even bleeds into Hollywood. “Are you an aspiring filmmaker who wants to produce a spy thriller? Well, you’re in luck because the CIA has a pile of script ideas lying around. Ironic, you say, that an organization known for secrecy is doling out helpful hints to Hollywood? The CIA doesn’t think so. For them it’s all about image control.”

I started this off talking about Anderson Cooper. Yep, he worked for the CIA. Whether or not that still occurs is speculation, of course…though there is the saying once CIA, always CIA.

Take a look at this, potentially the most damning of all evidence. A CIA document from 1991, released in 2010, stated that the CIA’s public affairs office, “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation. This has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories, and it has contributed to the accuracy of countless others. In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories.”

EVERY…MAJOR…NEWS…SERVICE. Change or scrap stories. In an earlier post, I mentioned the news being weaponized against us. This is what I mean.

The CIA may not be able to get rid of every single damaging story out there. There certainly are good and true journalists and editors. But what if they could get rid of half the stories you didn’t want? What if they could spin the narrative in their favor 90% of the time? Do you see where this leads, especially when compounded over decades?

“The term ‘conspiracy theory’ did not exist as a phrase in everyday American conversation before 1964. The conspiracy-theory label entered the American lexicon of political speech as a catchall for criticism of the Warren Commission’s conclusion that President Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman with no assistance from, or foreknowledge by, any element of the United States government.” –  Lance deHaven-Smith

How did this term enter the lexicon? The CIA of course, through their propaganda assets (aka relationships with reporters.)

You cannot possibly understand what is going on today if you do not understand history. And not the history they teach you in school (because history is written by the winner…or better explained, the winner’s propagandist).

And I have only just barely scratched the surface. This covers the CIA. That is a single agency (albeit certainly one of the biggest and most successful). Just how pervasive are these methods of influencing the news among government agencies, political parties, businesses and more?

Remember that the US government has classified its meetings for the coronavirus response.

And we have seen one example of the media feeding into the hysteria.

Let me be clear. I’m not saying CBS News did that as a result of CIA direction. But something fishy is going on and has been for a long, long time.

In future posts, I’ll share more recent examples, share a wide variety of tactics used, as well as discuss how this bleeds into the online world of big tech censorship which is clamping down tighter as we speak.

Collapse of the Dollar

“This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.” – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard

Planned shutdown of the economy. (How far in advanced was it planned? Will they be able to “keep it under control”?)

What about a planned shutdown of the dollar itself?

As we entered into 2020, I was intrigued to see a number of people make predictions for the decade ahead. Today, I am going to make one such prediction.

The US dollar will not be relevant as a worldwide currency anymore. It might even be fully gone, except as a collector’s item by 2030. It might just happen much faster than that too.  

It’s may seem a bold prediction but there are reasons for it which we’ll cover today. Once again, I make the disclaimer that I am far from an economist. This stuff can be quite complicated, even purposefully made so. But I share what I’m seeing as clear as I can state it.

I came across the following image which stated, “Reserve currency status usually lasts about 100 years. The petrodollar certainly had a good ride last 100 years. At some point people just stop accepting them for goods (like oil, gold, food, houses etc).”

No it’s not just the pandemic. The first hints of this were here the past few years as other countries made moves away from the dollar. “It is not only the Chinese that are starting to question the viability of the dollar. A report in 2010 by the United Nations called for the abandonment of the U.S. dollar as the single reserve currency…With more bilateral trade transactions bypassing the dollar, and the increasing internationalization of the Chinese financial system, the yuan is eventually going to give the dollar a run for its money.”

That’s one possibility. But my bet is that what succeeds the dollar will be some type of digital currency. (Actually the Chinese have a digital yuan which will likely be a strong play.)

As of right now, there are lots of cryptocurrencies out there. One or a few will come to ascendency. That’s a big topic we’ll be diving into soon, but first more about why the dollar is unsustainable.

