Remember that people dismissed the internet as a fad. How are they feeling right now?
Sure, there was spectacular flashes and crashes along the way. The dotcom bubble being an early such example. But did that kill the internet?
Look at where we are at today. Everyone holds the internet in their hand or pocket with them wherever they go. To not be connected at an instant is the anomaly.
This is where cryptocurrencies, blockchains and smart contracts are going.
If you’re looking to stretch this analogy further, we are likely in the post dotcom bubble era with crypto.
The internet is established but most people still aren’t using it. This is the time of the mass mailing of AOL discs!
We’re in the spot where many people were still hesitant to buy things or bank online.
We’re in the spot before social media became pervasive.
We’re in the spot before smart phones made the internet ubiquitous.
NOW is the time to get in. Because this may well be even bigger than the internet. That might be hard to believe, but it is the entire global economy in transition.
Just because it might be hard to wrap your head around how such things work, doesn’t mean that its not worth paying attention to.
You may not know the engineering details of how electricity gets generated and everything involved in delivering it to your house but that doesn’t stop you from flipping the light switch, does it?
There are other factors at play that make this even more pressing.
Our Economy is Crumbling
Here’s the US National debt over 120 years…
Exponential growth and hockey sticks are not sustainable.
This image, made at the end of 2020, is already outdated and inaccurate. The chart must be extended to shift into less than 2 ½ months of 2021.
They will continue printing money in ever bigger amounts. Eventually people will lose confidence in the US dollar. Modern Monetary Theory says there is no consequence for printing all the money you want. (How did that work out for every other country that has done that?)
As of right now the USD is still the global reserve currency. Being tied to oil (they don’t call it the petrodollar for nothing), backed by the US army, it still has legs.
Reserve currencies don’t last forever. In fact, they tend to last about 70 years. The US dollar is getting long in the tooth.
This won’t happen tomorrow. But the transition will happen in time.
And when it happens, it may happen FAST.
When that does happen, everything will be disrupted even bigger than what happened with the pandemic.
First bit of advice, do not get caught with your pants down!
Be prepared and ready for this. Even better, be in a position where this works for you.
Are You Winning or Losing from Inflation?
Crazy inflation is already happening…but most people don’t see it, because they don’t understand the bigger picture.
(So many still think the virus is about this virus! The economic magicians wonderful use of misdirection hides their schemes.)
At some point, very likely in the near future, the prices at the store, at the gas pump, and elsewhere will start to rise. In some places they already have.
This will snowball…
Perception is fact in this day and age, sadly. That’s why the news can print or say something the is literally the opposite of the truth and besides a few people screaming about the insanity, nothing happens.
We’re dealing with fake money after all. That is what fiat means.
(I laugh at people who balked at crypto saying it’s just made up. Yes it is…and that comment shows how little they understand our economy and current fiat currency. If you haven’t got that memo, it’s all made up. It is all based on perceived value.)
Most of what is happening right now is known as asset inflation.
Have you noticed real estate prices lately? The stock market? Physical precious metals? And certainly cryptocurrencies?
In other words, right now, people perceive certain cryptographic code on a computer called a Bitcoin as worthy of lots and lots of dollars.
90% of the attention goes on Bitcoin. But honestly, I’m more excited about several other tokens.
Here is one of many I got invested in. Some hockey stick charts suck (US debt). Some hockey stick charts rule (anything I’m invested in).
What is the Dollar’s Replacement?
If the dollar is going away, something must come to replace it. What is coming?
The answer should be obvious by now. Cryptocurrencies, in one shape or another. This much is certain.
Based on limitations, it won’t be Bitcoin. Who knows? It might be the Digital Yuan.
There are still hurdles to overcome and details to get ironed out, but we know the shift is here because the technology involved make certain things possible that are not in any other way.
Besides most of our money is already digital.
The “signal” that cash was to be phased out because of the virus, and the supposed coin shortage, should be loud and clear.
Money is flooding into things of value. Some certainly more tangible and more productive than others.
Yet, many think these bits are not productive. That’s not quite correct. There is technology backing them. Productive technology and ideas. Therefore, money will continue to move from the “old system” into the “new system.”
Being faddish, absolutely this will outstrip what is rationally moving in.
But if you haven’t figured it out there is little rationality in the 20’s.
Bitcoin has popped as a bubble three times now. And it’s still around. It is bubbling again and will pop again. But it is not going away.
We had the real estate bubble in 2008. Did real estate go away after that? Not at all.
So my question to you is this…
Would you rather own some of that asset inflation, or have it in areas that are deflating?
I’ll get back to that but let’s talk more financial matters…
Social Security is Bankrupt Guaranteed
Social security will be bankrupt somewhere between 2023 and 2035. The 2035 projection was before the pandemic, but this rapidly accelerated that time line.
This is just one example of many.
The only way the US government can afford to pay it’s many, many liabilities, is to print more money. This means that if you’re relying on those government services, you’re becoming poorer and poorer.
Bitcoin at $100,000 is not because bitcoin is worth necessarily worth $100,000. A large chunk of that is because US dollars are losing value.
So many of us, especially within the USA, are soft. Life has been easy. Comfortable. We don’t know what true hardship is.
…And that makes so many blind to the trajectories we’re on leading us there.
It is tough to learn lessons you don’t have first hand experience with.
You’ve been reading my conspiratorial blog posts here, so you understand some of what is going on. And on that note, the thing I get asked more and more is what do we do about all the craziness?
What Can We Do?
To be honest, these forces are far more powerful and with far deeper pockets than you and I.
Sure, collectively together we are more powerful. But we are NOT acting collectively together. Not by a long shot!
Divide and conquer has worked so well. Why change the playbook when the same play works over and over?
Yes, the sheep could turn on their owners. But it’s not in the nature of sheep to do so.
How many people that swore off of politics, knowing it’s a shitshow, have gotten wrapped up into the right vs. left fight once again because the soap opera theatrics have been cranked up to 11?
I’ll admit it. It drew me in as I tried to make sense of the craziness.
Sure, one side is fighting for more freedom, but in most cases only just enough to make a good show of it. You gotta have your faces and heels. (That’s pro wrestling terms for the good guys and bad guys.)
So what can we do?
You can take care of yourself and yours. I don’t mean this in a selfish manner.
Instead, I mean that the only chance we have to do anything is to accumulate resources which can then be aimed towards greater collective action.
You can increase your optionality. You can figure out your Plan B, C, D and E.
Money is one part of that. Community and other usable skills is another.
Some of the best people I see trying to support collective action…have FU money.
FU money is defined as “any amount of money allowing infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone.”
Do you?
It certainly makes it easier if you don’t have the regular 9-5, much less two or three jobs.
I don’t see any way around this.
As the saying goes… “The best thing you can do for the poor is not be one of them.”
Granted, that’s just a starting point. Money by no means makes you a good person.
But if we wanted to fight Bill Gates‘ plans…it sure would be much easier if we had Bill Gates’ resources without his techno-morality!
The Opportunity Before the Fall
Crushing you and your free thinking is necessary for the agendas at play.
We are economic men and women, and therefore control of the money is paramount. Always has been. Always will be, as long as money exists in one form or another.
While the totalitarian control grid will seek to wrap money into your digital ID, vaccination passports and more, that is still far off. Years down the road.
Understand that that cannot happen until widespread digital money is used. And we’re still a far cry from that.
(Although the vaccine pass apps are starting up already, Israel taking the lead. There are many steps that are happening quite quickly.)
So there is great opportunity now…even if crypto makes up part of our ultimate prison. You can get in and get out if that becomes necessary.
You may be reading this thinking you’re missing out, sitting on the sidelines, but the truth is we haven’t even crossed the chasm of the early adopters yet. We’re a far cry from the early majority.
In other words, there is still time to get in early and profit from doing so. But I don’t think that chasm is very far off now.
The good news is that cryptocurrencies could also be used to free us from the central banks and their government, media, etc. cronies. That’s what decentralized, as in decentralized finance or DeFi, is all about.
Some cryptos are by their very design aimed at getting around such totalitarian systems too.
Thinking of optionality wouldn’t that be great to be setup and proficient in ahead of time?
The elites won’t go down so easily. In fact, I would argue they’re behind many of the most popular cryptocurrencies, a topic I plan to explore in future articles too.
And scams and schemes certainly abound in the area. It is the new wild west. I’m not saying to throw caution to the wind. But I’m also not saying to be complacent.
Crypto is happening. The dollar hegemony is falling. These forces will not be stopped.
A One World Currency?
There will not be a global currency. Not for quite some time at least. There are tons and tons of currencies and will be for some time.
Eventually there will be a few winners and lots of losers. But we’re still far from any sort of consolidation. We’re in expansion mode. (This too, means there are tons of failures, but also plenty of winners.)
You have two choices in front of you:
Accept what is coming. For good or ill, digital currency is the future.
Or bury your head in the sand.
Look, you don’t need to be super technical. I can’t write nor read a line of code to save my life. If you use online banking services and apps on your phone, you have the skills necessary to get involved in investing in crypto.
Sure, it can get complicated fast, but it doesn’t have to be super difficult.
All the luddites didn’t stop the internet. And now my almost 70 year old dad who never used a computer in his life…uses his smart phone regularly. The naysayers won’t stop it.
My argument is that it is worthwhile to hop aboard this train we’re all on. It is worth doing so.
I’m going to be doing more articles in the coming weeks…
Crash Course Beta Program!
But after I sent out an email the other week asking people’s interest in the topic I was flooded with response. I expected a positive response, but it was huge. Here’s just a small sampling:
The vast majority of people knew nothing and held nothing. That got me thinking.
After careful reflection I’m trying out something new, a beta program to walk a few select people by the hand into this world giving everything I know.
I won’t be doing this for free. And it assumes you have some funds to invest as well. As the plan is to work one-on-one with a few select people, it is limited. (After all I’ve still got my two businesses and family to attend to.)
If that interests you reply in the comments below or shoot me an email at with your interest.
I will be putting up free articles soon on the topic as well, but this program is for people that want to get up and running, with a solid strategy in place, as quickly as possible.
Disclaimer: This is not to be used as financial advice. Logan Christopher and Legendary Strength LLC are not registered investment, legal or tax advisors nor a broker/dealer. All investment opinions expressed are from personal research and experience. Email and website content is to be used for informational purposes only. Logan Christopher is personally invested (long) in a number of cryptocurrencies.
At 73 books I read less than the previous year. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. I think many of these books are significantly bigger than previously. The 1,311-page Tragedy & Hope being the biggest of the bunch, but plenty 400 and 500 page books too.
In addition, with the pandemic I was doing more online research and a bit less in reading books, which I would say is the main reason my total was less.
On top of this were life events such as my home burning down and moving out of state that took up my time.
But there was good news in that. I never replaced my TV, so my reading time increased towards the end of the year. (From #50 on was all in just the last three months of the year.)
