I’ve been following the work of Daniel Schmachtenberger for some time now. I was turned onto him from a couple of friends I’d traveled down to the Amazon with.
He helped get me diving into understanding systems more, as well as collapse scenarios.
Anyway, he was recently on Rebel Wisdom (a great show or podcast I’d recommend listening too) talking about conspiracies around the pandemic.
It’s a really down-to-earth and realistic approach, from someone who understands how systems give birth to such things, in an area where that’s not often used.
Give it a watch…
If you missed them earlier here are my writings on the subject:
Do Robber Barons become Benevolent Philanthropists…or Do They Continue the Same Devious Methods of Control Under a Better PR Strategy?
Are you familiar with the term Robber Baron? A picture says a thousand words…
It was used to describe people like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt and plenty of others. That these people would lie, cheat and steal in order to attain more wealth. Most often while paying their employees tiny wages and preventing them from organizing to be able to get more.
Cognitive dissonance notwithstanding, we’re led to believe a myth that these people than became beacons of good-natured philanthropy later in life.
Is that the case…or was this convenient myth built from the robber baron’s propaganda?
If these people were so ruthless in business, do you really think they became “good” in older life?
Did a switch flip in their minds from not caring about people to starting to care? Sure, I’ll admit that people do sometimes change, so that is one possibility.
The other possibility is that they saw the power of public relations, especially when they had previously been reviled publicly for their ruthless business tactics. How good PR was instrumental to their continued success.
That they could in fact use their money, under the guise of good, while continuing to build exactly what they had before…more power, control and wealth.
It is the latter case that I believe is more of true when you look at the facts. I’m not denying that their philanthropy did some good, but I think that was not the main purpose of it, at least in many cases of some of the robber barons.
This theory is something to keep in mind as we look at history and today to see how philanthropy may not be everything it is cracked up to be.
John Perkins had this to say in his book, Hoodwinked:
“The function of philanthropy is a fascinating one. As a founder and board member of several nonprofits, I have had to come to grips with questions of integrity around accepting donations from people who made their fortunes in activities that contradict the philosophies of the organizations they offer to support…from a purely economic perspective, philanthropy is inefficient. A person who has accumulated billions of dollars and in doing so has caused others to lose their jobs, closed the doors of small businesses, or ravaged the environment, and then donates a small percentage of his fortune to correcting those problems or to the arts, would have served the world far better by making fewer profits while increasing employment, supporting small businesses, and insisting that his executives practice good environmental stewardship.”
Carnegie talked about spending the first half of life accumulating as much wealth as possible and the second half of life dedicated to giving it away. But, as Perkins suggests, why not accumulate some wealth in a better manner if you’re aiming for impact?
In 1886 a Supreme Court decision on corporate personhood gave those corporations some of the same rights as individuals. However, they did not have the same responsibilities. Thus, in the US, the Golden Age of Robber Barons was around 1900.
CHT206508 The Octopus Who Strangles the World, cartoon from ‘The Minneapolis Times’, reproduced in ‘Lectures Pour Tous’, 1902-03 (engraving) (b/w photo) by American School, (20th century)
Private Collection
Archives Charmet
American, out of copyright
Let’s use the example of John D. Rockefeller to explore this theory.
In a major feat of irony, or perhaps the best example of the upside-down-and-inside-out world we live in, one of the men largely responsible for setting up Western medicine, was raised by the prototypical snake oil salesman. Meanwhile real snake oil itself was actually helpful! https://lostempireherbs.com/product/snake-oil/
The “sharp” John D. Rockefeller went on to create and grow Standard Oil becoming the first billionaire in 1916. (That’s equivalent to about $23.6 billion today.) This company came to control 90% of the USA’s oil.
He is attributed with the quote, “Competition is a sin.”
He would buy up companies and if they refused to be bought, he would use his full powers to run them out of business.
“One of the most effective attacks on Rockefeller and his firm was the 1904 publication of The History of the Standard Oil Company, by Ida Tarbell, a leading muckraker. She documented the company’s espionage, price wars, heavy-handed marketing tactics, and courtroom evasions. Although her work prompted a huge backlash against the company, Tarbell stated she was surprised at its magnitude. “I never had an animus against their size and wealth, never objected to their corporate form. I was willing that they should combine and grow as big and wealthy as they could, but only by legitimate means. But they had never played fair, and that ruined their greatness for me.” (emphasis added) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Rockefeller
Standard Oil was broken up in 1911 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act into 34 different entities becoming ConocoPhillips, BP, Chevron, Exxon-Mobil and more. This actually made Rockefeller richer.
One example of how Rockefeller used his power was the Ludlow Massacre. In 1913 a strike began at the Colorado Fuel & Iron Corporation, owned by Rockefeller, because of the murder of one of their organizers. Rockefeller hired the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency which used Gatling guns and rifles to raid the strikers killing several. Still the strikers resisted. So Rockefeller called up the Colorado governor who called out the National Guard. The National Guard attacked the strikers. And still they resisted. More firefights ensued.
“At dusk, the Guard moved down from the hills with torches, set fire to the tents, and the families fled into the hills; thirteen people were killed by gunfire. The following day, a telephone linesman going through the ruins of the Ludlow tent colony lifted an iron cot covering a pit in one of the tents and found the charred, twisted bodies of eleven children and two women. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/ludlow-massacre/
This whipped up more people working for the miners in support of the people. Yet, the New York Times wrote an article stating, “With the deadliest weapons of civilization in the hands of savage-mined men, there can be no telling to what lengths the war in Colorado will go unless it is quelled by force … The President should turn his attention from Mexico long enough to take stern measures in Colorado.”
Federal troops went in and the strike finally stopped. In the end, 66 men, women and children had been killed. No one was indicted on any crimes. John D. Rockefeller denied any wrong doing.
It was because of events such as these that Rockefeller realized he needed to clean up his act. He hired PR man, Ivy Lee. (Remember this was around the same time that propaganda was being widely used and turned into a science. Ivy Lee was the other main guy besides Edward Bernays.)
John D. Rockefeller became well known for giving out dimes to lots of people, most notably children. You can easily find many pictures of this online. Why? Because it was a huge public relations campaign.
Part of the PR campaign was to become a philanthropist. In 1910, Rockefeller established the Rockefeller Foundation.
Interestingly enough, public relations is studied even under the guise of the Foundations work, as I found digging through the foundation’s website. In the 20’s the “Foundation funds a project by John Grierson to study the influence of films on public opinion. An expert on the impact of the mass media on society and later a film director, Grierson becomes famous for coining the term “documentary” for non fiction films.” https://web.archive.org/web/20120801192443/http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/who-we-are/our-history/1920-1929
A couple of the main areas he focused on was education and medicine. In 1901 he established the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, which later became Rockefeller University.
Rockefeller formed the General Education Board in 1902 with a $1 million donation. Eventually $180 million would go towards this. In a publication titled “The country school of to-morrow” in 1913, the GEB wrote, “In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand…We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply.” https://archive.org/details/countryschoolof00gate/page/6/mode/2up
Ask yourself, is our school system great? I heard someone describe it last year as being great for preparing you for work in the 20th century. Regardless of conspiracy or not, how our educational system works is largely a work of Carnegie and Rockefeller’s hands.