Our entire money supply is based on debt. And in that way, it is a Ponzi scheme. The only way for the system to keep going is by adding more and more in. You need continual growth, or it collapses.

The Federal Reserve is the creator of this system. The common belief is that they’re there to make sure the system keeps running. But the fact is they are largely the problem themselves. They create bubbles and bursting by their manipulations of the markets.

What we have in 2020 is the biggest bubble ever created, now bursting.

And the Fed is making unprecedented moves in order to soften the landing. The thing is all these interventions, even if they work in the short term, simply cause bigger problems later on. To put it another way, part of the reason we’re in this mess is everything they did back in 2008! Hence the stimulus three times as big as the start of the prior bailout.

For example, companies learned that they could be too big to fail. Therefore it is in their interest to seek higher, riskier returns, knowing the that government would bail them out next time too. If our economic system does bounce back, it simply means a bigger bubble bursting later.

Unprecedented moves. That means never done before. (Once again, expect more unprecedented things to occur because this event is part of a massive transition. Unprecedented moves are the new normal for a while now. Get used to it.)

The national debt stands at $23.6 trillion right now, the highest it’s ever been.

The US is essentially bankrupt.  We’re getting to the point that has occurred in many other countries where we won’t be able to pay even the interest on that debt. Not to mention other underfunded liabilities we have such as social security, Medicare, etc.

Do you know what makes up over 50% of the assets held by the US government?

Student loans.

What happens when these stop getting paid? I’m not sure…but payments are suspended through September now. (These certainly made up their own bubble, and what happens to bubbles? They burst.)

Right now we’re printing money out of thin air. Many are calling it helicopter money. The $2 trillion bill,  Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), is just the start.

And of course, that is stuffed full of money to all kinds of businesses and pet projects, far more so than directly to people or necessary relief. Direct payments to people account for $290 billion or just about 14%.

It seems to me just a token gesture to try to satisfy people that the government is here to take care of us.

Meanwhile, there are provisions in the act to make the Federal Reserve LESS transparent about what it does.

They’re making daily $1 trillion loans to banks.

The Federal Reserve now has a $5 Trillion balance sheet, the highest it’s ever been.

This balance sheet is swelling because the Fed is buying up all kinds of things it’s never done before. As of today, the Fed is even buying up exchange traded funds (ETFs). What the Fed is spending dwarfs the CARE Act.

Most people don’t really understand inflation. One way of thinking about it is as an extra tax you don’t directly pay. If the government prints so much money that the money supply is twice as big, then any money you have is worth half as much.

Understand that the government just took on some massive liabilities in the expansion of 3.3 millions of Americans on unemployment. And this is just the first wave of unemployment.

Even if the virus disappears tomorrow (which will not happen), these people will not all immediately get their jobs back. These people then have less money, so they spend less, which means more layoffs will occur.

Virginia just issued a statewide stay-at-home order through June 10th.

Ripples of impact.

Meanwhile, the government is going to be paying these people month after month for quite some time. This money comes from new money added by the stroke of a few keys, because we’re certainly not sitting on any cash reserves.

At best, it looks like we’re moving into strong inflation long term. I don’t know how bad it will get. Hyperinflation is usually defined as over 50% per month. It hopefully will not reach this rate. And it hopefully won’t be far worse, such as the rates of 30000% per month in Weimar Germany, or the freaking-insane-to-comprehend example of Hungary where prices doubled every 15 hours.

Many people just took a huge hit to their 401K with the stock market crash. The US Public Pension lost almost a trillion dollars, down 21% for the year. What was underfunded gets more underfunded.

Recognize that even after recovery, with inflation coming all the savings you’ve made will become worth less and less.

It is a transfer of wealth. But unlike what many people are asking for from the rich to the poor, it is going in the opposite direction. Meanwhile the people are meant to be placated by the handouts from the government. (I found the joke funny that who knew Trump would be implementing many of Bernie Sanders ideas like universal basic income!?!)

