Perverse financial incentives make the world go ‘round…and will continue to make it do so.
Forgive me for going back in time in what may seem as off-topic, but I
assure you it is critically important and related to today’s events. I originally
wrote part of this as an unreleased issue of Medical Monopoly Musings…
Have you heard about Susan Willey?
She becomes head of the FDA. During her time she allows rampant
conflicts of interest in her agency.
The Office of Inspector General issued a withering report in 2009
stating they found “a systemic lack of oversight of the ethics program.”
That the agency “did not ensure that financial disclosure forms were complete
in 2007.” That they “did not identify or resolve potential conflicts of
interest for 64 percent of special Government employees in 2007.”
During her time as director, a controversial drug is released, one that
has such issues that Japan drops it from recommendations entirely (but is
becoming even more recommended here in the USA.)
Susan is successful! Forbes names her the 24th Most Powerful
Woman in 2008. She receives the Surgeon General’s Medallion for “actions of
exceptional achievement to the cause of public health and medicine.”
After her time as director of FDA ending in 2009, she moves on to pharmaceutical
giant Merck, as president of the division that produces this controversial
In case you don’t know much about Merck, they’re one of the biggest pharmaceutical giants. And since 2000, they’ve paid a total of $3.3 billion in penalties for their crimes including:
$1.4 billion for off-label or unapproved
$818 million for fifteen violations making false
$508 million for safety violations
$345 million for two counts of bribery
$36 million for price-fixing
$500000 for breaking the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act
$750000 for insider trading and securities fraud
And much more
In her new cushy position there, it is estimated that Susan earns $2.5
million per year as an executive. Here are some of her Merck stock sales which
are publicly available:
Jan 2020 – $9.1M (Looks like she knew something!
Did she simply witness what was going on…or was she tipped off like some of our
senators told their donors?)
Aug 2019 – $569K
Nov 2018 – $1.9M
May 2018 – $594K
Nov 2016 – $3.5M
May 2015 – $1.6M
Do you have a problem with this revolving door?
Is it very suspicious to say the least?
…Except I’ve lied to you…
Her name is not Susan Willey. Her name is Julie Gerberding.
She was not head of the FDA but the CDC.
Everything else is true.
The controversial drug was Gardasil, a vaccine. In fact, Merck makes
the majority of vaccines on the CDC schedule.
Everyone knows that Big Pharma is made up of many crooks…but somehow NOT
when it comes to vaccines. Why is that?
I know, I know I’m treading some crazy waters here. I’m sure I’ll see
the unsubscribes spike. But please stick with me for just a little bit. If I’ve
earned any of your trust thus far let me ask that you use it up here.
I’m going to show you undeniable proof that the CDC lies. Spend 7
minutes watching this video for that.
For fair and balanced reporting check out the CDC’s website, which
provides some of these studies for you.
(Notice the lack of clear and concise referencing of material.)
Please, anyone that thinks I’m anti-science, that I’m an idiot for
falling prey to anti-vaxxer propaganda, please, please explain this to me.
You don’t need to read every page of the studies to find that what Del
is saying is true. Those studies do not prove what was asked to be proved and
you can see that from the titles alone.
The CDC’s mountain of evidence is little more than a molehill. Since
when can science make a statement of causality between two things by studying
other things? Tell me how science works like that?
Want some more? How about proof that the World Health Organization lies
too? Here you can find their top scientists who met together recently and
discussed just how much they lacked good safety science.
Look I don’t think that everyone at these organizations are bad. Almost
everyone buys into this propaganda uncritically. Yesterday, I talked about
deferring to experts. This has happened in this one area far more than most!
Everyone knows that vaccines are safe and effective because everyone
knows that vaccines are safe and effective.
Trust in authority can and has been abused. Very badly.
I can point to lots more evidence about the problems with vaccines from
VAERS to NVIC, not to mention tons of scientific research showing they DO have
safety issues. But I chose to keep it brief above for a reason. THE ONLY THING
Once you get that you understand the house of cards falls. (This is also
why people refuse to accept it. They’ve got to keep their worldview intact.)
The CDC is lying to you. The WHO is lying to you. Large foundations are
lying to you. Your government is lying to you. Mass media is lying to you. Big
tech is lying to you (by censoring people on this issue).
We’re told to believe women when they allege sexual abuse. But don’t
you dare believe a woman that says her child transformed before her eyes right
after vaccination. Yet, I’ve met mothers who’ve gone through this. I know a guy
that got Guillain-Barré syndrome from a flu shot.
I’m not against vaccines in principle. But I am against bad science. I
am against not doing science in the first place!
I am against mandating a one-size-fits-all solution in our world that supposedly
moving towards personalized medicine.
I am against saying that the government has the right to inject
something into my body, or my child’s body against my will based on fraud.
Mandatory vaccines are something these powerful people want. Not just
in children…but in adults.
This pandemic has given the perfect excuse for that. We can already see it playing out. Tomorrow I’ll show you whats coming…
P.S. Here are the references regarding Julie Gerberding. I couldn’t
post them in the appropriate places for my bait and switch which I felt was
required on this topic.
Politics is polarizing. It has gone exponential in the last six years or so. So much so that many people tuned it out. Fully justified…but also problematic.
While the best example, that’s not the only place that has seen
dramatic increases in polarization.
We’re told to listen to the experts. Are you a virologist? Are you an
epidemiologist? Are you an economist? No, then you shouldn’t be talking about
this stuff.
Yet, the experts have lied to us over and over and over again.
Truthfully, we’re left on our own trying to figure it out ourselves…or
grabbing onto whatever experts we decide are telling the best version of the
I’m honored you’ve chosen me! 😉 But please note that I’m asking you to
think for yourself, not automatically buy anything I say as gospel.