“Rockefeller spent much of the last 40 years of his life in retirement at his estate in Westchester County, New York, defining the structure of modern philanthropy, along with other key industrialists such as steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. His fortune was mainly used to create the modern systematic approach of targeted philanthropy through the creation of foundations that had a major effect on medicine, education, and scientific research. His foundations pioneered the development of medical research and were instrumental in the near-eradication of hookworm and yellow fever in the United States.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Rockefeller
Defined the structure of philanthropy. A modern systematic approach of targeted philanthropy. Major effect on medicine, education and scientific research. These words take on an ominous tone depending which theory you’re looking at this with.
This report changed the state of medicine forever. It was aimed at making medicine more “scientific”. (I put that in quotes because of the sheer amount of fraud conducted in medical science back then all the way up to today.) As a result schools would all become modeled after John Hopkins medical school.
Several systems of medicine, that most people haven’t even heard about today including eclectic medicine and physiomedicalism, virtually disappeared. These were, for the most part, herbalism. Homeopathy, osteopathy and others similarly did not make the cut. In essence, medicine was taken out of the hands of people to put it into an elite doctor class, which was of course educated according to how the Foundations saw fit, since they were funding it all.
The Flexner Report stated that there were too many schools, with too many doctors. They needed fewer so that the doctors could earn more. This resulted in women and black schools largely not making the cut, instead making the profession one almost exclusively of white men.
This work led to the focusing on disease, with a reductive scientific model, and forgetting preventative and holistic medicine. “There was maldevelopment in the structure of medical education in America in the aftermath of the Flexner Report. The profession’s infatuation with the hyper-rational world of German medicine created an excellence in science that was not balanced by a comparable excellence in clinical caring. Flexner’s corpus was all nerves without the life blood of caring.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3178858/
It gave rise to pharmaceutical medicine, many drugs of which were derived from petroleum. Rockefeller’s business interests heavily diversified into growing drug companies, including IG Farben, guilty of Nazi war crimes. After the ware this would, like Standard Oil, be broken up into smaller companies in what still exist today, including Bayer, Sanofi, Agfa and BASF. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben
In 1952 to 1954, The Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations of the United States House of Representatives investigated the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford and other foundations. Often called the Cox Committee or the Reece Committee after it’s chairmen, it’s chief investigator was Norman Dodd.
This report details out how education, as funded by these foundations, was “subversive” to American principles.
The Rockefeller Foundation has continued it’s work up to today. It’s still heavily involved in education, medicine and other areas such as agriculture. There they heavily were involved in the “Green Revolution” which sounds great (of course, it’s PR!) but in actuality meant funding pesticide companies (almost allpetroleum derived) and GMO crops the world over.
John D. Rockefeller’s family is still around, many of which being involved in powerful positions over the years, including Nelson Rockfeller as vice president of the US under Ford.
In John Perkins, The Secret History of the American Empire, he mentions “The agencies that are supposed to be the good guys are part of the game. I’m not just talking about the World Bank either. The deception includes some of the nonprofits, the NGOs.”
This is followed by a conversation he has with a woman working for one such non-government organization in Africa who came to some scary conclusions from her direct experience there:
“Are we being used?…Are the concepts of aid and development simply tools in the arsenal of the West, wielded not for the sake of charity but for the sake of control?…I believe if the West truly wanted to see a stable, developed Africa, the continent would be well on its way. Instead, the situation is worse after decades of Western involvement and billions of dollars of aid money.”
This sentiment was echoed by Matt Kennard, an investigative journalist who wrote The Racket. “The media would have you believe that there is no racket, that it’s purely an accident that we live in a world where 85 people, 85 people, own half the world’s wealth while more children die of starvation every year than died in the Holocaust.”
Ultimately, it is your call whether you believe such large foundations, as well as other institutions and agencies, are doing good work that benefits you and other people…
…or if they’re seeking greater power and control to shape the world how they best see fit (which does not necessarily benefit you and I).
This is not meant to be a definitive piece on the subject, but to kick around some ideas. Happy to have you share your comments too on the blog or by emailing me.
As I mentioned in a previous post (Down the Rabbit Hole) I’d been digging into conspiracies for some time. And when the pandemic began, I felt like this was what I’d been preparing for.
Fight for the Constitution
Even if you don’t believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that people should be able to speak about them?
I’m not really a fan of Alex Jones, yet I did not want to see him de-platformed. I knew that was a bad sign and that he wouldn’t be the only one.
I don’t agree with David Icke about many things, yet I don’t think his video should be pulled off YouTube.
I do know that vaccines have issues. Yet we can’t even talk about the real acknowledged side effects as listed on the package inserts without it being spreading “misinformation.” That is very troubling.
This stuff has been going on for years now, but it is accelerating. We need to speak up before we can’t anymore.
Social media is the public square of the modern day age. To have your message de-boosted, shadowbanned, demonetized or completely removed according to rules that are always changing (and without them giving you clear answers as to why) is problematic at the very least.
This is a freedom of speech issue.
They frame what they do as these people are hurting others, but are they really?
They’ve banned talking about 5G causing coronavirus. Is this just a step until they ban anything that discusses the risks of 5G?
(When the industry itself is saying that there is no safety trials and they’re not conducting any either.)
Last time I checked, most Americans were still for Freedom of Speech. For freedom of religion. For freedom of assembly. For freedom of press. Most people the world over are for these things.
Yet these are the very things that are under attack right now.
Even though medical freedom is not in the Constitution, not being part of medical experiments is part of the Geneva Conventions. And most people are for medical freedom too. But this has been under attack for some time. Remember that I was planning to leave California because we already lost it here.
The time is now. I’m not saying to hurt or endanger other people. I’m not saying to destroy property like 5G towers. But there are ways of being completely safe and respectful while still breaking the imposed rules.
Here’s a few things you can do…
Share What They Take Down
This message comes from Brian at London Real who was the interviewer in the controversial David Icke video which was recently removed.
Hi there,
These are desperate times, and they require desperate actions.
Our freedom of speech and basic human rights are being attacked on a magnitude we’ve never seen before in modern history.
The recent BANNING of our David Icke Interview by YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and the UK regulator Ofcom shows us that we as citizens no longer have the right to publicly express our independent opinions.
These are dark times indeed my friends. But I refuse to give up or give in.
Unfortunately after they banned the 2nd largest YouTube live stream in the world on Monday, they didn’t stop there. They also banned ANY content from that David Icke interview and they banned us from mentioning it or linking to it in any form!
Now we can all see the desperate nature of this situation.
Which is why I need you!
As a newly deputised member of the London Real Army, I am asking you to help make public this important David Icke interview BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
This means uploading as many different video clips from the interview to ANY AND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS possible.
I mean Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snap, TikTok, you name it!
If enough of us act together, they cannot silence us all!
Which is why we have uploaded 22 separate video clips and thumbnail images to a Dropbox drive located here:
Please download these immediately and upload these to any and all social media platforms. Link back to the full interview at https://www.LondonReal.tv/icke and use the hashtag #londonrealarmy so we can all watch the incredible work being done!
These are desperate times and they require desperate actions.
There are many forces working very hard to silence us.
Our website and servers were hacked this morning, but we fought back and have upgraded our hardware and software in order to keep serving these important David Icke episodes in full high definition video to extremely high demand.