The good news is there’s likely some time to position yourself for the transition. Diving into that you’ll see more proof that this was planned ahead of time. Maybe not the virus itself, but the economic transition.

Reality Fluidity

Thank you to everyone that has responded to these emails.

The response from “I was Leaving California for Medical Freedom” was especially big and heartfelt. So again, thank you.

Doing this series is a LOT of work, but I’m finding it very rewarding to do so. I’ll be taking tomorrow off for a much needed break.

I have two big topics that I plan to cover in the coming week. One is the collapse of the dollar and the movement into digital currencies. The other is around fake news and censorship. Both of these are going to be multiple part series that I’ll probably jump back and forth between.

And there is still so much to cover besides that too!

I wanted to share the following message. I actually wrote this near the start of March. You know, before the coronavirus pandemic broke, events were canceled, nations were quarantined, markets collapsed.

I guess I was onto something…

How Fluid is your Reality?

Do you recognize that at least 50% of everything you believe is wrong? (I’m not saying I have it right, I’m saying this is true for everyone myself included!)

Think about the people living in the year 2320, how they’ll look back at you and I and laugh at the crazy things we believed. Just like we do now for those in the past or in other cultures. Those silly people, how could they believe such crap?

I ask, how fluid is your reality?

Can you see the perspectives of people completely different from you living today? (Or do you think everyone that doesn’t share your illustrious opinion is an idiot?)

Can you understand, truly wrap your heart and mind around, why someone with a different political stance has those beliefs?

Here’s a fun one…Can you wear the shoes of a conspiracy theorist for a month?

Do you challenge your beliefs by looking into the other side(s)…or do you simply except your echo chamber’s experts’ opinions uncritically?

Recognize that life is changing faster and faster.

There are several life-threatening possibilities on the horizon near and further.

Even if there are no catastrophes, there’s plenty of revolutions that will change daily life coming, for both good and ill. (Think about this, smart phones didn’t exist yet in 2005, the public internet until 1990.)

How will you adapt?

It helps if you’re not so rigid in your worldview.

How deep can you mine your beliefs to test bending and breaking them? Can you even try out altering those things that you don’t even think of as beliefs, instead just the…way…things…are.

Methinks that reality fluidity is a necessary skill set for navigating today.

Better Data Regarding the Virus Coming In

As time progresses, we seem to be getting better quality data about what is really going on with the virus. So despite what the news is predominately catastrophizing about…

…The USA now being the epicenter of the coronavirus!

…With projections of 81,000 people dead!

I’m feeling a lot more relaxed about it for reasons I’ll share with you here. Even if it was indeed a weaponized virus, it doesn’t seem that effective!

Italy says that of those dying 99% of them had other illnesses. And the median age of the infected is 63 but 79.5 years for those who die. In addition, “All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.”

While they say they haven’t peaked in Italy yet, there were “signs of a slowdown”.

The epidemiologist Neil Ferguson modeled the virus and projected 2.2. million dead in the US and 500K in the UK. This information was widely reported by the media and used by governments. Yesterday, he announced that he drastically downgraded the prediction.

“Based on both those revised estimates and the lockdown measures taken by the British government, the epidemiologist predicts, hospitals will be just fine taking on COVID-19 patients and estimates 20,000 or far fewer people will die from the virus itself or from its agitation of other ailments.”

To be clear, while downgraded, he is giving credit to the quarantine and social distancing for the effects.

I found this page from a Swiss Doctor giving daily updates which has some great information. This is published on a website for Swiss Propaganda Research which “is an independent nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media.”

I invite you to check out that page, but here are a few items of interest pulled from it. One of the things I was wondering about was how many deaths normally occurred in Italy as compared to what was happening now? The answer to that question is found here.