I would love to dig into the many great books I read but will not be spending that much time on it this year. Too many other pressing projects. Still I’ll give a little bit…
Top 12 for Expanding My Worldview
I will give a Top 12 List for understanding how the world really works:
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America by Annie Jacobsen. Operation Paperclip is one of the well-known and disclosed conspiracy theories. It’s when the US government brought over Nazi scientists, including war criminals to the USA and covered their tracks. This was even discussed in one of the Avengers movies. Nazism didn’t so much die as it went underground. The consequences of such are darker than any neo-nazi thing going on today in my opinion.
Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam LeBor. The Bank of International Settlements is one of the most important banks in the world…that next to no one knows anything about. Deep ties with Nazi’s, including laundering gold stolen from countries and the teeth of concentration camp victims. The BIS is literally structured beyond any national government…and not transparent at all. Learn the history here. (More Nazism going underground. This book specifically mentions the Redhouse Meeting which is chilling and something I’ll definitely cover in the future more so.)
Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley. A history of the world from before WW1 through to the Cold War. Fascinating overview which includes the paradigms, the systems that led to many things such as the rise of Hitler. Does not shy away from known conspiracies either like Rhodes and the Round Table groups.
It’s important to realize that no one book will give you everything you need to know. Instead it is best to look at each as a lens through which to get a view on a particular area. And that lens likely comes with some of it’s own baggage, even ideology that can distort other lenses.
Favorite Novels
I was going to say, let’s end on a more positive note, but in a way this fiction is just as dark! I’ll mention two of my favorites here, very different from each other.
Influx by Daniel Suarez – Suarez is one of my favorite sci-fi writers. This story involves a Bureau of Technology Control that keeps powerful and disruptive technologies from the public. We know there are some hidden technologies by our governments. The question is how far does it go? This book takes those concepts and runs far with them.
The Great Bay: Chronicles of the Collapse by Dale Pendell – This book is about a pandemic that starts in 2021. It was written in 2010. It’s an odd book in its structure, telling stories across the span of time. Some from right after the pandemic (this one being actually very deadly). Others centuries and millennia afterwards. It stretches the mind to see civilization collapse and spring up again in ways that show the cycles repeating.
Your Turn
If you have any questions about any of these books go ahead and ask them in the comments below.
Also please share your top one or two books that you read last year.
We do need a new normal. We do need a great reset. I just don’t believe in the ones being pitched to us right now.
I’m not reading through a crystal ball. In fact, titling them as “predictions” might not even be the right word for it. Instead, I see this more as a reading of the agendas and propaganda, then attempting to project where it is all going.
It is primarily negative. Why? This involves powerful forces with agendas that I am not aligned with (and guessing that neither are you, dear reader). It is ushering in a technocratic future I don’t want.
But I’m an optimist! Well, I’m also a realist and pessimist too. Short term pessimistic with longer term optimism would probably best describe my view currently. In other words, it is going to get worse before it gets better.
If you thought 2020 was rough, stay tuned for 2021. I think 2020 was the warmup.
So I share these “predictions” knowing that we can’t do much about them, but knowing them, we can take actions that allow us to better adapt.
Oh, and trust me, I’d be thrilled to be wrong about the vast majority of this stuff.
COVID’s Peak and Resurgence
COVID will peak in threat towards the end of this winter.
Yes, I’m of the opinion there’s a real new virus, one that was worked on in a lab (gain-of-function), and either intentionally or unintentionally leaked out.
But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been tons of shenanigans to make it a vastly bigger threat than it actually is.
Counting everyone that died with COVID as a COVID death whether they died from COVID or not.
The PCR and other faulty testing “casedemic”
The confusing of pneumonia, influenza and COVID (PIC)
The variety of bad science along the way
And the propaganda machine cranking full turn all along the way to spread fear
Here’s my guess as to what will happen. Things will peak in intensity in February or March 2021. If we judge based on past year’s influenza-like activity that is when everything peaks.
2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Spot the outlier!
Fun to compare the CDC data of past years to this year by the way.
The social distancing, shutdowns and masking are working really well for influenza. Too bad it’s insufficient for COVID. (Notice also how in December of 2019, you know before the virus was here in March, we had to extend the range of the chart with very high categories to cover the activity.)
All this leads to even more locking down.
The good news is that things will get better come springtime. Summer will almost be normal in many places.
But as Bill Gates and others are saying this isn’t over until, best case, 2022. After all, it takes some time to vaccinate 7 billion+ people.
What I take that to mean is that COVID will come back with a vengeance next Winter (‘21-’22). It will probably mutate, or so they’ll say (as they’re saying now too). All the first-round people getting vaccines will be back for their yearly vaccine then.
This coronavirus, as with all others, is endemic. That means it will be with us forever, never going away. But you’ll never hear a message to support your immune system, just continued mentions to wash your hands, mask up, stay distant, AND get your vaccine.
Vaccine Mandates and Propaganda
Winter of ‘21-’22 is when the propaganda will crank up super high against the “anti-vaxxers”.
But, supply will continue to increase over the course of the year. When supply is greater than demand, they’ll need to amp up demand. Understand what that means. I will not demand it, but lots of people will be demanding that I get it.
Last I saw only 50% of people were interested in getting a vaccine. That’s a big gap. But most of this 50% will be okay with it when they know so many people got it without side effects. (Those with side effects being fairly well hidden away by misrepresentations, lack of coverage, etc.)
Believe the story about your neighbor’s-wife’s-sister’s-dog-sitter who got COVID and it was the worst ever. But don’t you dare believe the story shared on social media of devastating vaccine side effects. That nurse fainting was because of pain, not the vaccine.
The good news is you probably won’t be forced. Woohoo!
You’ll just be coerced, coaxed and threatened in a thousand different ways. Booooo!
How many will get vaccinated just so they aren’t inconvenienced? So they can travel? So they can go to a concert? So they can receive Social Security or be able to buy groceries? Why do so many think the latter would just be impossible? How many “impossible” things happened in 2020?
Even worse, Tedros of the WHO (and soon to be many others) is literally changing the definition of herd immunity right before our eyes. Herd immunity is a concept from the natural world regarding previous infection, now deemed only possible through vaccinations. There goes the WHO changing definitions again! But there was backlash, you know from people that know what the word actually means so they heavily qualified their definition again.
What will it be next week?
Even though a lot of us probably already have T-cell immunity to this thing, another aspect most people are kept in the dark about.
So it is fall time, but mainly in next winter where I expect to see the “terrorist and extremist” remarks about anti-vaxxers to go full bore.
You’re not only killing grandma but one hundred grandmas because you’re a super-spreader. (Even though asymptomatic spread in newer studies has been shown to be non-existent or extremely rare with SARS-CoV-2.)
But despite the battle cries to believe science… don’t you dare believe in any science that doesn’t fit the agenda.
There is going to be a slow step-by-step increase in mandates and propaganda, but with a big push next winter.
Media and Big Tech’s Censorship Frog Continues Slow Boil
At this point, it seems the mass media and social media can say whatever it wants and just about everyone believes them!
Social media can ban anything they want and get away with it.
It’s the pot of boiling water with a frog in it. If they did too much there would be too big of a backlash. Blowback.
Instead, they do it a little bit at a time. Just one degree here and there. Those that are paying attention may be astounded they get away with the next push and the next one after that.
But not enough people are, mostly because they’re wrapped up in the right-left divide, thus making it all political and more easily dismissible in most minds. (Divide and conquer!)
Those that aren’t paying attention see nothing…or in fact they call for more censorship.
The internet may still be free in that I can post anything on my website here. But anything that has a big enough splash against the agendas can be either completely squashed or downregulated enough that it can’t go viral. (Unity2020 as an example.)
In other words, the immune system of Facebook/Twitter/Google can kill any threatening truth-virus with ease in the online information ecology.
I expect to be banned from Facebook and Instagram in the coming year! Hell, I’m going for it by sharing facts and my opinions that don’t fit agendas. It’s a goal of mine.
(They won’t ban everyone though because then they’ll lose the intelligence it provides. Still, they’ll be doing shadowbanning and the like all along the way and be ready to pull the plug on anyone big and powerful enough to make an impact.)
The censorship noose will get that much tighter throughout 2021. The mainstream news will become that much more fake in 2021. Cancel culture will grow.
There’s hope that something big enough will break through. But I’m not counting on it.
The Next President
I really haven’t gone deep on the election. I honestly don’t like politics at all. From the stuff I have seen, this does look like a stolen election…and they’re going to get away with it.
But remember this is WWE we’re watching, not government for and by the people. The outcomes might not be conclusively predetermined, but regardless of the winner, the loser has always been the people.
The more I think about it, this election, along with all the mischief involved, best moves their agendas forward.
And what does so even more? Biden as our next president.
Not for long of course. My guess is that Kamala Harris assumes control within the first year or two. Whether Biden dies or comes down with a “disease and [has] to resign,” I can’t say for sure.
Yes, that is a quote from Biden himself. Did he slip up in his script and reveal the major plot points there? If so, they can’t still use that plot, can they?
I’m not certain on this. Trump could still pull out some trump card in January that shakes things up even more. We shall find out soon enough.
I heard someone else’s prediction that there’ll basically be two governemtns running!
Still, I think Biden is the mostly likely outcome in part because of the following…
The Q Anon Psyop
When people like John Bolton and William Barr are touted as saviors (as have all been over the years by Q) you have to ask yourself…These swamp monsters are the ones cleaning the swamp? (Bolton himself has been called the ‘devil incarnate’.)
My viewpoint is the Q has been a psy-op. (That’s short for psychological operation.)
This link to a Youtube video was Q’s last post, December 8th. Q has been silent ever since then, and all throughout the election insanity.
Understand, it’s not just the Q-folk. There’s a lot of Trump supporters that may not buy into that particular narrative, but hate Biden all the same.
Narratives are splintered into a wide variety, though it is helpful to see the big groups of them.
How many will believe, absolutely believe, that the election was stolen? (And they might actually be right.)
What does this cause? This may be my most out-there prediction of the year…
A “Qanon Terrorist Plot”.
This could be in one of three forms.
It could be completely legitimate. Watch that video above with the frame of it being a propaganda piece. After all, there is a behavioral science, however faulty it may be, to radicalizing people.
This movement could be infiltrated and helped along by agent provocateurs.
Or it could be completely a false flag.
But another 9/11 is probably going to happen. And this time the enemy will be “internal”.
Oh…just imagine how much power the government could grab as a result of something like this.
One agenda going on appears to be anti-Christian. These people tend to love freedom, just like most Americans. They believe in good vs. evil.
And a big part of the Q movement is religious, specifically Christian.
What would give the powers-that-be even more power? Religious zealot terrorists. But not Islamic this time. Christian extremists. Not halfway around the world. But possibly behind every household door.