This is dizzying. Can you be an expert in everything? Absolutely not. Can
you adequately wade through the BS put out by experts? It’s damn near impossible
in in our world of hyper-specialization.
Because the truth is there are experts on both sides of any and every
issue. Some experts are paraded as examples of the people that are right. They
get endorsed by other experts!
But are they right? Meanwhile other experts are shunned and derided…by
other experts.
We’ve got fact-checkers now, but who fact-checks them? Who watches the
Watching the polarization play out on social media about the virus is
Can you make sense of this thing?
There is tons of information to say that this virus is extremely
There is tons of information to say that this virus is widely overblown.
Who do you believe?
Do you believe the experts because other experts say you should listen
to them?
Do you strive to further validate your own viewpoint?
Do you ever attempt to falsify your own view by looking at the other
Again, I still have not made heads or tails of the virus itself. I see
one thing that makes me believe its hype…then I read another that makes me take
it more seriously.
They begin the article with a refutation
of the article. Look at the article. Look at the refutation. Who do you
believe? Just reading each thoroughly and seeking to understand them will
probably take an hour. If you go and vet out the sources for yourself, even
But is there a refutation of the
refutation? I liked what one person on Twitter had to respond: “Does anyone
have any facts to dispute the author or are we supposed to just defer to people
claiming they know better?” Good question!
One thing is clear. We do not have good data from which to be making
decisions. Ioannidas points that out in this article here. We are making economy
shattering decisions based on bad and incomplete data.
“If we decide to jump off the cliff, we need some data to
inform us about the rationale of such an action and the chances of landing
somewhere safe.”
If you’re not familiar, Ioannidas is the guy that basically told us
that at least 50% of science is wrong for a wide variety of reasons
(difficulties replicating, peer review, p-hacking, etc.). But yet should we
pause making decisions just because the data isn’t in? Another good question.
In the abstract, “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory
construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
But if you actually read that article it seems to just be an opinion of
these scientists that it can’t be manipulated because they would have done it
differently. Of course, I’m not a geneticist or virologist so what do I know? Who
am I to question their authority?
These scientists have received the official stamp of approval. They don’t
explain its origin, but they do explain away the bioengineered theory.
That will trip up all of our stats and information about this thing even
The only thing I can say for sure is our information ecology is
Watch out. That will be something that must get fixed from this whole situation.
I just fear that it’ll take the form of Big Brother telling you everything you
need to know. We need the one official world-wide agency to give us the truth.
If such an agency was in good hands that wouldn’t be a bad thing.
If such an agency was in bad hands then that would be a very, very bad
The caveat here is that absolute power corrupts absolutely…so which
side is more likely? Oh I guess I’m guilty of polarizing here.
That all being said, with persistent effort to dig through everything you
can get to the truth. I think it may be too early to effectively do this with
the virus. But we can look at some things this virus will lead to, by looking
in the past. I’ve done so in one such area, which I’ll talk about tomorrow.
This is a weird post. It’s a bit personal story and a bit ramble, but I think it’ll help you to understand where I’m coming from in my coverage of the impacts of the coronavirus. Buckle in, we’re going for a strange ride…
Kevin wrote:
“I am loving your new e-mail updates. You are definitely feeling the right vibe from what is going on in the world today and I love that you don’t discount anything as a possiblity — after all, when you’ve been lied to so many times, you lose trust in ‘respected’ sources. I don’t know if you’ve been following these matters for a long time or if you’re just putting them together now, but I am impressed by your clarity, eloquence, and understanding of your own limitations — no one can be master of all studies, and I appreciate that you don’t pretend to know it all. I think you need to include a note in your e-mail updates at some point that there ARE things people can do to help themselves, but also to help the system too.”
Yesterday I covered some positive action steps people should be making, and plan to continue to do so. Today I will address how this is not my first rodeo.
I’ve dabbled in “conspiracy” stuff for years. Watched Ancient Aliens. Saw documentaries here and there. Heard people talk about 9/11.
Mostly, you just can’t get into the world of alternative health without stumbling across conspiracies! I found it all interesting for sure, but without digging deeply, I saw this stuff as possibly true. I was entertained by it. But I had my life to focus on. Kept my head down, built my businesses.
Then in May of 2019 I took DMT. For those not aware, this is toad medicine, sometimes called the Cadillac of psychedelics. It’s a short 15 minute-ish trip that involves blasting off this world into different dimensions. Here is an excerpt from what I wrote up after that experience.
After inhaling and laying back, as I began to launch into hyperspace, I could hear myself think “Oh sh!t, here we go!” It can be frightening. But I remembered to relax and surrender.⠀⠀
These are the words that repeated like a mantra, over and over again. Those words…I know, it sounds trite. Just a jumble of new-age phrases.⠀⠀
But it wasn’t just words. These are WHERE I went. Surrendering to the unbelievable experience. Faith fulfilled. My ego obliterated as I merged with the entirety of the Loving Universe into pure white.⠀⠀
The complete and total, directly FELT experience of them. That is something different entirely than an intellectual thought or belief.⠀⠀
My intention going into this ceremony was to connect to God/Source. I know to many, especially with no comparable frame of reference, this may sound ridiculous. Even writing it here, part of me feels that, and wants to downplay what occurred. But that is to deny the reality of what happened.⠀⠀
Mission accomplished.⠀⠀
The experience itself was amazing…but truth was that was just the beginning. I was opened up. I was connected. In the coming days I got what could best be described as “downloads.” Although this calmed down since then, things have never been the same. Life changed.
A few days later, sitting at a seminar, one such download occurred where I felt I was to usher in the “New Health Paradigm.”
This launched me into a study of the current health system. I got into
systems theory which really expanded my thinking toolset to see how the whole
is greater (and acts differently than expected) than just the sum of the parts.
I started digging deeper.