“According to the latest data published by the Italian Ministry of Health, overall mortality is now significantly higher in all age groups over 65 years of age, after having been below average due to the mild winter. Until March 14, overall mortality was still below the flu season of 2016/2017, but may have already exceeded it in the meantime. Most of this excess mortality currently comes from northern Italy. However, the exact role of Covid19, compared to other factors such as panic, healthcare collapse and the lockdown itself, is not yet clear.”

Look at this chart. While mortality is still trending up, it is less than other times in previous years where no lockdown was done.

“Sweden has so far pursued the most liberal strategy in dealing with Covid19, which is based on two principles: Risk groups are protected and people with flu symptoms stay at home. “If you follow these two rules, there is no need for further measures, the effect of which is only marginal anyway,” said chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. Social and economic life will continue normally. The big rush to hospitals has so far failed to materialize, Tegnell said.”

“USA: Researcher Stephen McIntyre has evaluated the official data on deaths from pneumonia in the US. There are usually between 3000 and 5500 deaths per week and thus significantly more than the current figures for Covid19. The total number of deaths in the US is between 50,000 and 60,000 per week.”

Compare the above to the total death count of Covid-19 in the USA of 1304 at the time of writing.

“John Lee, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, argues that the particular way in which Covid-19 cases are registered leads to an overestimation of the risk posed by Covid19 compared to normal flu and cold cases.”

“A preliminary study by researchers at Stanford University showed that 20 to 25% of Covid19-positive patients tested additionally positive for other influenza or cold viruses.”

“A study from China in 2003 concluded that the probability of dying from SARS is 84% higher in people exposed to moderate air pollution than in patients from regions with clean air. The risk is even 200% higher among people from areas with heavily polluted air.”

This last bit is very interesting because the air pollution in places like Wuhan and northern Italy is some of the worst out there.

Meanwhile, there continues to be questions about accuracy of all the different forms of testing. “Spanish scientists said the rapid tests for coronavirus they reviewed were less than 30% accurate. The more established lab tests were about 84% accurate.”

While I’m feeling good about the virus itself, make no mistake, that I’m not feeling super positive about the whole situation. (And that doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind or go coughing on food like some are doing.)

That’s because I don’t think the media, nor the government is going to lay off their actions anytime soon.

Even if the deaths aren’t any higher than normal pneumonia rates, the government will take credit for great success with the quarantine in the end.

I’m about 98% sure the length of the quarantine, where and how its enforced will continue to be extended and expanded.

But I do want to end on a positive note. I also want to share this from someone near where the breakout occurred…

“I am one of your subscribers. I am currently in China, in Hubei Province, 5 hours away from Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus breakout. We went into quarantine here in the city I am in, officially February 1st. It was something I have never experienced before. But, after roughly 45 days, the restrictions are being lifted in stages as the virus has been contained and is declining. I will say that it was never a human rights issue. It was for the good of all. The logistics that were put in place for the basics: food, water, safety, human communication (not isolation) was done efficiently and safely. For your readers, everything you said in your email, especially training at home, is very important. It will eventually pass. The key thing, and I admit I had some days where I was challenged with it as the weather was beautiful outside, is to take it one day at a time. That expression is used a lot, but now many people will experience it for real. Also, one’s patience will be put to the test too, especially if there are many members living together under one roof. One has to breathe deeply everyday as well in order to help with the stress. The key here is to follow the procedures put in place by the government and health officials. Or, just use plain common sense. I know that sometimes younger people think they are invincible. Not with this virus. It is dangerous so I would urge all of the “Supermen/Women” out there not to challenge it. Usually not a pleasant experience. One of my colleagues, age 51, died from it. Doctors on the front line, also paid for it with their lives. So, proper hygiene, good healthy eating, drinking a lot of water, exercise, visualization and positive thinking, staying connected with like-minded positive people, will get people through this. As my mother always tells us: “This too shall pass.”

Good luck to everyone who reads this. I survived by doing what I said above and following procedures. Now I can go outside freely again (wearing a mask)…Good Luck to everyone!!”