You thought the “don’t trust your fellow American because he or she could be an asymptomatic carrier” was bad. Just wait for this.
Interestingly, many Christians are part of the medical freedom movement regarding vaccines. Why? Because some vaccines have cells and DNA from aborted fetuses in them.
Let me clarify that I know many Christians, which include some of my favorite people. I’m not knocking them here. I’m saying that this appears to me to be co-opted for this purpose.
After all, the Bible has the end times. And I know more than a couple people that are saying we’re in it.
…All the better to whip up a doomsday cult.
Think about it from their shoes. If the “Demoncrats” have stolen the election from the savior, Trump, what would you do? If you knew the baby-eating Satanists had assumed total control, are you just going to layover and take it?
And you’d play right into the puppet master’s hands doing so. It’s not just Q, it’s more than that…
The Conspiracy Rollup Continues
What appears to be happening is the rollup of all different “conspiracy theories”. Now, this seems to happen from both ends and could be just a systemic effect.
I talk about wanting medical freedom and people call me a “flat earther”. (For the record, no that is not a theory I buy into…but I did look into it. I had to do my own research. When you’ve been lied to by the experts so many times, what can you trust them with?)
People that go down one conspiracy rabbit hole often find how it is connected to the others. After all, the basis of most of them (the not-so-silly ones anyway) is that powerful people, government, business or otherwise, do bad things to get more power.
The first hints of this agenda came out with the burning of 5G towers in Europe, around the time when David Icke was banned from Youtube for saying 5G caused COVID.
Any legitimate concerns about 5G, about EMF’s in general, are lumped into these strawman arguments. The Sun article says, “Some conspiracy theorists suspect the wireless technology emits lethal radiation, is killing people, and is being used to spy on Americans.”
Understand that it obfuscates the rational middle position, that there is some health danger with 5G as well as earlier wireless technology that is backed up by enormous amounts of research.
This one was the test. Once again, it could be legitimate. I do find it particularly interesting that this man had broadcast a loud warning to get people out of the area, to not be hurt. It could be partially made up. Again, I haven’t dug in.
But regardless of that, the news is what moves the agenda forward. The spin can be independent of the facts. I’d expect more such incidents.
5G is a necessary part of the technocratic plans. Therefore, standing up against it must be strongly vilified. What better way than to label any criticism a conspiracy theory and then make conspiracy theorists into terrorists?
Ultimate power is had by being capable of labeling anything against your agenda as a conspiracy theory and whipping up the masses into buying that hook, line, and sinker.
Yet at the same time certain conspiracy theories (Russian collusion) are given the prime-time spotlight. It all depends on the agenda.
Ah…the schizoid, split-personality culture we live in.
Cyber Attack that Puts the Pandemic to Shame
You probably heard about the Solar Winds hack. They say it’s the largest ever.
Like the Nashville bombing, I believe this is a portend of things to come.
“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen, in this respect, as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”
Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum and author of “COVID-19: The Great Reset”. He mentions a “cyber pandemic” as well, not covered in that video.
Any criticism of the open plan is labeled a far-right conspiracy theory. Do you see how they pull that off?
The same kind of people that predict things, such as a coronavirus pandemic (ala Event 201), are talking about something bigger than the pandemic coming.
Unfortunately, I think they’re right. And then the power grab will follow.
Some sort of terrorist attack, physical or cyber, is very likely in 2021. Even multiple different events.
Are you prepared for such?
This article is too long to finish right now, so I’ll be splitting it into two parts. Stay tuned for part two in which I hope to include at least a few positive things!
You’ve undoubtedly heard about the Pfizer vaccine with a 95% effectiveness rate. It was all over the news. And now it’s been approved for emergency use authorization by the FDA and is being rolled out.
Later, after the press release from Pfizer, the study finally got published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This is the journal that former editor Marcia Angell said, “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
I looked through the study. I read the science. Despite what Forbes says, I like to do my own research. Because if we don’t, well, how damn easy do we make it for them to pull the wool over our eyes?
Here’s the study in question so that you can do the same:
Well, to be honest I didn’t start with the science itself, not at first. Here’s a tip! Instead, I looked at the conflicts. Why? Well, these seem to be a good shortcut to telling you what is really going on. In short, financial conflicts show a greater likelihood of bad science. By bad science I mean good for whoever is funding it and bad for the rest of us including the information ecology.
If this is new insight to you, here’s what you need to know on this topic. A 2003 systematic review published in the BMJ found, “Research sponsored by the drug industry was more likely to produce results favouring the product made by the company sponsoring the research than studies funded by other sources.”
A different systematic review from JAMA concluded, “Financial relationships among industry, scientific investigators, and academic institutions are widespread. Conflicts of interest arising from these ties can influence biomedical research in important ways.”
Reflecting on such, Sheldon Krimsky, in an article titled Science on Trial wrote, “Scientists typically believe that they are…objective of their inquiry, namely, the unfettered search for certifiable knowledge. While this is a widespread belief, it is not based on empirical evidence. Practicing scientists are least likely to know whether their conflicting financial interests affect the outcome of their research.”
This Pfizer COVID vaccine study? Let’s look at that little concluding paragraph.
“A two-dose regimen of BNT162b2 conferred 95% protection against Covid-19 in persons 16 years of age or older. Safety over a median of 2 months was similar to that of other viral vaccines. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer. number, NCT04368728.)”
Maybe it is just me. But the most relevant piece of information is the ‘funded by’ statement.
This is my opinion, and I invite you to make your own, but this part leads me to discount the rest. I can’t trust it. And it’s not just the study funding itself.
Conflicts of Interest – Author Funding
Not only that, but I looked at the disclosure forms for all the many authors on the study.
1 received fees as part of being a sub-investigator for the site in Argentina
1 received resources to their University where they worked during the trial
3 report personal fees or grants from other pharmaceutical companies
Over half the people stand to gain directly as a positive result of this trial. Do you think their might be bonuses, promotions or other incentives when the Pfizer stock shoots upwards and revenues break records?
Conflicts of Interest – Hidden Away?
Please keep in mind this is what was freely disclosed. Unfortunately, we sometimes see stuff hidden away. (Dr. Jose Baselga is a good example of this if it’s new to you.)
With a quick search I found that Edson Duarte Moreira, one of the people who said there was no relevant conflicts in this study, is by no means clean of past conflicts.
In a 2014 paper on HPV, he listed “received grants through his institution for conducting HPV vaccine trials, consulting fees, support for travel, fees for board membership, and fees for lectures from Merck.”
Merck is one of two companies that makes the HPV vaccine. Turns out he’s author on a bunch of HPV vaccine trials.
A 2013 paper says he “has received grant support through his institution from Sanofi-Aventis, Merck, Pfizer and Novartis, and was compensated by Sanofi-Aventis, Merck and Pfizer for serving at Scientific Advisory Committee.”
So, he had been paid directly by Pfizer in the past. Just not in the 3 years required to disclose.
Bottom line, he has shown a pattern of being paid directly by the company that stands to gain the most from positive research.
So I don’t trust the science from the get-go. But assuming I did, let’s look at the science, shall we?
The WHO says, “the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise.”
That’s geek-speak for saying that many COVID cases are not real cases. Just background noise.
So at this point we have Fauci saying it’s a problem. We have the New York Times saying it’s a problem. We have the WHO saying it’s a problem.
Mainsteam and credentialed sources…and still people won’t be convinced. Frustrating, I know.
“Efficacy will be assessed throughout a participant’s involvement in the study through surveillance for potential cases of COVID-19. If, at any time, a participant develops acute respiratory illness, for the purposes of the study he or she will be considered to potentially have COVID-19 illness. In this circumstance…assessments should be conducted…The assessments will include a nasal (midturbinate) swab, which will be tested at a central laboratory using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.” (pg 51)
Note that antigen testing was also used, which is fraught with its own problems.
So I searched this document for everywhere using the terms “PCR”, “cycle”, “count”, “ct”, “threshold”. While there are many instances of these words, none of them have to do with what the PCT test Ct value was set too.
Most everyone else is saying that anything above 35 is meaningless. Many are saying 30 or 25 is far better.
So, in the end, this trial is unscientific because it relies on a faulty test.
How to Lie with Statistics
Well, maybe not lie, but certainly spin!
Let’s assume we can discount all the conflicts, even though we shouldn’t. Let’s assume the test was valid, even though as we’ve seen it is not. Let’s get to the actual study data.
The study had 37,706 people received both doses of injections. 18,556 got the vaccine. 18,530 received placebo injections.
The cases only counted if the onset was at least 7 days after the second dose. Had the onset been anytime, then lots of vaccinated people would have been tested because many of the side effects of the vaccine are an awfully similar to the symptoms of COVID. That’s a very specific window of time supposedly because they have to give the vaccine time to build the spike proteins to ward off the invader.
In this time frame, 8 people who got the vaccine tested positive for COVID. 162 people who got the placebo tested positive for COVID.
In this time frame, 1 person who got the vaccine had a severe case of COVID. Nine people who got the placebo had a severe case of COVID.
From this they do some statistical analysis to arrive at that 95% efficacy mark.
“Vaccine efficacy was estimated by 100×(1−IRR), where IRR is the calculated ratio of confirmed cases of Covid-19 illness per 1000 person-years of follow-up in the active vaccine group to the corresponding illness rate in the placebo group. The 95.0% credible interval for vaccine efficacy and the probability of vaccine efficacy greater than 30% were calculated with the use of a Bayesian beta-binomial model. The final analysis uses a success boundary of 98.6% for probability of vaccine efficacy greater than 30% to compensate for the interim analysis and to control the overall type 1 error rate at 2.5%.”
I’ll be honest. Without reading up on it, that’s above my statistical skills. But something I do know is that this shows something call relative risk. Let’s look at absolute risk instead. Much easier statistics.
According to these numbers, your chance of catching symptomatic COVID:
170/37706= 0.451% overall
162/18530 = 0.874% without a vaccine
8/18556 = 0.043% with a vaccine
Keep in mind this is any symptoms at all, like a cough or fever. We’ll come back to that subject later. So that vaccine is lowering the chance you get any COVID symptoms over .8% in absolute terms.
And your chance of a severe case of COVID which includes “respiratory failure; evidence of shock; significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic dysfunction; admission to an intensive care unit”.
10/37706 = 0.027% overall
9/18530 = 0.049% without a vaccine
1/18556 = 0.005% with a vaccine
Here we see a lowering of 0.044% in absolute terms. That is far, far less than 0.1%.
Six people died in this study (“Two BNT162b2 recipients died (one from arteriosclerosis, one from cardiac arrest), as did four placebo recipients (two from unknown causes, one from hemorrhagic stroke, and one from myocardial infarction). No deaths were considered by the investigators to be related to the vaccine or placebo.”)