This in turn led to my Medical Monopoly Musings series which has been
shown how health sciences are corrupted, the revolving door between regulatory
agencies, government, lobbyists and businesses, and how these criminal
enterprises get away with crime after crime after crime.
A little while after the “activation” event, I noticed censorship playing out on the Big Tech platforms in bigger and bigger ways.
Google virtually wipes out alternative health sites from organic
rankings. Not even just the so-called “crackpot” sites, but plenty that very
clearly detail research on things such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. My
company, Lost Empire Herbs suffers because of it.
Health is just a piece of the puzzle I’m exploring. For whatever reason,
I’m consumed by the case of Jeffrey Epstein who was re-arrested early in July
2019. It’s so freaking big. It’s so freaking obvious. The “suicide” so
obviously covered up that people are saying the conspiracy theorists are right
about this one.
Prince Andrew (because pedophile Epstein is closely tied to British
Royalty of course) mostly avoids scrutiny but does a horrible, easily
falsifiable interview.
It’s clear that Epstein has intelligence connections. In the previous arrest where he got a “sweet-heart” deal, then prosecutor Acosta was told to lay off him for these reasons. Again, I refer you to the amazing work of Whitney Webb in exploring these and prior operations, like with Roy Cohn, mentor to our current president.
Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in New Mexico is never looked at by authorities.
Epstein had connections to President Trump, and much more so with
former president Bill Clinton (who flew on Epstein’s private plane 26 times,
including several times after dismissing secret service). He had connections to
scientists, business owners, politicians and more.
Obviously with any rich and successful person you’ll know other rich and successful people. I’m not saying they’re all guilty of sick crimes. But shouldn’t these ties be further investigated? Especially those people that were connected to Epstein after his initial arrest many years back?
It is so obvious this is HUGE, but it is being swept under the rug. Successfully.
In digging into this I start following a number of alternative sources
that cover this and much else. I start reading books about various conspiracies
finding a lot of them are backed up by significant proof, meanwhile the
cover-ups or those that simply dismiss them as “conspiracy theories” lack the
same level of proof.
The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edwards Griffin details the
banking cartel throughout history. It informs me that the economy is far more
rigged than most believe. I just gave a small taste of this in my earlier emails.
I read Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of
the Illuminati. The term Illuminati is thrown around very loosely, making it
easy to dismiss as a “conspiracy theory”. But there was a real organization
called the Illuminati and they did have power, heavily infiltrating the
Freemasons, influencing even the French Revolution. What I learn here is how secret
societies operate, through layers and compartmentalization. And later it all
clicks for me when someone mentions intelligence agencies are largely the
secret societies of today.
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot details how such intelligence operates. Here we find how we protected Nazi war criminals (Operation Paperclip among others), ran experiments on our own citizens without consent (the well-known MK-Ultra where we dosed mental patients with LSD for 100 days straight while delivering electroshock therapy is just the tip of the iceberg), overthrew democratically elected governments to serve business and political interests, conducted assassinations and far more.
I’m struck by what former President Truman said of the CIA, an agency
he created. “Now, as nearly as I can
make out, those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they
go out and make their own, and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up
to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they’ll have
something to report on. They’ve become … it’s become a government all of its
own and all secret. They don’t have to account to anybody. That’s a very
dangerous thing in a democratic society, and it’s got to be put a stop to. The
people have got a right to know what those birds are up to. And if I was back
in the White House, people would know. You see, the way a free government
works, there’s got to be a housecleaning every now and again, and I don’t care
what branch of the government is involved. Somebody has to keep an eye on
I’m not saying every single thing from all these sources is right. But it looks like they’ve done their homework. When I go to check primary sources, I find it there. In many cases you can see it from declassified CIA documents themselves.
Do you think things have gotten better in abuse of powers since that time? Or worse?
The big picture was coming together.
(Also keep in mind I speed read. My speed for watching videos or listening to podcasts is 2.5x speed or more. I’ve been plowing through information in my attempts to get up to speed for ten months now. These days, with current events unfolding, I’m spending probably four or so hours a day pouring over up to date sources at that same speed. Tons of noise…striving to get to the signal. And then delivering it to you.)
And yet, the deeper down the rabbit hole you go, the darker it becomes.
You find out that charity organizations and foundations are often part of the crimes. This includes some of the biggest ones out there. The façade is reality for most. I was just beginning to expose this in the cancer industries in my medical monopoly writings before this mania started.
That, like a trojan horse, they often do very evil things under the guise of good.
The scope and connectivity of our world makes any form of sense-making tougher to do. Information is overwhelming by itself even without disinformation!
Are you familiar with the Koch Brothers, Charles and David? With a
combined net worth of over $100 billion, these people wielded their influence
in a complicated way. Just take a glimpse of what is known as the Kochtopus.
See how that wealth reaches into media, fake grassroots movements,
think tanks, congress, academy, lobbying, the court system and more. All for
specific agendas to be fulfilled.
And the deeper you go down the rabbit hole the harder the proof is to
come by.
Aliens, extradimensional entities, artificial intelligence, other far
more advanced technology, even time travel! What I came to was the conclusion
that if any one of these things existed than all bets were off in how the world
actually worked.
You find that the government puts out intentional disinformation into
these areas. You can do a lot with a $50 billion+ black budget!
Surely, you remember the leaks from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden? They ran with the headlines the conspiracy theorists are right, the government has been spying on you! Nowadays, everyone know they’re spied on via their devices and no one cares.
Have you heard the story that Snowden was actually a CIA asset that was
aiming to damage the NSA and/or deliver a limited hangout? (That’s an
intelligence term. According to former special assistant to the Deputy Director
of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti it is “spy jargon for
a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When
their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover
story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even
volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and
damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the
new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”)
So was the official Snowden story real? Or was it a limited hangout? And
if its real, that means that there is either misinformation or intentional
disinformation to further muddy the waters about the topic.