I make a promise to you now: We will not be defeated in defending our right to Freedom of Speech. Period.
But I can’t do this alone. So please, as a new member of the London Real Army, get these messages out to the people as soon as possible.
Join the Resistance!
Join London Real!
And let’s do this #londonrealarmy!!
Brian himself doesn’t believe most of Icke’s theories. You may not either.
But, once again, do you believe in freedom of speech? I sure do. Without it, we lose everything else.
But isn’t that exactly the point? Saying protesting is non-essential is saying the Constitution is suspended.
Whether or not you believe in the pandemic going on, it is important to note that these events are setting a precedent. Future would-be dictators then have greater means to do the same or worse because of such precedents. Constitutional rights are necessary for that reason exactly in emergencies, not just in normal times.
Here in Santa Cruz county they closed the parks and beaches. I went anyway because being in nature is an important part of supporting healthy immunity. It was my own protest against a stupid rule. (Stupid because doing it alone or with people I’m quarantining at home with can’t possibly put anyone at risk. In the meantime it builds my immunity up which is what this is supposedly all about.)
I was prepared to pay a fine in doing so, but I didn’t get caught.
Decide Where You’ll Make Your Stand
You can’t fight everyone on every issue!
For me the vaccine issue is where I’m going to focus more of my time and efforts. Why? Because I really do not want to be injected with poorly tested things that I have no choice over. Even worse many of the new vaccines in production are completely new technologies…which means they need more safety studies not less!
And the good news. The truth is winning!
The World Health Organization listed vaccine hesitancy as one of the biggest health threats in 2019. This after, according to the American Society for Microbiology and Research America, “the percentage of American adults who say it’s “very important” to have their children vaccinated was down 11 points over the past decade, at 71 percent in May from 82 percent in 2008.” https://www.usnews.com/news/health-care-news/articles/2018-05-21/public-confidence-in-vaccines-sags-new-report-finds
The vaccine hesitancy is growing because they’re losing in covering up the risks, especially as they add more and more vaccines and more and more mandates.
I’ve heard multiple people say they would rather die than take a coronavirus vaccine. That warms my heart. Not because that may be necessary, but because only so many people need to feel that way for this not to go according to their plans.
I am prepared to not be able to travel if that is what it takes. I’m making my peace with that right now. I am preparing to not be a part of the worldwide system if need be. But I hope we can stop it before then.
Understand that the true information has been getting out which is exactly why they’re cracking down and censoring it.
Without more people seeing through the illusion, this event will likely lead to increased trust in vaccines because they’re already positioned as the only savior. And that would mean they can make more draconian steps.
If the true risks of vaccines breaks through with that the whole medical monopoly will become the naked emperor. With that the government collusion will fall. With that the mass media collusion will fall. With that the Big Tech collusion will fall.
This is the domino effect. We only need to make the stand in one place for the whole façade to break open.
And that’s why they need to seize power. They can’t allow this to happen which is why they’re giving up less and less ground, basically denying there is any risk to vaccines.
On Bill Gates and Social Activism
Yeah, I’m going to talk about him. Some people think he is the savior of the world. That’s certainly what his PR campaign is going for.
Other people think he’s a Satanist, a pedophile, or at the very least a eugenicist!
But these are not the only two options. He could be a genuine philanthropist…but be wrong about vaccines. (Although pretty much everyone agrees he was an absolutely ruthless businessman.)
I am planning a deep dive on Bill Gates because it’s a big topic to get into. For right now I wanted to share something interesting going on.
Right now, as of writing this, there are 240,000 comments the vast majority of which are people telling him they don’t want his vaccines. (That increased by two thousand comments in the time it took to write this post.)
There’s even evidence that people’s comments were being deleted at least early on.
Doing something like this is digital activism. It’s super easy to join into the fray.
There’s People Doing Great Work…especially in the Court Rooms
I started this post because of a comment and questions I received:
“My question is I’m wanting to join/find community who will resist mandatory vaccines and also be prepared to take action to resist effectively. What are your tips and ideas about this? Any thoughts on how long you will personally tolerate abiding by bans on gatherings, etc? Or ways to organize online that won’t be censored.”
I’m not too sure about groups online or off right now. Not my forte. In fact, I’ve never actually been at a protest before.
But I did want to point to a few people that are doing really great work.
This is the group that Del Bigtree is part of. I’ve been showing videos of his because they’re doing great work, including suing and winning court cases against people like the CDC.
Same thing, they’re taking the bad guys to court. They’re also actively fighting against the 5G rollout as well.
Donating money helps. That’s something I’m doing. I’m not sure if they’re looking for volunteers for anything, or setting up groups or anything like that, but it’s worth investigating.
Remember the Social Engineering
Whether it was by design and/or a systemic effect that emerged, we are not supposed to talk about conspiracy theories, we’re not supposed to talk about vaccines except in glowing terms, about the lockdown being anything other than good for us, about 5G having risks.
But we must. Once again, speak up now or we end up in a place where we cannot speak.
Prior to these events I was hesitant to talk about vaccines online. Easier to simply avoid the issue. Though I was building up to it (my plan was after leaving California), then this happened and I decided not to wait any longer. There’s more steps I can take too.
All this is enforced mostly by the people around us, not just the authority figures.
Have compassion for someone that may be completely wrong, completely ignorant yet talking from borrowed authority. It’s largely not their fault.
Civil disobedience against unjust things can all be done in kind ways.
Arguments can be had without letting emotions get the best of you.
The good news is that 100% of people don’t need to be convinced. I don’t know what percentage is needed for a revolution to occur, but it is not even a majority. Not even close.
The more people speak up (which is absolutely happening now) the more other people will speak up. It’s the most important thing that can be done right now.
There lived an old farmer who had worked in his fields for many, many years. One day, his horse bolted away. His neighbors dropped in to commiserate with him. “What awful luck,” they tut-tutted sympathetically, to which the farmer only replied, “We’ll see.”
Next morning, to everyone’s surprise, the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How amazing is that!” they exclaimed in excitement. The old man replied, “We’ll see.”
A day later, the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses. He was thrown on the ground and broke his leg. Once more, the neighbors came by to express their sympathies for this stroke of bad luck. “We’ll see,” said the farmer politely.
The next day, the village had some visitors – military officers who had come with the purpose of drafting young men into the army. They passed over the farmer’s son, thanks to his broken leg. The neighbors patted the farmer on his back – how lucky he was to not have his son join the army! “We’ll see,” was all that the farmer said! (Sourced from https://blog.buddhagroove.com/zen-story-cause-and-effect/)
We’re going through tumultuous times. There’s no denying that!
And pretty much all of what I’ve been sharing is scary stuff. Weaponized viruses. 5G control grids. Mandatory vaccines. Total government surveillance. And world leaders that appear to be part of various criminal cartels.
That is the case…and yet I am still positive. I am hopeful for the future.
I had an impactful dream earlier this month…
I was inside a building with big glass windows overlooking a beach. Waves were coming up near it. And then the waves were coming up against the glass. Some people were trapped in the waves and getting pressed up against the glass. Then a tsunami was coming, a wave so massive it was frightening. When the wave hit, the glass shattered all around. Chaos! And yet I was off, somehow safe, merely observing this to happen.