But this is key. No one died of COVID in this study.
So according to it, your chances of dying are 0% with or without the vaccine.
(The cynical joke is if it hadn’t been in this study, there’s a good chance some or all of those deaths would be COVID deaths!)
A Different Conclusion
Now, I don’t know about you, but looking at those stats my first takeaway is not that the vaccine is 95% effective…
…but that COVID is not worth worrying about!
Oh how I wish the headlines read, “Pfizer vaccine study a waste of time and money as COVID not as harmful as thought”
If you look at the stats, the vaccine study itself is showing you this!
Just to be clear, I’m not denying that it is virus isn’t hurting some people. Nor that certain high risk groups might want to take some precautions.
Instead, I’m saying that the worldwide response, lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc. is unwarranted…if health is the actual concern.
And most certainly that mandating this vaccine is ludicrous.
But, alas, this has nothing to do with health.
And don’t forget that this study was never intended to show that it would stop or slow the spread of SAR CoV-2. Yet, somehow that is what people will magically believe. Because, you know, science.
Then you have to factor in the next part…
Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects
The adverse event reporting in this study only extended 14 weeks after the second dose.
More so than acute symptoms, I’m more worried about longer term stuff. Autoimmunity for instance can take years to develop. Same with cancer. Then there’s the whole infertility thing which certainly isn’t caught in this short time frame.
Hopefully there is none of these. But you can’t say scientifically that they aren’t. We just don’t know is the only valid scientific opinion. After all, this mRNA vaccine is brand new technology never before used in human beings.
And the fact is that they’re crossing over the placebo patients into the vaccine group (because its so effective it would be unethical to deny them the real vaccine so they say). This means we will not actually have useful long-term safety data from this.
Therefore, the two year safety follow-up won’t really show us any long term effects.
Still let’s look at the short term risks. Here’s some of what the study lists as for side effects:
“Severe systemic events were reported in less than 2% of vaccine recipients after either dose, except for fatigue (in 3.8%) and headache (in 2.0%) after the second dose.”
“Fever (temperature, ≥38°C) was reported after the second dose by 16% of younger vaccine recipients and by 11% of older recipients.”
“More BNT162b2 recipients than placebo recipients reported any adverse event (27% and 12%, respectively) or a related adverse event (21% and 5%).”
Just compare these percentage numbers to the amounts who got COVID, even the unvaccinated group, above.
Here’s another conclusion or headline we didn’t see. “Pfizer Study Finds Vaccine Causes 2-5X as Many Symptoms as COVID.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’d rather take my chances with the coronavirus then with this vaccine.
The short-term side effects show much more likelihood of symptoms than COVID. They seem worse. And we aren’t sure about the long-term effects yet.
On December 18th 112,807 people had received the first dose.
Of these 3,150 have health impact events which are defined as “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional”.
3150/112807 = 2.792%
Please compare that percentage number with the 0.746% of any COVID symptoms without a vaccine in this study, let alone the 0.041% of severe COVID.
Note that unable to perform normal daily activities is worse than the any COVID symptom group, though not necessarily as bad as the severe COVID group.
Hopefully, that is a one-time adverse event that the people bounce back from. What is worrisome is to think that with that, there is likely some systematic longer-term consequences.
Just some more extremist, terrorist, anti-science, anti-vaxxer, Russian misinformation for your to think about for yourself.
Love it? Hate it? Questions? Other resources to look at? Leave them in the comments below…
“British and American state intelligence agencies are ‘weaponizing truth’ to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced ‘cyber war’ to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives.”
“Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end.”
“Also unmentioned is that the head of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Patrizia Cavazzoni, is the former Pfizer vice president for product safety who covered up the connection of one of its products to birth defects.”
“On Monday, the UK newspaper The Times reported that the UK’s [Government Communications Headquarters] “has begun an offensive cyber-operation to disrupt anti-vaccine propaganda being spread by hostile states” and “is using a toolkit developed to tackle disinformation and recruitment material peddled by Islamic State” to do so. In addition, the UK government has ordered the British military’s 77th Brigade, which specializes in “information warfare,” to launch an online campaign to counter “deceptive narratives” about Covid-19 vaccine candidates.”
“Imran Ahmed, the CEO of the UK-based Center for Countering Digital Hate, a member of the UK government’s Steering Committee on Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force, which is part of the UK government’s Commission for Countering Extremism…told the UK newspaper The Independent in July that “I would go beyond calling anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists to say they are an extremist group that pose a national security risk… Among the websites cited by Ahmed’s organization as promoting such “extremism” that poses a “national security risk” were Children’s Health Defense, the National Vaccine Information Center, Informed Consent Action Network, and, among others.”
So basically I’m the equivalent of an ISIS member now especially since I contribute to “extremist organizations” like CHD and ICAN.
And maybe you are dangerous too for reading this!
Seeing this and some other developments I just had to put together this article. Make no mistake the rollout is continuing…
We can’t think of mandates as just a government thing anymore. We live in the corporatocracy after all. So there are these kind of corporate and institutional partnerships that will be occurring left and right.
I’ll wait to see what kind of scientific shenanigans are in the final study thank you.
This reminds me of Remdesivir earlier this year as I covered here. Gilead announces positive results in a press release. Fauci lauds the antiviral. The FDA makes it the only approved drug. The paper got published a month or so later. The results were minor at best and only in a sub-group which wasn’t previously mentioned.
Wait…if the WHO says remdesivir doesn’t work…shouldn’t Youtube be busy censoring any positive information about remdesivir now as they follow WHO guidelines? (As if anyone could keep up with their flip-flopping!)
Nope, doesn’t look like Youtube is doing anything about this “misinformation”.
But based on the press release of 90% success, Pfizer’s stock rallies up…
Do they know something you don’t? Here’s one possibility. They pump their stock with the announcement. But when we see the science actually get published there will be problems in it and the stock falls. We will see.
“None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”
“Hospital admissions and deaths from covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30 000 people. The same is true of its ability to save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out.”
What they are designed to find out, the primary outcome, is to lower already mild symptoms. And the vaccines only need 50% successful in this in order to be approved.
With science by press release that 90% number is seeded out into the world. Even that TicketMaster article mentions it. But is it 90% successful at stopping mild symptoms? Is it successful at stopping transfer of the virus?
Earlier this year Fauci said regarding vaccine efficacy, “What I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint to prevent clinically recognizable disease.”
They’re not even going for that (aka bad symptoms such as hospitalization)!
When the disease is mostly asymptomatic people what is the point?
And what is the point of force vaccinating people to prevent transfer in concerts and airplanes, if the vaccines don’t actually accomplish that goal?
Oh yeah…it’s not logical. It’s propaganda.
All about the Faulty Testing
Bigger question. What cycle number is the PCR testing set to in order to verify these cases. If you haven’t heard the PCR testing is highly problematic.
“Most tests set the limit at 40, a few at 37. This means that you are positive for the coronavirus if the test process required up to 40 cycles, or 37, to detect the virus.
“Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left, Dr. Mina said.
“Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, agreed Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside. “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” she said.”
This is the biggest reason the case count is booming right now.
Isn’t that great for those that want to use this pandemic for their purposes? Based of how you set your measurement you can guarantee a completely meaningless test. False positives galore.
The Pfizer scientists could literally have different settings for the placebo and experimental group and most people would be none the wiser. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cycle setting isn’t mentioned in the vaccine trials at all.
As stated, Pfizer’s vaccine is expected to be approved at the end of this month.
Then they have the full power of information warfare of the security state behind them to stop the “misinformation” of what really occurs going on.
Understand that this plan is moving forward regardless of if Trump or Biden is the president.
While the soap opera professional wrestling election chaos continues be sure to be paying attention to what is not readily in the news.
I apologize for dropping off the map on my pandemic updates. I meant to write to say that I was taking a pause…but just couldn’t get that piece right.
There’s still so much I would love to share…
And it’s on that note that I write today.
As you know, in writing about current events, I tend to keep going back to understanding history. While there are absolutely new developments, and higher technologies involved, the patterns tend to be the exact same.
So if you can understand the past, you have a much better chance of understanding the present…and the future!
Many people were surprised the lockdowns extended past the initial recommended two weeks in order to prevent hospital surges.
Back then would you have assumed we’d still be dealing with this towards the end of September?
I sure did.
Understand the agendas, understand the game, and you can make better predictions.
A huge part of what we’re dealing with in the world is corporate malfeasance. Far more so than a democracy, we live in corporatocracy. And crime pays so, unfortunately, it is a criminal corporatocracy.
If you want to understand that, then there are few better places to go then to understand some of the “original corporate gangsters”…Big Tobacco.
A couple months ago I finished reading a 500 page book, The Cigarette Century, by Allan M. Brandt, a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
The Times Literary Supplement called this, “A masterpiece of medical history.” It features a whopping 1550 references and thus is a very deep look into what is one of the most important case studies of history.
The Atlantic said, “Both an engrossing cultural history, and a passionate, exhaustively researched indictment of a public-health catastrophe that happened largely in plain sight.”
Everyone knows that Big Tobacco did some nefarious things.
Over time, two things happened…
I think that the average person assumes (wrongly) that those loopholes were closed so that corporations couldn’t possibly get away with the same things again. Obviously, there are plenty other corporate cases, but that things were made better over time, rather than worse.
In other words, the public as a whole did not really learn the lessons.
Some people did though. The PR firms that Big Tobacco worked with learned. The predatory CEO’s that put profits over people learned. Those that would control scientific opinion learned. Those that would buy politicians and regulators learned. The lawyers learned.
(Quick example. The PR firm Hill & Knowlton led the scientific “debate” about the harms of smoking. They worked with Big Tobacco for 15 years. They’re still around and have had many exciting adventures, including helping us get into the Iraq War. And just recently guess who hired them? That’s right! The WHO. The WHO paid H&K $135,000 to identify and target influences in order to better get their messaging across to the public.)
Having gone through this detailed history it is my firm opinion that the case of Big Tobacco shows the blueprint, the key, to today…
It’s often called the Tobacco Playbook, because there are strategies and tactics that industries use over and over again. Understand these and you can cut through at least 75% of the BS.
I would argue that Big Tobacco did not lose. They, in fact, won. After all, they’re still around and hugely profitable. Most of their profits coming from the rest of the world outside the US now. As regulation and revelation occurred here, they mostly went overseas using their extensive playbook elsewhere.
As I said crime pays.
I was struck by a few sentences near the end of the book.
“In this century, in which we have known tobacco’s health effects from the first day, the death toll is predicted to be one billion. This is a pandemic.”
One billion over a century comes out to 10 million deaths per year.
Compare this death count to our current pandemic (if you believe the official numbers is a bit south of 1 million worldwide thus far) that is supposedly the cause of all the regulations, censorship, and economic havoc. Doesn’t quite add up now does it?