You have no idea the size, scope and scale of these disinformation campaigns…especially
inside of conspiracy circles.
Understand, there is general consensus reality in which we all operate.
And then there is a seedy underbelly to this whole world where backdoor deals are made for money and profit while people die. Where pedophiles use power to do their crimes and cover them up. Where virtually every big institution is corrupted (not fully but in limited compartments). Where some big name people we look up to and admire are, for all intents and purposes, evil.
It is dizzying.
I’ll admit. I swung into periods of depression, processing this
information. At one point I felt like I broke my meaning making mechanism. But
I kept bouncing back and kept moving forward.
I realized that no one, I mean no one including myself, really knew how the world operated. And yet we all act like do. We think that we have it down.
And now, with current events unfolding, I feel like all that was preparation
for the time to come.
I feel like the world of conspiracy theory can drive you insane. But
now that the world has gone insane think that’s the right way to be!
I realize this sounds like paranoid ravings to some. (It feels like
that to me too!)
There’s a reason I stick to the stuff that is more provable. And when I
am theorizing, I do my best to call it out. I look at what has happened before,
seeing the pattern and then make judgments from that.
The reality as I see it is that criminal organizations aka cartels functionally
run more of the world than most people imagine.
Complicated systems do explain a lot of what is going. But not everything. You have to add in conspiracies (defined as three or more people conspiring to do something illegal or harmful), which demonstrably exist, into the systems puzzle. That makes it even tougher to understand!
Layers and layers of conspiracies.
I have not yet figured out how the world actually works…though I’ve
been trying hard.
What is absolutely clear to me in all this, regardless of whether the
virus is a real worldwide threat or not, is that it plays right into the hands
of certain conspiring groups.
This is one category of scenarios I see playing out…that most other people don’t seem to be seeing. I’m still working on sketching out all the possible scenarios and will certainly be sharing more on the lay of the land as I see it.
What happens when independent, freedom-loving Americans, refuse to quarantine?
What happens in a bank run?
What happens if food is not getting re-stocked on grocery shelves?
Things seem fine now but project out two months of continued quarantine and what might we see?
Civil unrest? Riots?
Any such groups of people then need to be squashed because they’re not properly social distancing!
It’s a slow roll-out. They hinted at things like quarantine in this same kind of way before it became official. Two weeks back I told people we’re going under quarantine. I wasn’t 100% sure but I saw the strong possibility. People didn’t believe me. But here we are.
Meanwhile, most other state’s governors are denying martial law is going to happen.
But just think this through. If the people rise up against restrictions, the military will need to be used. This becomes a further reinforcing loop.
I fear this is a powder keg that just might blow. The worse it gets, the worse it will get.
It’s hard to predict the systemic effects of one thing leading to another. Something that is clear is a few things that will make people go crazier:
Not having money
Not having food
The effects of social isolation
Rights being trampled
Just imagine if the internet did go down. What would people do? Idle hands…
News is best thought of a propaganda tool. For all intents and purposes the news has been weaponized against us. It is not to inform us so much as steer us in certain directions and not others. (Is that clear to everyone, or should I be showcasing examples to prove that out like I did with banker fraud?)
So I share the following stories not to drive fear but to let you know where this could lead. The news tells you the possible futures for those that have eyes to see, as agendas are hidden in plain sight. These are just sparks as of right now.
I saw a video on Youtube of a person calling out treason, telling people to rise up in a call to arms, and if necessary, he would be the only one to do so. That video is no longer available.
I remember seeing someone wearing a shirt that said, “The hardest part about the zombie apocalypse will be pretending I’m not excited.” There are plenty of people that are hoping for and will thrive on chaos.
Meanwhile, all these actions are “reasons” to clamp down tougher controls.
Governments and media appear to be looking to other parts of the world for examples of what to do. This becomes a further reinforcing loop.
You think things are already crazy here? I believe things are going to get stricter. And once again, Americans having a strong individual attitude, some will likely fight against this.
Let us not forget that this began in China. While mass media is babbling on about whether calling it the China virus is racist or not, two interesting points are clear to me:
First of all, there are valid reasons to NOT believe the statistics that came out from China’s government as far as infections and deaths. This was hugely problematic for informed decision making. Why would China’s government lie? Because they lie about many things (not that any other government doesn’t!).
Even now as they seem to be entering into recovery, there are reasons to question if it worked out as well as they say.
These videos were banned from the big tech social media giants. Censorship is a subject we will be discussing at length. Freedom of speech has been quietly but consistently eroded away from us in the US over the past few years and most people don’t have a clue because it happened in a subtle way.
(And *poof* just like that freedom of assembly is gone.)
Is the death rate far higher than China’s stats would have us believe? I guess we’re about to see in Italy, Spain and in the US.
The second and more troubling part was China’s response. That was shown to the world as the example of what to do in the fight against the coronavirus.
I highly doubt that any other government would be doing these quarantines if that had not happened in China first.
The fact is that governments love power. Once they have it, they will not relinquish it. As such, they’re all jealous of the surveillance and totalitarianism of China. What better way to move us all in that direction then to follow China’s lead?
Unforeseeable…or was it?
“The pandemic blanketed the planet…However, a few countries did fare better – China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, save millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery…Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty – leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.” This was an article titled Lock Step from Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development in May 2010.
Again, my aim is not to install fear, just preparedness and forward thinking. Do you remember way back on March 1st, when no events were canceled, the stock market was doing great, sports still existed, and everything was normal?
No one, at least in the USA, was imagining where we would be at today.
So I ask you to just imagine a possible further escalation of things over the new few weeks and months.