What does it mean?
I’ve been recording and analyzing my dreams for years. And I think this one for the most part is obvious. Waves are still coming. It’s going to get worse, aka the tsunami is still coming.
That was my immediate conscious reading. But deep in a hypnotic state I asked for more guidance around this.
Water in dreams is often a spiritual sign. What came to me was that these were cleansing waves. Yes, they’re going to destroy in the short term. Yes, it’s going to hurt and even kill people. However, in the longer term this is cleaning out old structures…ones that need to be cleaned out.
It’s like in the Daoist story above. We shall see. What seems extremely bad in the short term may prove out to be better in the long term (although we’ll then see how that turns out!).
That long term might be in just a few years. Or maybe it is centuries. I don’t know. I certainly don’t have a crystal ball here.
We live in a universe of possibilities. I choose to see the positive potential futures in front of us. I aim for that. I orient my heart to that. And that helps me stay positive.
While fear and despair may be normal reactions to what is going on it’s important not to stay there. Doing so means giving whatever dark forces we’re up against even more power.
Grief for what is lost is okay.
Pre-grieving what is going to undoubtedly occur is even better. (Good to be ahead of the ball.)
And yet it is absolutely critical to see the positive possibilities. Being hopeful does not mean being naïve. You can be positive yet still grounded, realistic and adaptable.
Understand that as the grip of power gets tighter and tighter, more people slip through. More people are forced to reckon with what is going on. For example, I’ve had conversations with people about stuff I’ve literally never had conversations about previous. And with people I wouldn’t have expected to be similarly seeing through the lies.
The noose is tightening ever so slowly. But this does give us a chance to slip it off before it is too late.
Tomorrow I’ll cover what can and needs to be done. (I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I’ve been thinking about this and people are starting to ask…)
But first, one other related positive piece. The only thing that is sighing, groaning under the pressure is human civilization. It may just be breaking…and we have to be okay with that. After all so much of what was going on was unsustainable, meaning it has to break at some point.
And yet, through all this nature is still the same.
The sunrise hasn’t been affected by the virus or the economy.
Walk into a forest and you wouldn’t know that the world is falling apart. Because the Earth itself isn’t.
My two year old daughter doesn’t know what is going on. She’s a bundle of joy I get to play with each day now, the same as months ago before all this craziness.
Now is a better time than most to get back to nature. (Even if it’s illegal to do so.)
Recognize that death and dying is part of nature, a part that is absolutely necessary to allow new life to come forth.
Get aligned with nature, which includes all of our human nature, and you’ll do okay no matter what happens.
Some of my earliest posts mentioned how the CDC botched testing in the pandemic. We’ll look at the history of the current CDC director, Dr. Robert Redfield, before resuming that discussion.
Both of Redfield’s parents were scientists working at the National Institutes of Health. Graduating from Georgetown University School of Medicine, he did his medical residency at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C.
VaxSyn, the AIDS Vaccine
It is surrounding an AIDS vaccine, named VaxSyn, that Redfield’s career has the most controversy. Redfield was working with a private company, MicroGeneSys, in the development of this. He presented data regarding 15 of the 26 patients at an international AIDS conference saying it showed promise.
He stated he didn’t have the other data and so presented what he had available. A different scientist, Maryanne Vahey, said he had all the data.
The Defense Department investigated Redfield as he was accused of misrepresenting this data regarding the vaccine’s efficacy. In 1993 the investigation concluded that Redfield had not committed scientific misconduct but was controversial in doing so. “[S]everal of Redfield’s colleague claim the investigation failed to resolve some of the issues that triggered the inquiry.” https://science.sciencemag.org/content/261/5123/824
The final investigatory report was never released, meaning we can’t know how the conclusions were reached. Though the watchdog group Public Citizen did obtain some of the documents stating, “Col. Dangerfield’s investigation lends new meaning to the term ‘whitewash.’ Massive parts of the testimony of key figures have been whited out in documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act”. https://khn.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/03/940607plswtowaxman.pdf
Former Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Hendrix, now a doctor and director at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine stated. “Either he was egregiously sloppy with data or it was fabricated. It was somewhere on that spectrum, both of which were serious and raised questions about his trustworthiness.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aids-researcher-robert-r-redford-selected-as-cdc-director/
Despite absolving him of scientific fraud, the investigation still blasted him for having a “close relationship” with a conservative Christian group, called Americans for a Sound HIV/AIDS Policy (ASAP), sharing scientific information “to a degree that is inappropriate.”
Yet the vaccine research went on, Redfield still pushing it forward. The FDA “was less than impressed with the product and declined to approve continued human testing. Unfazed, MicroGeneSys recruited former Sen. Russell Long to lobby fellow Republicans with the hope of getting Congress to back further testing. In House hearings, Redfield insisted that VaxSyn was within 12 months of being ready for a large-scale human test that would prove the gp160 concoction could stop the disease process. With Smith and ASAP chiming in, Congress was bowled over and approved $20 million for further human experiments. Also in the chorus of VaxSyn backers was then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/23/meet-trumps-new-homophobic-public-health-quack/
Also involved in this research is Dr. Deborah Birx, who was at one time Redfield’s assistant. Brix has recently been in the spotlight with the coronavirus pandemic as White House Task Force Chair. Perhaps a deep dive on her later.
Interestingly, Redfield was also considered for CDC Director back in 2002, but these events were deemed too controversial for Bush to appoint him. (Instead we got Julie Gerberding.) https://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/cdcdirectorchoices.html
Redfield’s Religious Ties – ASAP and CAFI
As mentioned, some of the controversy surrounded Redfield is due to his religious ties and beliefs.
In a forward to Christians in the Age of AIDS, Redfield wrote: “It is time to reject the temptation of denial of the AIDS/HIV crisis; to reject false prophets who preach the quick-fix strategies of condoms and free needles; to reject those who preach prejudice; and to reject those who try to replace God as judge.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aids-researcher-robert-r-redford-selected-as-cdc-director/
This group has continually come under fire for anti-gay and anti-HIV activities.
This piece may seem irrelevant and confusing but read it and then the following section to find out why I included it.
“In June 2014, CAF Uganda received $1.5 million as part of a multiyear HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention program. That brings the total CAF Uganda has received since the start of Obama’s second term to at least $6.6 million. This direct funding isn’t CAF’s only source of federal money. The organization is also a sub-grantee of Catholic Relief Services via the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Response, or PEPFAR, in Zambia. According to Catholic Relief Services’ most recent tax returns, from 2011–12, that subgrant amounted to $2.1 million.” https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/anti-gay-anti-choice-childrens-aids-fund-still-raking-taxpayer-money/
“Gallo, who once claimed to have discovered HIV, lost that moniker after years of dispute with French researchers, two of whom were awarded the Nobel Prize. During the Bush administration, which rolled out the enormous President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003, the Gallo group enjoyed strong funding support.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/23/meet-trumps-new-homophobic-public-health-quack/
Lots of money moves around regarding AIDS. Just to give a glimpse of this here’s some funding details provided by Wikipedia to Redfield and Gallo.