Still the regulation and revelation that occurred in the USA is important.
How did that happen?
Ultimately, it was litigation and the discovery process, not to mention numerous whistleblowers, that turned the tide.
This is the key to fighting against the corrupt corporations that exist today. With more awareness of what was successful and what was not, we can make better plans for the future.
For example, did you know there are non-profit organizations that are suing government agencies regarding vaccines…and winning?
They’re obtaining documents that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the science is anything but settled.
And this is why this case history is important. My aim is to distill down The Cigarette Century down into a much shorter special report, showing the specifics of the tactics and methods used by Big Tobacco.
And how these play out in other industries as well.
In addition, I’m giving you a chance to help support this project.
Truth is, I would love to go fulltime in my journalistic endeavors! My businesses are doing fairly well but I still need to work in them and have many bills to pay.
This has been a passion project of mine. Super passionate…but unprofitable. That it takes away time from my businesses it actually puts me in the hole.
After an extremely positive experience using GoFundMe to help support me in my home burning down, I got the idea to give this a shot.
If you’ve enjoyed my deep diving journalistic works, and your able to, chip in and support me in doing more going forward.
I have no clue how this will go, but it’s worth a shot.
This is odd to share. I am not trying to come off as holier-than-thou although I’m sure that can be read into this. I’m sharing my experience, my feelings around events, understanding they are very different than everyone else in the same situation. I am not writing this to judge other people’s response to these events as inferior. Your response is your own, more normal than mine and that is fine. Instead, in writing this I am striving to better understand why my experience is such as it is. In addition, I’m hoping that my sharing may help some others through inspiration, as indeed several people have said regarding part 1. With that disclaimer, onward…
Am I just suppressing grief that will come out later?
Am I just in denial about what happened?
These are the questions I was asking myself after I had confirmation that my home had completely burned down.
You see, what I was feeling was positive.
Don’t get me wrong. I was realistic about the hurdles ahead, but focused on what mattered. No one was hurt. It was all just material things that could be replaced and a good exercise in enforced minimalism.
As for the sentimental things… well, here is a good enforced opportunity to practice non-attachment.
I mentioned the paradox of feeling both devastation and liberation to some, but if I’m honest, I was feeling more of that latter.
But why wasn’t I depressed? Angry? Stricken with grief?
Would it hit me like a tidal wave later? Would it come in repeated waves over time?
No, I was actually my normal happy self. I thought there might be small pangs as I recognized this or that thing that I enjoyed was gone. But to be honest, now three weeks out, not really even that for me.
I’ll admit I have faced some frustration over insurance hassles. And, especially since we were just seven days from selling the house, that this event will financially set my family back despite insurance.
But I had already moved on.
Truth was people around me were more sad for me than I was personally! That’s a weird thing to deal with.
I would say I had already reframed the situation to know that this would be a good thing. Actually reframe is the wrong word. Just the frame from the very beginning. A new challenge to overcome. An adventure to have. A great story to tell. Something that would make me a better person. That would strengthen my family.
I wouldn’t even say I was being stoic so much as I was actually already looking at the positive things to come from this.
It came down to perspective.
First of all, I knew it could have been far worse. As I mentioned, no one got hurt (that I knew). Had that been different, I don’t think I’d be positive the same way. This gives me perspective.
Secondly, I’d gone through rough things before. The worst being losing my mother to cancer. I had tons of grief at that time. Back then I DID suppress my feelings. And while I still miss her, wishing she was around to play with her granddaughter especially, having worked on my grief with many psychological tools over the years, I see her passing as the last gift she gave me.
Couldn’t the fire be a gift too? Why wait to see it as such? This gives me perspective.
A friend of mine lost her house to a fire years ago. I had heard her story. I had talked to her about it. And, like with my mother, she now sees it as a blessing in disguise. This gives me perspective. (Thank you Denise!)
In the days following, I was amazed by all the love and support and donations too. This made me feel on a more embodied level that I was rich in one of the most important things, human connection. This gives me perspective.
All these came immediately to mind. But for a couple of days there was something niggling at me. I didn’t quite have the complete picture. I felt like I was missing another key component. Why was I genuinely okay with this?
And then it hit me.
I’ve spent the last year and a half diving deep into the darkest corners of humanity. Into the amazing levels of corruption that exist in our world.
There’s this idea that doing so makes people unbalanced (or attracts unbalanced people in the first place). Looking at conspiracies makes people depressed. Angry. Sad. And I have no doubt that that is true…to some degree and for some people.
There is no doubt I felt those feelings at times. Comes with the territory. There are revolting horrible possibilities.
Yet, I could make a very strong case that most people aren’t willing to dig into the facts of such, as a protection mechanism. Deny it exists so you don’t have to face its terror.
Not me. I felt the trauma of our reality…and I kept moving forward.
I felt the confusion of the mysterious, contradictory and insane possibilities, the ten thousand rabbit holes…and I kept moving forward. As the saying goes, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
I felt like I broke my mind at times wrestling with the truth. My sensemaking capacity fractured striving to understand what was really going on. (I still don’t…but I am reasonably comfortable in this place of realizing we’re all delusional about a lot…)
Too few people wrestle with the fact that 97%+ of people would have joined the Nazi’s had they been in Germany at the time. Or at least stepped aside and allowed it to happen.
“Not I” says the naive individual who doesn’t actually reflect on what really went on there, how uncertain things were in the present compared to having hindsight, and how well propaganda really works.
“Yes I” says the person who does the deep, dark self-reflection.
Knowing this now let me set about changing course so I can truly say “Not I”. (Still a work in progress of course…)
And this more so than anything else I believe was why I was in a good mood!
Knowing what really goes on, the depths of the darkness of what occurs in the world, it makes me more resilient. More antifragile.
After all, it could be far worse. I mean come on! Child sex trafficking is a thing. A BIG thing. I have wrestled with conceiving that that could be my daughter. This gives me perspective.
There are more people in slavery today than in anytime in history…and yet we’re arguing about reparations for past slavery. This gives me perspective.
Companies profiting off of the death of people is a thing. In fact, it makes the world go round. And gaining so much profit they can steer laws, science and culture in their favor. This is so pervasive most people can’t see but a tiny fraction of it. This gives me perspective.
So much perspective in fact, that losing my home and just about all my possessions genuinely feels like child’s play in comparison.
No, not just that. My house burning down is a good thing. I needed more genuine personal adversity to forge my soul for the battles ahead.
What is occurring right now in the world and what is coming down the road is much harder…
Face the truth. It might break you. But if it doesn’t you’ll become a better person for it.
That’s my crazy, weird, but seemingly useful perspective anyway.
Physical, Mental, Emotional and Character Strength
On the night of August 19th my home burned completely to the ground.
A few people made comments to the effect of it being telling that the only thing left standing was my power rack. That this was a symbol of strength.
I agree! And that’s what I want to talk about today.
There is the common stereotype of the “all brawn, no brain” individual. In other words, the meathead. And certainly, this is the case for some.
But as a stereotype it is very often wrong.
One of my many books that burned up was Not Just Pumping Iron: On the Psychology of Lifting Weights by Edward W. L. Smith. In fact, I had a whole shelf on one of my bookcases devoted to sports psychology.
Sure, I’ll admit it. In the beginning I tried to workout as I was interested in looking good in order to impress the ladies…but that was such a minor thing in the grander scheme.
Strength training in all its forms became so much more to me.
It was the first and foremost place where I pulled myself up by my bootstraps from a self-loathing, insecure individual into the person I am today. It was my crucible where I not only forged my body but my psychology and spirit.
No, it wasn’t just because it became a career either. The truth is that was a result of the above, not the cause.
In Smith’s book he talks about lifting weights as the Yoga of the west. It’s interesting to reflect on because most yoga in the West is a watered down version of what it originally was, i.e. a holistic practice that encompassed body-mind-spirit.
Now, I know I’m not your typical person. Many think me superhuman.
But that’s just the thing. ANYONE can be superhuman. All it takes is proper know-how and dedication. Compound this overtime and truly miraculous transformation is not only possible, but likely.
If I could transform myself from a scrawny, unathletic, timid boy into a strongman certainly anyone can…if the desire is there.
No, strength training and fitness is not just about the physical. If that is the case for you, I’m sorry to say but you are missing the boat.
It’s not even all about the mental and emotional though those are such huge parts. In very few other areas have I found such a useful “laboratory” for training your mind’s capabilities and state management. (Throw in competition and/or lofty goals to really amplify these things!)
What is too seldom talked about is that strength training can build up strength of character.
It can aid you in becoming more virtuous.
You know, I’ve done some pretty wild and wacky feats of strength. Case in point, lately, I’d been hanging myself by a rope around my neck! Or seeking to do over bodyweight in a bent press.
Now, my entire gym is gone. But the lessons I’ve learned, who I’ve become, is stronger than ever.
And I’d let one million gyms burn down before I’d give up what I’ve obtained and who I’ve become along the way.
All the stuff can be replaced. Yet my latest challenge of a house fire is in itself…priceless.
Again, I get it. I’m the odd one out. I’m truthfully not grieving the loss. I’m flowing with it like water in the river of life.
Every once in a while I get asked what I’m training for. Yes, I train for fun. Sure, I train to hit goals. Of course, I train to be healthy.
But most of all, I train for LIFE.
Without awareness of it, I was training for this event. Having done so I’ve even surprised myself at how much I’ve taken it in stride.
I train to be antifragile.
Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. This means that stressors not only don’t break me, but make me even stronger. In this way a big stressor means big rewards.
Prior to this, I know that 2020 has been far easier on me than many other people because of how I’ve setup my life. I know that there are people in dire straits.
In other words, I am privileged. Instead of taking that on with guilt, I aim to be a force for good. In other words to actually deserve it.
So I welcome the additional challenge. After all, it’s good to be humble!
I’ll continue to train to best serve my family. I will continue to train to best serve my community.
I must be strong for those are not.
The world has some great darkness to it. If we are aware and honest about it, the trajectories of where we are headed are not looking so good. (The fact that most people reading this probably think they know what I’m talking about, but really do not being a sign of such.)
So now more than ever we need strong men and women to step up in every sort of way. In my opinion, you can’t do anything useful if you don’t build yourself first.
In fact, without the internal work, you’ll likely just get in the way. And I’m not saying strength training is the only way. Far from it. But it has worked really well for me and others I know!
In alchemy, one of the steps involved is calcination. This is the burning away of matter to get to the “salt” principle. To purify to get to what is essential.
As above, so below.
So I’ll take this event as an initiation and move forward. In doing so, I hope I can inspire you in the right direction too.
There is something to be said for the fact that the only things that survived and are usable left from the wreckage are some of the weights. There’s a deep metaphor here…
In my opinion 2020 still has more surprises in store. And I don’t think we’re going back to normal, or even a new normal in 2021 either.