People are scrambling for their jobs and business, for kids being out of school and the plummeting markets. They’re adjusting to the existing disruptions.
There’s a chance things will calm down from this point on, but I’m not betting on it. People’s worldviews have been disrupted and they’re trying to find solid footing…not recognizing that the earth is still shaking.
See where the ball is going not where it is at right now.
That’s a bummer message isn’t it? So, let’s be positive. What should you do?
Preparations. Food, water, supplies, as best as you can manage at this time. You don’t need to hoard ridiculous amounts of toilet paper but a month or few of food is not unwarranted.
Having some cash on hand is likely prudent as well for the reasons addressed earlier.
If you’re very well off, then I would take a look at not having over $250,000 at a single bank, the FDIC insurance amount.
The time to get precious metals was earlier, but some might choose to get some now despite the rise. (More on cryptocurrencies in the future as well as that seems to be a big part of the agenda.)
Most importantly, now is a time to strengthen community ties. In physical real world space predominately. But this can also be done remotely as well to some degree.
One person following mentioned, “Please talk about Municipal Farming as a way to build community power, and give the military no reason to enter our community and calm the fear.”
It’s probably too late to start a garden if you haven’t already, but perhaps you can offer help to someone that has one.
Something to think about is if the SHTF truly, any extra supplies you have can be shared with those around you. That includes money. My wife just pre-paid her hairdresser to help her out.
Be good to people. Your neighbors are not the problem.
Lastly, don’t be a spark.
There’s a big problem with us all just rolling over and allowing the trampling of our freedoms, their further erosion away as is happening here. BUT any violence towards National Guard, police, or your fellow humans is the street is unwarranted.
If you have other helpful suggestions, I’m all ears.
Yesterday, I covered some of the big picture of the economy and where I think it’s going. Today, I will cover another lens on that, specifically surrounding precious metals. But first some new updates:
The USA has passed the H.R.6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response
Act. I plan to read through all that and will report on my findings later. If
you’re interested, here’s the full thing:
Also want to share one reply from yesterday regarding the bank run
possibility. James sent this, “I live in East Kentucky, I was told that First
National had to call the Fed Twice today for cash. I believe your correct.”
A business owner and CPA I know told me in Michigan, cash withdrawals
are being limited to $500 per day.
This is tough work to know what to cover and what order. There is so
much going on! Today is more on economics to show you one lens of how money is rigged
far more than most people realize. From here I’ll be bouncing around to some
other topics.
Banks control just about everything economic. This includes the banks
behind The Federal Reserve, the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World
Bank and others. These are best thought of as associations…or cartels.
The following quotes come from The New Confessions of an Economic
Hitman by John Perkins as he’s put it well.
“The 2012 revelations around the London Interbank Offered Rate, or the
Libor, demonstrated that Barclays, UBS, Rabobank, the Royal Bank of Scotland,
and other international banks were capable of ruthlessly betraying the public
trust. The Libor is used to calculate payments on hundreds of trillions of
dollars’ worth of loans and other investments. It had been accepted as an
objectively and mathematically derived benchmark for establishing interest
rates. However, it now was revealed that the Libor had been illegally
manipulated by the banks from 1991 until 2012. As a result, the bankers
accumulated immeasurable sums of illicit profits. Once found guilty, the banks
were fined more than $9 billion. As of this writing, only one UBS trader, and
not a single bank officer, has been indicted.”
This is not the only grand conspiracy for crimes banks have engaged in.
Perkins later writes:
“The financial world was shaken by another major scandal in 2014…Barclays,
Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and the Royal Bank of Scotland pleaded guilty to
rigging the price of foreign currencies and were fined more than $2.5 billion.
Within a year these four banks, plus one other, UBS, would be fined an
additional $1.6 billion, along with another $1.3 billion in the case of
Barclays, to settle related claims. Since 2007, the banks had operated what
some of their members referred to as ‘the Cartel.’ Among the emails and chat
room conversations of individuals involved were found their own name for their
group: the Bandits’ Club and the Mafia. US Attorney General Loretta Lynch
described the banks’ foreign currency scheme as ‘a brazen display of collusion
and foreign exchange rate market manipulation.’ She went on to call it a ‘breathtaking
They called themselves the cartel, so why shouldn’t we?
They engaged in conspiracy, yet we should dismiss anything else they
might do as a crazy conspiracy theory?
Understand, when an organization is corrupted, people do not get to the
top of such an organization without being corrupt themselves. The corrupt
people keep good people out.
So now onto precious metals…
I’ve been bullish on silver for a long time. And I’ve had to be very
patient in being so. Let us travel back in time to tell this story.
Back in 2010 or so I started converting some of my money from success
in business into silver. In 2011 it topped out at $48. It fell from there and
has traded around $14 to $20 since 2015.
Actually, the highest price of silver ever was $49.45 back in 1980. Tell
me, what else had its highest price ever back in the 80’s?
Well it turns out that there was strong evidence of price suppression
on silver by bankers. Here’s a synopsis and few articles covering that.
I caught wind of this and thought “do what the bankers do.” I had no power
to stop them, but if they were doing that, I might as well do it too so that I
could gain.
Just today it come out that senators were offloading stock based on January
coronavirus briefings. Insider trading.
Clear cut case of insider trading. They’ll pay for it more than likely.
(And who did they leak that information to as well…)
But think bigger for a second. Imagine you have power over a big
portion of the market. Instead of insider trading a couple months before the
catastrophe, you’re preparing a decade in advance. And you’re willing to commit
crimes to do it, especially because you have lots of power and money to cover
up the crimes.
So what is going on now in gold and silver?
Right now silver has crashed (along with everything else) down to
around $12 per ounce.
That’s in the paper markets. Understand most trading of precious metals
isn’t lugging heavy metals around but done by ETF’s (exchange traded funds),
derivatives and more.