“In July 2007, Gallo and his team were awarded a $15 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for research into a preventive vaccine for HIV/AIDS. Additionally, in 2011 Gallo and his team received $23.4 million from a consortium of funding sources to support the next phase of research into the Institute of Human Virology’s (IHV) promising HIV/AIDS preventive vaccine candidate. The IHV vaccine program grants included $16.8 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, $2.2 million from the U.S. Army’s Military HIV Research Program (MHRP), and other research funding from a variety of sources including the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Gallo
Understand that disease is big business. Again, it doesn’t mean that all people involved have nefarious aims. Far from it. But with this much money moving around, conflicts of interest must be investigated.
In addition, Redfield served as a member of the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS from 2005 to 2009, including chair of the International Subcommittee.
Appointment to CDC Director
Redfield became the director in March 2018, after taking the position from Brenda Fitzgerald.
Peter Lurie, president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest released a statement prior to Redfield’s appointment to the CDC. “This appointment would be disastrous for at least three reasons. First, he has no experience running a public health agency… Second…he has been credibly accused of scientific misconduct for exaggerating the benefits of a putative HIV vaccine, for which he was investigated by the military. Third, he has supported a variety of policies related to HIV/AIDS that are anathema to the great majority of public health professionals…What one wants in a director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a scientist of impeccable scientific integrity. What one would get in Robert Redfield is a sloppy scientist with a long history of scientific misconduct and an extreme religious agenda. We urge the administration not to appoint Dr. Redfield.” https://cspinet.org/news/cspi-urges-administration-not-appoint-dr-robert-redfield-history-scientific-misconduct-cdc
There was also controversy regarding his salary at the CDC. Originally, $375,000 annually, which is very high for a government scientist position, he agreed to lower it to $209,700.
What is most interesting about this is how much he was making earlier. Redfield’s “pay last year during a 15-month period at the University of Maryland topped $827,000, with his base salary of $650,000 plus bonuses and consulting fees, according to The Wall Street Journal… It is very hard to understand what accomplishments prompted the University of Maryland to consider Redfield worth $827,000 for 15 months.” https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/13/opinions/trumps-terrible-choice-for-cdc-redfield-garrett/index.html
So it is with all this background information that we look at new information on the CDC’s handling of the pandemic.
Early testing in specific areas could have been helpful in containing the spread or at the very least provide more complete statistics from which to base models off of. The CDC worked to develop their own test of which extremely limited quantities were shipped out around the country. Furthermore, this test proved inaccurate.
Meanwhile countries such as South Korea were conducting 1000 tests per day. There were a number of bureaucratic hurdles that further compounded such problems.
Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. “The singular egregious failure was the lack of having a test ready, at scale, with all that was happening in China. It was their job to be ready for the worst-case scenario. Ready to do millions of tests throughout the country. Because that didn’t occur, everything that has happened since then is attributable to that failure.” https://www.stripes.com/news/us/what-happened-to-the-cdc-1.625618/cdc-1.625619
Despite this, Redfield was confident and optimistic. On January 28th, he wrote, “While we believe the 2019 -nCoV poses a very serious public health threat, the virus is not spreading in the U.S. at this time and CDC believes the immediate health risk from 2019-nCoV to the general American public is low…CDC’s goal is to assure an effective response to this emerging infectious disease.”
I don’t know about you but making assumptions about causes of death means the numbers will be off. A Minnesota doctor agreed. Dr. Scott Jensen said this was “ridiculous”. He also called into question that Medicare payments could incentivize poor treatment options. “Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000; three times as much. Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things [have] impact on what we do.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/physician-blasts-cdc-coronavirus-death-count-guidelines
Remember what Former Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Hendrix, said regarding the AIDS vaccine? “Either he was egregiously sloppy with data or it was fabricated. It was somewhere on that spectrum, both of which were serious and raised questions about his trustworthiness.”
In this case I would say that either the CDC, with Redfield at the helm, was either extremely negligent in how they handled this pandemic, or they were purposefully and criminally culpable. It is somewhere on that spectrum.
Towards the second possibility there I provide the following. Some are saying that the novel coronavirus has been here longer than has been stated.
“It is clear from the CDC data that a number of states in the country experienced an onslaught of [Influenza like illness] beginning in November of 2019, much earlier and much more substantive than the four previous years…The implications of this are many. If many more people than originally thought have already had this virus, and survived, it means that Americans in those areas are likely able to return to normal life. It gives us a broader data set to look at in terms of fatality, length of illness, treatment measures, etc. It also showcases the need for antibody testing to begin in rapid fashion, and begs the question “Why doesn’t the CDC already know this?” UncoverDC used their data.” https://uncoverdc.com/2020/04/05/could-cdc-data-prove-covid-19-infections-in-november-2019/
This is interesting information. You can watch this play out week by week on the CDC’s website here. Notice that the map is almost completely red well before any social distancing began. https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/main.html
With all of these in play and more, how do you possibly get to any TRUTH?
When you venture down the rabbit hole (or down a hundred different ones) it can drive you mad. I don’t think I’m exaggerating there. Literally crazy.
Questioning Your Sanity is a Good Thing
I do question my own sanity. I recognize that some of these writings sound paranoid! Yet, I think that questioning my sanity is a sign of being sane. To not question whether you’re just being crazy likely means that you have a greater chance of being so.
Not to mention, we live in an insane world. To think this is normal to be a part of that insanity.
It is saner to question everything. Yet, at the same time if you’re questioning everything it is really hard to operate in the world! (That’s why most people don’t question much.)
So how do you pin things down? Should you ever commit to something fully? Yes, it is necessary, though you want to as best as possible be open to new evidence.
Throughout this series, we’ve talked about a very wide range of things from conspiracies in economics and medicine, government cover-ups, to fake news and online censorship, to the surveillance state, to the virus itself. And we’re just getting started!
What follows is how I think about such things. I offer this up to you as wrestling with these tough topics is exhausting work. In doing so, I’ve learned a few lessons. Hopefully, they’ll help keep you sane.
Grasping the Big Picture
I absolutely believe that grasping the bigger picture is important.
Without seeing how widespread corruption is, it’s hard to understand how anyone can get away with anything. Without seeing how what would seem to be disparate elements work together it doesn’t make sense.
And yet, the big picture adds to the overwhelm bigtime!
The big picture does not help you to pin anything down except in how it can help to see a wider frame. And with that wider frame you can see patterns that do allow you to see through propaganda more so.
Understand that the revolving door operates in EVERY industry and you can spot things quicker. Understand that news and online media can be bought and controlled in various ways helps you to sort through propaganda easier.
Specifics and Falsifying
We also need to go the other direction. We need to narrow down to specific details of single areas.
And with this there’s another critical element. It is far, far, far easier to FALSIFY something than to know the TRUTH.
In any “conspiracy theory” topic there may be one thousand or more different theories about how something went down, who was responsible, etc. The TRUTH is very hard to get to. In fact, we may never know the real truth of how everything went down. It might actually be impossible.
But the LIES are easier to spot. What is demonstrably NOT TRUE is easier to nail down.
Pinning Down on the Vaccine Issue
For the reasons already mentioned, I’ve gone super deep into the topic of vaccines.
The party line is that vaccines are completely safe and effective. Any problems are one in a million.
My hypothesis: they are neither as safe, nor as effective as they say. I’m not saying they are the least safe things in the world, or they don’t work at all for the diseases they target. I’m simply saying they have bigger issues than is let on.