This is going to be a rough decade ahead.
You must be adaptable. You must be strong. Not just for yourself, but especially for those around you.
“According to Nazi ideology, Untermenschen—subhumans, as they were called, a designation that included Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Poles, Slavs, Russian prisoners of war, the handicapped, the mentally ill, and others—were no different from white mice or lab rabbits whose bodies could thereby be experimented on to advance the Reich’s medical goals. ‘The sub-human is a biological creature, crafted by nature,’ according to Heinrich Himmler, ‘which has hands, legs, eyes, and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being….Not all of those who appear human an in fact so.’…the Reich had first sterilized and then euthanized nearly its entire population of mentally ill persons, including tens of thousands of children, under the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring.” – Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip
If you’re not familiar with Operation Paperclip, that is where the USA brought Nazi scientists over to work in the U.S. If you’ve heard of it it’s probably like this, with a lack of much detail. In fact, that’s why I read this book, to fill in the missing facts.
We brought over war criminals, people who by everything they did should have been in the Nuremberg trials, tried and hanged. We brought over scientists and doctors that experimented on human beings, including in ways that killed them from freezing experiments, explosive decompression, mustard gas research, and more. One survivor at Dachau reported how he was used for a seawater drinkability test. This included part of his liver being removed without the use of anesthesia to be analyzed.
We brought over zealot Nazis. We brought over SS officers. We brought over some of Hitler’s inner circle. Some of these scientists, hiding and whitewashing their past, became highly decorated individuals over here.
A big question I have, that I don’t have the answer too, to what degree did Nazi ideology spread and infect people over here? Or did these former Nazis really just abandon their old ways? Which of these seems more likely to you?
When some of these details came to be publicly known, Jacobsen quotes nuclear physicist Hans Bethe, and Dr. Henri Sack who wrote, “Was it wise, or even compatible with our moral standards to make this bargain, in light of the fact that many of the Germans, probably the majority, were die-hard Nazis?…Had the war been fought to allow Nazi ideology to creep into our education and scientific institutions by the back door?…Do we want science at any price?”
It wasn’t just scientists and doctors. We worked with their intelligence officers. That’s right, we gave more power to former Nazis who were great at being duplicitous and keeping secrets.
“A network of former Nazi intelligence agents, the majority of whom were members of the SS, began working…side by side with army intelligence officers,” writes Jacobsen. “According to documents kept classified for fifty-one years, relationships between [Major General and former head of Nazis’ intelligence against the Soviets Reinhard] Gehlen and [US Army Colonel William] Philp declined and became hostile as Philp finally realized the true nature of who he was dealing with. The Gehlan Organization was a murderous bunch, ‘Free-wheeling’ and out of control.”
This is where Operation Bluebird began, which led to Operation Artichoke, followed by MK-Ultra.
Of course, it was all just to better fight the communist Russians. They were going after their scientists too, so we had to play the escalation game.
Our own sociopaths wanted to win no matter the cost. We “needed” to do MK-Ultra. We “needed” to conduct experiments with biological and chemical warfare on our own populations. We “needed” to do much more.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke
There were good people that tried to stop Operation Paperclip, but not enough. Small details were leaked out to the press back then. Most of the information only came to light many, many years later. There are STILL classified details regarding many of these Paperclip members.
Yet the people that skirt the rules tend to get their way because the moral people live by those rules.
This is how evil is insidious and spreads over time.
We must understand evil if we want to make changes and that is what this article aims to do.
Culturally, there is a denial that evil even exists. That surely must help those who are evil operators. It’s easier for good men to do nothing if they don’t even perceive evil happening. (This makes me wonder if that idea was up-regulated.)
Or if the attention is misdirected away from the actual evil…
Something I’ve Not Mentioned Publicly Before
This is the second time I’ve opened up a post quoting Nazis. And so I’ll mention this…
My grandfather fought for Germany in WWII.
He wasn’t a Nazi nor SS or anything like that. He was a run-of-the-mill man who fought as an anti-aircraft gunner. He was captured and released after the war. He came over to America in the mid to late 50’s with my mother when she was around six or seven years old.
My grandfather on my father’s side also fought in WWII but for the Americans.
I’ve always thought this was interesting, but beyond these basic details I don’t know much. We didn’t really talk much about our history in my family.
But here’s another twist I did hear about. My grandfather’s grandfather had enough Jewish blood in him that he would have been sent to the camps, but he hid it well.
My grandfather got wrapped up in Nazi propaganda. This, despite his family not being of “pure blood”.
Maybe knowing this happened has helped me to get to this point where I see that we ALL easily get wrapped up in propaganda.
On the Sociopathy Spectrum
I don’t think that sociopathy or empathy are black and white things. Like pretty much everything, it is more useful to think of them on a spectrum where you can have more or less.
I’ve always had a hard time with “feelings”. Over the years I’ve done tons of work to the point where I am fairly balanced. Of course, there are more layers of the onion to be peeled in the future.
And I reflect on that often especially as of late.
I do believe in free will. I also see that we are so affected by circumstances in far more subtle ways that many realize.
And thus, I recognize that had my life happened just slightly differently, it could have completely changed my trajectory.
I was never physically or sexually abused. But if I was…what would I have become?
I had a period in high school where I had a morbid fascination with serial killers. Did I dare to think about actually becoming one?
Sure, some sociopaths may be born that way. Genetics likely plays some role though there is certainly no sociopath gene. (In fact, the whole idea of “gene” is pretty much wrong, but that’s a big topic for another day.)
I think much more so that sociopaths are made.
I think that lack of empathy can be taught. It can be culturally enforced. It can be rewarded.
…Or to put it another way natural empathy can be stomped out.
Personally, I feel like with just a few key events and/or choices I could have gone down a much darker path.
And this grappling with your own possibility of evil is something that not enough people do.
This is a deep, dark shadow (one that many people deny exist). Had I grown up in Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s…there’s a really good chance I would have become a Nazi too.
Jordan Peterson highly recommended the book “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland“. It’s a fascinating read about how ordinary men were conscripted into doing work…which in time led to slaughtering Jews. It doesn’t excuse this behavior. Far from it. But it explores how ordinary men came to do such a thing. Some fought against it but that’s few and far between. Most took part. Some gleefully.
Maybe I wouldn’t have been a Nazi. Maybe I would have been one of the good guys. But there is certainly a chance I would not.
I recognize that. I sit with that. It gives me two things.
More compassion for those that perpetrate evil things knowing that they’re often victims of evil themselves.
It helps me to understand how evil can and does operate in this world.
Especially if we’re not aware of our own shadows we project them out onto other people. (I’ve been getting into more shadow work lately.)
They accuse of people of being anti-science when we actually want better science. And now…
I agree that some people are being dicks about it. I do not think spitting on food or getting in people’s faces about masks is warranted. But notice what the broader message is here. Us vs. them.
J. Edgar Hoover wrote, “Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
He was referring to Communism…and based on what we now know about him and his actions, he was projecting like crazy!
The Predator Class vs The Prey Class
I was thinking about this topic and then, boom, find yet another Daniel Schmachtenberger video discussing it. There’s a reason I like this guy…
I recommend watching the video, but I’ve transcribed most of it below. This is super important and seldom discussed.
“I had a conversation several years ago with one of the most powerful, evil power brokers in the world. Long one-on-one where I was actually surprised at how much he kind of both was inviting me into his world and opening up about it. And the way he framed it, it goes like this. I’ll just do it briefly cause it’s important.
“It’s like, look, humans are animals. Animals are either predators or prey. Predators don’t feel bad when they kill prey. If you feel bad, when the prey humans die, it’s cause you’re a prey human and you won’t run the world and the apex predator will run the world. They will be the thing that determines the shape of an overall ecosystem.
“And whether you like what apex predators do or not, doesn’t determine, it doesn’t matter at all to the fact that apex predators will be the ones who run the world. So the only question is whether you have what it takes to make it into that group or not.
“And so that’s the inexorable argument, right? Power in the form of predatory power is inexorable. Can’t do anything about it. It’s always going to win. Well, if that’s the case and I can’t effectively fight against it, that justbinds all kinds of moral possibilities as just stupid and naive.
“So then the next part was power as virtue. Which he said, and it’s actually good that the apex predators are the ones who run the world because they’re the ones who are steely-eyed and real and grounded enough to understand how shit works. And the world is actually kind of brutal and people who just don’t get how it fucking works can’t guide stuff. They’ll make it worse. Sometimes you got to put a head on a spike in the yard to keep everybody else from being assholes. And so it goes from power as inexorable to power as virtue, and then some people stop there.
“And then the last step is feeling good about exercising your own power over because it says you are a part of that class, which becomes power as fetish, which is the movement from sociopathy to sadism. When you actually fantasize, fetishize the exercising of it.
“Now of course, everything he was saying was utter gibberish. And it’s important to know that. And I didn’t bring it up with him because I knew that wasn’t relevant in that moment. I was basically getting more information. Like blue whale is neither predator nor pray in a traditional sense. Neither is an elephant. The apex predator is lower on the food chain than a virus or a parasite or a mosquito in many ways. You’re pretending that there’s this thing that isn’t really there. And you are not acknowledging that the arms race that has always won, self terminates pretty soon, because when you externalization and war, it actually destroys everything. And so basically, it’s gibberish, but it’s compelling enough gibberish that if you kind of want to do it anyways, it’s plausible deniability.”
Power as inexorable. (In other words, inevitable, impossible to stop.)
Power as virtue. (In other words, moral excellence, that is literally inverting what most would say is moral.)
Power as fetish. (In other words, an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion.)
Welcome to the evil worldview!
These are some ways that a significant portion of people see the world. I found this very powerful because of the layer of values that some sociopaths can operate from.
It helps me to understand a “world perception” that could drive the behavior we see playing out in the world, in corrupt institutions.
No One Thinks They’re Evil
I don’t really remember the movie all that much, but this quote stood out for me. I remember it now despite watching the movie once probably twenty years ago.
“No matter what you do, no matter how awful, no-one ever thinks that they’re a bad person.” – Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley
There is always rationalization for everything that is done.
…Therefore rationality can NOT be our ultimate guide.
Here is how rationalization can work. Power is the only game in town so might as well play it. Well, since the game is power the person who is best at it is the best most virtuous person. Since it’s all about power let’s do things just for the sake of power.
The Russians will get advanced Nazi science and technology and kill us Americans, so we need to get them instead, despite whatever they did in the past. We need to spend tons of money on biological, chemical and nuclear warfare in preparation.
Black men wouldn’t go in for syphilis treatment anyway therefore we’ll study the course of the disease and never treat them. What science gains from actually blocking these men from being treated, because our assumption was racist and wrong, will be worth it. (Tuskegee)
Our drugs our saving people’s lives. Never mind that we statistically manipulated data to get them approved or sell them for non-approved uses, bribing doctors to do so. On the whole, we’re helping people more than we’re harming them.