That’s because the house of cards that is so much of our financial
system is coming down.
It’s probably too late to get in on silver. But if you can, I’d be
willing to bet its still worth it (no paper silver, physical only!).
The sad fact is that JPMorgan Chase, the people that seemed to be
behind this crime, stand to benefit from it the most. Look at their history and
you can find this is far from the only time they’ve engineered such things.
Making money during the good times and bad. That means they have the
capability to seize even more control.
One theory. This means there is incentive to crash the economy further.
To use your full weight and power to make things worse, in order to gain more
money, power and control.
Another theory. The economy had to crash at some point. That is how our
system works. Boom and bust. But here the blame goes on the coronavirus, not on
the bankers.
In magic this is the deception of drawing attention to one thing in
order to distract from another.
I do not know what is going on with the virus itself. I see compelling
evidence on both sides. That this is not dangerous at all, little more than a
flu that is being pumped up hysterically. On the other side is that this is a
pandemic about to explode, even a weaponized virus, sure to kill many. (If I
must pick, I’d say I’m leaning towards the former.)
In our information economy, the amount of noise generated is insane.
Separating the noise from the true signal, is damn near impossible.
But what if the virus is really not the important part? What if that is
all misdirection? The result of the virus, whatever the truth is behind that,
is complete economic chaos. And here is where I think we should be looking
I’m not an economist. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Look at the links I’m providing. Do your own research.
As everyone is aware of the stock market has crashed hard. Now the stock
market is not the economy but one aspect of it.
The government is promising to take care of everyone. (I’m not making an
argument for or against socialism at this time. I’m saying that the result is
that we’re much more there than ever before real soon.)
Again, remember 2008. We had billions going to banks that caused the
problem in the first place.
Most people are not aware that for about half a year now, the Federal
Reserve has been pumping money into the market with what are known as repo
loans. As one person put it bailouts were occurring…just on the sly.
(Or as James Corbett put it 1929 + 1984 + 9/11 which I’d admit is
better and easier to understand than my equation.)
I have not seen the following in the news at all. But one of my alternative
sources covered it. The Federal Reserve cut bank reserve requirements to zero! “As
announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to
zero percent effective March 26, 2020.
This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository
What does that mean? Please do correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t
believe this has ever been done before.
Our money is fiat, meaning fake. Created out of thin air. Banks
essentially needed to keep some cash in reserves in a ratio around 1 to 10 for
their loans outstanding. That reserve ratio is gone as of the 26th.
What are the impacts of this? Again, I’m not sure. But I don’t think it
is good!
People that I follow and have been predicting things correctly up to
this point are saying a run on the banks is coming. We’ve even seen the first
tell-tale signs that that may be occurring.
This article discussing more withdrawals also points out that cash could
carry the virus. This is important for what seems to be part of this agenda,
the transition to digital currency which I’ll talk about later.
I’m sure you remember the panic of buying toilet paper? It’s been meme-central for weeks now on social media.
Were you caught unawares? Did you go to the store and you needed a
normal amount of toilet paper only to find the shelves were bare and you wondered
what the hell is going on?
I feel conflicted in writing this. Telling you a bank run is possibly
coming is to cause you to want to get money out, which in turn is exacerbating or
causative of the very problem that would best be avoided.
But you’ve chosen to read these emails. I’m telling you what I’m
I personally went to the bank yesterday to take out a few extra
thousand dollars. I did not drain my accounts completely. I asked the teller
how things were going. He told me it wasn’t busy. No one else was doing the
…At least not yet. Our economy is mostly digital. There are far too few
actual dollars for all that money. If it happens it will happen fast.
In this video, MSNBC tried to answer the question “Is there any
possibility that the FDIC won’t be able to deliver on insurance if the banks
fail? What is the best way to keep the money safe?” The answer is basically we’re
in uncharted territory so who knows?
One is that the government steps in big, big, big time. It makes the
2008-2009 bailouts look like small fries. Big companies that were part of the
problem get tons of money of course. But maybe even average folks get money
too. Understand that there are massive implications from this alone (hyperinflation?)
and this seems to be the better of the two scenarios!
The other option is that everything they do is not enough. This bubble
bursts hard. I shudder to think of the impacts.
I think that the chances this virus blows by us, and the economy
bounces back are very, very slim. Again, I hope I am wrong, but I fear I am
“What do you mean a conspiracy theorist? So when I hear nightly on the news that maybe Russia is controlling the American elections and trying to prop Donald Trump up, are those conspiracy theories? When I hear that the corona virus is in fact under control and the market falls apart, is that a conspiracy theory? I mean where are we in history that conspiracy theorizing is a privilege of the people inside the institutional class. No. That’s incompetent. We have discovered conspiracies previously in the United States. COINTELPRO is probably the most disturbing conspiracy that we’ve found within the last 50 years. In fact, conspiracies happen, and you need to be able to go after them. So I think we should make a new rule. The next person who tries to use the epithet conspiracy theorist, we try to figure out what conspiracy theory they’ve been pushing, because frankly everybody inside the gated institutional narrative is hawking one conspiracy theory or the other. It’s time for this technique of trying to intimidate people by using that epithet to die.””
He was talking specifically about the Jeffrey Epstein case, which I’d
taken a huge interest in since before he was last arrested, and definitely
before he “committed suicide”.
You know what could have been the most watched criminal case…period! The
questions unanswered about royalty connections, presidential connections,
intelligence connections that all of our media scarcely talked about.
Last year I read Conspiracy Theory in America by Lance deHaven-Smith.