God speed,

Although there will be a “new normal” when that occurs, let’s hope we get there sooner rather than later.

P.S. Yesterday’s email about surveillance started off talking about Edward Snowden. Well, he’s just come out saying pretty much the same thing.

Total Surveillance State

In an earlier article, I mentioned Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who revealed to the world that the NSA was spying on its own citizens through various technological platforms in 2013.

It shocked the world…but what was the result? We all knew that the government could be watching us, (remember, the conspiracy theorists were right about this one) but in the end the average citizen didn’t seem to care. Did you?

Perhaps it was the resigning to the fact that there wasn’t much you could do about it, short of disconnecting. Technological platforms are woven into our lives.

I mentioned this earlier as a possible limited hangout, that is a controlled leak of partial information. To be honest, I haven’t dived deeply into information surrounding that, so I don’t feel qualified to talk about it outside of it being a possibility.

One interesting point is the difference between the media treatment of Snowden as compared to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Snowden is living in Russia but does interviews with the likes of Joe Rogan and John Oliver. Meanwhile, Assange (an Australian citizen) is facing extradition to the USA to be tried for violating the US Espionage Act by releasing classified security information.

I mention this all to say that the powers-that-be want greater surveillance (not to mention less transparency). Also recall that I said that this virus starting in China gave an example to the world of how to act, an example that the power-hungry would be jealous of.

Here’s an article from February 2018 in The Atlantic discussing China. “The country is racing to become the first to implement a pervasive system of algorithmic surveillance. Harnessing advances in artificial intelligence and data mining and storage to construct detailed profiles on all citizens, China’s communist party-state is developing a “citizen score” to incentivize “good” behavior. A vast accompanying network of surveillance cameras will constantly monitor citizens’ movements, purportedly to reduce crime and terrorism. While the expanding Orwellian eye may improve “public safety,” it poses a chilling new threat to civil liberties in a country that already has one of the most oppressive and controlling governments in the world.”

There’s been much talk about how China rolled out their social credit score which was revealed in vivid detail the modern-day Twilight Zone like series, Black Mirror.

For all this, you can read the information two ways. There is the utopian outlook. Everything is done for the greater safety. Technology is used to enhance life for the good of the people.

Then there is the dystopian outlook. Everything is done for power, control and to further erode liberties, of course under the Trojan horse of doing good. (If it’s not abundantly clear, this is the view I take because of the widespread evidence of corruption in economics, politics, medicine that has been covered thus far.)

In essence, here’s what the whole toilet paper thing was really about.

You can see how these two viewpoints are often used in the news. If it is here is it good. If it’s in the boogeyman countries such as China or Russia these actions are totalitarian. Funny how that works.

Power-hungry people have been jealous of China’s government control for quite some time. So now watch how this is rolling out in various places around the world in response to the coronavirus.

It Italy they used social media to track quarantining. “Ghost Data, a research group in Italy and the US, collected more than half a million Instagram posts in March, targeting regions in Italy where residents were supposed to be on lockdown. It provided those images and videos to LogoGrab, an image recognition company that can automatically identify people and places. The company found at least 33,120 people violated Italy’s quarantine orders.”

It’s not just social media. Your phone has geo-location data always on. “The Guardian has learned that a senior official at GSMA, an international standard-setting body for the mobile phone industry, held discussions with at least one company that is capable of tracking individuals globally through their mobile devices, and discussed the possible creation of a global data-sharing system.”

A stronger seizure of power is happening in Israel. Notice how the use of tech goes along with reducing liberties. “Netanyahu and his surrogates have shut down the court system, approved the use of sophisticated phone-surveillance technology on the general public and temporarily suspended the activities of parliament. While Netanyahu has defended the moves as extraordinary steps in extraordinary times, his opponents accuse him of undermining Israel’s democratic foundations in a desperate bid to cement his grip on power and derail a looming criminal trial after coming up short in parliamentary elections this month.”