Yes, we can always find a rational reason to explain away doing evil.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t evil.
So with this in mind let’s look at one of the biggest boogeymen right now.
Amoral George Soros
Is George Soros behind Antifa through his Open Societies Foundation? Is he sending stacks of bricks at protest sites to incite violent riots? Is he funding Black Lives Matter as a part of a color revolution?
I don’t know! The little I’ve seen suggests the possibility, but I have yet to come across hard proof and I’m doing my best not to leap to conclusions, recognizing that much of this could very-well be propaganda.
I have not dug deeply into this man. But here is what I know. This interview alone speaks enough to me about the morality of this man. I’d recommend watching the video, but I’ll pull quotes from it below.
“In the last two years you’ve been blamed for financial collapse Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia,” says journalist Steve Kroft.
“All of the above,” replies Soros with a smirk and a bit of a laugh. (Notice the body language as he talks about some devastating things.) “I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.”
Later he says, “I don’t feel guilty because I’m engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt.”
In other words, I won’t admit to there being morality involved. The money part is amoral. What that in turn causes does not matter. Therefore, I am not guilty because there are no morals involved with which to be guilty. Big rationalizations!
“Whatever his motivations, no one can accuse him of greed. He’s backed away from the day to day operations of his businesses and is giving away his billions now with the same determination he made them in places like Haiti, a country that has less money in the bank than he does.”
Here comes the widespread belief that philanthropy automatically makes you a good person. See Robber Baron Philanthropists for more. Don’t forget, Jeffrey Epstein was trying to rebrand himself as a philanthropist. (Did you see the news, they finally arrested Ghislaine Maxwell!)
That’s one of the problems inherent in making money into your God or even close to it. Then if people are giving away so much of it they MUST be good, right? If money is god then those that give away are godly.
Kroft mentions this, “Like Carnegie, JP Morgan and the Rockefellers he amassed billions through ruthless business decisions only to turn around and give away most of his fortune to advance his own personal philosophy.”
Is this what a moral person does? Thankfully, there is a movement today called by many names such as conscious capitalism, evolved enterprise, etc. People are beginning to recognize that the “robber baron” your way to the top, only to about-face later on, is not an ideal way to go. It’s not a moral way to go.
But notice that last line. To advance his own personal philosophy. What if you disagree in part or in whole with that philosophy? Is it a moral philosophy? Or is it an amoral philosophy?
Back to Nazi’s, we see that Soros was a Hungarian Jew that posed as a Christian. He was able to avoid arrest, meanwhile he or his father was involved in confiscating property from other Jews.
When asked about this, he replies, “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there…Well, actually in a funny way it’s just like in markets. If I weren’t there, if I wasn’t doing it, but somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not, the property was being taken away. So I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.”
The game of power is there. I might as well be good at it. I’m not guilty because power is a virtue. If not me, then simply someone else. This is a cop out to say that someone else would be doing it anyway.
Amorality = Immorality
I’ve been talking about these words, so let’s make sure we’re clear.
Morality = The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.
Amorality = Lack or absence of morality
Immorality = The character of being immoral; transgression of the moral law; immoral thought or action; wickedness; dissoluteness; licentiousness.
Kroft says, “At the center of George Soros there’s an inherent contradiction…On one hand you’re the capitalist who does not care about the social consequences of his act. And on the other hand you’re a philanthropist who only cares about the social consequences. How do you resolve the two?”
“Recognizing that as a competitor I’ve got to compete to win. As a human being, I am concerned about the society in which I live,” replies Soros. “It’s one person at one time who engages in amoral activities, and the rest of the time tries to be moral.”
Is there such a thing as amoral activities? He’s talking about playing the markets. Sure, for you or me to play in the markets there isn’t really an outcome outside of what happens for with the money. There is no inherent morality in such. When you get to the economy-crashing-scale you cannot claim it’s amoral. It has very real impacts on people and the world. Again, saying it is amoral is a cop out.
Notice his language too. One person who engages in amoral activities and the rest of the time TRIES to be moral.
If you’re saying your decisions are amoral, like playing the markets, then they are not guided by morals. They are guided by making money. If the desire is to win at the money game, then morality will be trampled upon in doing so simply because these are sometimes competing aims. Therefore, amorality leads to immorality.
Rest assured; I’m not saying you have to believe in God to have morality. There are atheists such as Sam Harris that are trying to figure out a way to establish morality. There’s been humanism for quite some time. So I’m not saying we all have to agree to a certain belief structure.
But can we all agree that we do need morality? And that the “Golden Rule” tends to be a good place to start?
With atheism and materialism tends to become a belief in the universe and life just being random. (I say this as someone who previously believed in these things or as I think of it now, bought the propaganda.) If it is random then there is no meaning beyond the meaning we give things. If there is no meaning then there is no right or wrong, no good and evil.
Steve Kroft asks if he believes if Soros is religious or believes in God. “No.” Kroft says “Soros told us he believes God was created by man and not the other way around. Which may be why he believes he can smooth out the world’s imperfections.”
Messianic. Messiah. Do you desire to have this man leading the way into the future?
Do you trust he is using his power (in the form of money and influence) for moral purposes that align with your own?
Is it possible that he is manipulating peoples and governments the same way he manipulated markets while thinking it’s just an amoral activity?
Once again, to deny that evil exists, we’re pushing it into the collective shadow, which allows it to flourish all the better.
Let’s equate sociopathy with amorality. You don’t feel empathy. You don’t have a conscience. If you establish power as your virtue, then you’ll engage in what others see as immorality to get there. That’s your guiding north star.
I cannot tell you that 100% for sure that Soros is one of these people. I’m not trying to force beliefs on you. But based on this interview alone I do NOT think he is a good person and I am troubled by what I see.
A Hilarious Aside
Also quoted in this interview is Jim Grant, editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer and Wall Street Analysis.
First a serious quote. “This man is a carnivore of the first order.”
Carnivore of the first order would be equivalent to apex predator going back to what Schmachtenberger said.
But here’s the golden quote…
“George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility.”
Wow! Very funny given Trump’s position today. That quote aged well (or not so well depending on your perspective)!
Smart Criminals Make The Laws
Look, I get that George Soros is used as a boogeyman for conservatives. That there are lies spouted about him in order to push right-wing agendas. I’m not denying that that has taken place because, after all, others are playing the same power game too.
Wading through the muddied waters and getting to the bottom of the swamp is extremely tough to do.
There are predator class billionaires on both sides of the aisle. The Koch brothers would be the equivalent boogeyman for the left who peddled influence in much the same way.
Remember in a previous video, Schmachtenberger said, “I don’t find that most successful politicians that I’ve encountered near the top of the power actually believe red vs. blue ideology. They just believe in the game of power and signal red vs. blue ideology as part of their mimetic warfare to control people that are going to vote for them.”
And while billionaires certainly have their leanings, they tend to fund both parties because they understand what that gets them.
Think about that for a moment. Really give it some thought. We see it play out in spades. That’s what lobbyists are all about! That’s what regulatory capture and the revolving door accomplishes.
What about when you play the international game where you can use the laws of different countries to your advantage? (In the 60 Minutes interview, it shows how Soros operates in low tax and regulation countries specifically, while saying there should be more regulations! He’s just playing the game to win.)
As of the start of this month, Soros has a $8.3 billion net worth, with his Open Society Foundations having been given $18 billion in 2018, with current assets of $8.4 billion.
That’s a lot of money that can affect a lot of change. I’m not saying we should automatically assume anything.
But given what I know about apex predators, sociopathy, and the widespread corruption going on in our world, I am extremely suspect. I think this interview alone speaks volumes about this man.
Bill Gates is another messianic billionaire who doesn’t believe in God and made his way to the top by ruthless (amoral/immoral) business practices.
Do you automatically trust that he is being truly moral now? Does his personal philosophy that he is propagating through philanthropy match up with yours? Not for me.
Nazi Medicine
We brought Nazi doctors over here that conducted human experiments.
IG Farben was a chemical and pharmaceutical company where some of these doctors worked. They relied on slave labor from the concentration camps and produced Zyklon B used in the gas chambers.
After the war some of the executives were convicted, but many were not. The company was broken up into what today are Bayer, BASF, Sanofi and Agfa.
I still have a lot more digging to do into these companies and their literal Nazi past.
Yet I already know of some clear examples of “medical sociopathy” such as Bayer’s selling of HIV infected blood products for which they paid tens of millions of dollars. Of course, “the company accepts no responsibility” and “continues to insist it has always acted responsibly and ethically.”
Just like Monsanto, which is now owned by Bayer. They’re paying out $10.9 billion for Roundup causing cancer. CEO Werner Baumann says “the Roundup settlement is the right action at the right time for Bayer to bring a long period of uncertainty to an end.” They deny any responsibility and even the cancer link.
Why do I bring these up?
How much of our medical system is infected by sociopathic and evil ideas? Because we need to see this to look at today’s events. It’s not just careless indifference in the chasing of money. That’s a part of it, but it doesn’t explain everything.
No, many times actions are taken that are willfully killing people. So I want to talk about that in relation to a few things going on.
Medical Malpractice Deaths
“They’re not dying of COVID. Yes people are going to die of COVID, I know this, I’m not like a new grad student. I am literally saying they’re murdering these people.” This comes from an ICU nurse, Nicole Sirotek, that was working on the frontlines.
“What I need is someone to help me save these people from being killed from gross negligence and medical mismanagement and no-one is listening to me.”
And on topic for this post, “It’s like if we were in Nazi Germany and they were taking the Jews to a gas chamber and I’m the one saying, ‘Hey that’s not okay. This is wrong.’ And then everyone tells me, ‘Hang in there. You’re doing a great job. You can’t save everybody.’…I’m pretty sure when you defibrillate someone with a heart rate of 40 and a stable rhythm that’s murder…And I’m pretty sure when you put someone’s PEEP (Positive End Expiratory Pressure on a ventilator) up to 25 and PEEP doesn’t go past like 15 or 20 and you blow someone’s lungs out and they die – that’s murder.”
That population is those living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. And 42% could be undercounted. “States like New York exclude from their nursing home death tallies those who die in a hospital, even if they were originally infected in a long-term care facility.”
States like New York, New Jersey, California and Michigan ordered active COVID19 patients to go to nursing homes after discharge from hospital. Governor Cuomo said “They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that.” Weeks later after thousands of deaths that order was partially rescinded.
Was this just a bad call, relying on some bureaucratic rule?
Or was there actual mal-intent? I do not know the answer, but I agree it needs investigation.
And now thousands of nursing home residents are simply being evicted. NY Times reports, “According to three Lakeview [nursing home] employees, [an 88 year old man with dementia eviction] came as the nursing home was telling staff members to try to clear out less-profitable residents to make room for a new class of customers who would generate more revenue: patients with Covid-19.”