Here’s a few short excerpts from that:
“Officials in the Nixon administration did conspire to steal the 1972 presidential
election. Officials in the Reagan White House did participate in a criminal
scheme to sell arms to Iran and channel profits to the Contrast, a rebel arm in
Nicaragua. The Bush-Cheney administration did collude to mislead Congress and
the public about the strength of its evidence for Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction. If some conspiracy theories are true, then it is nonsensical to
dismiss all unsubstantiated suspicions of elite intrigue as false by definition.”
“A common mistake made by conspiracy deniers is to lump together a
hodgepodge of speculations about government intrigue, declare them all “conspiracy
theories,” and then, on the basis of the most improbable claims among them,
argue that any and all unsubstantiated suspicions of elite political crimes are
far-fetched fantastic destructive of public trust.”
“The Founders considered political power a corrupting influence that
makes political conspiracies against the people’s interests and liberties
almost inevitable…they also thought representative democracy was vulnerable to,
in their language, ‘conspiracies against the people’s liberties’ by ‘perfidious
public officials,’ and the ‘tyrannical designs’ by ‘oppressive factions.’”
It is PUBLICLY accepted now that the CIA overthrew the democratically
elected leader in Iran back in the 50’s. Same with Arbenz in Guatemala. Massive
propaganda in the news to help make it happen way back then. Why? Corporate powers.
Oil. Land. Money. (And of course stopping communism.)
Yet, public acceptance of other coups isn’t there, even if there is lots
of evidence. But that does it mean it didn’t happen? To talk about these
things, does that automatically make me a crack-pot conspiracy theorist.
One more quote from Lance deHaven-Smith.
“The term ‘conspiracy theory’ did not exist as a phrase in everyday
American conversation before 1964. The conspiracy-theory label entered the American
lexicon of political speech as a catchall for criticism of the Warren
Commission’s conclusion that President Kennedy was assassinated by a lone
gunman with no assistance from, or foreknowledge by, any element of the United
States government.”
In that interview I pose a question that is important for today.
Can we trust the World Health Organization when we see the revolving
door in operation there? Can we trust the United Nations? Can we trust the Red Cross
when we see that with the catastrophe in Haiti that they raised half a billion
dollars and built six homes?
I asked that in early February.
So the question I pose, was this an economic hit on us all?
Even if the epidemic is completely real and action needs to be taken will
criminal agendas not be pushed further on.
Congress is working to pass a big bill. This looks like it includes
money going to every American adult. But what else will be included in there?
Remember 2008? We gave billions to banks who caused the problem in the
first place. I expect some big payouts to occur here too.
It is time to look into and discuss the conspiracies. I do not want to
be talking about this stuff.
I’ll start with a personal update. We are now under a “shelter” order here in Santa Cruz county, California, with at least six other nearby counties as well. If it’s not already where you are chances are this coming to you too.
A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict. While current events may be a black swan for many people, it wasn’t for all.
Today I want to ask a big question…Why were we so unprepared for this? How could this crisis have been foreseen?
But it WAS. Specifically so, and thus far, almost exactly as it’s playing out.
“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.”
They had the start from pigs in Brazil, rather than bats in China, but otherwise it’s almost exactly the same as what is occurring today. I recommend at the very least you watch the Highlight Reel on this page.
(I’m planning to watch through all the other videos on that page too but have not yet.)
Look, I do believe in coincidence. And definitely in synchronicity. But this leaves me with some questions…
I know a lot of people are blaming Trump for this situation. I agree he hasn’t handled it well. But to put all the focus on the orange man (as our media and people love to do) is to skip over the fact the one man does not make up the entire government.
An argument could certainly be made that this happened so close to events that we weren’t prepared for it. But this isn’t the first time exercises or “war games” such as this have been done. Dr. Redd was the “incident commander for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response.” He’s been in this role for a while.
Where is the head of our preparedness and response now? Why has our response in the USA so horrible, when we foresaw almost this exact event occurring?
Caught unawares or striving to dampen our response?
Looking at history is always useful in circumstances such as this. Understand that the CDC does not have a good track record on testing. Remember the Swine Flu? We saw the CDC stop testing and counting cases, while reporting huge numbers. Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson found this out before she left CBS because of their clamp down on real journalism.
Meanwhile, our government is classifying top-level meetings regarding the virus. Why? What are they trying to hide?
I highly, highly recommend reading this article by investigative journalist Whitney Webb. I started following her work surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein case a few months back as it goes deep. She’s good!
(Remember it’s the same government handling this response as said Epstein killed himself because of the perfect storm of screw-ups. They’ll say the same thing about this pandemic soon enough.)
What Webb says is that our intelligence communities are playing a huge role in directing the emergency response.
Again, I ask why? Is this a health epidemic? Or is it an intelligence operation?
Look at these facts. Then you can more clearly see that they want this virus (whatever it’s true origin) to impact us in a big way. This was foreseen. We could have responded like South Korea did with great testing early on but instead we got caught with our pants down. It serves their agenda. We will see that unfold in real-time now.
Webb sums up, “The coming government response, the agencies largely responsible for crafting it and its classified nature deserve public scrutiny now, particularly given the federal government’s tendency to not let “a serious crisis to go to waste,” as former President Obama’s then-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel infamously said during the 2008 financial crisis. Indeed, during a time of panic — over a pandemic and over a simultaneous major economic downturn — concern over government overreach is warranted, particularly now given the involvement of intelligence agencies and the classification of planning for an explosion of domestic cases that the government believes is only weeks away.”
Once you see that possibility, you can then to ask where is this headed? You can make predictions with better accuracy.
You can see this playing out almost exactly as described in Event 201…as if according to plan. They talk about steps that are still to come in their videos though that will be dependent on how many deaths we start seeing. Watch. Be prepared.
There is the virus itself. Understandably, some people believe this is all hype. After all, see past records as for media panic regarding ebola, swine flu, measles, SARS, etc, which amounted to nothing.
But understand that is just one layer of what is going on.