For me the safety is the bigger of the two issues, so I’ll briefly mention just a few easily verifiable details that pinned this topic down for me. And notice that I’m linking predominately to government websites showing this is the case from their own data.
Look at the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system). It exists, because vaccines have side effects, like any drug, which do injure people. Most of these are mild, but it ranges up to death. https://vaers.hhs.gov/
“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported…Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported,” according to a Harvard study because people, and even doctors, aren’t aware of this system because we’re all taught vaccines are completely safe. While minor side effects are more likely to be those that are unreported, big ones will be too for that very reason. Basically, “vaccines have nothing to do with SIDS so I’m not reporting it.” https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf
Back in 1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Childhood_Vaccine_Injury_Act This removed liability from vaccine manufacturers. They claimed that if this wasn’t passed, they would stop producing vaccines as they were hurting too many people and the liability was too high. This made it so that the government was liable instead (funded by taxpayers), which leads us to…
As previously covered, the CDC’s mountain of evidence that autism doesn’t cause autism didn’t even look at a majority of the vaccines out there.
6. In most of the safety testing for vaccines, actual placebos are not used. “In place of a placebo, a vaccine against a disease that is not the focus of the trial is given to participants who do not receive the trial vaccine.” – 2013 WHO Expert Consultation on the Use of Placebos in Vaccine Trials. There are some true placebo trials, but these are the minority. This means you won’t be able to see that no vaccine at all would cause significantly less side effects. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/94056/9789241506250_eng.pdf;jsessionid=DB4627AD330909C7FD5298C07ACAA8F9?sequence=1
7. Also previously covered, the WHO officials that say the science is settled, yet spoke about needing much better safety science regarding vaccines in a recent conference. Why would they do that if the science was actually settled?
9. It would make sense that the CDC or WHO would want to definitely disprove the above study. The party line is that we can’t study unvaccinated children because it’s unethical to deprive them of vaccines. Yet, they could easily do a retroactive study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children, based on the people that are not getting vaccines already for whatever reason (philosophical or religious exemptions). They could control for all the variables. They have had decades to conduct such research but have never done this. The data is there. One of the top vaccine people Stanley Plotkin talks about this when being deposed (unfortunately this is a long video and I don’t have the time stamp for this specific part).
10. The pro-vaccine people have been caught in many lies. Dr. Peter Hotez did an interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast. He stated there’s not chemicals, just antigens and saline in vaccines. Yet this is easily falsifiable. Look at the ingredients in vaccines here from the CDC’s website. Why is he lying? If he is actually unaware that this is clearly wrong, isn’t that equally a big problem? (Personally, I wouldn’t want to eat any of those ingredients, let alone have them injected into my body.) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
11. Pharmaceutical companies are one of the least trusted industries in the world because they have been found guilty of breaking laws so many times, including racketeering (aka conspiring), falsifying data, bribing officials, etc. And yet somehow, we’re supposed to believe that the vaccines they make are free from all these crimes?
I could keep going, but I think you get the point.
Add to this that right now, my speech (online) is being censored for saying so. And they’re changing the laws so that I cannot make the choice on whether or not to use this drug. Honestly, if it wasn’t for these last two things, I would not be talking about this now. But I’m an American. Silly me for thinking I still had Constitutional rights.
Notice that I listed out eleven things covering a diversity of areas on vaccine safety. This is how you become “sure” about something in your mind. One detail is not enough. It’s your judgement as to how many you need.
(And then it is good to seek to falsify these from the other side. But notice how mostly I’m using their own words, the government documents and cases themselves to prove it out.)
The thing is information comes out over time. Some of my above listed points just got revealed in the last year or so!
What Can We Pin Down About the Pandemic?
With the current pandemic, we’re going to have a lot more information later on. (Excepting that with increasing censorship it may become much more difficult to find.)
What can we pin down right now?
We can pin down that government, business and foundation heads ran through a number of wargame exercises for such pandemics. Event 201 is almost exactly this event. That was just months before it started. But Clade X, Dark Winter and more go back many years. Here’s a list of events from the Center for Health Security going back as far as 1999. http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events
My argument from this is that at the very least we should have been much better prepared for such events, then our completely botched testing showed us to be. But in addition we do see the economic events and social media censorship playing out almost exactly as described in Event 201. Again, if they had such clear foresight on those things, why was the response so poor?
We can pin down that the numbers of cases and deaths are off, either from a little bit to a lot. The fact is it could be in both directions, even one up higher and the other less. Data points can easily be manipulated in a variety of ways.
This means any models extrapolated from such numbers are off too, and in fact every model is proving to be wrong.
We can pin down that certain agendas exist, such as mandatory vaccinations, digital ID’s and more surveillance, because these are spoken about publicly, including how these are the solution to this problem.
We can pin down that mass media should not automatically be trusted and there’s already evidence of fake news being spread to inflame panic.
We can pin down that online censorship is increasing…and it will continue to. (No one ever stops censoring things. Once the ball is rolling, it continues to roll.)
We can pin down that massive amounts of money are being transferred around to various businesses, mostly those too-big-to-fail.
We can know that the economy is not bouncing back. People are assuming we may come out of quarantine and that would allow it to flourish again. No. The virus and surrounding lockdown was the pin…but the bubble is popped. It’s not unpopping, if and when, we stop quarantining magically.
The TRUTH of what is going on may be impossible to reach but we absolutely can spot lies and we can spot agendas moving forward.
“The centerpiece of the US Organized Crime Control Act from 1970 is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Racketeering is the act of engaging in a certain type of offence more than once. The list of offences that constitute racketeering include extortion, fraud, federal drug offences, bribery, embezzlement, obstruction of justice, obstruction of law enforcement, tampering with witnesses, and political corruption. Big pharma does so much of this all the time that there can be no doubt that its business model fulfills the criteria for organized crime…There are many decent and honest people in the drug industry, but those who make it to the top have been described as ‘ruthless bastards’ by criminologist John Braithwaite who interviewed many of them. In the United States, big pharma beat all other industries in terms of crimes…Big pharma also has a worse record than other companies for international bribery and corruption and for criminal negligence in the unsafe manufacture of drugs…Almost every type of person who can affect the interests of the industry has been bribed: doctors, hospital administrators, cabinet ministers, health inspectors, customs officers, tax assessors, drug registration officials, factory inspectors, pricing officials and political parties.” – Professor Peter C Gotzche, Master of Science in biology and chemistry, physician, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, published in BMJ, Lancet, JAMA, NEJM and others
Gotzche is spot on. Again I point you to my Medical Monopoly writings for example after example, including found guilty of conspiring and racketeering, that this is absolutely true. I just updated that PDF to include all 34 released articles whereas the original only had 26. https://healthsovereign.com/mmm
Yet, in his long list, Gotzche still misses a few of those that can be bribed. Scientists, heads of charities, foundations and government agencies. To there we turn our attention.
I wanted to dive into the current head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, but felt like it was worth giving a little timeline of this position and some of the others that filled it. (I apologize for covering so much history BUT those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.)
Julie Gerberding was director from 2002 to 2009, when she went through the revolving door to Merck whom she previously “regulated”. I literally just skimmed the surface of her corruption in my previous post. https://loganchristopher.com/where-theres-money-to-be-made/
Gerberding was followed by Dr. Tom Friedan who acted as director from 2009 to 2017. Previous to being CDC director, Friedan was New York City’s health commissioner under then mayor Michael Bloomberg (and recent presidential hopeful).