This is happening in the USA too. “The U.S. government is in active talks with Facebook, Google and a wide array of tech companies and health experts about how they can use location data gleaned from Americans’ phones to combat the novel coronavirus, including tracking whether people are keeping one another at safe distances to stem the outbreak.”

So they can track you down. But how will they enforce it? Drones of course! Here’s a video of a drone in Belgium telling people to quarantine.

They couldn’t happen here could it? Well, a police department in southern California has already purchased two Chinese drones to do this. “We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but … if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse, we could do it without getting police officers involved,” said Capt. Vern Sallee.

How about using your phone to ensure you follow the rules? In Poland, they’re using an app to take selfies to enforce quarantine. Otherwise you get a visit from the police. “The app uses geolocation and facial recognition allowing quarantined users to check-in with authorities to confirm they are indeed staying at home as required.”

Honestly, this is the stuff that is not that bad, because it gets worse…

Many people still think we’re going to bounce back to normal in a few weeks. Nope. The future holds travel restrictions for some time at least in the more heavily hit areas such as New York. Right now, in some places you need to get the “green light” to travel.

“To get permission to leave China’s coronavirus epicenter and return to his job in Hong Kong, a Chinese banker needed two things: a letter from his company and a green health code from Alipay…The colored QR code, which is already deployed in over 200 cities, is obtained by entering information that includes name, national identity number, current location, recent travel history and ticking a box asking if the person has been in contact with an outpatient or anyone hospitalized in the last 14 days. Once everything is complete, a code is automatically generated. Each code is refreshed at midnight.”

That’s in your cellphone. But what if we could make sure that people always have it on them? That’s where under skin sensors come in. “[Biotech company Profusa announced Tuesday that it was initiating a DARPA-funded study to see whether its biosensor that it injects under the skin can help detect the flu up to three weeks early.”   

And if we’re putting censors in why not just go one step further…invisible ink in vaccinations. “For the people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries, keeping track of who had which vaccination and when can be a tough task. But researchers from MIT might have a solution: they’ve created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and it’s only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.”

They’ve only had success in animals and cadavers so far. But this is coming. Understand what this means. They may not be able to make vaccines mandatory for every single person. But with your phone app or in your skin itself, they’ll be able to deny you traveling without the proper records and authorization.

Again, this all comes other the guise of good. And certainly some of it could be. But do you trust our governments and corporate partners with this kind of power?  It’s your call. I do not because of the evidence of past corruption.

Total surveillance of the population allows for total control. Welcome to the high tech version of 1984.

From what I’ve seen this is part of the agenda, whether we like it or not. Better to recognize the truth rather than stick you head in the ground.

And don’t think that these are limited time emergency measures. Once the power is taken, it is never given back.

In a future post I’ll detail how this even brings us closer to the world of pre-crime. Yes, pre-crime. Remember the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report, based off a short story by Philip K. Dick? Where he was part of a police unit that arrested people before they did anything wrong because they “knew” it would happen? Steps have been laid for that already last year. But there’s more groundwork to cover first.

I was Leaving California for Medical Freedom

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” – Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and first Surgeon General of the United States

Too bad we didn’t heed his prescient advice! We’ve already failed there, but it is getting worse…

I was planning to leave California because they changed the laws here so that no child could go to school without getting vaccines. My plan was to move up to Oregon.

Most people aren’t aware of what’s been going with vaccines on because, unless you were involved in the fight, the media wouldn’t cover it (except to spread more of the message that vaccines are 100% safe and effective and antivaxxers are the problem).

And that is why I received a response like I got yesterday, “I can’t believe the shit you’re sending out now; you went from zero to batshit crazy in one email.”

I also got some positive responses like “DUDE WTF?!?!! Wow man I knew about the FDA/Big Pharma link but not the CDC link holy shit…Thanks for organizing and getting this valuable content out there.”