Regardless of whether or not things are overblown regarding the virus, the governments are taking this very, very, very, very seriously.
The virus is only one layer. To get a grasp of what is really going on you have to be looking at the economy and the government as well.
The equation of (9/11 + 2008)X popped into my mind. That X is the exponential. I originally thought squared but recognized that the impact could be bigger even than that.
These were both USA based events, mostly, though they did have worldwide impacts. The USA is where I’m based. That’s what I’m familiar with. But obviously this is already a world-wide event that is far bigger.
Wrap your head around that.
This is insane and it is going to get far more so.
Remember how things for most people were normal at the start of March? By the end of this week, it likely will have escalated at least as much.
It’s already a world changing event, but it’s only just begun…
I’m making predictions. I hope I am wrong.
But I would say it is better to overestimate things and act based on that than to underestimate things and be caught unawares.
If you have not yet got a few weeks minimum of food then you’re in the latter group.
Again, the virus is one thing. The other layers are even more so. And these are going to compound on each other.
This isn’t to say you should panic. Panic won’t help. But fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be a motivating force. So use it to motivate you…but then let go of the fear so that you can think clearly.
Those preppers are sitting pretty right now, having thought that something like this was coming for however long of a time.
Our food systems are fragile. This could break things at least in certain areas.
In upcoming updates I’m going to be pointing you at various news items, articles and more to help you understand what is going on.
Some of these will focus more of the virus and your health.
Some will focus on the economic impacts.
Some will focus on the government actions and inactions.
Some will be a bit of everything.
I think I’ll cover the big picture of each of those in order of what I see so far over the coming days.
If you have specific questions, concerns, or anything you’d like to share with me reply to the email and let me know.
Jim states “In building a great company or social sector enterprise, there is no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond.”
Then I saw it covered while reading The Everything Store. I played with the concept a bit then, but didn’t get anything nailed down.
Finally, in my third exposure to the concept, late last year I read The Bezos Letters. (Shout out to Jeff and Beth McCord for giving me the book!)
This time I felt it was time to really focus on it. I’d recently started doing Computer-Free Work Days once a week. Part of the reason for that was to free me up from activity so that I could take chunks of time to think deeply about such concepts.
Make no mistake, figuring out the flywheel for a business takes some hard thinking. I sat at my whiteboard for probably two hours sketching out different versions.
Ultimately, I came to this:
I then shared it with others and my team. I reflected on it some more. No one could come up with any improvements on it.
So I handed it off to our graphic designer to make it a bit prettier and this is the result. (You’ll notice the order on the bigger wheel is switched, but that is because of the gears spinning that would be required for this to be physically real.)
In working on this, I recognized that all it is is a systems diagram (systems thinking being an area I deeply explored last year). At this level it is shown as the big picture.
But it is fractal! This means that you could zoom in to see more detail. Already I’ve spent some more time systems diagramming the business in more detail and plan to continue to do so.
Other Examples of Flywheels
In order to come up with Lost Empire Herb’s flywheel, I found it helpful to look at a number of examples. So here are a few more, and of course, you can dig around the internet to find even more.
As you can see many people map out a single loop. But often there is more than one. These might be completely independent or touching on each other in multiple ways.
Back to Lost Empire Herbs. You can see that there are three loops, and these are made three different sizes for a reason.
Small Blue Loop
The small blue loop goes from customer experience to reviews & feedback to service & education. We live in the “review economy” nowadays. The more reviews you have the more of a network effect you have. (It’s not nearly as strong as an Uber network effect for example, but still a network effect.)
The more reviews and feedback we get the better we can do with our service and education. For example, a customer comment or question may become a blog post and/or video that is then there for future customers as well.
This in turn feeds back to greater customer experience. It is very important, but it is the smallest wheel for a reason. If we had double the reviews it likely would improve sales to a small degree, but not nearly as much as the effects from the other loops.
Core Green Loop
The mainstay of the business is our quality product selection. In this phrase we capture the quality of the products which is crucial to what we do, as well as the selection we offer. In this way the expansion into new products is covered here too.
The products are the main thing that leads to customer experience (though not everything as shown by the small blue loop).
And since it is “customer” experience this means the people are paying us money, aka revenue is coming in. If a customer has a good experience, then they come back as a customer, meaning more revenue.
Revenue gives us purchasing power. The purchasing power is then used to fund inventory, aka the quality product selection. That’s not all that revenue goes to, but a crucial part of our business.
(By the way, in looking at the flywheel examples, it seemed that people and internal systems was presupposed. I had done some flywheel drawings that added these in, but in the end I felt it didn’t need to be shown if I make the assumption that people and systems is important for every single thing shown on the flywheel which they are.)
This is the core loop in that it is the core of the business. It could potentially run without focusing on the other two loops, but this part forms the mainstay of what we do.
Big Red Loop
This is the biggest loop for a reason. Being the bigger wheel it is harder to turn, but then it accelerates everything else faster.
The purchasing power that comes from revenue doesn’t just go back into a quality product selection. Our bigger mission at Lost Empire Herbs involves making steps towards vertical integration. (Ultimately owning or controlling everything from the farms or wild-harvesting of the herbs to the delivery to the customer.)
Moving towards vertical integration takes even more purchasing power, hence it being a bigger crank and harder to turn.
But once that is done this allows for both quality improvement and cost savings that then impact that quality product selection in a big way.
We started our 2019 year planning meeting with this and I felt it got the whole team on the same page. This simple systems diagram describes our business and where we are going in the future.
Getting clear on this we’re making some steps right now on the big loop that will take some time but will pay off in big ways down the line.
(Once again, even though it is simple to look at and understanding, a lot of hard thinking went into creating it.)
I hope you’ve found this post enjoyable and helpful. If you get inspired to create your own flywheel please share the results with me in the comments.