His appointment was not without controversy. “Throughout his tenure as New York City Health Commissioner, Frieden has simultaneously employed an authoritarian my-way-or-the-highway approach and an unabashed secretiveness undignified of a public servant. He has excluded AIDS groups wherever possible from having input into life and death AIDS funding, testing, and care policymaking decisions,” wrote Housing Works, a major New York City AIDS services provider, President Charles King. http://www.windycitymediagroup.com/lgbt/Controversial-Tom-Frieden-Named-to-Lead-CDC/21192.html
During his tenure there were a few mishaps with Anthrax, smallpox and other pathogens which were covered up. “U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich.,…expressed dismay about the kind of “chronic negligence” that’s been revealed in recent years “involving the world’s most terrifying pathogens.” … “We’re not talking one or two incidents, but 139 discoveries of select agents in unregistered locations.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/06/23/undisclosed-cdc-lab-incidents/86305700/
Nowadays, he is CEO of Resolve to Save Lives which “is an initiative of the global public health organization Vital Strategies. We received $225 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gates Philanthropy Partners, which is funded with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation.” https://resolvetosavelives.org/about
Note that some of those names will be coming up over and over and over again.
Again, some names you might see over and over again. Remember David Rockefeller whom I quoted as saying “working against the best interests of the United States” and “conspiring with others around the world”? He was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970-1985 (and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank from 1969 to 1981). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Rockefeller
Be careful…watching the revolving door spin round and round can be dizzying!
After Frieden, came Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, in what was probably the shortest run ever as director of the CDC from January 2017 to January 2018.
Fitzgerald resigned after she purchased shares in tobacco companies while serving as director, a clear conflict of interest.
“Fitzgerald’s lingering problem with an ethics recusal — she wouldn’t do work on cancer detection or some aspects of the opioid crisis — posed enough of a problem for the CDC. But the report that she had bought tobacco stock after she started at the CDC appeared to be the last straw.” https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/31/cdc-director-resigns-fitzgerald-azar-380680
That reminds me of former head of the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute, Harold Varmus, who said “You can’t do experiments to see what causes cancer – it’s not an accessible problem, and not the sort of thing scientists can afford to do.” He also allowed massive conflicts of interests throughout his agencies, like Gerberding did. (More details about him in Medical Monopoly Musings.) https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20101203005070/en/Cancer-Prevention-Coalition-Varmus-Unqualified-Lead-War
Regarding Fitzgerald, I saw this, which made me think that there was likely some undisclosed stuff going on behind the scenes that may have led to this. “It takes a certain kind of cluelessness for a director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to purchase stock in a tobacco company a month after assuming the job as the nation’s top public health official,” said Dr. Peter Lurie, president of the advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-director-s-resignation-caps-bad-year-health-agency-n843646
Do you think the people running things are clueless? Incompetent?
Or do you think people that head up government agencies are actually pretty smart…and the truth of such situations is not always what they appear to be?
Speaking of conflicts of interest, in looking at this I found something else interesting from the Politico article. “The public health world has a particularly strong ethic against the use of tobacco. The CDC Foundation, an independent nonprofit created by Congress to support the CDC’s public health work, has a policy against accepting any dollars from the industry.”
So I strolled over to their website and down to their donor list for 2019. Following the money is a useful skill. It’s a large list but here’s a few that stand out to me: https://www.cdcfoundation.org/FY2019/organizations
Bayer. Merck. GlaxoSmithKline. Some of the biggest drug and vaccine manufacturers. They’re indirectly funding the CDC that are regulating them. Tobacco is a conflict of interest, but vaccines aren’t? I like to use this little thing called logic to think through stuff.
And, of course, also funding the CDC Foundation we see some of those same names that just keep popping up: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, GAVI Alliance, WHO, Vital Strategies, John Hopkins.
And then ties to Big Tech as well. There’s Facebook here too and the co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin’s Family Foundation. Both Facebook and Google censor vaccine “misinformation”.
Interesting. Those are just some of the names I recognize!
Who was behind Event 201, that looked like the trial run for real life events? John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
Who was behind Lockstep in Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development which I quoted earlier saying, “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified”? The Rockefeller Foundation.
Harold Varmus that I mentioned earlier? He sits on Global Health Advisory Board at the Gates Foundation. He worked at the WHO and advised Merck and other pharmaceutical companies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_E._Varmus
All this won’t look so bad if you believe their propaganda. Of course, these people are funding each other and working for each other in order to solve global health challenges. No conspiracies to see here, folks! You’re smarter than that.
But when you realize that medicine at the highest levels acts as organized crime, a criminal cartel, you see just how much influence they hold and why there is a stranglehold on the worldview.
Once again, that doesn’t mean that all the people in these groups are bad. Far from it. Through compartmentalization, just a few people within an organization can be corrupt, which can then act to block the good guys and further nefarious agendas. After all, organized crime, by necessity, operates in the shadows.
Peter Rost, a former Pfizer marketing vice president, explains it like this:
“It is scary how many similarities there are between this industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry…. The difference is, all these people in the drug industry look upon themselves—well, I’d say 99 percent, anyway—look upon themselves as law-abiding citizens, not as citizens who would ever rob a bank…. However, when they get together as a group and manage these corporations, something seems to happen… to otherwise good citizens when they are part of a corporation. It’s almost like when you have war atrocities; people do things they don’t think they’re capable of.” https://peterrost.blogspot.com/2011/09/medical-device-expert-witness.html
Welcome to the world of drug profiteers that choose what is good for your health.
These are the people that are promising a new vaccine soon, have already gotten billions from the government to do so, and telling you that the world cannot return to normal until that happens.
Still so much to cover! I’d like to know what you’re most interested in. So I put together this very short survey together. https://forms.gle/ZVrKQFWEmgVWEk3h6
Take a minute to fill that out so I can best serve you.
We’ve been talking about censorship and the noose keeps getting a little bit smaller!
Youtube has made it so any videos talking about connections between 5G and coronavirus are automatically deleted.
People have been discussing this theory for a while but it got a big surge with David Icke being on London Reel recently.
Do I agree with David Icke on everything he says? Nope. (I’ve not seen any proof about shapeshifting reptilians which is one of his things…but to be honest, I’ve also not seen any proof that could rule them out either. After all, seeing all the white swans in a world doesn’t prove a black swan doesn’t exist…)
Do I think that 5G and coronavirus are connected? Possibly.
Do I think that viruses aren’t contagious? Can’t say I know too much about that…but I do think that Icke raises very legitimate concerns regarding the accuracy of testing.
Do I think that free speech is key? YES! Absolutely. And this ultimately is what it’s about.
The main interview is long but if you watch nothing else, watch this shorter commentary on how the BBC got Youtube to get rid of the video.
Meanwhile, read the propaganda from the BBC themselves. I say propaganda because what they say is patently false. “Conspiracy theories linking 5G signals to the coronavirus pandemic continue to spread despite there being no evidence the mobile phone signals pose a health risk.” (emphasis added) https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-52198946
There IS scientific evidence. Again, not sure of any connection to the virus but there are problems with this, nonetheless. Here are two overviews of it:
“I’ve had so many people fly off the handle at a statement as basic as “when you add everything up it doesn’t make sense””
Be warned…if you say anything is fishy you risk being labeled a conspiracy theorist! And your opinions deserve to be shut down.