But mostly I got crickets. Lot less than I expected. I don’t know if I had people successfully stop and look at what I called 100% evidence that the CDC lies or not. If you missed that it’s at and it’s important to read that before today’s message as it’s more on the same topic, specifically related to corona.

In case you didn’t know, the vaccine schedule has bloomed since you or I was a kid.

Big Pharma has been buying politicians for a long time. While still focused on the Federal level, they began to buy up state politicians. In California, Senator Richard Pan was their man.

Led by him, they were able to get rid of religious and philosophical exemptions in 2015. (SB-277)

Then they even restricted medical exemptions in 2019. (SB-276)

It used to be that a doctor could decide (along with you the parent) what was best for your child. Now, each case would go to a bureaucratic state board. In some cases if a child had a clear vaccine reaction, the doctor may recommend against further vaccination, but since that reaction was not on the state’s approved list of vaccine reactions, they would have to continue getting vaccinated resulting in more damage.

Even if you think that vaccines are the greatest invention ever, do you believe the government has a right to decide that you must be injected with pharmaceutical drugs?

Do you believe that when there is undeniable proof that government is in bed with these same individuals? That the revolving door operates?

I’d say few people do…unless we’re taught to greatly fear the unvaccinated…which has been an ongoing campaign.

Point number one on the Nuremberg Code is “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” And we’ve all been engaging in a massive experiment without informed consent.

A few days ago, I told my story about my weird journey down the rabbit hole.

(It’s funny thinking about it. I haven’t gotten anyone pissed off at me for talking about banking corruption, or elite pedophiles, but I bring up vaccines and then I get it. This shows you the effectiveness of the propaganda campaign. In fact, I know someone that wished a baby would die of measles because the mother was a stupid anti-vaxxer. That’s the level of venom that is generated. That is polarization through propaganda.)

A big part of my journey, that I didn’t mention earlier, was deeply diving into research on vaccines.

Like other conspiracies I’d heard things before. But then I became a parent and it became necessary to deeply understand this area. I do now. I feel confident and will take on anyone that wants to debate this topic.

My amazing daughter Elka is now two years and one month old. She is vaccine free.  I am an anti-vaxxer and I’m proud of it (even though that is used as a derogatory propaganda term by the ignorant).

Understand that my aim was to keep her that way and I was prepared to uproot my life and move out of the state to do so. But then came the coronavirus…

Now I wonder if there’s any point in moving, because it seems like mandatory vaccines are coming for us all which brings us to current events.

If you missed the last post, again please go read it. Watch the two videos I link to there which gives you 100% proof that the CDC and the WHO are lying to you.

If they’re lying about vaccines, what else could they possibly be lying about?

Who (hint, hint) is largely “in charge” of the world-wide medical response?

So let’s look at some events that have occurred:

In July 2019, before the outbreak occurred, the CDC eliminated a position in China specifically intended to help detect disease outbreaks. “Bao-Ping Zhu, a Chinese American who served in that role, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2007 and 2011. “If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster.””

Once the virus had gotten here in the US, the CDC blocked and FDA official from premises, further limiting our ability to test. When the FDA official did gain entry they found lab contamination.

In one of my first posts I talk about how the CDC bungled up testing here virtually ensuring the virus would spread. Here’s a good recap of that. “Rapid testing is crucial in the early stages of an outbreak…Yet health officials…confirmed to Kaiser Health News that they each initially got one test kit, calling into question whether they would have even stood a chance to contain the outbreaks that would emerge. They would soon discover that the tests they did receive were flawed, lacking critical components and delivering faulty results.”

Oh and I just learned that the CDC has it’s own “intelligence” branch the EIS.

Briefly looking at their webpage I saw this video which had the following stated: “Shaping scientists and public health leaders for more than 65 years.”

That takes on an ominous tone when you know what the CDC had done. Here’s me conspiracy theorizing…it’s almost as if they wanted this event to occur!

There is a lot of talk about if we only had a vaccine for this. And so there is a rush to create one.