Hydroxychloroquine Update
I covered the controversial drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in my Science as Propaganda post. Go back and read it if you’ve haven’t.
To recap, doctors and scientists the world over are saying this dirt cheap existing drug works, especially when combined with zinc and the antibiotic, Azithromycin. But some scientific studies are saying that it doesn’t work and may even be deadly. The data for one such study, published in the Lancet, was completely made up, literally pulling data out of thin air. Damage was done even though less than two weeks later this paper was retracted.
As science goes more research is being done. There is good, legitimate research. And then there is agenda-driven research. Here’s some new data I didn’t cover before on the latter.
On June 15th, the FDA revoked emergency use authorization of HCQ and CQ. “FDA has concluded that, based on this new information and other information discussed in the attached memorandum, it is no longer reasonable to believe that oral formulations of HCQ and CQ may be effective in treating COVID-19, nor is it reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits of these products outweigh their known and potential risks.”
So let’s look at some of the agenda driven science.
The problem is that these trials are using excessive, deadly doses. The WHO’s own information shows this. A 1979 paper by consultant H. Weniger mentions that 1.5 to 2 grams of HCQ may be fatal. Around this amount is what is being used, the Recovery trial specifically 2.4 grams in the first day.
Meryl Nass, MD says “Excessive, dangerous HCQ dosing continues to be used in WHO’s Solidarity trials. These trials are not, in fact, testing the benefits of HCQ on Covid-19, but rather are testing whether patients survive toxic, non-therapeutic doses.” If you want more detail see this article here.
Only when this information was repeatedly pointed out was the HCQ arm of the trial stopped. They did it without announcing this information.
So let’s think about this for a second. Do you think these were honest mistakes? It was just an accident to use massive doses of a drug that has been widely used for decades safely at lower doses out of the blue?
Or do you think that they set out to prove the HCQ did not work, so that Gilead could make money off of Remdesivir now, and that a vaccine later on becomes the savior?
As you might expect by this point, the Gates Foundation is implicated in this research, along with the Wellcome Trust for funding the Recovery trial. As for the WHO trial, well Gates is now the #1 financial backer of the WHO.
Understand what this means:
They were not only ALLOWING people to die from COVID19 due to poorly treated them.
But they were in fact KILLING people by purposefully overdosing them on drugs all to prove this drug doesn’t work so that their agendas move forward.
The CDC bought 7 million doses directly from manufacturers (you did know they’re the biggest customer of the vaccine companies they regulate, right?) spending $100 million to do so. This is fourteen times the normal 500,000 doses they normally buy.
IG Farben offspring Sanofi is one flu vaccine provider. The industry is producing 189 million doses total, up from 170 million last year.
The reasoning is interesting. “Getting a flu shot does not protect against the coronavirus, but disease experts said reducing episodes of flu could prove pivotal in freeing up space in hospitals and medical offices to deal with covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.”…because all the hospitals were so heavily overloaded previously, right?
And did you know, as the Guardian reports, that “Higher influenza vaccination rates could help prevent a future pandemic by exposing new viruses like Covid-19, which was probably circulating much earlier than December 2019 but was mistaken for flu, an expert has said.”
They want you to read that you should get your flu vaccine. I read that this thing was with us well before March 2020 and therefore all this shutdown continuation and masking up is nonsense.
“Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.”
The data is from 2017-2018 so does not involve SARS-CoV2 but other types of coronaviruses. The fact-checkers want to dismiss this of course. The funny thing is they don’t actually address the data in the study head on…because they can’t. But if they were honest, it would be cause for concern and more study, rather than blanket denial.
What if the flu vaccine DOES increase susceptibility to coronaviruses including SARS-CoV2?
Then ramping up production, suggesting and mandating that people get it would cause even more harm.
If we understand evil, that some powerful people not only don’t care if you die, but might actually enjoy the fact, we have to consider this possibility. What would this accomplish? Three things:
Sales of flu vaccine right now for profit.
Expanding mandates for flu vaccine now for more control.
If more people die of COVID later on during flu season, more fear, more restictions, more mandates are all forthcoming.
And back in March, Deputy chief medical officer for England said that people who get the flu shot are in the high risk group and should isolate for 12 weeks to avoid the coronavirus.
Hanlon’s razor states, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Look, I know most people are not in on these evil schemes. I attribute most of it to stupidity. (Or sometimes better explained as people being under the influence of propaganda and not realizing it.)
But how many coincidence’s until we get to the point of realizing there IS MALICE involved? At some high powered levels?
At what point does Occum’s razor take over, you know as the simpler explanation?
Hydroxychloroquine, for sure. Some know. Some are intentionally killing people.
The other stuff, maybe, just maybe it’s a bunch of coincidences.
You really have to see the wider picture to get that there is evil going on. Any single example can be denied, explained away. But the pattern over time cannot.
There is evil in the world.
It exists (though the exact nature of it is a whole different, even bigger topic)
It is more widespread than most realize
It is insidious, meaning subtle and expanding over time
It crawls up hierarchies and then dominates them
And if we don’t understand how it operates, we have no chance of stopping it. If all it takes is for good people to say nothing, to do nothing, then evil thrives.
There is very little chance of this happening if we don’t face our personal shadows. If we don’t look into ourselves and see how the possibility (and hopefully only the possibility!) of evil exists.
With more men and women doing that, we’ll be equipped to facing the collective shadow of evil.
I’ve made some predictions over the course of the pandemic. This post is a bit shorter than the rest, but I wanted to circle back to some of those things and project further out.
The Second Wave is Upon Us
The second wave is upon us. (Or some people say it’s the same wave.) Whatever we call it, we see cases rising as places begin to open back up.
But can we just take this at face value? Of course not.
The experts were saying that a second wave is coming. And the experts are always right, right? Well if you recognize there is a well-oiled propaganda machine in play, then yes you can believe them in a roundabout way because they’re telling you where we are going.
They’ll make sure to use whatever tricks are up their sleeves to spawn a second wave because it advances their agendas.
This video shows why psyops have become a part of how we live. This really builds on the idea of propaganda and mimetic warfare and what that has led to collectively. Some other interesting bits here include the idea of cultural monocropping and how this plays into polarization.
I highly recommend watching this. I’ve gone through it three times.
Anyway, increased testing makes the virus case numbers go up.
What’s worse is that a significant portion (maybe even majority?) of the new cases are actually old cases.
No surprise, the CDC is up to shenanigans again. The CDC is combining results from PCR and antibody tests. (We’ll leave aside the accuracy problems of these tests for now.) PCR test would show active viral load. Antibodies would show past infection.
Thus many “new cases” are actually old cases.
For example, back in February my wife had some weird skin issue going on with her toes. We were stumped. Later on we found out about “Covid Toes”. Aha! That’s it.
My wife has not been tested for SARS-CoV-2 at all. But were she to get an antibody test now, she’d likely have them. And according to the CDC’s rules, she’s a new case. Danger!
How soon until they just stop counting cases cause everyone knows there’s an epidemic going on? (Lest you think I’m joking, the CDC did that before with the Swine Flu.)
To be fair, there does appear to be rising hospitalizations in certain areas. What impact has the financial and emotional stress, the lock down, the lowered immunity having on this, I can’t say for sure.
Earlier on during the lockdown my guess was that we would be in some sort of lockdown, opening and closing, until the vaccine was rolled out.
According to the data this is somewhere around the equivalent of the seasonal flu. Maybe a little bit worse. Moving forward, because we already do have a flu vaccine and that still kills many people, should we continue to have stay-at-home orders always? Should we wear masks forever more?
Here in California, in addition to the mask order, Governor Newsom said, “We have the capacity and ability to toggle back in terms of the stay-at-home order.”
I read that as saying we WILL be toggling back in terms of the stay-at-home order.
What is Phase 3?
Back in Battleground for Your Mind I wondered what was Phase 3? If phase 1 was the coronavirus and phase 2 is the protests and riots, what is phase 3?
I have a guess now.
It may be when the news starts covering the economic destruction that has occurred.
The media is a reinforcing feedback loop. News on the subject will stir up panic…making us feel the squeeze of the economy much more, which allows the media to give it more coverage.
I saw this image the other day.
I can’t really comment on the order of the dominoes. Not something I’ve studied up on. But I do know there are systematic impacts where one thing leads to the next. The worse the economy gets the worse the economy gets.
Many people equate the stock market to the economy. Due to the Fed printing money and buying up corporate debt it is being artificially inflated like crazy. This gives people hope but doesn’t impact the real economy like with small businesses.
The media giving coverage to this will be like throwing gas on the fire. I mean just look at how protests became worldwide so quickly.
Based on the majority of media having a liberal bias, my guess is that this will not happen in the next month or two. The media will cover it maybe late August or September. One of Donald Trump’s big wins for his tenure has been the economy, so making that much worse right before the election leads to a greater chance of him being voted out.
I’m not saying that there might not be some other big things going on before then, but this is my guess.
What’s Going on with Digital Currencies?
I haven’t covered this subject in a long time. But I have seen some interesting updates going on.
These point to methods by which cryptocurrencies could actually be regularly used. Adoption is the main hurdle that hasn’t yet been overcome. There will be a tipping point and then at a certain point it will become ubiquitous. (Remember it was only 2007 when the iPhone came out. Now smart phones are ubiquitous to the point where there is hardly any other option.)
This shows the biggest institutions are behind blockchain technology. That it indeed will become adopted with this level of institutional authority behind it.
As previously mentioned, the dollar is going to go away or change in a big way (aka Digital Dollar). No clue when it’ll happen, except within the next ten years or so, but it is almost guaranteed.
I am bullish on cryptocurrencies long term. However, I believe that there will be another crash, like when lockdowns get strict again and/or the media starts covering economic damage. Buy that dip, just like the previous one, might be an ideal to shoot for. (NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE!)
Forward Momentum on Vaccines
My guess is that there will not be a nationwide mandate of the vaccine. It just doesn’t seem like that could fly here in the USA. It will be more step by step in restricting you from activities if you don’t have the vaccine.
For instance, University of Tennessee says you have to get flu shots and the coronavirus when it’s available. This is an emergency rule, but they plan to make it permanent.
Chief Medical Officer of Australia, Brendan Murphy says he expects their border’s to be closed until there’s a vaccine.
Education and travel are two places we’ll see these restrictions for sure. Healthcare facilities too of course. There’s a fair chance some states such as California and New York could make it mandatory statewide.
But then I saw this…
Last week we discussed masks and how the messaging for these is pretty much exactly the same as the messaging around vaccines.
A warning of what’s to come if he’s elected? Maybe the agenda will move fast and strong.
Next week we dive into attempting to better understand sociopathy and evil. I do not think we can make sense of what is going on without being aware of this.