In few places has the social engineering been as pronounced as the use of this derogatory term for an automatic shutdown of conversation.
There was some people discussing the coronavirus in a business group I’m part of on an online forum. Of course, someone threw in this comment so I felt it necessary to write this post.
“I look at the science and don’t waste time and energy on conspiracy theories. There will always be nutters trying to get in the way of common sense.”
Oh vey! Nutters. Tin-foil hat. Whack-jobs. Quacks. Lunatics. But what about…
Big Tobacco looked at science too. They funded their own. (So have plastics, oil, foods, drugs, etc.) https://www.ucsusa.org/
To that I say: Watergate. Iran-Contra. MK-Ultra. CIA overthrowing the leader of Iran.
Or you can get a bit more creative.
COINTELPRO, you know where the FBI illegally spied on people it deemed radical including the Black Panthers, Anti-Vietnam protestors, even environmentalists and engaged in psychological warfare against them. They tried to get Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO
And let’s talk about the Rockefellers. Yep, you can’t have a good conspiracy without them being involved!
I’m not going to go into detail about the back story of that here. (Not yet, though probably soon as actions a century ago reveals something extremely important but hard to see today.)
Instead I want David Rockefeller, CEO of Chase -Manhattan Bank to speak for himself.
He wrote in his Memoirs (2003), “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
From the horse’s mouth. Guilty of conspiring.
I’m not saying it’s all part of one grand conspiracy. I’m saying that lots and lots of people are conspiring all the time.
To me, it makes MORE sense that we assume some level of conspiracy and operate from that assumption rather than dismissing ideas as conspiracy nonsense from the get go.
Did the Chinese conspire to hide serious of the pandemic?
Was there conspiring to weaponize a virus?
Did some in the US government know what was coming, but sat on their hands allowing it to happen?
Did some conspire to profit off the market changes coming up?
I’ll let you theorize from here.
P.S. Here’s a fun video from James Corbett. Be warned, he’s a full-blown conspiracy theorist.
How do you gain control over the whole world? It doesn’t matter how big a police force or military you have, it just ain’t going to happen.
Instead it must occur through the spreading of ideas. Of propaganda. One of the biggest ideas is that you must get the people to police themselves. You must engineer society to enforce the rules on each other. It’s the only way it can be done.
I’m talking about the social pressures of doing so.
Some people will absolutely HATE you for making this choice. They will wish you and your baby dead. I am not exaggerating there. They will tell you you’re risking the health of others.
They will think you are completely stupid. How could you be so ignorant to fall into that anti-vaxxer propaganda. Don’t you know that science is real?
It becomes a risk each time you bring up the matter. In trying to sell our house and move out of California, it was a choice to tell people the real reason why and risk this kind of response, or to give a white lie.
Of course, thankfully, there’s only a few people that react that strongly. Many others believe these things but still stay friendly in telling you you’re wrong.
And occasionally you happen on someone that agrees with you but neither of you had brought up the topic before!
It’s an upside-down and inside-out world. That someone could tell me that the science is settled when they’d never once looked at a study on the topic, simply because that is what the authorities said.
And because theirs is the consensus opinion they feel they can rightfully claim that anything to the contrary is debunked, again without knowing a single fact in the matter. In one case I was literally pointed to a Penn & Teller video about vaccines. It’s a dramatic demonstration…as if that makes it true.
I get it. We are ALL capable of some Olympic-level mental gymnastics to protect our hallowed beliefs. (And yes, I’m aware I am guilty of it too, however much I try to not be.)
“Quarantine shaming — calling out those not abiding by social distancing rules — is part of a new and startling reality for Americans who must navigate a world of rapidly evolving social norms in the age of COVID-19. As schools close and shelter-in-place orders sweep across the U.S., the divide between those who are stringently practicing self-isolation and those who are still trying to go about some semblance of a normal life has never been more clear.” https://apnews.com/0714c8c609d604579d00ab93cd6df12c
And you and I are being prepared for this social policing for as long as necessary. Social distancing is likely necessary for 18 months…which means we’ll all need to enforce on each other. “It means everyone does everything they can to minimize social contact, and overall, the number of contacts falls by 75%..” https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/
It’s not just about you. It doesn’t matter what you think about your chances with the virus. You must do it in order to protect other people. It is your responsibility for their health.
A question that few are asking is just what are the long-term, subtle and negative effects of social distancing. Charles Eisenstein wrote, “I heard this story last week from a friend. She was in a grocery store and saw a woman sobbing in the aisle. Flouting social distancing rules, she went to the woman and gave her a hug. “Thank you,” the woman said, “that is the first time anyone has hugged me for ten days.”” https://charleseisenstein.org/essays/the-coronation/
But what if that woman hadn’t said thank you? What if she freaks out? The person giving the hugs had to risk that reaction just like I risked a vaccine conversation.
Adults need social interaction. Children even more so. Is a child interacting with his or her parents enough? I don’t think so. What will be the long-term ramifications if they really doesn’t get to play with other kids for the next 6 months at an age where socialization is critical to development?
That’s an extreme, but it is not nor will it remain an isolated case.
This is not an argument for or against whether social distancing is the best tools to fight a viral pandemic. Instead it is to share the little-thought about side of how social engineering is done and community policing is encouraged.
I’m reminded of reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago. In Communist Russia, the people were taught to tell on each other and they did. And just like that, people would be arrested and shipped off to the camps, enemies of the state.
The problem is all social enforcement so easily gets transferred over to the savior of us all, the vaccine. You must get it to protect yourself. You must get it in order to protect others. If not, (if you even get a choice anymore), you’ll be ostracized.
Never mind, that the vaccine is being rushed. Never mind that never-before-done technologies are being used for some versions of this vaccine such as the Inovio vaccine which entered Phase 1 trials yesterday. “Pablo Tebas, MD, infectious disease specialist and professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Principal Investigator of the study. “There has been tremendous interest in this vaccine among people who want to do what they can to help protect the greater public from this pandemic as soon as possible.”” http://ir.inovio.com/news-and-media/news/press-release-details/2020/INOVIO-Initiates-Phase-1-Clinical-Trial-Of-Its-COVID-19-Vaccine-and-Plans-First-Dose-Today/default.aspx
Notice the messaging is about the greater good for the public already.
We’ll see if it actually has a placebo-control group. We’ll see if there is manipulation of the data. No matter what, there will not be a long-term study of side effects unless they look at the population as they roll it out.
Personally, I would prefer to take my chances with the coronavirus than with the vaccine.
But the goal is to make it so that I don’t have that choice. And they’ll use every tool including social engineering to accomplish it.
Let me ask. Do you think the venom with which the propaganda machine teaches people to denigrate anti-vaxxers is going to be more or less after this event?
The writing is on the wall. They’ll say, did you see what we all went through? Why would you want that again? Once the vaccine is available this whole event becomes the problems of the anti-vaxxers and those that don’t allow complete surveillance of themselves.
So what can we do? Have the hard conversations now before it’s too late.