President Trump said he “asked the FDA to cut through the red tape and reduce regulatory barriers.”

They’ve already skipped over animal testing in rushing this vaccine. One of many unprecedented moves being made in this time. Several companies are vying to be the ones that make it. I expect more “red tape” to be cut in order to make this happen faster. After all, the media is clamoring for it.

Coronavirus vaccine: when will it be ready? Asks The Guardian.

MSN says the “Coronavirus vaccine must be affordable and accessible”

Johnson & Johnson CEO on potential coronavirus vaccine: ‘I think we’ll have important data by the end of the year’

“The coronavirus isn’t mutating quickly, suggesting a vaccine would offer lasting protection,” headlines the Washington Post.

That’s interesting because today I also saw that “The Icelandic genetics company DeCode Genetics has tracked 40 mutations of coronavirus in Iceland. A probable scenario is that the virus develops to become more contagious, but less dangerous for those affected, says Danish virologist”

These were all found by just searching under coronavirus vaccine news. Much more is available.

One company making a vaccine is Moderna. Theirs has already entered Phase 1 clinical trials with human volunteers.

Forgive me for diving into the science here, but I feel it is worth pointing out. “The primary objective is to evaluate the safety and reactogenicity of a 2-dose vaccination schedule of mRNA-1273, given 28 days apart, across 3 dosages in healthy adults… Forty-five subjects will be enrolled into one of three cohorts (25 microgram [mcg], 100 mcg, 250 mcg).”

Why is there no placebo group?

How do you evaluate safety and efficacy without the gold standard of a double-blind placebo-control?

The Ad5-nCoV vaccine is starting its phase 1 trial soon. Again there is low, middle and high doses but no placebo.

Again, I am not against vaccines…if there is adequate science to prove its safety and efficacy. But the more I look, the less I trust vaccines.

Are they really going to cut the red tape on the brand new, never before used DNA plasmid vaccine by Inovio?

No matter the result, a vaccine will be lauded as the savior of us all. And of course, someone will profit in a huge way. Just imagine if your customer base was the whole entire world? This was originally posted on New York Times, but I found it on another website that doesn’t block you with a paywall. “Drug Companies Will Make a Killing From Coronavirus”

The writing is on the wall…

This is what they’ve wanted for a long time now. And they’ve told you as such if you’ve had ears to hear. You probably haven’t heard about the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition. This is a pharma front group. You can see their broad coalition includes Merck, GSK, Pfizer and other vaccine makers.

On their Mission page they state, “Yet adult vaccination rates remain unacceptably low, falling short of the Healthy People 2020 recommendations…In response, a diverse group of healthcare providers, vaccine makers, pharmacies, public health organizations, patient and consumer groups launched AVAC to make necessary policy changes to increase vaccination rates – to save lives and money.”

Limited laws have been passed towards these aims. For instance, SB-792 in California made it so law “would prohibit a person from being employed or volunteering at a day care center or a family day care home if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles.”

Of course, it is shrouded in the good. That is how astro-turf organizations always work.

Make no mistake the CDC and the WHO want you vaccinated much more than you are. (Always back to their viewpoint that there is no health without vaccinations, there is no healthcare besides that from Big Pharma.)

Here’s is the CDC’s adult vaccine recommendation schedule.

Here’s is the WHO’s adult vaccine recommendation schedule.

I ask, if you trust these people so much why aren’t you following their guidelines?

It’s not just in the USA. A man from Norway told me this law didn’t pass but I can’t seem to find anything besides this article to confirm or deny that. “Denmark’s parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police…As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.”

Oh yes, they’re coming for all of us. If we do not rise up and inform everyone as to this plan, mandatory vaccinations for everyone will be coming, possibly as early as the end of this year.

I’ve known this was their plan for a while. With the global pandemic they now have a very clear roadmap on how to get there. This subject then bleeds over into the surveillance state which is becoming stronger. Tomorrow we’ll dive into that.